Sky War Soul

Chapter 206 Ye Xuan's true feelings

"Go ahead, I'm not interested in such a fight. When we get to chongtianzong, call me again! "

Chu Yun sat there, attacking the delicate cakes in the small plates on the table. After being promoted to Zhenwu, I ate a lot of food. After filling my mouth with cakes, I could not speak clearly.

"It's my turn this time. Last time I didn't shoot, the three of you won the game!"

Zhu Fu Si stands up first, Jiao voice says.

"Good, let you be the first!"

Demon night is a headache for Zhu Fuci. He is not good at dealing with women. He should try not to provoke or not.

The opponent of tiandaozong is aoshizong. Aoshizong's strength is not strong, and the seed players are not particularly brilliant. Because all the stronger sects have been defeated by Wang Chengying, most of the remaining top ten sects are just a few. Only a few of them have two strengths!

Against aoshizong, Chu Yun doesn't need to fight at all. Even if they are demon night, they can easily deal with it.

The four walked out of the lounge together and stood beside the challenge arena. Chu Yun and ye Xuan were the only two people left in the lounge.

"Master, am I famous now?"

Chuyun asked vaguely after another mouthful of pastry.

Ye Xuan gave him a bad look: "if that doesn't count, then you just need to give Bai Xicheng to Tu Guang! But don't be complacent. The reason why you are famous is that Wang Chengying has raised your hand! If it were not for Wang Chengying, you would not have been so smooth. "

"In any case, I have finished the task preliminarily. What do I need to do next? "

Chu Yun swallows the cake in his mouth, with a serious expression.

Because it's related to Tang Zixian, we can't relax in any way.

"Your performance in Baixi city is enough to attract those superior sects. After the game, I will find a reason to drive you out of the clan. You should show a look of breaking with me completely and threatening to kill me. When that time, the nunian clan will surely find you! "

Ye Xuan's speech is not fast and clear.

"Even if they invite you, you can't be too eager. Anyway, you can take these measures by yourself. After joining wunian sect, you have to show your brilliance, because ordinary disciples in the forbidden area can't get close at all. You have to show great potential to improve your position in the sect! "

"When you are qualified to enter the forbidden area, go to find the Jiufang purgatory Tower! Remember, you have less than three months left! "

Ye Xuan's expression is very serious. There is no flaw in her beautiful appearance.

"I know that!"

Chu Yun wrote down all ye Xuan's words. After a little understanding, there was a clear process in his mind.

"Although I am not such a good friend or even an opponent with Tang Zixian, I have to help her when this happens."

Ye Xuan sighs and smiles bitterly. Mei Mou looks at the distance anxiously.

She was born different from Tang Zixian. Tang Zixian was born with the golden key. She enjoyed countless cultivation resources without any pressure. She was adored by thousands of people. No one dared to disrespect her.

As for himself, although he was born in the Ye family, he was also the main vein, but his status was not noble, even inferior to some collateral branch disciples. In order to fight for the right of speech in the family, in order to get the attention of the family, we have to prove ourselves again and again!

Even if they make people look up to each other again and again, and complete the family's excessively demanding requirements again and again, they still can't fight for their own and mother's due status!

At the end of the day, the family even put forward a difficult request -

to let itself establish a lower class clan without any external help, and within ten years, promote it to a higher class clan!

This is an almost impossible problem!

It's very difficult for a clan to stand on its own. First, it can't rely on external forces, second, it needs to seal its own strength, and then it needs to be promoted to the top rank clan within ten years. This is a kind of inhuman torture!

But I still agreed!

No one, just for the mother!

Who can understand what they are carrying? Who can understand the huge pressure on oneself!?

The identity position of Tang Zixian and himself is just like heaven and earth, but they became rivals in their childhood, which has continued to this day, which is really incredible.


Chu Yun's voice awakens Ye Xuan from memory.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Xuan quickly tidies up her mood and looks at Chu Yun.

"Why are you crying?"

Chu Yun's eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

"I, crying?"

Ye Xuan is surprised and quickly reaches out to wipe her face. When she falls into memories, tears come out unconsciously and drip down her cheek.

"Are you worried?"

Chu Yun steps forward and stares at Ye Xuan. His eyes are clear and free of any other distractions. Just extend your hands, gently open Ye Xuan's palm, hold her pretty face, and wipe the tears on her face with your thumb.

Ye Xuan in tears is like a young girl who is in urgent need of love. She is lovely and pitiful. Chu Yun can't control her mood for a while and takes the initiative to wipe away her tears.

Ye Xuan's face was held by Chu Yun, and her whole body trembled uncontrollably. There was something inconceivable in her beautiful eyes.

How could he wipe my tears? Or in this way?

Feeling the warmth of Chu Yun's palm, ye Xuan lost her mind for a while.

The handsome young man in front of us is really mature. It feels like a big brother who is caring for others everywhere. It makes people involuntarily like to open their hearts and expose with him.

Chu Yun rubbed Ye Xuan's cheek with his thumb, and said softly, "if you have any worries, just say it. It's depressing all the time, and it will make people suffocate!"

Ye Xuan closes her eyes slightly, her long eyelashes are shaking, and her tears are attached to her long eyelashes. Today's Ye Xuan is involuntarily immersed in Chu Yun's care. Her body keeps shaking. She has never been in contact with any man before, and actually enjoys a moment of care and warmth on Chu Yun.

If it can continue like this, it's good!

I don't need to be so tired without any intrigue or dispute!

Simple, isn't it?

Wait, what am I doing?

Ye Xuan suddenly opened her eyes, and her expression was shocked. She didn't expect that she would be so vulnerable when she opened her heart. She even regarded a teenager under 20 as an emotional sustenance.

In a hurry, ye Xuan breaks Chu Yun's arm and blushes a little. She took a deep breath and resumed her old look. She said lightly, "I just thought of some sad past events. I didn't control my mood. I made you laugh."

Seeing ye Xuan's recovery as before, Chu Yun was so disappointed that he couldn't help shaking his head and said, "you are more lovely and can't give people a sense of distance. Now you, although everything is beautiful, but everywhere are thousands of miles away from people! "

Ye Xuan whispered, "it was just an accident!"

Chu Yun looked down at the water mark in his palm and shook his head with a smile.


In the arena, the demon night is in a bitter battle.

His expression was very serious. Aoshizong didn't lose his fighting spirit like other zongmen he met before. On the contrary, their seed players were very strong!

It's just that his strength is not vulgar. The key is that his soul is able to control himself perfectly, so this battle is very difficult from the beginning.


At night, the demon suddenly punches the air, and the mighty power comes out, and it is completely injected into the void.


Before he had any reaction, the demon night felt a sharp pain coming from behind. The man's expression was cold, and he immediately stepped back dozens of steps, with a sneer on his lips: "to be honest, you are very clumsy. How did you get into the top ten? Is it difficult? Your whole clan is embracing Chu Yun's thigh? "

"Damn it!"

Demon night angrily clenched his teeth, his eyes were full of madness, he was not unable to defeat his opponent, it was because this guy's spirit was too flexible!

The young man in front of me is Wu Yao. Wu Hun is a flying rabbit of Xuan level. After all the speed is applied, it is almost to the extreme, making people unable to have any reaction!

The spirit of the demon night is the earth bear, which is mainly based on strength. If you compete with the power, none of the ten Wu Yao can be his opponent.

However, Wu Yaoqi fought and walked, as fast as lightning, shuttling around in such a big challenge arena. He didn't give the demon any chance to get close to him at all!

Every time the demon night punches empty, Wu Yao will take the opportunity to attack the demon night, making the demon night miserable.


In the night of the demon, he punched several times in succession and caught Wu Yao's figure in the air. However, Wu Yaoming had a sharp sense. Before the attack of the demon night, he started to move at a high speed and jumped up. He kept shuttling in the air to avoid the vigorous Qi of the demon night.

"Too slow! How can you beat me at this speed? "

Wu Yao's eyes were cold. He knew that his clan could not be promoted, which made him resentful.

Even if our clan can't be promoted, I won't make you feel good!

If the tiandaozong was fought by chuyun, aoshizong would never have any chance and would be killed by chuyun alone!

But I don't know why, Chu Yun didn't fight first, which made Wu Yao feel like he wanted revenge.

Since we can't make it, let's take a back seat first!

Even if you tiandaozong can finally surpass us, it will pay a huge price!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Under the blessing of the spirit of the rabbit, Wu Yao's palm turned into a wind blade. In a short time of one second, he chopped dozens of times behind the demon night!


Wu Yao was shocked to find that the skin hardness of the demon night was far beyond his imagination. The dozens of knives went down, and he just scratched some bloodstains behind him!

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