Sky War Soul

Chapter 1918 killing Tianye City

Are you dazzled?

For a moment, Tang Zixian really thought he was dazzled. Who is this in front of him? Chu Yun? I have been searching for Chu Yun for so long, but now it suddenly appears in front of me?

She thought she was dreaming.

"Purple fairy, you have suffered so many years."

Chu Yun looks at Tang Zixian, all kinds of emotions are brewing in his eyes, which is an indescribable feeling. Although they have been separated for so many years, the moment of reunion is still yesterday.


Mu Zhi of Chu looks at Tang Zixian with a moving face.

For a moment, Tang Zixian couldn't bear her emotions any more. She burst into tears. She rushed into Chu Yun's arms in three steps and two steps, sobbing.

In Dashu city these years, she really suffered too much pressure. Every day when she opened her eyes, she would face all kinds of forces. If her master had not been kind to her, she would have left this mess behind.

Later, the fog area shrank one after another, and Tianye city took advantage of people's danger, which made Tang Zixian shoulder endless pressure, which could be described as a languishing heart.

How she wanted to have someone to rely on.

Now, the person who can rely on finally appears.

Chu Yun held Tang Zixian in his arms and said in a low voice: "don't worry, Zixian, I won't let you leave me again. No matter how hard it is ahead, I will carry it for you."

Tang Zixian sobbed. All the words he had to say were integrated into the intangible.

"Don't worry, it's just Tianye city. I can die at will. This little thing doesn't need to be on my mind."

Chu Yun said in a soft voice, and his words showed a strong self-confidence, which can never be possessed by ordinary people. That is Tianye city. It's a magnificent city. The city Lord is a powerful person at the level of Jinxian.

But in Chu Yun's view, it's just ants.

I don't know who dare to bully his woman like this.

In this case, there is no need for Tianye city to exist.

"The Lord of Tianye City, but a strong man at the level of Jinxian......"

Tang Zixian thought that Chu Yun was just comforting himself. He quickly reminded him not to be too impulsive. Chu Yun didn't fly to the fairyland for a long time. The other side was a strong one at the level of Jinxian. How could it be the opponent of the other side?

"Ha ha, Niang, it's just Jinxian. What can I fear?"

Chumuzhi finally put in a word, happy.

Tang Zixian turned to look at Chu Muzhi. In the past few years, his son has grown up. He looks good and inherits all the advantages of himself and Chu Yun. He is definitely a handsome and beautiful man. He doesn't know how many girls he wants to crush.

"You and your father are really like each other. You are not allowed to take risks, no matter what. Do you hear?"

Tang Zixian is so angry and funny that she reaches out and points the forehead of Chu Muzhi.

The reunion of the whole family is full of warmth and happiness, but at this time, the matter is not settled yet. We should take the lead in solving the problem.

"You, the big tree city, are going to be trapped in the fog area. The Lord of Yecheng, taking advantage of the danger of people, wants to intimidate you to obey the rules, doesn't he?"

Chu Yun's mouth raised a thoughtful smile. Although he didn't know who the Lord of Ye City was, he was brave enough to die.

"Not only that, he also sent people to destroy the other channels of our big tree city, leaving only one to Tianye city. Damn it, I have never seen such shameless existence."

Tang Zixian mentions Chen Qiao, the Lord of Tianye City, and her silver teeth are clenched. It's enough to see how angry she is.

"Relax, relax, just a little bit."

Chu Yun put his hand around Tang Zixian's waist. He didn't take it seriously. Isn't he a golden immortal? To tell the truth, he didn't pay attention to it.

If Chu Yun used to be able to deal with Jinxian with the help of Jiao Ke's strength, then now, after absorbing the evil monk, Chu Yun can crush Tianxian with his own strength.

After all, his physique is not a joke!

"Come out, Lord!"

"The fog outside has spread to 500 meters. Don't you really care about our lives?"

"Yes, if we wait for the fog area to really surround the city, we will die."

"Now there is a last hope, that is, to escape to Tianye city. Don't worry about how many conflicts our big tree city had with Tianye city before. Now we are all going to be bereaved. What are we doing with this face?"

"Yes, it's better to lose face than to die directly!"


Outside the city Lord's mansion, there are many immortals surrounded. Although they have been scattered for some time, they come back again with the demagogues of the people who are interested in them. Moreover, the scale of this time is much larger than that of the last time. The outside of the city Lord's mansion is crowded and crowded.

At one glance, there are at least 20000 immortals standing outside, most of them with an urgent color of anxiety, very nervous, if according to the speed of the expansion of the fog area, I'm afraid it won't last a day!

But the city Lord has no news yet. What should we do?

Under the instigation of some interested people, these immortals come to the city Lord's mansion spontaneously. If they want to protest, they have to ask for an explanation, and what to do next.

Against the fog?

That's obviously a dream.

Not to mention the intense consumption of resources, we can say that today's battle power of Dashu city is not enough to deal with the monsters in the fog area. The monsters in the fog area are very frightening, coming and going without trace, covered with black smoke, which is hard to kill.

All the resources of big tree city have been used to open up new roads, but who can think of the expansion of the fog area at this juncture!

It is at this time that we should not expand sooner or later.

Is it really him? Damn it!

Tang Haoran just walked into the courtyard, and when he heard the noise outside, his face couldn't help changing. He growled angrily, "elder sister, brother-in-law, you don't have to interfere. Let me go out to solve this problem."

"Don't be rash. There are more than 20000 immortals outside. In case of public anger, our big tree city will be finished."

Tang Zixian's pretty face was dignified, and he stopped Tang Haoran in a hurry.

She was deeply aware of Tang Haoran's temper. Some time ago, the ups and downs of those immortals had consumed all his patience. Now they gathered again, Tang Haoran naturally wanted to cut them to pieces!

Chu Yun smiled quietly and said: "they are just incited to live. You don't need to pay attention to such people, nor do you need to worry too much about them. As long as you are in front of them, they will naturally gather up all their doubts and follow you at the back."

"Brother in law, what are you going to do?"

Tang Haoran is at a loss. He doesn't understand Chu Yun's words.

"Didn't he send heavy soldiers to guard the only channel in Tianye city? Then I'll open the channel and take Tianye city It's over! "

Chuyun sneered, and a cold flame flashed in his eyes.

"Brother in law, you..."

When Tang Haoran heard this, he was stupid.

How can brother-in-law become so domineering today?

No, brother-in-law has always been such a character, it can be said that he has never changed.

"Moji, follow me."

Chu Yun didn't talk much nonsense and went out.

As soon as they left the city Lord's mansion, they saw the dark crowd outside. They wanted to squeeze into the city Lord's mansion with anxiety and fear on their faces. If it wasn't for stone breaking and Yi Li desperately maintaining order, they would have killed these immortals long ago.

Today, although there is no real tear face, but not far from tear face.

Yi Li is anxious to go back to the city hall and report to Tang Zixian. Suddenly, she looks up and sees Chu Yun. Her beautiful eyes are lost in a moment. She hasn't seen it for many years. Chu Yun is still the same. There is no change at all.

She had known that Chu Yun had come, but she had no time to catch up with the past.

Chu Yun looks at Yi Li, nods slightly, with a touch of doting in his eyes.

Yi Li understands the meaning of Chu Yun's eyes, lowers his head slightly and blushes.

Seeing this scene, Shi Liaotian praised: "this boy, his character is still like this, and his ability to find girls is so excellent. After so many years of absence, one look shows everything."

"Nonsense, you want to die!"

Yi Li is so ashamed and angry that he suddenly raises his hand to gather the light blade and chops it on his head.


With a light sound, stone covered his head and cried out.

In fact, Yi Li certainly left her hand. Even if she did her best, she might not be able to hurt the stone, because the guy's skin is too thick to start at all.

Some of the leading immortals shouted angrily, "who are you? We want to see the city Lord!"

"Yes, let the city LORD speak!"

"As long as the city Lord is willing to marry Lord Chen Qiao of Tianye City, we, the hundreds of thousands of immortals, can live. In the face of such righteousness, wouldn't the city Lord be willing?"

"Yes, what's wrong with marrying Mr. Chen Qiao? We can't enjoy all the splendor and wealth in our lives. We can also be saved as a result. It's like two birds with one stone."

The loudest of these clamors are people who hide in the dark. Naturally, they are all sent by Chen Qiao.

The purpose of their coming here is to stir up the thoughts of hundreds of thousands of immortals in Dashu City, and let them start a riot. It's better to shock the Lord's mansion one after another. In this case, Tang Zixian has no choice but to yield to Tianye city.

It can be said that this move is very poisonous!

Full insight into people's psychology.

It's a pity that Chu Yun is here this time!

Chu Yun, with his hands on his back, said with a smile: "who said that he must help Tianye city to survive? Now that I am here, I say this city will not break! You will not die! "

"Who are you? When the first bird, you deserve it? "

All the leaders were annoyed.

It's not easy to stir up the spirits of many immortals. You want to press things down. Are you kidding?

Do you have the qualification?

Chu Yun touched his nose and said, "you don't need to care who I am. You just need to know. I have a way. But before that, I have to clean up some miscellaneous fish in your crowd. It's really annoying that they have been shaking in front of me."

When the voice falls, Chu Yun suddenly grabs it in the void, and an invisible force of terror suddenly covers the world

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