Sky War Soul

Chapter 2039 copying the nest

The God tree of Hongmeng hasn't responded yet. This guy is a man who is greedy for life and is afraid of death. Now he may be aware of the difficulties of the five people in front of him and fall asleep directly.

At this moment, Chu Yun is directly in despair.

Without the help of Hongmeng God tree, to get rid of the dilemma in front of us is like a fool talking about a dream.

At present, there is only one leader of qingshuifeng who is a powerful emperor.

With the strength of qingshuifeng master, it is not realistic to fight against the current nobody.

She is now a mud Bodhisattva crossing the river. She cannot protect herself. She cannot get help from her.

What's more, she is still on guard against the God of war, the God of murder, the God of fire and the middle-aged man who calls himself "I".

What should I do?

How can we get rid of the current predicament?

Chu Yun is thinking fast.

The water God behind him said again: "Your Majesty said that it doesn't matter whether you practice the immortal devil body or not. You are a night pot boy. You are honest and easy to catch, and you can suffer less!"


Just as her voice fell, Chu Yun directly exerted his leg to steal the sky.

His figure, in front of the water god into a shadow, instantly disappeared from the spot, toward the sky.

Without the use of transmission jade token, this device does not play a role in front of the emperor's powerful. If the other party gives his hand at the moment of transmission, he will fall into endless space turbulence.

At this time, the transmission array disk cannot be used. The only thing he can rely on is his own speed.

But although the speed of stealing the leg of God is fast, it is only facing the immortals under the heaven. The immortals in the heaven have controlled the power of rules. This kind of speed has no great effect, unless they also understand the rules.

What's more, he hasn't grasped the power of speed type rules.

In addition, these people are all powerful in the Empire. He doesn't know whether the leg of stealing the sky that he used would be a slow motion in their eyes.

He can't care so much. Even ants will fight when they are facing death.

He didn't want to be the middle-aged man's "night pot boy". He had to run away with all his strength. Maybe there was a trace of life!

At that moment, his figure was like lightning, reaching the extreme.

At the same time, at this critical moment of life and death, he used to steal the leg of the God of heaven. He felt that he seemed to be integrated with the surrounding space, and he could appear anywhere in this space.

"How could it be?"

Chu Yun was stunned.

Stealing the heavenly leg, he just didn't use it after breaking through the super realm.

Now make out, different from the past, now this kind of like and space integration, arbitrary can go to any place, is not a delusion!

There was an inexplicable feeling in his mind that he could move quickly wherever his divine sense could reach!

It's not limited to the speed of running. Now it can move directly!

"The speed is quite fast. You have a good understanding of the rules of speed!"

Just then, the mockery of the water god came into his ears.


How can I understand the rules of speed type?

At that moment, Chu Yun had no mind to answer the water god's words.

The power of rules, he has been the fourth level, now is the real power to understand the rules!

In their own unconscious on the understanding, this understanding is very mysterious.

"However, you use the force of speed type rules in front of me. It's a trick!"

The voice of the water god came again. In a moment, Chu Yun felt only a dangerous breath in his heart.

Without any hesitation, the divine sense immediately extended to the surrounding area, which was beyond the bloody wasteland, and he had to escape here!

In an instant, his body shape disappeared directly from the original place. Unexpectedly, he ran out of the bloody wasteland and did not appear. Instead, he appeared directly beside the water god!

Chuyun only felt creepy. The smiling expression of shuishen fell into his eyes like the devil's smile!

My destination, affected by the other side, was directly forced to change the direction!

Is this the way of the Immortal Emperor?

Being in front of her is like the gap between a baby and an adult!

"Night pot boy, stop struggling. Your majesty has awakened, and all the known Fairies in the future will tremble under your Majesty's feet. It's your blessing that you can join our majesty at this time. In the future, your majesty will unify the known fairies. If you perform well, you can't even be an official! "

Between the words of the God of water, his right hand was raised slightly. The five one inch thick streams were like ropes. Under her control, they were twining towards Chu cloud.

Her purpose is to capture Chu Yun. Her Majesty has said that she will not kill Chu Yun directly if she wants to live.

Chu Yun didn't feel the killing intention from her, but the current like a rope came towards him.

At this time, he couldn't move his body!


Chu Yun's heart sank, and he was unconsciously imprisoned by the water god!

"Don't you know the state of fairyland? It's wishful thinking to occupy the known fairyland with you monsters climbing out of the tomb! "

Chu Yun didn't fight any more. Now his body has been imprisoned and his immortal power has been suppressed unconsciously. At this time, he can't use it at all.

Even if it's a strange body, it has a tendency to be suppressed and restored directly!

"These are not the things you can care about. Now, you can be honest with your majesty! "

The water God smiled, and the rope like the current was tied directly to Chu Yun's body, making him strong.

"Let him go!"

At this time, qingshuifeng master has cut off the power that imprisons her.

Her eyes were fixed on the water god, and she was ready to fight for the night. She pointed her sword at the water god, which was quite a heroine.

"With you, the second-class warm bed maid?"

The rope on the water god's five fingers was shaking constantly, and it was twisted into a stronger water rope, just like holding an animal and tying Chu Yun up.


At this moment, there is only endless humiliation in Chu Yun's heart!

I, the leader of Tongtian peak, have fallen to such a level!

However, I haven't got the strength to fight!

He felt that his strength had been improved fast enough, but compared with these people in front of him, his strength was not enough at all!


On one side, the sword in the hand of the master qingshuifeng was slashed horizontally. The sword Qi was three thousand li in length and breadth, and the positive sky was split in two in an instant.

A huge space crack appeared in front of her and spread to the water god.

The strength of sword Qi made Chu Yun feel irresistible.

However, he is not very optimistic.

I'm afraid that the cultivation of shuishen is not only the second level without leakage, but also can break through the cultivation of qingshuifeng master and calmly face the attack of qingshuifeng master.

She was standing in the same place as an absolute oppressor. The attack of Lord qingshuifeng may not cause any harm to her at all!

Sure enough, in front of qingshuifeng master's attack to shuishen, shuishen only gently raised his left hand and drew a beautiful arc towards the void.

In an instant, the space crack that keeps cracking spreads to the invisible arc that she drew and stops directly. The sword gas with a sharp and murderous meaning floats directly in front of her, and can't move forward any more!

Shuishen, she easily stopped the attack of qingshuifeng master!

"Don't waste your energy, you warm-up maid. Second level cultivation without omission is not enough for me! "

The playful tone and sarcastic smile make qingshuifeng master's murderous mind condense to the extreme.

But what else can we do at this time?

The strength of absolute rolling. Before the people from wuxiangshan headquarters didn't come here, she couldn't help them!

"Well, bring me all my night pot boys and warm bed maids."

At this time, the middle-aged man standing on the beheading platform spoke.

The water God took the command, looked at the master of Qingshui peak who killed yichongxiao, and said with a smile, "don't kill yichongxiao so much. As your Majesty's warm bed maid, you have to learn to smile! "

After all, her left hand also condensed five ropes like water flow, which directly crossed the space distance. Before the master of Qingshui peak reacted, they fell on her directly.

All of a sudden, the water like rope tied her tightly!

Qingshuifeng's master suddenly changed color. He raised the sword in the water and was ready to cut the rope. However, he found that his body had been tied tightly, and the immortal power in his body had been suppressed. He could not make any power at all!

"Let's go!"

The God of water, holding a rope in one hand, takes Chu Yun and Qing Shuifeng master, and directly walks towards the beheading platform.

"Now, everyone who wants to live will kneel on the ground and submit to his majesty. If not, you will have a place in the heaven to kill Sendai today!"

After the God of water controlled Chu Yun and Qing Shuifeng, the indifferent voice of the God of war came to the ears of all.

All the people who were still floating over the bloody wasteland looked very ugly after hearing the sound.

They used to exist at the hegemonic level, but now they are like aborigines in the face of the middle-aged man who calls himself "I".

Just after the birth of the other side, they should accept them directly. If they don't obey, they will die. If they are so domineering and arrogant, they can't say anything!

"If we are to submit to you, at least let us know who you are."

On the bloody wasteland, the voice of a middle-aged man was heard by all.

Just as the voice of the man fell, a bloody sword suddenly burst out from the God of war, and in an instant, it came to the speaker.

Seeing this, the man's face changed greatly. He was about to avoid, but he found that he could look down on his feet.

Wait for him to react to come over to discover, oneself had been cut off neck!

That bloody sword, with inexplicable power, directly blocks the possibility of his body repair!

One sword killed the inquirer, and the God of war said, "surrender if you want to surrender, or send you to death if you don't want to surrender!"

The spirit of war on the God of wa

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