Sky War Soul

Chapter 2068 break

Lightning is still flying among the clouds in the sky. They seem to have their own lives. With their anger, they want to tear the sky to pieces.

The sound of thunder is dull and rolling. It swoops down from the sky with lightning and attacks the four sides indiscriminately.

Before the dilapidated Lei temple, there was a situation of tripartite confrontation.

Yunyi and others, the emperor of heaven and Leishen.

Originally, the God of thunder was supposed to be with the emperor of heaven. Although they came here to avoid being killed on the spot by wuxiangshan, they also had a lot to do with the present life of the God of thunder.

The runes in the thunderobot temple are activated. They sense that this is a sign of the activation of the thunderobot temple. They do not hesitate to give up the ancient Tianting site, choose to come to the death valley and accept the thunderobot.

At present, the process of accepting is not so smooth. At least, Raytheon is unwilling to follow them, and even Raytheon has to fight against them.

"You have been blinded by hatred. Forget the fundamental intention of the emperor of heaven to cut off his three corpses and nine insects. "

Raytheon's eyes fell on the body of the emperor and said: "he is one of the three corpses of the emperor. He is the most evil existence in the world. Compared with those who fly up, he poses a greater threat to the fairyland. Although the soaring people split the ancient heaven, they have been carefully maintaining the fairyland and fighting for the living space of the fairyland people for millions of years. "

After a little pause, the thunderobot continued: "but this man, whose heart is only destruction, is the source of disaster. His presence will surely set off a bloodbath in the fairyland. You even choose to assist this evil insect. Do you stick to it in the past and abandon it completely today?"

Spring God, fire god and water god obviously know that this person is not the real emperor, but one of the three corpses and nine insects that the emperor cut off at the beginning, but still choose to assist this person, which is totally against their original intention!

"Thunderobot, it's useless to say more. The fairyland is the fairyland of us immortals, not the fairyland of these invaders! Today, fairyland is controlled by these invaders. As the original people of fairyland, I am the first to disagree! "

Spring God's beautiful and charming face became extremely ferocious, and endless murders broke out from him. This was the resentment in his heart. The original fairyland was the fairyland of the immortal, not the fairyland of the soaring one.

The immortals accepted the ascent kindly, passed on the ascent's cultivation skills, taught the ascent's cultivation, and finally the heaven was destroyed by the ascent's hands.

The local residents of the fairyland were either driven to the fog area to compete with the wild beasts in the fog area for living space. Most of the immortals who stayed in the fairyland were also assimilated by the ascending people, and became selfish, as selfless as they were when there was no heaven.

Now he would rather be with the emperor Shitian, against his original insistence, but also to rebuild the Tianting, to drive the rising out of the fairyland!

"Spring, you look good."

Hearing the words of the spring God, the thunder god can feel his hatred of the immortals and the flying people.

He didn't know what to say. When they reached the stage of cultivation, which one was not a determined existence?

Can the decisions they make be easily changed?

"Surrender, Thor. If you don't, you may not survive today."

Spring God's voice is cold, and his killing intention gradually begins to target Raytheon and press him.

"Spring God, you do not use your momentum to oppress me, with your cultivation, not qualified!"

Thunderobot snorted coldly, the sound wave shook, swept around.

Spring God's body sent out to kill the intended shock, but it was directly broken, simply can't get close to the body of Thor!


The sound wave swept up, crushed the murderous spirit of spring God, and even spread directly to him.

He could not help snorting, but he was hurt by a cold snort of thunderobot!

"What do you say and do with this villain? If you do not submit to me today, you will be destroyed! "

The emperor of heaven said.

Before thunderobot a "bug", let him listen to the heart rage.

It's a great favor to be able to suppress the killing intention in the heart and let the God of thunder say so much here.

Now that he doesn't want to choose submission, he doesn't mind killing Thor directly.

Lei Shen is very important, but his broken Lei temple is even more important!

The buildings of Tianting are all the buildings most attached to Tiandi Avenue. The original builders were all built according to the track of the operation of the avenue. Each building has its own function. Once combined, it can form the avenue array, with super defense and super killing array, so as to rebuild the Tianting. Even the six ancient forces are hard to break!

"Ha ha, kill me? Just you worm? "

Thunderobot laughed wildly. The sound of the dull and dignified thunder was transmitted from his laughter, which made the sky tremble!


Didn't say anything to the God of thunder again. The emperor of heaven left a shadow on the spot, holding the ruler in his hand. When he appeared again, he was behind the God of thunder!

The broken ruler in his hand is full of green light. The green color is gorgeous and dazzling. With fierce and unmatched attack power, he knocks on the back of Thor's head!

Before that, he used his own broken territory ruler to fight against the existence of the 10th level emperor's territory in wuxiangshan. He knocked down the other side in two small realms, so that the other side could no longer fight with him.

Now, he applies this move to the God of thunder. He estimates that the God of thunder at this time is at least the existence of the tenth level of the emperor's realm. In addition, this place is where the God of thunder is located. The other party may borrow some of the power of the God of thunder, so it's better to cut down his realm first, and then he will have enough power to kill him!

"A bug is a bug, and only dare to use these crooked ways!"

The God of thunder has been on guard for a long time. He knows the voice and humiliates the emperor.

At the same time, his hands are not idle. Bursts of lightning erupt from him. The thunderbolt, who controls the power of lightning, follows him in every move.

He suddenly clapped his hands towards his back, and the blinding thunder suddenly burst out from his palms, with rapidity, and in an instant touched with the broken ruler of the next corpse, the emperor of heaven.


The space is breaking, and the violent force is suddenly vented around, and the burst energy leaves a winding space crack in the void!

When Emperor Xiashi was attacked by this lightning, the power of the broken ruler in his hand was instantly broken. And the remaining lightning power was directly wrapped around him, making a sound of "crackling", which blew him to pieces!

Not far away, Chu Yun could not see the battle at this level at all.

But the God tree of Hongmeng in his mind can be seen clearly.

"Boy, give me body control. I'm going to take over the ruler now!"

He found a chance.

The body of the emperor of heaven is really fragile.

The remnant power of thunderobot's attack enveloped his body, which directly blew his body to pieces. This strength of body is not worthy of the identity of the emperor of heaven!

"I feel there's a trick in it. Be steady first!"

Chu Yun did not hesitate to reject the God tree.

At the beginning, he saw the body of the lower corpse emperor Tian was blown to pieces, and then he recovered in an instant. Taking advantage of the youth's carelessness of wuxiangshan, he knocked on the back of each other's head with a broken ruler and directly cut off the other's realm!

"What are you waiting for? It's a rare chance!"

Hongmeng God tree doesn't care if Chu Yun gives him control of his body.

He's just a polite acquaintance now.

When his voice fell, he pushed the first spirit of Chu Yun to one side directly. He controlled Chu Yun's body and rushed to the place where the body of the emperor of heaven was broken!

Over there, the body of the emperor of heaven has almost turned into powder. The broken ruler is quietly suspended in the air, emitting green light, which is very beautiful.

Hongmeng God tree is in a hurry.

This is a part cut off from his body, which has been refined into nine level immortal's broken territory ruler.

If he wants to recover completely, he must find his own body. Now, he must have the potential!

Chu Yun did not let him control his body this time. He was furious and said, "are you crazy? In the past, you have killed my body? "

Without any response from the God tree of Hongmeng, how fast is the blink?

Almost in an instant, you can reach the position where the emperor is!

However, just as the sacred tree of Hongmeng was moving, Yunyi suddenly reached out a palm, aimed at "chuyun", and said softly, "come back!"

All of a sudden, a powerful force suddenly acts on "Chu Yun". Rao is the body controlled by the God tree of Hong Meng. At this time, it's just like falling into a mud bath. It's hard to move!

The blink of the sacred tree of Hongmeng didn't work. It was stopped directly by Yunyi!

"Come here!"

After fixing the body shape of "Chu Yun", Yunyi waves again gently, and "Chu Yun" only feels that his body is not under control. He can't help but fly towards Yunyi. Finally, he stands beside Yunyi and can't move at all!

"What do you do!"

The voice of fury comes from the mouth of Chu Yun, which is actually the voice of the God tree of Hongmeng. The voice of the old is totally different from that of Chu Yun!

As soon as the voice appeared, Lin Tianjiao, Shuiyue, Shuining, leizhen and Tianrui all couldn't help but move their eyes to Chu Yun.

So different from chuyun's voice, it even comes from chuyun's mouth. Is this chuyun still chuyun?

"If you want to die, I will not stop you. But if you take the leader of Tongtian mountain to die, I will stop you. "

Yunyi's voice was very calm, and Hongmeng was very angry. He said angrily, "this is a good chance to kill him!"

Yun Yi doesn't care about Chu Yun's fury. She stares at Chu Yun and says, "is it really a good chance?"

"Chu Yun" didn't say much anymore. He couldn't help but look down at the emperor and think about it for a while before he felt something was wrong.

The body of the emperor was beaten into powder, but what happened to the green ruler?

This completely proves that the ruler is still under the control of the emperor Shitian. He controls Chu Yun's body and seizes the ruler. I'm afraid that the one who meets him will be the ruler!

"Go away!"

Chu Yun is completely angry.

take advantage of

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