Sky War Soul

Chapter 1915 blood demon religion

Wait, something's wrong.

Gu Yunji takes a deep breath and frowns. It's not a good thing. No matter how the identity of the leader of tongtianfeng Shaofeng is, his appearance hasn't changed. He is the one who was humiliated by himself in the sky.

The appearance of Chu Mu is similar to that of him.

I can't believe he came here.

What to do? What should I do?

Gu Yun is like an ant in a hot pot. He also has terrible power. The realm of xianzun is the top ten. If it's placed near here, it's absolutely the best. But if it's compared with wuxiangshan, it can be said that all his pride is nothing at all.

How strong is wuxiangshan? It's not too much to say that any one of the six ancient forces in the fairy kingdom, the peak master, has the power to control the world.

The other five of the six forces are very mysterious and rarely walk around in the world. It can be said that they don't care to compare with other forces at all. They are really superior.

There will be no Xiangshan, and I will walk more in the world on weekdays.

Lonely cloud quiet mood, very complex, wuxiangshan he can't provoke, let alone the whole wuxiangshan, any peak master he can't provoke.

Gu Yun frowned and thought for a long time. Then he reached into the void and said, "come here."

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

I saw a man come in quickly, his face full of reverence.

"Call me Chu Muzhi."

Gu Yun is still expressionless. After all, Chu Muzhi needs to know about this. It's better to call him first and make it clear to him.

"Shaozhu is now preparing for the battle against Shaozhu of the heaven destroying sect. This battle is very important. It is related to the future of our blood demon sect. Are you sure to let me call him?"

The servant, still pious, asked.


Gu Yunji shakes his head. When is it time to get involved in these small things?

Compared with the visit of the leader of Tongtian peak and Shaofeng, the rest are small things.


The servant nodded and fell back into the void.

Soon, there came a indifferent figure in the void. He was very handsome. He didn't have much expression on his face. He looked cold. His face was as firm as a knife.

No matter where he goes, he will be marveled at: wise and powerful.

This man is the shepherd of Chu.


Seeing Chu Muzhi in silence, Gu Yun said, "do you know what I want you to do here?"

"I don't know."

Chu Muzhi's voice was very cold, as if he didn't want to say anything more, and he cherished words like gold.

The whole blood devil sect knows that the relationship between Gu Yunji and the young master Chu Muzhi is very delicate.

Chu Muzhi is not the son of Gu Yunji, nor the child he adopted, nor his apprentice, but the one he forcibly brought back from the outside when he was traveling in other starry sky. To be popular, he is strong and forcibly snatched back.

Chu Muzhi is not ignorant. He was a teenager at that time. He clearly remembers what happened to him and will never forget it.

After being forced to the blood demon sect in the celestial world, the Chu herdsman was stubborn for many years. He never gave up hatred because of the words and temptations of Gu Yunji. His purpose was very clear. When he was strong enough to kill Gu Yunji one day, he left the blood demon sect and went to find his father.

What happened in those years, he remembered better than anyone else, but because of the lack of strength, there was no way to face Gu Yun. He kept all this in his mind and waited for it to return one day.

In my youth, I was forcibly taken away from my parents. How can I give up this hatred?

Even if you teach me how to be strong and how to be noble, I will never forget what happened in those days. That is the hatred deeply remembered in my heart.

Seeing Chu Muzhi's indifference, Gu Yun didn't say much. In fact, he had expectations in his mind for this scene. He thought that he would be able to change his attitude after living with him for so many years. After all, only following himself can he continue to be strong. After seeing the bigger world, will he be willing to return to the endless starry sky ?

But in fact, it is Gu Yunji who thinks too little.

In his opinion, Chu Yun was a mole ant of the endless starry sky. He could stab him to death with any finger of his own. If he wanted to, he could even destroy the entire endless starry sky. But who could have expected that the mole ant at that time has changed and become the leader of the whole sky peak.

Tongtian peak was also famous at that time. The leader of the old peak was powerful, but later disappeared for some reasons. Although it was declining, it was also a peak in the Wuxiang mountain after all. All the five elders in Tongtian were terrible and shocked the fairyland.

Now that he has become the leader of Shaofeng, can he not command all the five elders?

The more you think about it, the more ugly the lonely face of the lonely cloud is. The sense of falling makes him feel unbearable. A mole ant can step on his head now. Who can bear this feeling?

"Shaofeng, the leader of Tongtian peak, will come to our blood demon sect."

Gu Yunji's eyes were fixed on Chu Muzhi. He wanted to see if he had any expression, and if there were any other emotions, but in fact, Chu Muzhi's eyes didn't even turn for a moment, they were so indifferent all the time.

As if all this had nothing to do with him.

The old man outside could not help sighing when he saw this scene.

When Chu Muzhi was brought back, he decided that this kid would become a great tool in the future. Over the years, his prediction was being fulfilled bit by bit. Chu Muzhi grew faster than everyone expected.

He is like a growing bamboo shoot. At first, he broke the soil slowly, and then he started to soar. He could not predict his future and his qualifications.

Must use two words to describe, that is - terror!

However, the relationship between Chu Muji and Gu Yunji never shows any sign of easing. They seem to be making use of each other. Chu Muji makes use of Gu Yunji to make himself stronger and gradually make his own fame in Zhan Zhou. Gu Yunji makes use of Chu Muji to make his blood demon sect more prestigious.

It's not that Gu Yunji doesn't want to ease the relationship with the general of the Chu herdsman, but that the pure nature of the Chu herdsman is that he doesn't bring in oil and salt. Although he was not old when he brought it back, he had a very independent ability. Chu herdsman knew where he came from. When his strength surpassed that of Gu Yunji, he would be merciless about slaughtering the blood devil!

Now the reason why they don't turn over is that they have no better alternative.

"So what?"

Chu Muzhi didn't care about this. He also heard similar words in this period of time. The leader of Tongtian peak Shaofeng, one of the six ancient forces in the fairy kingdom, actually wanted to visit the blood demon sect. It's hard to say why. No matter where he came from, he couldn't find the reason.

It is impossible to have a relationship with wuxiangshan.

"It has something to do with you, and it's not a small one!"

Gu Yunji's eyes narrowed. Anyway, this matter will come sooner or later. It's better to find out the matter with Chu Muzhi directly.

Why did he come here? Isn't it because of the Chu shepherd?

As for why he can come to the door, Gu Yunji is not surprised, because wuxiangshan is so huge, and there are countless materials inside. As long as you have permission to check, you can know almost anything.

Therefore, it is not surprising that he can find out the whereabouts of the Chu herdsmen.

Now the important task is, how should I face that guy?

When I stepped on him as a mole ant in the endless starry sky, now he is not the same as before, will he retaliate? If he is determined to revenge, will the blood demon sect still exist?

"The Shaofeng master of Tongtian peak has something to do with you, and it's not cheap."

After being silent for a while, Gu Yun finally decided to tell it out, even if he could not hide it for a long time. Anyway, in these years, he did his best to cultivate Chu shepherd, and didn't let him suffer a little loss. Now he has the level of ten immortals, which is naturally inseparable from his cultivation.

It's true that he took the herdsman of Chu by force at the beginning. Some of them shouldn't, but he didn't treat him badly and brought him to such a level of cultivation. Chu Yun shouldn't have trouble with himself no matter what he said?

Even if there is a punishment, I also bite my teeth, after all, it's something I've done.

"Who is it?"

Chu Muzhi looks up at Gu Yunji. Until then, he finally has a surprise in his eyes. The Shaofeng master of Tongtian peak has something to do with himself. Who is that?

I haven't had a close friend for so many years. As for the relationship, what's the matter?

Gu Yunji didn't want to explain much. He reached out and held up the picture. He said one word at a time: "this picture is the Shaofeng master of Tongtian peak. If I remember correctly, his name is Chu Yun. He is your father!"

Chu Muzhi had some indifferent eyes, which changed color in an instant. For him, the news was like a thunderclap in the flat ground, which made him directly shocked in place. There was a blank in his brain, and there was no words to narrate his mood at the moment.


This is my father!

For a moment, Chu Mu felt like crying.

My father, is this coming to me?

Over the years, I have been trying to improve my strength all the time. The purpose is very simple. I want to kill Gu Yunji with my own strength, rush out of the blood demon sect, and return to you and your mother.

Unexpectedly, Dad, you came to me in person!

Chu Muzhi was shaking all over his body, his lips were pale. This discovery made him a little difficult to control his emotions for a while. He suddenly stepped forward and said, "you mean it, but seriously?"

"This is the information I bought at a high price. What I want is the picture of the leader of Tongtian peak and Shaofeng peak. At the moment, it must be him. He is here to find you..."

At the end of the speech, Gu Yunji smiled bitterly.

What is Shaofeng master? He is the son of laofeng master or the only inheritor.

It is obvious that Chu Yun, in order to find his son, also flew up to the fairyland, but did not expect that he would have such a rich experience after he came to the fairyland.

Chu Muzhi controls his emotions forcibly, and his eyes are full of hot emotions.

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