Sky War Soul

Chapter 2058 painting

On the other hand, the little lion retreated, but the golden awn collar on his neck existed, which made him just quit for two steps, and he could not help but return to Yunyi's side.

"They really entered the hall. Do you think I will cheat you? I'm your slave now, and I don't have to cheat you! "

The little lion is eager for Yunyi and chuyun to run into the hall.

Although it doesn't know all about the danger of Lei temple, it also knows some.

As an ancient thunder beast, even if it was sealed in stone for millions of years, it existed as a house lion. In millions of years, even if it woke up once in a while, it also figured out what existed in the hall.

It's no exaggeration to say that even the strong at the level of Xiandi will be in danger when they step into the hall.

It seems that Thor didn't die. In millions of years, he has even recovered gradually, but he hasn't stepped out of here.

As long as they are led into this thunder temple, there must be no thoroughgoing Thunder God, and they will be taught a lesson!

"First you go ahead and explore the way!"

Now, it is necessary to enter the thunder temple.

But the ancient thunder beast always encouraged them to enter. If there is no fraud, it is a strange thing.

The little lion's face is happy. It's better to enter the road!

Even if you go in to explore the way, you can get rid of Yunyi's control.

As long as they get out of trouble and want to catch themselves again, it's not so easy!

"Master Yun, before he goes to explore the road, I think we should learn about the situation here from him!"

Chu Yun opened his mouth and said, "it's not easy to encounter an ancient thunderbeast guarding the hall of the God of thunder. It's absolutely in love with this place!"!

A faint sense of killing emerged from the eyes of the ancient god of thunder. He glared at Chu Yun and said, "little doll, how can I say this place is also the existence of the fourth level of the emperor's realm? You're just an ant in the realm of one immortal. Now you're on the side as the dog commander, trying to calculate me. You're not afraid that this place will eat you?"

Chu Yun glanced at it indifferently and said, "you should find out your situation first."


This ancient thunder beast is in a hurry. Today's call is not as grand as before, but rather like the real barking of a wild dog.

"I've got a general idea of the situation here."

Yun Yi replied to Chu Yun, and at the same time, she gathered a rope made of golden light and put it on the collar on the neck of the ancient thunder beast, just like a dog chain, which tied up the ancient thunder beast.

In ancient times, thunderstorms could not really control so much this time. They were all "woof woof" and matched with this call, but they really became a dog.

Regardless of the struggle of the ancient thunder beast, the collar made of the golden light on the neck actually has the function of suppressing the immortal power in its body, and it can't get rid of the shackles of the collar even if it struggles.

"Since this place is called thunder temple, it must be the main hall of the ancient temple of thunder."

Yunyi gave a little pause and continued: "the thunder and lightning flashed in the sky of death valley. The power of various rules was interwoven. Even the immortal could be in danger when he stepped into the deepest place. In fact, the danger came from the God of thunder who didn't die through!"

"Is Thor not dead?"

Chuyun stared at Yunyi in surprise, but in a flash, he was relieved.

Even the emperor of heaven can be resurrected from the coffin of the ancient Tianting site. For example, the existence of thunderbolt, which once controlled the fairyland, how could it be easily killed?

"Not only is Thor not dead, I'm afraid some of the people who followed him survived."

Yunyi pointed to the ancient thunderbeast with its rope around it, and said: "this thing should be the pet of thunderobot when the ancient heaven existed. They beat their belly with their forelegs, and they make a rolling thunder

He said to the ancient thunder beast he was holding: "let's listen to the thunder."

"Who do you think I am? This seat is also the existence of the level of Immortal Emperor. If it wasn't attacked by you shameless villain, would I fall into your hands? You can't kill a scholar... "

Before finishing a complete sentence, the ancient thunderbolt immediately changed his way: "no problem! It's on me! "

It stood up, only one of its forelegs knocked on its belly. In a moment, the sky, originally clear, suddenly covered with dark clouds, flashed and thundered.

At the same time, the sound of rolling thunder came, the dull thunder with the brilliant heavenly power, electric snake in the dark clouds shuttle, thunder all over the sky, set off this place like the end of the world!

Looking at the spectacular scene above the sky, it is hard for Chu Yun to imagine that it was made by a creature as big as a puppy.

This ancient thunder beast also broke its left forelimb, and only relied on one right forelimb to knock on its belly. If two forelimbs knocked on its belly, what kind of power would it have?

"All right, stop."

Yunyi stops the ancient thunder beast that continues to knock on its belly.

In ancient times, the thunderbeast stopped its action, and the sound of thunder on the sky suddenly disappeared, but the rolling black clouds and lightning still existed. Soon, there was a rainstorm here, and the big rain fell from the sky, hitting the ground, cleaning the environment of the broken palace.

"Now, I will attach a thread of divine sense to you. Go in and explore the palace."

Yunyi said, and then he separated a ray of divine knowledge from the ancient thunderbolt and drove it to the broken hall.

The main hall just looks broken, like it's in disrepair for a long time, and some pillars collapse naturally.

But in terms of the whole building, the main body of the Lei temple did not collapse.

What is there in it? Yunyi doesn't know. When he came here, he tried to use his divine sense to explore every inch of the place. But when he met with obstacles, he couldn't spread his divine sense into the hall with his ten steps of cultivation.

In ancient times, the heart of thunderbolt was full of anger. It was a powerful emperor, at least. Now it was chained like a dog, and it was also driven away by a ray of divine sense attached to it as a pioneer of road exploration.

When will the emperor be treated like this?

And what makes it even worse is that it fails in its wish.

Originally, I wanted to trick Yunyi and his party into the hall and let the mysterious existence in the hall kill them. However, their talent for performance was not so good, and they saw through it!

"What are you doing? Do you need bones? "

Lei Zhen saw that the ancient thunder beast was moving very slowly. He immediately stared at it. He didn't know where to find a bone and threw it in front of the ancient thunder beast.


In ancient times, thunder beast turned into lightning and rushed to thunder shock to kill him.

This is especially true that he is a powerful emperor. When did an immortal dare to humiliate himself like this?

Look, what does that bone look like?

Does he really think of himself as a puppy?

Anger can't be suppressed any more. Unfortunately, at the moment when the ancient thunder beast rushed to leizhen, Yunyi gently pulled the chain in his hand, and the trend of the ancient thunder beast's forward rush stopped instantly. The fierce look on his face, like a dog led by his master, had to show his teeth and didn't listen to the call.

"Your speed is too slow. If I'm not satisfied, I can go in and explore myself, but before that, I promise you will be put on the barbecue!"

Yunyi is threatening the ancient thunder beast. The immortal power and spirit power in its body are blocked. Now it can't turn over any waves at all!

"I'll go. I'll go now!"

The voice of the ancient thunderbolt seemed to be particularly angry, but no one cared about its anger.

It turned into a flash of light, and rushed directly to the hall that had covered half the door. At the moment of entering the door, it roared: "ha ha, you are finished! Do you know whose residence this is? This is the residence of thunderobot in ancient Tianting. Thunderobot doesn't know you. You said he didn't die completely, but he didn't die at all! Today you dare to do this to me. When I report this to Lord Lei, you... "

This also did not finish saying, see cloud Yi gently pull a dog chain, that rushed into the thunder god Hall of the ancient thunder beast and a face of ignorant force appeared at the foot of cloud Yi!

It's a little flustered.

In the face of this casually can take their own lives, it is not in front of his random threat.

I just thought that I could find Raytheon to help me when I stepped into the main hall. I was pulled out directly by the other side before I could stand on my heels.

Looking at the joking color of Yunyi's face, the ancient thunder beast was even more flustered.

He won't kill me, will he?

At that time, when the ancient Tianting split, there were not only a few thunderbeasts killed, most of them were skinned and made into thunderobot drums and hammers.

The flesh and blood are eaten by people to increase their accomplishments. It can be said that all the Lei beast is treasure. If it wasn't for Lei Shen to seal it in the stone lion, I'm afraid it could not escape being eaten, and make its skin and bones into the end of Lei Shen drum and Lei Shen hammer!

"Well, I didn't say that just now. It's the killing spirit! I met him. He's too fierce and tasteless to imitate me and talk to you! "

The thunderbolt pretended to be angry, and said, "you can't let me in again. You can't keep the spirit that has so defiled you. Take me in and bring his head to you!"

If we want to set a bottom line for shamelessness, then this thunderbeast, which has survived since the ancient Tianting period, is definitely the most shameless bottom line.

At best or not, he is also a powerful emperor. No matter how he speaks or how he does things, he refreshes people's awareness of shamelessness.

His words made Chu Yun laugh.

The shrunken thunderstorm itself looks the same size as a pet dog, and has a lovely appearance. Now, it's very difficult for people not to laugh!

Listen to the laughter around, the thunder beast looked at the past one by one, all laugh. Later, when the thunder god comes, I will see if you can laugh!

"If you want to live, you have to be honest with me. Even if Thor didn't die a million years ago, it has nothing to do with you. At least if you rebel before Thor comes, Thor can't save you! "

The thunder beast was threatened, and Yunyi put it into the hall of the God of thunder.

This time, this guy learned to be smart. Once he stepped into the hall of thunderobot, he dared not threaten any more. He just found a place in the hall to lie down and sleep with his eyes closed!

Its every move is under the control of Yunyi's divine sense. In order to make Chu Yun see the hall clearly

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