Sky War Soul

Chapter 2004: the immortal world

"Fairyland, isn't it the same plane as our battlefields?"

The suppressed true dragon still stubbornly believed that the fairyland existed at the same level as their war world.

In fact, many people know that there are immortals and fairyland. But most people just regard fairyland as the same as the world of war, even if they notice it, they don't pay attention to it.

"Man" hears the words and immediately laughs, saying: "haha, different, the fairyland is a higher plane. You are the strongest in all the world wars. If you go to the fairyland, you are only the weakest existence!"

Ziji Tianzun was confused and said, "the immortal I suppressed at the beginning..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by "barbarians" and said, "it's just an ant of the second level of human immortals. You killed him without any revenge from the family behind him. It's me who killed the small family!"

When Ziji Tianzun's eyes brightened, he asked, "in this way, can you enter and leave the fairyland freely?"

"Can you take us to fairyland?"

"Fairyland, what kind of place is it?"


People see the hope, and it is indeed the hope to break through the higher realm!

When they asked, a discordant voice came from the crowd: "interrupt, if I don't want to go to the fairyland, what will you do?"

The speaker is also a war supremacy. After he reached the peak of his war cultivation, he did not explore any other war world at all.

He has always been called "Zun Zuzu" in his war world. He is at ease. If he goes to the fairyland, he is a stinking brother. What is the effect of his previous efforts?

"That is, if there is a higher realm, I don't mind to know about it. But if this higher realm can only be achieved by flying to the fairyland, forgive me for not agreeing. I would rather be the master in my own war realm than be a younger brother in the fairyland."

"Me too!"

"And me, I've worked hard for so many years, and I'm not easy to be at ease. You also let me fly to a higher level to be a younger brother. I won't go! Anyway, whoever loves to go will go! "


When Chu Yun heard these people's words, he couldn't help laughing and asked: "master, did you know that this would happen?"

"If I don't know, I'll let you stay?" replied man

Chu Yun looks at "man" doubtfully, waiting for him to follow.

"Man" said: "some people have been at ease for too long. They have become masters in their own war world. They are at ease. Their blood has been buried. If they are not pressured, they will not move forward."

Hearing this, Chu Yun asked, "what do you need me to do?"

"Man" said with a smile: "wait first, if someone is not willing to go to the world where the spirit clan is, you need to fight."

After saying that, "man" swept those who did not want to step into the fairyland, smiled and said, "you know why this endless starry sky has not been enslaved by immortals?"

Before they answered, "man" said, "that's because I killed all the immortals who dare to come to the sky and enslave the people here!"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Man" added: "countless stars, most of them are pastures under the influence of fairyland. Would you like to be livestock?"

"No matter how good you say it, it's also your family's advice. When I fit in with heaven, any immortal who dares to come here will destroy them in one breath!"

True dragon continues to sing contraries. If he doesn't sing, he can't accept being a joke.

For the man of practice, the role of the body is too important, and his body has been destroyed, and has been refined into weapons. How can he give up?

"Man" sneered: "what a big voice, one breath out of them?"

He reached out his hand and waved gently in front of him. A picture appeared in front of the public. It was the scene of Ziji Tianzun killing the second-order immortal of the man with one hand.

Then, he said, "those who were killed by Ziji Tianzun town are no better than the second level of human immortals, and they are the weak ones in the fairyland."

Finish saying, he gently waved again, the picture turned into another picture.

The picture is a huge city. A man in ordinary clothes dozes off beside a big pool.

"Man" said: "this man, the watchman of feisheng pool, is the third level cultivation of man and fairy

"Man" said, reaching for the picture and grabbing the past, the man who was dozing by the flying pool suddenly felt a strange force on himself. Before he could react, the whole man came to the Ares vestige.

"Where is this?"

His name is Xiao Laosan. He looks around in a daze and looks at countless eyes moving to his body. He is very scared.

"You Who are you? "

Xiao Laosan's voice was a little shaky, and he said: "I'm just a small role guarding feishengchi. You guys, if you have any hatred for Tianhe City, you can go to the Tianhe City Lord to settle accounts. You can treat me as a fart."

The third Xiao shuddered and stood still.

"Man" didn't expect that he would be so timid if he caught a third level immortal.

"Ha ha, is this the immortal? He also said that any immortal could kill us. You are so shameful. You can let me go and let me slap him to death! "

The real dragon laughs. Xiao's performance is so disappointing. To this extent, is it the immortal who enslaves the world?

"As you wish!"

"Man" let go of the real dragon.

The real dragon that restores freedom turns into a flash of light. Where it passes, the space shakes rapidly. The frightening power makes old Xiao shudder.


What is this power?

Even the space of "fairyland" can't bear his power. It's easy for such an existence to kill itself!

He can't raise his hands to protect his head. The immortal power in his body is all over his body, which is the only resistance he can do.

He even saw himself dying in front of each other.

However, using his body as a weapon is like shooting a long gun at Xiao's real dragon. When he touches Xiao's body, he is like hitting the hardest object in the world.

Only heard a "Ding Dong" sound, the real dragon's figure stopped completely, and his brain was a little confused.


Not dead?

Xiao Laosan looks at his body in surprise, and finds that he has no injuries. He looks at the real dragon, who is a little confused. Does this "celestial giant" seem to be a bit out of place?

"Let me meet him!"

The emperor of Beichen saw this, and his hand was twinkling. A long sword gathered at will, and he raised his hand to kill the three towns of Xiaolao.

The sword ran across, killing in an instant. Looking at the sword that can destroy the stars, Xiao was shocked. However, he raised his hand tentatively to gather a magic power and attacked the sword.

All of a sudden, something unexpected happened to him. If the attack of the former only caused the space to vibrate, then he waved at it, and the whole space was rapidly annihilated.

"Brute" sees the situation and waves gently to stabilize the space.

Just at this time, Xiao's attack with unparalleled power, and the sword of the northern celestial emperor touch together, power enough to cut off one of the stars, like rotten wood, disintegrated.

Before he came back to him, Xiao's immortal strength was not reduced, and he went straight to the north star.

Beichen God Emperor saw the situation, his face changed greatly, but he felt the crisis of death with a white light!

At present, his whole body strength has been improved to the extreme, and his body shape has disappeared completely.


Just at this time, Xiao's attack fell on his original standing position, and a dark, round and large void appeared, which was a blow to annihilate a small space!

However, the "man" also waved gently to restore the annihilated space to the original.


Xiao Laosan looks a little surprised. He seems to have made a great discovery!

He took another look at the northern God. This time, his right palm was gathering into claws, and he slapped the northern God.

All of a sudden, a huge palm handprint appeared on the head of the God Emperor of Beichen. The palm had a brilliant power. The power contained in it made the God Emperor of Beichen despair!

Damn it, why so strong?

As soon as the emperor of Beichen clenched his teeth, his strength was exerted to the extreme, and he was ready to stay away from the wind.

However, I was able to avoid this attack directly in a blink, but I found that the space around me had become as solid as an iron bucket. When I moved out in a blink, I bumped into the "bucket wall" and didn't move at all!


At the same time, Xiao Laosan's attack has already fallen. He slaps the emperor of Beichen heavily. As the supreme one in the battle field of Beichen, under this attack, he is seriously injured in an instant!


A series of blood gushed out from the mouth of the northern God Emperor. At this time, he felt that all the meridians in his body were broken, and a strange force remained in his body, making his injury irreparable.

The immortal Beichen emperor, who was able to regenerate with blood, suddenly found that the ability of regenerating with blood was completely destroyed by the strange power in his body!

"It doesn't seem like fairyland here?"

As soon as Xiao Laosan's eyes brightened, he looked at the real dragon that had attacked him before. He raised his hand and slapped it down.

He didn't exert all his strength, but at one stroke, the real dragon felt only a death crisis in his heart, and didn't wait for him to react. The body, which was purely condensed by consciousness, suddenly disappeared!

"Ha ha, ha ha!"

At this time, Xiao Laosan suddenly burst into a wild laugh.

"I know, ha ha, I know! This is the lower boundary, this is the vulnerable space! Ha ha ha ha, I've had a day when Xiao Laosan is called the master! Go to the special fairyland, here, be my only one! "

Xiao, who was trembling, laughed wildly.

Before, he stood up suddenly. He scanned the people around him and said with a haughty expression, "wait for ants. I'm honored today. I can spare you!"


Hearing this, Ziji Tianzun immediately killed Xiao Laosan.

However, Xiao Laosan just disdained to stare at her. Finally, his eyes lit up and he said, "eh? Appearance

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