Sky War Soul

Chapter 2048 Jingcheng

Hearing this, Chu Yun's face showed a hint of sarcasm and said, "ha ha! If you can represent you in Jingcheng, I will officially declare tongtianfeng to fight with you! "

A word of "war" came out of Chu Yun's mouth, and the powerful momentum immediately filled him, making him look like the God of war, and powerful!

See Chu Yun's momentum has climbed to the extreme, Chen team look changed greatly, he looked at Chu Yun with a look of horror, did not expect that things will develop to this point!

Can I represent Jingcheng?

The answer is no, just one team leader can't represent Jingcheng!

But the master of wuxiangshan tongtianfeng is qualified to represent tongtianfeng!

His will may not be that of wuxiangshan, but it is definitely that of tongtianfeng. When he declared war on Jingcheng, it would be all-round war between tongtianfeng and Jingcheng!

Jingcheng is very strong, and even the powerful emperor sits in the town, which makes the general forces cannot provoke Jingcheng at all.

But wuxiangshan is not a general force at all. As one of the six forces in ancient times, wuxiangshan has a profound foundation that ordinary people can't imagine. As one of the 72 peaks of wuxiangshan mountain, the leader of Tongtian peak would be the first to kill him if he really declared a full-scale war to Jingcheng!

"Team Zhang, what should I do?"

Chen Dui was a little flustered. At the end of the day, he couldn't represent Jingcheng. Now, he suddenly provoked wuxiangshan, one of the six ancient forces, for Jingcheng. He felt his future was very dim.

He asked team Zhang, but asked for a long time, did not see a response, looking back, immediately stunned!

"Zhang Zhang? People... What about people?

Team Zhang has left.

Not only Zhang team left, but also the soldiers who took the lead in encircling Chu cloud now fled. Here, Chen team is still here alone!

"Chu Chu Yun, this is Jingcheng. Don't mess around! "

Team Zhang was completely flustered.

Chen Dui, who called himself to blackmail Chu Yun's treasures, had already run away with people.

Just now, he was shocked by Chu Yun's words, and didn't notice Chen's escape.

Chen Dui, as the initiator of such a big incident, naturally wants to be the first to escape. After that, he can completely put the incident on Chen Dui's head and let him carry the pot alone and die one, which is better than both!

The leader of tongtianfeng directly declared war on Jingcheng on behalf of tongtianfeng. Such a big event is not affordable for them!

Seeing Chen Dui who panicked, chuyun's face showed a disdain and said, "it seems that you can't represent Jingcheng!"

Chen team lowered his head and cowered. He did not dare to see Chu Yun again.

Facing the aggressive force of Chu Yun, Chen team would like to find a crack to drill in.

It's too much pressure.

What's the good Tongtian Feng master talking about? It's said that the master of Tongtian peak can get good treasure from him by blackmail?

How did things become like this?

When Chen team was at a loss, suddenly a bright voice came into Chu Yun's ear: "the leader of Tongtian peak came from afar. I hope you can forgive me if you miss him!"

With the sound falling, a young man in white clothes came slowly from afar, like an immortal relegator.

As soon as the young man arrived, he didn't even look at Chen's team, so he said to Chu Yun, "master Tongtian Feng, I don't know how to do things properly. You don't want to see things like these. "

Chu Yun looked at the visitor and asked warily, "who are you?"

As soon as he appeared, the God tree of Hongmeng had told Chu Yun that the young man in front of him was a powerful emperor!

There is a strong emperor in Jingcheng. The sacred tree of Hongmeng has told him for a long time.

But I didn't expect that the emperor of Jingcheng would come so soon!

Young man Gongshou said: "I'm commander Mou Changqing of shenhuang in Xiajing city."

Then, Mou Changqing said, "Lord Tongtian, our Jingcheng always adheres to the principle of peace. When war begins, people will lose money. Please don't worry about anything."

Chu Yun hears speech, sneer way: "it is you Jing City initiative to my Tongtian peak under the war book."

What about the strong at the level of Xiandi?

Since I dare to challenge the leader of Tongtian peak, since I have said the words of war, how can I shrink back?

"Lord Tongtian, don't be ungrateful! It's your great face that I, commander shenhuang of Jingcheng, can speak to you so kindly. You are just a little immortal. How dare you speak in such a tone in front of commander shenhuang? Are you not afraid of death? "

Maybe it's because of the arrival of commander shenhuang of Jingcheng, Chen's team has no such fear.

When he came here, he didn't immediately answer to him, so he guessed that commander shenhuang couldn't punish him for such "trifles".

What's more, he himself is a right-hand assistant under commander shenhuang's command. He doesn't think that commander shenhuang will hand himself over to quell Chu Yun's anger.

When Chu Yun heard the words, he immediately laughed.

But the smile was full of coldness.

It was an accident to arrive here only by breaking a passage through the void.

But I didn't expect that when he first came here, he was teased by the person who was called "team Zhang". Now he is confronted with such a gangster, how can Chu Yun continue to bear it?

"Commander shenhuang, I am the master of wuxiangshan tongtianfeng mountain. Your dog has been bothering me for many times. As the master, you have been watching coldly. If he says anything, I will do it with your tacit consent!"

Chu Yun dropped the words, turned around and left.

There is no need to stay here any longer. The strongman of tongtianfeng will crush Jingcheng in an absolutely imperious manner!

As the leader of Tongtian peak, walking outside represents Tongtian peak's face. How can a little soldier in gold humiliate himself?

Seeing Chu Yun turn around and leave, commander shenhuang looks uncertain. He takes a look at Chen Dui beside him and suddenly yells at Chu Yun's back, "master Tongtian Feng, this is not what I mean, it's just the dog making his own decision!"

As soon as the words fell, commander shenhuang raised his hand and bombarded the Chen team.

Seeing commander shenhuang's move, Chen team was shocked. How could they not have thought that commander shenhuang would even fight against himself!

I am his man!

He works under his command. Even if he has no credit, he has to work hard. Now, just because of the words of tongtianfeng Lord, he wants to kill himself!

Wuxiangshan is very strong. It can't be provoked by Jingcheng, but it can't be provoked by tongtianfeng?

In addition to Liang Jing, the leader of Jingcheng, there are ten powerful emperors under his command. Is such a power provoked by a declining Tongtian peak?

Now, commander shenhuang wants to kill himself because of the words of the leader of Tongtian peak!

Chen Dui's face was frightened. In the face of commander shenhuang's slap, he had no resistance at all. The power in his hand was like a whirlwind, which immediately enveloped him.

All of a sudden, an explosion came, but Chen's body turned into powder directly!

After killing one of his powerful generals, commander shenhuang didn't look very good.

Then, he continued to say to Chu Yun's back, "master Tongtian, mad dogs like barking. Now the mad dog barking has been killed by Emperor Ben. As master Tongtian, it should not be against a dead mad dog, right?"

Hearing this, Chu Yun stopped his steps and turned to look at commander shenhuang. He laughed and said, "ha ha, how can I compete with a mad dog?"

Commander shenhuang said: "as commander shenhuang of Jingcheng, this emperor is supposed to entertain him for the first time. Don't let him be angry in Jingcheng because of this mad dog!"

Chuyun said with a smile, "commander shenhuang is joking. Is he a belligerent

"Ha ha, Lord Tongtian, please don't remember the little things. Today, I will respect the friendship of Lord Tongtian, please!"

Then commander shenhuang made a gesture of "please".

Chu Yun also replied, "please!"

What just happened, as if it had never happened.


After commander shenhuang, commander shenhuang has been introducing the local customs of Jingcheng to Chu Yun.

Knowing everything about Jingcheng, Chu Yun understood why he was attacked by soldiers in the city.

This is a forbidden city. There is a forbidden array in it, but it is not valid for the strong at immortal level.

The soldiers in the city can fly in the air, because their armor is engraved with the same Rune as the forbidden air array in the city, which enables them to fly in the city.

For example, Chu Yun, who directly tears the void and reaches Jingcheng, is generally regarded as a provocation. But before Chu Yun's dialogue with Chen team and Zhang team, commander shenhuang actually heard clearly. The other side is an uncontrolled channel opened out of the void and arrived here.

If we change to another person, the crackdown will be suppressed.

But Chu Yun is the leader of wuxiangshan tongtianfeng peak. Although Jingcheng is strong, it can't provoke such a huge thing as wuxiangshan.

After all, Tongtian peak is a peak vein of Wuxiang mountain, which moves the whole body with one hair.

If people of the six ancient powers lose face in their Jingcheng, they will surely uproot their Jingcheng in the way of those super forces.

Compared with the survival of Jingcheng, the face of Jingcheng is not so important.

Therefore, the stupid Chen team directly became the cannon fodder to quell Chu Yun's anger, and commander shenhuang had to do his best to keep the friendship of the local masters, and he could not let tongtianfeng master have any gap with his Jingcheng.

In Jingcheng, there are only 200000 permanent residents, and the other 800000 people who come to Jingcheng to go to the valley of death.

Jingcheng is just at the entrance of death valley, which is the only fortress leading to death valley.

Most of the immortals in the city are from all parts of Liangzhou. They want to step into the valley of death, understand the rules and break into the realm of immortality.

There are also many immortals, most of them belong to those who rush into the realm of immortals without understanding the power of rules, and want to go to the valley of death to understand the power of rules.

Commander shenhuang said as he walked, when he finished, Chu Yun also came to a mansion called "shenhuang mansion".

Shenhuang mansion is located in the southwest of Jingcheng, covering an area of 100 mu. It is a mansion connected by quadrangles. There is a long wall outside, which encloses shenhuang mansion.

In the magnificent gate of shenhuang mansion, there are two

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