Sky War Soul

Chapter 1996 fear in the heart

"Artemisia, defected?"

When he heard this, Chu Yun's expression suddenly became wonderful. Although he had guessed that Artemisia's identity might be exposed, he didn't expect it to be so fast.

How long is it?

How long is it since I last saw him?

Unexpectedly, he was found so easily.

"Uncle Liu, tell me everything from the beginning to the end. I'm very interested in it."

Chu Yun drew a smile from the corner of his mouth. He wanted to know how Artemisia was torn down and how it defected. There must be something interesting in it.

"Are you still in the mood to listen to the story? Come on, I'm going to make a long story short. Artemisia has been improving rapidly in recent years, and its talent has been praised by countless people. Once in a war, nature couldn't help challenging him, but it was a fiasco. Wu meteor thought it was a little strange, and he had some doubts, so he wanted to check the flavor of Artemisia. However, Artemisia fooled away. He defected directly the next day. That's true It's hard to imagine. "

Wei Bei sighed coldly and said: "later we know that he was possessed by the spirit clan. His mood and temper are very grumpy, and he has some uncontrollable feelings. I doubt that this is the source of his strength."

"Relying on emotional rage to improve your strength, it's true that some people can't guess."

Chu Yun nodded slightly. He didn't know how strong the spirit clan attached to Artemisia was, and how terrible it could make his realm rise. No wonder Artemisia would be confused. If the progress was so rapid, no one could resist it?

For these Shaofeng masters, they can't wait to enter the realm of no leakage immortal.

Because once you enter the wuliuxian, you will be qualified to take over the position of the peak master. Once you become the peak master in Wuxiang mountain, you will have endless benefits, which will never be imagined.

Shaofengzhu, although the name also has the word Fengzhu, but the gap is not generally large.

Artemisia annua wants to quickly improve its realm. One is to take over the position of the leader of the peak. The other is that he is unwilling to lose to Zhan Tian. For the battle of the little leader of the peak in that year, he always feels that he has a long way to go, so he can't wait to become stronger and defeat Zhan Tian himself.

Under various circumstances, he failed to conceal his identity.

But what makes Chu Yun really curious is that he can secretly escape from the mountain of Wuxiang. Are so many powerful people furnishing? What's going on in this, and how does he escape?

"Chu Yun, I tell you that you are in a very dangerous situation."

Liang took a deep breath and said: "Artemisia annua left a letter on the wall with blood after defection. I didn't see it with my own eyes, but I heard from the ancient sword that the content of the letter was that he wanted to kill the Shaofeng master of wuxiangshan, all of them. There was not one left!"

"It's interesting. Those little peak masters seldom leave Wuxiang mountain. He hunts? Who gave him courage? How to hunt? Do you enter the mountain to hunt? As long as he dares to come back, he will surely die without burial place! "

Chuyun smiled and didn't pay much attention to his words.

But soon, his smile froze on his face.

Hunting the Shaofeng master of wuxiangshan?

Whether it's out of anger or sincerity, it shows that Artemisia annua is determined to break with wuxiangshan. With his original talent and the deliberate guidance of the spirit family, it's only a matter of time before he enters into wuliuxian.

Having such a potential opponent is a threat to everyone!

"It's impossible for Shaofeng master in Wuxiang mountain to hunt, but some Shaofeng masters have been practicing outside for years, and his goal must be This group of people! "

Wei Beiliang was silent for a long time, and then said, "just like you, fool!"


When Chu Yun heard this, he was in a panic.

This NIMA, isn't she really coming for me?

Chu Yun soon remembered that when he met Artemisia annua last time, he had the intention to kill himself.

As we all know, I had some grudges with Artemisia annua. I didn't expect that after he was possessed by the spirit clan, he still remembered me. This guy wanted to kill me!

What a sight!

"Wait, he won't really kill me, will he?"

Chu Yun hurriedly said, "I just came out to practice. The whole fairyland is so big, he won't find me at the right time, will he?"

When he said these words, he had a sense of fluke.

"Don't talk nonsense, come back quickly! You are our future! It's not easy for us to get better at tongtianfeng. You can't have an accident! Forget it, you send me the coordinates you are in now, and I'll pick you up! "

After Wei Beiliang's silence for a while, it broke out suddenly.

Chu Yun can't hold his head up because of the spray. As expected, she is a tiger. No wonder the old blind doesn't like her.

Of course, these words only dare to murmur in the bottom of my heart, absolutely dare not say it.

"Uncle Liu, this is where I am now."

Although Chu Yun didn't want to go back to wuxiangshan so soon, after all, Artemisia annua has defected, and the threat to him is too great. If he meets Artemisia annua, he is afraid that he will be killed immediately.

The realm is too far away. Even if you play all the cards, you can't be the opponent of Artemisia.

The gap is too big. How to fight?

After sending the location to Wei Beiliang, Chu Yun suddenly felt something was wrong. There were loopholes in uncle Liu's words. There were so many strong people in wuxiangshan. Besides, there were intelligence halls. How could Artemisia escape?

He can trace the whereabouts of Artemisia annua by various means.

When he was thinking about this, a strange laugh suddenly came out of the communication crystal. Listen carefully, Chu Yun suddenly changed his face, not Wei Beiliang. This is the sound of Artemisia annua!

"Chu Yun, Chu Yun, you are cleverly mistaken by cleverness. You are cheated by using some small hands at will. Now I have locked you in. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will catch you!"

In the communication crystal, Artemisia annua's voice contains infinite pleasure and crazy laughter.

Chu Yun's expression changed: "Artemisia, how can you have the sixth martial uncle's communication crystal? What did you do to her? "

Chu Yun was very shocked. He couldn't figure out why Artemisia had the cool communication crystal of Northern Wei. He couldn't figure out why Artemisia had to work hard to find out where it was. Was it to hunt itself? He clearly has many opportunities. Why should he choose the most adventurous one?

I just need to pass the news back, and the Artemisia will be completely exposed.

He has to find himself at such a high price. What is it for?

"Chu Yun, wait for me to die!"

With the sound of Artemisia, the whole space fell into silence.

Chu Yun suddenly clenched his fist and forced the void into a buzz. He touched another piece of communication crystal and sent a message to Mutu: "Lao mu, go to inform martial uncles, and say that Artemisia is possessed by the spirit family. He wants to come out and kill me. In addition, sixth martial uncles communication crystal is in his hand. I don't know if something unexpected happened."

"What? Are these all true? "

Soon, when Mutu came back, he was obviously confused: "what is the soul clan? Artemisia annua wants to kill you. Isn't he impatient with his life? You are the leader of Shaofeng of Tongtian peak. He... "

"Don't give me too much nonsense, just do it!"

Chu Yun angrily drinks, and then closes the communication crystal.

He walked out of the room quickly, his eyes swept around fiercely, and the whole city Lord's mansion was quiet without any sound, but Chu Yun always felt the opportunity to kill.

Soon, the message crystal came on again. It was Mutu.

Chu Yun is a bit impatient roar way: "critical moment, how do you so much nonsense?"

"Do I have a lot of rubbish, Chu Yun?"

There came a gloomy voice again. After Chu Yun heard it, his pupils suddenly contracted. Some of them looked at the communication crystal in their hands unbelievably.

This is the voice of Artemisia!

He was haunted, haunting himself.

"What did you do to mu?"

In this way, Chu Yun really panicked.

If it was a coincidence that Artemisia annua used weibeiliang's communication crystal, how to explain it now? Mutu must be in Tongtian peak. I just talked to him before. Why can Artemisia annua send messages to crystal and chat with myself so quickly?

This What's going on?

Chu Yun's forehead exudes cold sweat, and a worst idea grows in his heart. It's hard not to be the whole Tongtian peak He shook his head. This kind of thing can't happen. What's the matter?

Can't Cheng Mutu also practice outside and be caught by Artemisia?

No, No.

What's the matter with all this?

Chu Yun put out his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead. It was unbelievable in his pupils. At that moment, his heart seemed to be held by a huge hand and twitched constantly.

"Wait, and purple fairy."

Chu Yun infuses the immortal spirit into the communication crystal and keeps in touch with Tang Zixian.

There was no response. Everything was quiet.

Chu Yun felt that the fear in his heart was constantly amplified, bit by bit. To be honest, he was not afraid of anything, but his family and friends were always his weak points. He was very worried about the safety of his family and friends, which had almost formed a mental evil in his heart.

Of course, chuyun's strength is too strong, so he doesn't care.

But one day, when his family and friends were threatened, he began to panic.

Finally, there was a voice.

"Chu Yun, do you really miss me very much when you send messages again and again?"

After hearing this sound, Chu Yun's heart suddenly pulled the communication crystal in his hand. His lips were pale, his pupils were lost, and he fell into a thorough abyss.

This is Artemisia annua and his voice!

Chu Yun covers his face in pain and trembles. He has never been so helpless. Zixian and laomu are all in Tongtian peak. Now they are the end. Can Tongtian peak protect them?

How does Artemisia annua have the means of connecting the sky?

Why can he do this?

Chu Yun would like to roar to the sky and vent all this.

"The God tree of Hongmeng, get out!"

Chu Yun shouted angrily and ordered the divine tree of Hongmeng to come out. Tears rushed out of his eyes. His fists were tightly clenched and almost swallowed up by hatred.

At this moment, he only has one thought, kill back!

Go to find Artemisia in person and fight with him!

However, no matter how Chu Yun shouted, there was no sound from the God tree in his body, just as there had never been one

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