Sky War Soul

Chapter 2145 eternal coming

It's just a foggy area.

The creatures in the misty area have a big prejudice against the creatures in the known fairyland. They even call the known fairyland turtle shell world, which is a very ambiguous name. They despise the creatures in the known fairyland in their hearts.

The name should be derived from the element of the defensive border.

The existence of defensive enchantment blocks their possibility of invading the known fairyland. It can even resist the defensive enchantment of those who are strong in level 10. There is no way for them to take the living creatures of the known fairyland, so that they can only humiliate the known fairyland in their mouth.

When he first flew to the fairyland, it was known that the fairyland was boundless for Chu Yun.

Even now, he still thinks that the known fairyland is very big.

Compared with the world of his previous life, the known fairyland does not know how much bigger.

The sages who set up the defense border really just want the people to survive in this difficult land. They are selfless, great and worthy of admiration.

At the beginning, the establishment of the defense border fell the eternity of several ethnic groups. They paid the price of their lives and established a living space for the ethnic groups.

This living space is the last hope of the human race. How can we allow the creatures in these misty areas to be defiled?

So, now the black robed man has turned the huge Chiba City into a void. Although Chu Yun is shocked, he can't say anything.

For one thing, he doesn't have the strength to block the other. For another, he really doesn't like the creatures in the fog area.

Even the people living in the fog area have added the word "Honghuang" before their own race to distinguish them from the known Xianjie people.

They hate the people in the known fairyland.

The Honghuang people and the people are of the same origin, but because the former didn't hide in the defense border of the known fairyland in time, they experienced great hardships at the beginning, and more and more envied the creatures hiding in the defense border. Gradually, their envy turned into hostility, and their temperament became distorted. Compared with any race in the fog area, they hope to know the fairyland The end of the human race in the world!

Chu Yun is even less fond of the Honghuang people who want to see the extinction of the people in the known fairyland at this time.

In his mind, there are only the people who have known the fairyland. As for those who call themselves the Honghuang people, how old are they?

"You are a living creature in the turtle shell world and a part of the big world, but now you take the initiative to come together with these foreign demons. If you don't draw a clear line with these foreign demons in time, there will be no place for you in the big world!"

The existence of the seventh level is still threatening Chu Yun.

To threaten Chu Yun with righteousness has no effect on him.

Sometimes he is a very righteous person, but sometimes he is also a very selfish person.

Just like the current situation, if this black robed man didn't come here, he would be killed on the spot by the proud smiling party.

If I die, everything in the fairyland has nothing to do with me.

What's the big deal with the life and death of the fairyland?

What's more, the creatures in the fog area never regard the creatures in the known fairyland as a part of the fairyland. They treat the creatures in the known fairyland as cattle and sheep, which can be slaughtered at will.

At the beginning, the Empire level forces set foot in the fog area. In fact, they were stared at by the creatures in the fog area as soon as they appeared. They deliberately gave the Empire level forces a fatal blow to raise their reputation in the fog area.

At that time, the Empire level power was destroyed at the edge of the fog area, which had a great impact on the whole fairyland. At least since that time, few people dare to step into the fog area again, even if they step, they dare not lead their own power to step into it.

They are blocking the creatures of the known fairyland from exploring the misty area. How can Chu Yun pay attention to their life and death?

Now the whole city of Chiba has turned into a void, which is the same as the real void and is connected with the real void.

All creatures in the city of Chiba are struggling in the void.

Some people know the danger of void and have begun to reserve energy.

They began to hunt other creatures entering the void. In the void without any supplement, the consumption of each power may lead to incalculable consequences.

Only when other people don't react to kill them and store their energy, maybe they can live longer in this void!

Some people also know that their strength is low, in this case, it is impossible to defeat others, so they have fled from the void, dare not stand with others.

The scene is very chaotic. The appearance of the black robed people completely transformed the prosperous city of Chiba into a Jedi!

After this kind of chaos, the most regretful person is the king of Chiba. If he had known that there would be so many tyrants here, when Lingxiao offended Chu Yun, he should suppress Lingxiao instead of sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight.

But now it's too late to regret.

He showed his cruelty. His body was a pine tree. The needles, like steel needles, were attacking all around. Anyone who was close to him was in danger of death.

The power of terror broke out from him. The steel needle was like a raindrop, killing the past in all directions. The existence of cultivation in the realm of Xiandi could not resist his attack at all!

Countless creatures are dying, and every one of them has been gathered together by him as their nourishment in the void!

In the silent void, every breath has a living soul to die. The original city of thousand leaves seems to have turned into a purgatory, where all people struggle to survive.

In this purgatory, the only one who doesn't worry about his situation is Chu Yun.

In the dark, the existence of the seventh level has been put out. Now that he is exposed, the God tree of Hongmeng can take Chu Yun to shuttle through the void at will.

The premise is that the people in black don't stop them.

From the current situation, it seems that the black robed people will not stop them.

So Chu Yun once again gave his body control to the God tree of Hongmeng and said, "Laohong, it's a good time for us to escape here. Your old friend, shouldn't you stop us?"

"I don't know. I'll try!"

Hongmeng Shenshu said it, but he did not speak to the man in black robe any more. At this time, he directly used his power to the extreme. His body turned into a flash of light in the void and quickly fled to the distance.

"My old friend, why hurry to go? Don't you need strength to supplement yourself? The existence of these four immortal realms, their energy after death, can definitely push you to the immortal realms. Are you unmoved? "

The voice of the black robed man suddenly came to Chu Yun's ears.

Hearing this, the look of Hongmeng God tree suddenly became ugly.

This transmission was directed against him by the man in black. Chu Yun did not hear it at all.

Chu Yun only saw the Hongmeng divine tree, which manipulated his body, stop at this time, as if something important had happened.

"Old Hong, won't he let us go?"

Chu Yun's heart became extremely heavy.

I wanted to lead the tiger to drive the wolf, but I didn't expect that I became a prey.

"I can't leave."

The God tree of Hongmeng also despaired.

The existence of immortality is not something he can provoke.

He can be invincible in the realm of Xiandi, but in the face of the immortal realm, there is still only one way to die!

In particular, the black robed man is very likely to be immortal. He wants to stop them from leaving. Unless the existence of the eternal realm moves, they can't leave here at all!

"Well, game time is over, it's your turn to go!"

At this time, the black robed man sent a message to aoxiao. His voice fell, and the endless gray materials suddenly emerged from his body. They covered the sky and covered the sun, just like the dust raised by the wind, sweeping around.

It turns out that the creatures who hunt and escape in this void have stopped their actions when these grey substances swept over.

Everyone stood where they were, not moving.

It seems that this space is suddenly frozen by people, so that they still keep the original dynamic.

This is also true for chuyun. Even the body manipulated by the God tree of Hongmeng is hard to move at this time.

The power of the void is completely different from the cultivation system of the fairyland, showing its horror.

The youth of the seventh level, Aoqing, aoxiao, and the other eight armed devil, are all in the same place at this time, and even it is very difficult to move.

"Come on, be part of this power. When we reach the summit, you will be able to make a contribution. "

The voice of the man in black fell, and all the raised dust suddenly turned into a sharp sword, shuttling through the void.

Every long sword shuttles out, will take a fresh life.

The gray matter will directly invade the place where the other party died, forming a gray whirlwind, gathering their energy.

When the young man in white saw this scene, his eyes were full of panic. He still couldn't move. The biggest difference between him and others is that he still has his own thinking.

But it is because of self thinking that I am most frightened at this time.

Other people are all dead when they have lost their thinking. The process of death is not painful.

"Aoqing, aoxiao, Aoge! Can you do it now? We have to unite to get out of this situation! "

The young man in white felt the breath of death. Now he must unite with the other three immortal realm to escape the end of being killed!

However, his transmission didn't have any effect at all. Like other creatures, the three people were given the place by the gray matter, even the thinking!


The broad sleeves of the black robed man waved again, and a gray training rushed out of his sleeves and ran straight to the white young man.

In this moment, the young man in white is fully aware of the crisis of death. In the face of this force, his body, which has not been out of trouble, can not resist it at all!


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