Sky War Soul

Chapter 2098 reproduction of auctioneer!

"This guy's accomplishments are getting stronger and stronger. When can I get my life essence back?"

Lei beast wants to cry without tears. The stronger Chu Yun's cultivation is, the more impossible it is to regain his life essence!

"Immortal nine steps!"

Chu Yun breathed out a long breath. Now he is getting closer to the emperor.

Chaos is coming. Only when we step on the Empire's territory can we have the right to protect ourselves!

Under the emperor's circumstances, in the future chaos, maybe even the ability of self-protection is not available!

"Immortal nine steps, your cultivation speed is really beyond my expectation!"

At this time, a sigh came into Chu Yun's ear, with a tone of inexplicable emotion. Then, a figure gradually emerged in Chu Yun's sea of knowledge.

He is a handsome man with a starry sword eyebrow and a long white shirt. He stands in the sea of knowledge of Chu cloud, smiling and staring at the sea of knowledge of Chu cloud.


Seeing this man, Chu Yun was slightly surprised and said, "I can't imagine that you really left behind in that magic formula!"

Chu Yun has always suspected that the auctioneer left behind in the alchemy formula. Now the auctioneer appears in his own sea of knowledge, which confirms his inner guess!

"Ha ha, where are the backers! It's just a wisp of divinity. When you step on the Ninth level of the immortal, this wisp of consciousness will be activated. "

The auctioneer smiled and continued, "the magic formula is created by us. It's incomplete. You need to go on the way behind!"

"You left this consciousness in the alchemy just to tell me that?"

Chu Yun didn't believe it. He knew it for a long time. The auctioneer also said that now it appears, just repeat this sentence. How can he believe it?

"Of course not! How can we just tell you that the formula of refining gods is incomplete and needs you to go by yourself? "

The auctioneer smiled, and then, with a cold look on his handsome face, said, "I'm here to tell you that you don't need to go on the way back. Next, how can I complete this magic formula? Let me do it! "

Chu Yun was not surprised by the auctioneer's words. From the point of view of people's behavior style, they are not good.

If there are no problems in the skills he left, he will never believe them.

Now, the auctioneer's direct showdown is what he expected!

He smiled at the consciousness left by the auctioneer and said: "in this case, I have no guilt."

"Oh? What's the guilt? "

This sense of curiosity of the auctioneer stares at Chu Yun, whose insipid performance now surprises the auctioneer.

"I don't have any guilt to wipe out your consciousness! After all, it's you who are fighting me! "

As soon as chuyun's voice fell, the power of divine sense gathered into a needle and rushed to the auctioneer in his own sea of knowledge with the power of thunder.

There is no sound in the confrontation of divine sense.

With the power to destroy the Ninth level of the immortal, the divine sense steel needle immediately kills the auctioneer and penetrates through the consciousness left by him.

However, this divine sense steel needle did not pose any threat to the auctioneer's consciousness. The auctioneer's consciousness smiled and looked at Chu Yun, shook his head, and said, "I gave you all your achievements today. Your means, I know very well, how can you cause any harm to me?"

"You gave me what I have achieved today?"

Chuyun smiled. What position did he put the sacred tree of Hongmeng in his words?

To say that he can achieve today's success, the greatest help is the God of war man and the God tree of Hongmeng. As for the auctioneer, apart from giving him a incomplete formula for refining gods, who is he?

"I'm not afraid to flash my tongue when I speak so much?"

Chu Yun's disdain, in time is the real auctioneer standing in front of himself, he is not afraid, let alone a ray of his consciousness?

"Ha ha, I am your guide. Do you want to deny my help to your practice?"

When the laughter of Yin compassion came to Chu Yun's ear, the auctioneer continued, "well, it's a waste of immortal spirit to keep your spirit and let you live in this world like you are ungrateful. Next, I will control your body!"

After saying this, a terrible power of divine sense was suddenly enveloped in the sea of knowledge of Chu cloud.

The power of divine sense spread and formed an indestructible wall around the first spirit of Chu cloud.

He wants to limit the spirit of Chu Yun to a narrow space and prevent his spirit from escaping from his mind directly!

After practicing his own magic formula, it's really easy for him to refine the spirit of Chu cloud.

Moreover, he will read Chu Yun's memory and continue to live as he is, rather than simply occupying his body!

"I will get your memory. In this way, you will not disappear completely in this world. After all, we will continue to live as you!"

He didn't rush to start.

It's one of the auctioneer's bad interests to watch his prey's despair at the time of death, just like watching those so-called "Tianjiao" young talents, who are received by himself in the playground, fail to break through the checkpoints arranged by himself, thus evolving into goods being auctioned, which can also bring him great psychological pleasure.

He now wants to see Chu Yun struggling in despair, and then unable to return to heaven, so he is killed on the spot by himself.

"Auctioneer, you say that your noumenon has been banished by Cui Leng to the endless void. Isn't it good to find the way back according to his own consciousness? Now you have to let your consciousness die. You've stopped you several times. How can you stop it? "

Chu Yun sighed and didn't pay attention to the auctioneer at all.

Even if he uses his own strength to trap his first spirit in a corner, he is also happy and unafraid.

Now, he has seen that the auctioneer has no idea that there is a second spirit in his body, or that there is a Hongmeng God tree rooted in his second spirit, or that there are several powerful emperors around him.

Now the state of the auctioneer, want to kill himself on the spot, that is absolutely crazy!

"Are you scared to be stupid? Don't you know where you are now? You put on a look of fearlessness for me, in order to preserve the last dignity before I die? "

When the auctioneer finished, his voice suddenly became colder and colder. He said, "in this case, I'll teach you a lesson first!"

With his words falling, Chu Yun felt his first spirit sink suddenly, as if there was a mountain on top of his spirit.

Then the auctioneer continued, "this is just the beginning!"

"No, no, no, I think it's over!"

Chu Yun smiled and said, "Lao Hong, the auctioneer really left behind in the magic formula. Now he has sold it to me. Are you doing this?"

Hearing this, the sacred tree jokingly said, "your first spirit has just broken through the Ninth level of xianzun? This auctioneer appears, you just can get used to your spirit power

"I'm afraid to kill him. This is a kind of divine sense of a powerful emperor. If you swallow this kind of divine sense, you and I will benefit a lot. Lao Hong, don't wait. My second divine spirit has not broken through to the Ninth level. "

The dialogue between Chu Yun and the God tree of Hongmeng did not conceal the auctioneer's consciousness at all.

Hearing Chu Yun's words, there was another mysterious voice in response to Chu Yun. The auctioneer's conscious face showed a dignified color.

I didn't find another being in his divine sense?

How is that possible?

Can't he succeed? The man hiding in his sea of knowledge is even stronger than him?

"Play the devil!"

The auctioneer is not ready to continue to exert pressure on Chu Yun. He can see that no matter how he puts pressure on him in words, it will not work.

Since it doesn't work, I'll go straight and crack him down on the spot first!

For a while, a big Sabre formed by divine sense suddenly appeared on the head of Chu Yun. With a strong and powerful pressure, it directly killed the spirit of Chu Yun!

Seeing this, Chu Yun was not moved at all.

He let the sword, which was formed by the divine sense, strike at him as if he had not found the attack at all!

"Don't make a fool of yourself with such an attack!"

Just when the auctioneer's divine sense sword was about to fall on the first spirit of Chu Yun, the voice of Hongmeng divine tree once again came into the auctioneer's ear.

Then, the auctioneer saw that his divine sense knife was annihilated directly and turned into a mass of powder!

"Who? Who are you? "

The auctioneer suddenly looks around, and the divine sense spreads in the sea of knowledge of Chu Yun. He wants to find the man who stopped him.

"The one who killed you!"

In response to him, it was only the cold words of the sacred tree of Hongmeng. Then, the auctioneer felt only a distance acting on his own spirit. Then, an inexplicable pain came from him, which made him cry loudly!

Hearing the auctioneer 's shrill scream, Chu Yun shook his head slightly, sighed and said, "I have told you for a long time that my achievements have nothing to do with you. Why don' t you believe me?"

As Chu Yun's voice falls, the auctioneer only feels that his consciousness is put into the millstone. Someone is pushing the millstone and is killing his consciousness!

Damn it!

The auctioneer's face changed a lot. He said in a loud voice: "I left a back door in the formula of refining gods. Today, even if I fight for the death of this consciousness, I will not give you the chance to destroy me!"

With the sound falling, the auctioneer's divine sense moves, a formula pinches, like a sword finger, straight forward, and a finger points to the spirit of Chu Yun!

All of a sudden, Chu Yun felt that a terrible force erupted from the sword finger and directly acted on his spirit.

Not waiting for him to respond, he felt a terrible energy wave coming from his spirit. His spirit was shaking violently. At this time, the alchemy formula was active, but it came back to his spirit!


Without any hesitation, Chu Yun also took the initiative to run the alchemy formula.

He is still using the alchemy

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