Sky War Soul

Chapter 191 the beginning of the exchange competition

"Even you can't get rid of their eyes and ears?"

Chu yunmu is shocked. I didn't expect that someone would spy on her as ye Xuan.

"It's no surprise. I didn't bring Xiao Tianchen with me this time, but he came with me. There are many people of his Xiao family in Baixi City, who are staring at me all the time to find clues from me! That's why I'm so careful. "

There was a wry smile on Ye Xuan's beautiful face.

If Xiao Tianchen really knows the location of Jiufang purgatory tower, there will be another bloodbath among the four clans.

"I can't stay too long with you. I have some elixir for spiritual growth. Take it first. We must improve the realm as soon as possible to reach the real martial realm! After this competition, I will break up with you and drive you out of tiandaozong! "

Ye Xuan takes out several excellent pills from the space ring, hands them to Chu Yun and leaves.

Meanwhile, in a gorgeous palace in Baixi city.

"Hum, if there is no clan support behind him, why can Chu Yun compare with me? In my opinion, the relationship between Ye Xuan and Chu Yun is not simple. Chu Yun is probably a member of the Ye family! "

Xiao Tianchen sat on the throne in the center of the palace, with a solemn expression: "I'm not sure if ye Xuan knows the specific location of the Jiufang purgatory tower, but Tang Zixian must know! It's a pity that Tang Zixian has gone home! "

All of a sudden, Xiao Tianchen raised his head and growled impatiently, "have you made it clear, you trash? What did ye Xuan do with Chu Yun? "

A man's face anxiously stroked the silver mirror in his hand. The first picture in the silver mirror was Chu Yun's room. However, no matter how he played with it, he could not penetrate into it and could not explore the scene clearly.

"Young master Tianchen, it's not that I'm incompetent. It's really that ye Xuan has noticed my snooping and has been on guard for a long time! My mental power can't penetrate at all! "

The man's hands are full of aura. He tries his best to inject it into the silver mirror, but the silver mirror still can't show the inside picture.

"Waste! Even this little thing can't be done well. What's the use of our Xiao family to support you? "

Xiao Tianchen is furious. Shaking his hand is a slap. Although it's tens of meters away, the strength from the void is strong and solid on the man's face.

The man snorted, dare not show a little dissatisfaction, hurriedly nodded and bowed, his eyes were full of panic.

"Well, I can't count on you rubbish. I have to rely on myself to get the Jiufang purgatory Tower!"

Xiao Tianchen breathed out a breath, then coldly said: "in the next days, as long as ye Xuan is still in baixicheng for one day, you will keep an eye on me! Report to me immediately if you have any information. Do you understand! "

"Master Tianchen, ye Xuan is out!"

When the man's eyes brightened, he could see clearly in the silver mirror that ye Xuan came out of Chu Yun's room with cold expression. Her eyes were cold and full of murders. Her anger could be clearly felt even across the screen.

"It seems that there is a difference between them!"

The analysis that the man thinks.

"Don't think with your head in the water. Ye Xuan is not stupid enough to quarrel with the seed player before the game!"

Xiao Tianchen snorted scornfully: "if I didn't want to get the Jiufang purgatory tower by my own ability in exchange for the family's attention to me, I wouldn't stay with you idiots and fools every day!"

"Yes, master Tianchen!"

The man wipes his forehead repeatedly. He is respected everywhere in Baixi city. But looking at the whole Xiao family, he is at best the bottom. It's his honor that Xiao Tianchen uses him. Naturally, he dare not talk nonsense.


In such a large venue, the audience has arrived, with at least 100000 people present.

Even so, there is a long line outside the venue, which can't be crowded in.

Some of the most peripheral tickets to the Yellow bull, are fried to 35000 silver, which shows the heat of this competition!

After all, this is a rare event of ranking, and anyone wants to enjoy the high-level competition.

Because someone presided over the order, except for the whispers of 100000 spectators in the venue, it was very quiet as a whole. However, everyone knows that this is only the calm before the storm. When the competition starts, the whole venue will erupt endless mountain calls and tsunamis, almost shaking the sky!

It's like the sea, when there's no wave, it's very calm, but if there's a wave, the power of terror will destroy everything!

There is an old saying that good, no first article, no second martial!

If it's a scholar, it's very troublesome to get together to write, to chew and compare. If you want to distinguish between high and low, you have to have an accurate criterion. If this criterion can't convince everyone, then the result can't be accurate.

But if it's a group of warriors, it's too easy.

You say you are the strongest, I say I am the strongest, as long as we play together, who is strong and who is weak, we will know at a glance!

Today, there are at least thousands of clans gathered in the venue, some of which must have private feuds. If it wasn't for the regulations of the baixicheng guild hall, it would not be allowed to fight in private during the competition. I'm afraid that at this time, there would have been a mess of porridge!

Even so, there will be some disciples who don't agree with each other in private, and they will hate each other and send out a surging sense of war.

It's like the sparks of the former tiandaozong and chongtianzong!

In the stadium, the largest arena in the middle is surrounded by layers of spectators, just like the football field on the earth. All the spectators can see the central arena clearly. Although it's a while before the game officially starts, all the spectators are full at the moment.

The whole challenge arena is paved with hard star obsidian. Around the challenge arena, there is a large array of defense secret patterns. These large arrays are composed of complex secret patterns. They are very hard, and they are made by the experts of shentongjing Taoism. Even if two powerful people in Xuanwu area attack each other with all their strength, they will not cause any damage to the array!

In general, the design of the venue is very safe, and the audience can watch the battle without fear of being affected.

There was something in the eyes of all the audience, excited or excited.

Excited fighting spirit, excited mood!

Ye Xuan, Chu Yun and other five people are sitting in the lounge for tea tasting. Although the competition hasn't officially started, Chu Yun can still clearly feel the strong momentum coming from the lounges. One after another, genius can't help bursting out their own waves, or provocation, or dazzling.

The more this situation is, the more it can arouse the sense of war in people's hearts!

Soon, a man came in and told the result of the draw: "tiandaozong, you drew Li Guangzong in the first round. It's the first battle of this exchange match. It's your turn to play and perform well!"

"How will the game go?"

Ye Xuan asked.

"Thousands of schools will fight in pairs by drawing lots. The winners will continue to fight and the losers will be eliminated until the final top 20 is decided. The last 20 clans will compete for the only four places, the first three will be promoted directly, and the fourth one will compete with the three eliminated middle clans for the last place! "

After the brief introduction, the man turned around and left.

"As long as we can guarantee the first three, we can be promoted to the middle class."

The demon night grins.

"Top three? No, fight for the first! "

Chu Yun's tone is firm and vocal, which shows his desire for the first place.

In such a qualifying, it's not interesting to compete for the first three. If you want to compete, go for the only champion!

"Patriarch, is it strong to leave Guangzong?"

Chu Yun took a sip of tea and raised his eyebrows.

"It's not far away from Guangzong. It's famous. It's a powerful lower class sect. It's a pity that we met. You guys, I'll have a clean start later! Who loses a game will be punished with half a year's training resources! "

Ye Xuan's tone was extremely flat, but it made several people shudder violently.

Everyone knows that ye Xuan absolutely does what he says.

If you lose a game accidentally, it's half a year's cultivation resources!

Shit, you can't lose anything!

"Isn't it, patriarch, so strict?"

The demon night some exaggeration cries.

"I think This should be regarded as a means for the patriarch to encourage us! "

Zhu Fu Si is silent for a while, of say.

Du Yuqing had no words, but he just lowered his head and wiped his sword silently.

Lei Mingxian scratched his head and said with a smile, "then we should try not to lose."

"I will match their seed players later. When I defeat their seed players, you will deal with the rest of their disciples."

Chuyun smiled and glanced around. The other four had nothing to say about chuyun's words.

After all, to be a seed player, there must be something extraordinary. To be on the safe side, it's better to let Chu Yun go first.

With the tsunami like cheers outside, the zongmen qualifying competition officially begins!

Without any hesitation, Chu Yun stood up and walked out of the lounge to the challenge arena.

On the other hand, a disciple came out from Guangzong, which was opposite to chuyun's four eyes.

They stood on the challenge arena and looked at each other.

Li Guangzong's disciple is a young man with narrow eyes and a gloomy face. He is dressed in a white robe, has a wide shoulder, and the whole person is quite tall.

"Remember my name. My name is Li Pinghu. You will be defeated by me soon!"

The disciple of Li Guangzong smiled coldly and raised a arc around his mouth, obviously winning.

"I'm not interested in remembering the names of dead people."

Chu Yun's face is indifferent, and he has never forgotten what ye Xuan said to him: be defiant and domineering.

Only in this way, can we make a deep impression and attract the attention of nunianzong!

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