Sky War Soul

Chapter 2008 Zhenmo City

The sunshine is just right. The color is ten million.

Chu Yun stood on the altar, his robe flying with the wind.

The square was full of laughter. Until now, when Chu Yun took over as the leader of the peak, he was the only one who suffered from depression or was a child.

Under the stage, Li Zhiqing walked along, suddenly turned around, looked at the figure with elegant clothes and no two in the limelight, and said in a loud voice: "Chu Yun, your mother entrusted me to take a message to you at wuxiangshan headquarters, and if you don't go to see her again, you will be planted with a grassland."

Chu Yun's face is darker.

Tang Zixian and them are right under the stage, over the wuxiangshan headquarters. They are absolutely innocent. This bear kid is trying to make trouble for themselves!

Sure enough, a sharp look fell on Chu Yun, belonging to Tang Zixian.

The laughter in the crowd was even bigger.

"But there are still people who challenge the master of Tongtian peak?"

At this time, the cool voice of Northern Wei came again and relieved Chu Yun.

In the square, there is no one to challenge Chu Yun.

"No one continues to challenge, so I announce that tongtianfeng will officially be crowned!"

Finish saying, Wei Bei Liang took the corset in his hand and put it on Chu Yun's head.

All of a sudden, the ten thousand Zhang ruicai radiated from Chu Yun's body, which was so brilliant that people could not open their eyes.

The headband, clothes, pants and shoes are four pieces of seven immortals, which are matched into one set to set off Chu cloud.

When the ten thousand Zhang auspicious colors disappeared, the soaring auspiciousness in the square also gradually disappeared into the void with the ending sound.

"Congratulations to tongtianfeng, the master of tongtianfeng!"

The head of the criminal law palace saw the coronation ceremony completed, and the first one stood up to congratulate him.

"Congratulations to tongtianfeng, the master of tongtianfeng!"

Thirty six halls, seventy-two peaks or the people who came to watch the ceremony, all congratulated!

Chu Yun stood at the altar and looked down on the people. He bowed his hands and said, "today, I am the leader of the all sky peak!"

At this moment, the hall of succession was completely completed. So far, Chu Yun completely picked a word of "Shao" and became the leader of Tongtian peak on the right side!

From this moment on, Tongtian peak's lost resources will be reissued in the house of internal affairs. His status, in name, is equal to that of the 72 peak leader, next to that of the 36 hall leader, is worthy of the title of wuxiangshan high-rise!


The celebration lasted for three days. In these days, Chu Yun accompanied the girls in his residence and didn't take care of Tongtian peak.

In fact, he didn't have to deal with the affairs of Tongtian peak. Although he became the leader of the peak, he still gave the things to Wei Beiliang and became the shopkeeper himself.

At this time, Chu Yun is in the hall of Mahavira of Tongtian peak. In the hall, the five elders of Tongtian are all here, one by one.

"What happened, martial uncles?"

Five people are here?

Wei Bei said with a smile: "I asked you to come here. It's not a big deal. I'm mainly talking about the division of Tongtian peak's power. You have become the leader of Tongtian peak. You should know about the forces under the jurisdiction of Tongtian peak! "

Then, Wei Beiliang said all the causes and consequences.

Tongtian peak, a closed mountain for 30000 years, has led many forces attached to Tongtian peak to break away from Tongtian peak.

Before Tongtian peak did not close the mountain gate, these forces needed to pay tribute to Tongtian peak every thousand years. Almost all of Tongtian peak's expenses were contributed by these forces.

Today, tongtianfeng is developing. More and more people will join in tongtianfeng in the future. If we only rely on the blood transfusion of wuxiangshan headquarters, tongtianfeng will not develop at all.

Now Wei Beiliang calls him to come here. The good news is to let Chu Yun accept the forces once attached to tongtianfeng again. The bad news is to let him suppress those forces.

I mean, if you don't submit, kill it.

Knowing the cause and effect, Chu Yun smiled and said, "no problem, but how many forces did tongtianfeng once have?"

Wei Beiliang took out a piece of jade slips and handed it to Chu Yun, saying, "once attached to the influence of Tongtian peak, there are records on the list of items to be paid in every tribute. How do you look?"

Chu Yun put the jade slips into his own space ring. Wei Beiliang said, "OK, Yu Laoer, what do you have to call us together and wait for the leader to come? Now that the leader of the mountain is here, say it! "

Hearing the words of Yu Zhan, he said solemnly, "something happened to Zhenmo city."

Yu Zhan added: "Zhenmo city has become an empty city. If someone didn't rush to Zhenmo city and find it empty, I'm afraid we wouldn't receive any news."

Chu Yun hears the words, one face is muddled to force to ask: "where is town demon city?"

Wei Beiliang turned black and said, "I belong to Tongtian peak. Now you are the leader of Tongtian peak. If you are not familiar with the power of Tongtian peak, you can get familiar with it again!"

Then she looked at Yu Zhan and said, "how could something happen to Zhenmo city? I remember the strength of Zhenmo city. Do you still have to be strong

Feng Xiaomo also doubts: "Li Nantian, the leader of Zhenmo City, was the leader of the 10th level of Da Luo thirty thousand years ago. In Zhenmo City, the heads of four families are also the 10th level of Da Luo. The number of immortals in the realm of Da Luo is at least two digits. The strength of Zhenmo city is very strong. How can it suddenly become an empty city?"

Zhao Kuo and Wu Wenfeng are surprised: "will this matter be related to the soul clan?"

Yu Zhan nodded his head and said, "I also suspect that this matter is related to the spirit clan."

When it comes to the soul clan, the first thing Chu Yun thought of was Artemisia annua. That guy is now in the sky peak.

At this time, Wei Beiliang suddenly said, "in this case, Chu Yun, you should not go out recently."

She didn't want chu Yun to go out and meet the soul clan, and be damaged by the soul clan.

Tongtianfeng finally has an apprentice who comes to Xiaoyao. If he dies in the hands of the soul clan unfortunately, how can he face him if he sees Xiaoyao in the future?

Chu Yun is speechless.

Just to hear that the disappearance of the population of Zhenmo city may be related to the soul clan, I will not allow myself to accept other forces. This "teacher Niang" really cares about herself!

At this time, Chu Yun said, "speaking of the soul clan, I think of one thing."

See people's eyes moved to their own body, chuyun said: "Artemisia, may be related to the soul family."

Yu Zhan looks at Chu Yun in surprise. "Artemisia, is it related to soul clan?"

Chu Yun nodded and said, "there is probably a soul clan in Artemisia annua's body."

Wei Bei Leng is surprised to say: "soul clan, unexpectedly already lurked to have no phase mountain?"

It's really surprising. If there are spirits in wuxiangshan, other forces are good?

Seeing the surprise on their faces, Chu Yun smiled and said, "it's a matter of great importance. I'm just a guess. Today, I just hope you can guard against it. "

Wu Wenfeng said: "you're right. Artemisia is the leader of the sky peak. If there is a soul clan in the body, we really can't rush to test it."

Wei Beiliang disdained: "what do you need so many curves? It's just a matter of knowing the ancient sword one by one. Believe it or not, it's his business. "

When Feng Xiaomo heard the words, he scolded: "stupid! Artemisia annua is the apprentice of ancient sword I. even if there is a soul family hidden in Artemisia annua, if you want to tell each other, you don't need us to show up at Tongtian peak! "

When Wei Bei's cool face changed, he said angrily, "what do you say, Feng Xiaomo? There's something you can say again! "

Feng Xiaomo also refused to show his weakness and said, "what's wrong with you fool? Want to practice? Come on! "

Yu Zhan, Wu Wenfeng, and Zhao Kuo all saw the appearance, eyes and nose, nose and heart, as if they didn't see it.

Wei Beiliang and Feng Xiaomo have not dealt with each other, nor have they come here for tens of thousands of years. They have been used to it for a long time.

Chu Yun said helplessly, "don't quarrel, martial uncles. Now we are discussing the matter of soul clan."

"Shut up!"

Feng Xiaomo and Wei Bei Liang shouted at Chu Yun in unison.

Then they left the hall in a flash.

After a while, there was a terrible energy stir outside the main hall. All the people who connected to Tianfeng were shocked to see the direction of the main hall. They didn't know what happened.

On Chu Yun's side, he is not easy to manage the two elders. Anyway, the battle between Wei Beiliang and Feng Xiaomo is normal, and nothing will happen.

"Three martial uncles, if there is nothing else, I will leave."

I thought that something important happened, but I didn't expect that it was just a small thing to subdue the former forces.

"Well, go ahead."

The three didn't say much either. When Chu Yun came to the door, they each flew a wisp of divine light on their forehead and fell on Chu Yun.

Chu Yun, who is moving forward, has not been found at all.


Yanzhou, Zhenmo city.

Zhenmo city is at the southernmost end of Yanzhou, far away from Tongtian peak.

In the city of Zhenmo, many buildings are well preserved and almost no traces of battle can be seen.

It was evening when Chu Yun arrived at Zhenmo city through the transmission Hall of Tongtian peak.

Looking at the bright lights in front of him, Chu Yun was surprised: "is this really the magic town?"

At noon in Tongtian peak, I learned that Zhenmo city has become an empty city. Now, where does Zhenmo city look like?

Entering the gate of Zhenmo City, two big men with bare arms stopped Chu Yun's way. They said lazily, "little white face, if you want to enter the city, ten top-grade fairy stones will be used as the cost of entering the city!"

Another strong man stepped on the wall, pointed to his crotch, and said, "you have to go in here!"

"Ha ha, ha ha..."

Two strong men finish saying, and can't help laughing.

Bullying lone travelers has become the norm.

It's really boring to guard at the gate of the city. Many people go to the city to search for treasures. They can only collect the fees for entering the city here, and don't have fun for themselves. They are bored to death.

In the past, their covers were very bright. They knew who could bully and who could not.

But in front of him, Chu Yun is a bully.

Dressed in black and embroidered with golden clouds and water patterns, the handsome face still has a ray of doubt, a ray of loss, but not the ruthlessness of the lone traveller. This kind of fledgling little guy taught him a lesson for his good.

Chu Yun is ready to communicate with them. They have no idea. They have no plan to communicate at all!

Hearing what they said, he turned cold and said, "you really want to die!"

Two strong men smell words, their faces show disdain.

One of them is more playful: "boy, it's quite

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