Sky War Soul

Chapter 2170 try to break through the Empire

When the God tree of Hongmeng controls Chu Yun's body, his body strength is the strongest in the realm of Xiandi.

However, it still can not resist the attack of the mysterious white mans.

At this time, the heart bursts and the white awn runs through, leaving a fist sized wound that can see the scene in front from the back.

Chu Yun could not feel the pain of the body, but the pain from the spirit made him unbearable.

Even if there is the healing of the vitality rule of Hongmeng God tree and the tempering of Hongmeng Qi, it still makes him feel that his spirit may break at any time!

Chu Yun has never suffered such a great loss since he stepped into the fog area!

It can even be said that the current crisis is the most intense crisis he has encountered since he stepped into the fairyland!

He felt that he was about to die, and the power contained in the rules of life spread over him, unable to resist the power that annihilated his spirit.

If the spirit of Hongmeng had not been infused into his spirit, his spirit would have been broken.

In addition, how to treat the body injuries now?

The God tree of Hongmeng controls his body now, but he finds that the man of the God tree of Hongmeng is also a little worried in the face of his physical injury!

At least when the rules of vitality cover Chu Yun's body, there is no quick repair of his body!

This woman named nishang is very insidious!

Her sudden surprise attack, beyond Chu Yun's expectation, he never thought that he would fall into such a field under her attack!

What is the white light?

It seems that the power contained in it is stronger than the rule of destruction!

It's like the pawn of the tarsal bone, it's hard to get rid of!

"You pissed me off!"

When Chu Yun felt that he was about to die, the cold voice of the sacred tree of Hongmeng came into his ear.

He said this to the rainbow in front of him.

Nishang's surprise attack not only hurt Chu Yun, but also hurt him!

He didn't even say the name of "this seat" at present, and replacing it with "I" was enough to prove his intention to kill nishang in his heart!

Nishang is right in front of Chu Yun. She hears the low voice coming from Chu Yun's mouth. Her look has changed and changed.

Not dead!

To deal with the person in front of you with the most powerful killing move sealed by your master, you can't kill him directly!

That is the attack left by the indestructible strong!

That's the murderous spirit that her master left in her body. It's equivalent to her master's all-out attack. It's sealed in her body all the time. She never thought of using the killing move left by her master before the critical moment.

Just now, Chu Yun wanted to plant a slave seal among her spirits, which infuriated her completely.

She thought of the most powerful killing move that her master left in her body, which made sense. She activated it directly and launched an attack on Chu Yun.

But I didn't expect that although the attack caused damage to my existence in front of me, I couldn't directly kill each other!

This is not right!

This attack is one-off. When the energy contained in this attack is exhausted, she will have no killing moves.

Her seventh level cultivation is the gap between the bright moon and the firefly when she put it in front of the seemingly immortal existence!

I'm afraid that those who did not kill each other and now meet themselves will die.

She was helpless, with a bitter smile on her face, and said, "I didn't expect you to survive this attack."

"Is it surprising to survive this attack?"

The voice of the sacred tree of Hongmeng is cold, as if the winter of September came at this time.

He is now the body of Chu Yun, but when the white light just flew out of her eyebrow, it pierced Chu Yun's head and blew Chu Yun's head into powder.

Even with his strength, it will take some time to restore Chu Yun's body.

Big loss!

This is the first time that Chu Yun has suffered such a big loss. It is also the first time that he has suffered such a big loss since he followed Chu Yun!

In the past, they were the only ones to pit others, and no one else could pit them on his head.

But now there is.

Chu Yun is on the verge of dying. If Chu Yun died, would he not be completely exposed to the fog?

What's more, along the way with Chu Yun, although he lives in the second spirit of Chu Yun, Chu Yun is his disciple, the most proud disciple.

Now, the God tree of Hongmeng can clearly feel that the spirit of Chu cloud is on the edge of collapse, which may explode at any time.

And the white awn, which was difficult to wrap, once again penetrated Chu Yun's heart position and disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared before.

The power sealed in her body is now completely gone.

Next, she will not have any strength to resist her anger, what she will face will be her own accountability!

Nishang didn't know how to answer the words of the God tree of Hongmeng.

She was quite surprised.

Her master is an immortal third-order existence, not to mention in the Ming Dynasty. Even looking at the hot sun star region, her master is also a figure of the prestige side.

However, the most powerful killing move that her master left in her body did not kill the man in front of her. In this respect, the cultivation of the man in front of her is at least the second level!

"I can't be your slave. At least if the school behind me knew that I had become a slave of other creatures, I would not only be paid, but also be removed from the world. "

Nishang looks at the "Chu cloud" without a head. After the initial panic, she suddenly becomes very indifferent.

The most powerful killing moves have been used, and there is no other way to use them.

Guo Qi and Yang Bo, though they have backgrounds, have not been sealed and killed by their elders.

Moreover, both of them are still affected by the momentum of the man in front of them. They are still frantically attacking the space cracks here. It is better to expect them than miracles.


In response to nishang, it was the cold words of the sacred tree of Hongmeng. As his voice fell, the tripod with a hole in it flew from behind him.

Tripod tripod suffered damage, but it did not affect the true spirits of which wild species.

The God tree of Hongmeng manipulated the tripod. He didn't talk with nishang any more, so he let the tripod suppress and directly gave her income to the tripod.

In this process, nishang's face was indifferent, and she did not resist the God tree.

She knew that resistance did not work at all, and she did not have the strength to fight!

Her current practice is more like a dead heart, accepting the reality and letting the God tree of Hongmeng give her a hand.

After the God tree of Hongmeng brought the neon dress into it with tripod tripod, it was not in a hurry to destroy her.

Now Chu Yun's state is very unstable. I have to pull him back from the edge of death first!

Then, the tripod in Hongmeng's hand was moved by the divine tree, and then, with the power of thunder, it was shrouded in Guo Qi and Yang Bo who were influenced by magic.

The two people who are frantically attacking the space crack have not figured out what happened around them, so they are included in the tripod.

After all this, the three tripod tripod in Hongmeng's hand was thrown away, and it was suspended on its own head.

There was a golden light falling down from the tripod, which wrapped his body with sacred breath.

This is a kind of protection, which can shield his breath and make others unable to observe the situation here.

From the place beyond the golden light emitted by the tripod, it seems that the tripod doesn't exist in this space at all, making people unable to capture it.

In an instant, three people were suppressed, and the God tree of Hongmeng immediately returned the control of the body to chuyun.

At this moment, Chu Yun, who was in a difficult situation, felt the sharp pain on his body so intense that he couldn't help howling loudly.

Since stepping on the path of cultivation, he did not know how many times he had been injured, but never had it been so serious, and never had it made him feel as painful as he is now!

The annihilation power contained in the white light annihilates his spirit as well as his body.

This power is more hegemonic than the power of destroying rules. Even if you wrap your body with the air of magnificence, you can only block it, but you can't directly eliminate the annihilation power from your body.

Seeing the painful appearance of the first and second spirits of Chu Yun, Hongmeng God tree felt guilty and angry.

"Let your kid like to pretend to be forced. Is it big? Be attacked directly, this pain should let you bear more for a while, let you have a good memory of inflation! "

The God tree of Hongmeng scolded chuyun loudly. Although it was scolding, the rescue in his hands did not slow down at all.

The green power full of vitality is enveloped in the spirit of Chu cloud. The God tree of Hongmeng, which is very stingy about the spirit of Hongmeng at ordinary times, takes its own body as the traction, continuously takes out the spirit of Hongmeng from that one foot high body, and instills it into the spirit of Chu cloud.

The power of annihilation belongs to the attack of the existence of the immortal realm. Only by the power of our own now, we can drive the power of annihilation out of the spirit of Chu Yun only by the power of Hongmeng.

In the past, the power he gave Chu Yun was almost negligible, but now, on the green tree, it is constantly emitting dark red smoke towards the spirit of Chu Yun.

This is the spirit of Hongmeng. Even if it's just a wisp, it's hard to be put outside. But now, like the current, it's pouring into the spirit of chuyun.

The spirit of Hongmeng drowns the first and second spirits of Chu Yun. The attack of annihilation force is temporarily suppressed. Chu Yun only feels that his suffering has been alleviated.

But it is always a trouble not to expel the annihilating power from his own spirit.

"Old Hong, do I have any help now?"

Chu Yun's first spirit is full of bitter expression.

He couldn't react to the situation just now.

Don't say it's him, not even the Hongmeng God tree that took over his body for the first time

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