Sky War Soul

Chapter 1922 is busy

"Shiniang, if you see any shortcomings, just give me some advice. This kid has been in the blood demon sect for a long time. He has been cultivating the skills of the blood demon sect. It's not worth mentioning compared with wuxiangshan."

When Chu Yun saw Wei Beiliang, he couldn't stop his eyes shining. He hurried forward to show a flattering smile.

According to the generations, Wei Beiliang should be called the sixth martial uncle, but she has been single with the old blind man for many years, and even wishfully asked Chu Yun to call him "teacher's mother". Chu Yun has no opinion on this, as long as you are happy.

"I can give you some advice, but I don't know if the boy's foundation is set."

Wei Beiliang came up and put his hand on Chu Muzhi's forehead. After a moment's meditation, he said: "this kid has a wonderful bone. Even if he changes to learn other immortal skills now, he will have time!"

Chu Muzhi is very smart, and also said: "beautiful teacher grandma, please give me some advice. I have been yearning for the profound immortal method of wuxiangshan for a long time. However, no one has pointed out the introduction. Now I have reached the point where I don't want to eat or tea."

Chuyun's eyes are gaping. This kid is really cheeky. He's better than himself.

After hearing the words, Wei Bei smiled and said, "the little rabbit has a sweet mouth. OK, grandma Shi happens to be free, so I'll give you some advice."

Chu Mu is very excited. He wants to know that Wei Bei Liang's strength is in tongtianfeng. He is obviously very strong. If she gives her advice, he will make rapid progress.

The most important thing is that the immortal method of wuxiangshan is powerful and precious. If you have the chance to practice, it will be a terrible promotion for you.

Chu Muzhi also knew that the immortal method he cultivated was not strong. Compared with those arrogance in small places, he could naturally use his talent to crush. But if he came to the place like wuxiangshan, he would be dwarfed.

Just like the previous war, there is no chance for Chu Muzhi to win.


There is no gap in the realm. On the contrary, the herdsman of Chu has the upper hand, but he is still not an opponent, because there is a big gap in the cultivation of immortal Dharma.

What Chu Yun cultivates is inherited from the old blind man, which is the supreme immortal method of wuxiangshan. As for what Chu herdsman cultivates, compared with wuxiangshan, it seems too shabby.

Although Gu Yunji is very strong in zhanzhou, if you look at the whole fairyland, it is not enough.

Wuxiangshan's so many years of experience, any mountain, I'm afraid it can kill the blood demon cult!

"Well, then follow me for a while, and I'll show you how to practice."

Wei Beiliang obviously likes this kid of Chu Muzhi. He has a bright smile on his face and a happy mood.

Chu Yun is also very happy. It's his honor and blessing that Chu Muzhi can follow Wei Beiliang's cultivation. Wei Beiliang has been in Tongtian peak for so many years, and her understanding of the battle is very profound. In addition, she knows many profound immortal methods. As long as Chu Muzhi studies with her for a few years, she will certainly become invincible.

In the same realm, there must be no enemy.

"Chu Yun, get out!"

At this time, there was a shout of abuse from the outside, and then a figure rushed in from the outside, with a flash of anger in his eyes. He could not stop shouting, "where is Chu Yun? Why dare not come out to see me?"

Chu Yun raised his eyebrows. The voice was strange. At least he never heard of it.

Wei Bei's cool expression cools down slightly and says lightly: "you don't need to pay attention to this man. He is as disgusting as shit. All you have to do is ignore him directly, so that he won't entangle you."

"Please explain to me who he is."

Chu Yun didn't mean to be afraid, but he thought it was funny.

He is now the leader of Tongtian peak. How dare anyone dare to challenge him? Let's not talk about his strength. If you dare to make trouble, tongtianfeng can kill him if he comes out at will!

"In the past, your Shifu received some apprentices in Tongtian peak, who wanted to make them their own successors. However, these apprentices, for various reasons, were either human nature or personality, which disappointed your Shifu. Therefore, your Shifu never placed any hope on them. Over the years, some of these people have left wuxiangshan in despair, while others are still here, and they do not want to die to get inheritance rights. "

When Wei Beiliang said these things, his eyes flashed with gloom.

obviously, simultaneous interpreting these apprentices with the old blind, she had blinked away for so long.

"Chu Yun, I heard that you became the leader of Tongtian peak? Hum, you are only my junior brother in terms of seniority, and you are far inferior to me in terms of realm. Why can you become the leader of Shaofeng? What qualifications do you have? "

A tall young man rushed in from the outside. His eyes were fierce, like an ancient fierce beast. His whole body was full of terror, and he moved towards the four sides. Under the pressure of this force, the void became a ripple that spread out continuously, indicating his strength.

"Jinxian realm?"

Chu Yun looked at the young man with a flash of surprise between his eyebrows.

Looking at the age of the young man, it's not very big. It's amazing that he can reach the golden immortal realm.

"Golden immortal level seven! OK? Is it much better than you? "

The young man could not help sneering, his eyes full of contempt.

Today's Chu cloud, after a series of promotion, has not suppressed the realm, but now the realm is still not too high, only the eighth level of immortals.

The eighth level is far away from the seventh level!

"If you are the leader of Shaofeng, I will challenge you. According to the old rules, if you are not my opponent, you should give up your position. Do you dare to take it?"

When the youth spoke, his eyes were fixed on Chu Yun, as if he wanted to see a little fear in his eyes.

However, Chu Yun's eyes are all indifferent: "the rule also says that if you want to challenge me, you must suppress the state to the same level as me. Do you dare to fight?"

"Since I'm here, I dare to fight!"

The young man was full of confidence. He waved his fist and said, "I'm afraid of Chen Feng when?"

"Chen Feng, do you want to die? Get off!"

Wei Bei's cool eyes are cold, and he wants to drink to get rid of the youth.

"I challenge him according to the rules. It's reasonable. Let alone you. Even if the master is here, he will never say no!"

"Master? You still have the face to call his master? What did you do at the beginning, don't you know? If it wasn't for his kindness and righteousness, you would have been driven out of wuxiangshan! Now that you can stay in wuxiangshan, you have to thank him for his tolerance for you, and I don't know where you come from, so you can talk about it here! "

When Wei Beiliang mentioned these things, he was furious.


Chen Feng, don't be shameful!

Hearing this, Chen Feng's expression was a little white, but he soon recovered, still saying, "in any case, as his senior brother, I have the right to challenge, unless he is afraid!"

"Grandma, since this guy is looking for death, don't stop him. It's hard to persuade the damned ghost."

Chumuzhi laughs. He doesn't know how powerful he is. He dares to challenge his father.

Chen Feng glared at Mu Zhi of Chu.

Wei Beiliang was almost amused by the words of Chu Muzhi, and then turned to look at Chu Yun. Her meaning was very clear. She wanted to see how Chu Yun replied, whether to fight or not.

Chu Yun did not hurry to speak, but looked around, and could feel many breath nearby. They did not hide their whereabouts, so they stayed there with a very clear purpose.

They want to see the result of Chen Feng's challenge to Chu Yun.

is this little Feng master really as terrible as simultaneous interpreting, or is he just a silver wax gun head?

Chen Feng, as one of the many disciples of the old blind, preferred mediocrity. His talent and aptitude were not strong. In wuxiangshan, where Tianjiao gathered, he could only be regarded as medium. He was reckless and grumpy, so he came to challenge first. Chu Yun didn't think it strange.

This guy was shot.

Those people, certainly in the back of all kinds of demagogues, let him challenge himself.

In fact, I just want to test my combat power through Chen Feng.

"Well, I'd like to fight with you, but it's not interesting to compete simply. How about a battle of life and death?"

Chu Yun's eyes are as sharp as a cold knife, almost tearing the sky apart.

Wei Beiliang was a little surprised when he said this.

Chu Yun, he is really grumpy!

Chen Feng, he's obviously pissed off!

"The battle of life and death? Good! "

Chen Feng is overjoyed. He dare to make an appointment with himself. Who gave him the courage?

Although I want to suppress the realm to the level of Chu cloud next, my fighting experience and tenacious will will certainly be stronger than him. If calculated, I have no pressure to win this battle.

Moreover, the battle of life and death was put forward by Chu Yun. Even if he killed him in the next battle, no one could say anything.

Who is to blame for the war of life and death you have raised?

"Come on."

Chu Yun shoulders his hands and nods slightly.

In this way, he wanted to make an example of others and kill Chen Feng by means of thunder, so as to prevent others from bothering him one after another.

After all, there are always some different voices in the huge Tongtian peak.

Then I'll show you the consequences of doing the right thing with me!

"Don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Chen Feng's hands sprang out, tearing the void like eagle's claws. There was a terrible wave in the sky, which was rippling one after another. Under these hands, even the sky was vulnerable.

Chu Yun can feel that his body has been seized by a great force, which is tearing constantly, as if to tear himself alive.

Unfortunately, if you want to hurt yourself, the attack is not enough!

Not enough.

"That's what you can do, but in that case, I can't even scratch my skin."

Chu Yun held out a finger and looked at Chen Feng contemptuously.

"You dare to mock me!"

Chen Feng's eyes turned red and he strengthened his strength. The ground under his feet cracked like a spider's web and spread out in all directions.

Wei Beiliang frowns slightly. Chen Feng knows that he can't be Chu Yun's opponent under the same level, but this guy is really in trouble. The immortal skill he cultivates is very strong and can use his power in a short time

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