Sky War Soul

Chapter 2174 to rob cloud

Chu Yun understood at all that he drew strength from the emperor's opening and how it spread.

What's more, it's not clear whether this gap is the gap of the boundary barrier in his own body, or other.

This pure energy is no less than the pure energy extracted by the God tree of Hongmeng. Under the sweeping of this energy, Chu Yun has absorbed more and more power.

This power is all-round, in improving the strength of his body, his spirit, and everything in his body.

Pure Xianli is refining his body, as if he put his body into the flame to be tempered, decontamination and preservation.

This is a very painful process, just like that hundred steel-making, he is undergoing a lot of tempering.

Chu Yun always thought that his body, which was tempered by the spirit of Hongmeng, had no impurities. Even the spirit was perfect. At least it was the most pure spirit among the ten levels of Taishang.

However, under the pouring and refining of the energy released from the emperor's opening, his spirit also suffered from unspeakable pain.

It seems that some people really regard his spirit as a piece of steel to be tempered. They need to temper the impurities in it.

His spirit had been hurt before under the attack of Heijing, but this kind of injury was not fatal to Chu Yun.

He did not resist the energy released from the emperor's opening to refine his body. Although the pain was unbearable, his spirit would be more tenacious after suffering!

The effect of Wuji immortal pill in his body disappeared from time to time, and Chu Yun did not know which part of his body the effect of the remaining Wuji immortal pill was immersed in.

He can't trace the effect of Wuji immortal pill, but he can be sure that it's in his own body. It's absolutely impossible to be exhausted because he steps into the realm of Immortal Emperor.

As for the pure energy transmitted from the sacred tree of Hongmeng, it is pouring into every cell of Hongmeng as always, strengthening his constitution.

But the sum of these energies is not as much as the energy that escapes from the opening of the Empire.

Like the sea pouring down, Chu Yun refused to let go of any energy.

All of these energies make him become more powerful after stepping into the Empire. Even though he has brought great pain to his body and soul, he still grits his teeth and bears it.

Under the baptism of the first and the second spirits, Chu Yun felt that his spirit strength was increasing rapidly.

The impurities, which Chu Yun couldn't get rid of, were tempered from his first and second spirits. Now when he was about to enter the Empire, he was washed by the energy transmitted from the Empire.

But the pain is more and more intense, and the spirit is tempered. It makes him feel that if he continues like this, his spirit will definitely be wiped out on the spot by the strength of the tempering.

In addition, the impurities in his body were also tempered. There were strands of black oil like things coming out of his pores. But in a moment, he was full of unbearable stench.

His hair, his internal organs, his meridians, bones, etc. were all baptized by the energy released from the emperor's opening, which made his body stronger and stronger!

In the case of not using the different demons, his physical strength has reached the level of the first level of Xiandi. After using the different demons, his physical strength is enough to match the existence of the second level of Xiandi.

However, under the refined and pure energy transferred from the emperor's territory, his physical cultivation was rapidly regressing.

In the state of heterodemonic body, his body state began to fall. With more and more impurities discharged from his body, his state fell faster and faster.

And the pain he suffered became more and more intense under the tempering of the energy from the emperor's open mouth!

"Er ah..."

The howl of pain came from Chu Yun's mouth. With his cultivation and his ultimate ability to bear the pain, he could not bear the terrorist power transmitted from the emperor's opening!

Attack everywhere, just like someone with a knife cutting every cell of him, in the human body, the whole body reported trillions, every cell was cut a hole, this pain, direct to the spirit!

In addition, the spirit of the same treatment, with the impurities are cleared more and more, that pure energy in strengthening his spirit, but also brought him unbearable pain!

"The robbery of the empire is so terrible! Let out a ray of energy, it seems to take my life! "

Chu Yun can't help roaring. He calms his mind, forces his consciousness, and doesn't let his mind and mind lose in the pain.

His alchemy formula runs wildly. After being improved, it becomes a millstone on his first and second spirits, and begins to wear out the power that constantly flows into his own spirits.

The movement of his internal skill protects every cell in his body with the pure energy of the Holy tree of Hongmeng, and replenishes the life of these injured cells.

The rules of life spread all over him, but compared with the energy pouring out of the emperor's mouth, it was a drop in the bucket!

"Tripod, thunderbolt, Kirin, get off!"

Chu Yunqiang endured the sharp pain, and his face was distorted by the pain.

However, he is still pinching the formula. He flies to the tripod in the sky to rob the cloud. The tripod mouth is aimed at Chu cloud. The thundering unicorn, who is in the tripod, turns into a streamer and swoops down from the sky to Chu cloud.

The Kirin thunder, which is full of vitality, is like the most powerful tonic in the world. It comes down from the sky in an instant and covers Chu Yun's body. The power of vitality suddenly spreads to his whole body when it touches his body, and begins to repair his body's injuries!


Like a traveler walking in the desert, he saw a deep pool when he was short of food and water.

The vigorous thundering unicorn, which is sweet, flows into Chu Yun's four limbs, even his spirit, and begins to repair his wounds.

Compared with his own use of the power of life rules to repair the wounds on his body, the vitality contained in the thundering unicorn is not sure how much faster.

His scarred spirit and broken body were quickly repaired by the force of vitality contained in thunder unicorn.

Such repeated destruction and repair of the body and spirit are unbearable.

I don't know how long it has passed, and Chu Yun's spirit and body can't be refined out of any impurities.

At this time, the vitality of thunder Unicorn has been completely digested and absorbed by Chu Yun, so that he can avoid the disaster of breaking through the Empire.

In this moment, he only felt that his spirit had completely stepped into a strange field, and the rules of the surrounding heaven and earth were clearly visible under the perception of the power of the spirit.

It seems that with one thought, any rules between the heaven and the earth can be used.

In addition, his body also returned to the second level of Xiandi.

The second level of Xiandi in the state of different demons is more powerful than the previous second level of Xiandi's body after this tempering.

He even felt that only depending on the strength of the body, he could directly crush the existence of the second level of Xiandi!

Not only that, he saw the emperor's state and didn't know when it had all disappeared.

In that gap, there is a cold and merciless eyes, watching him dead.

Looking at this eye, Chu Yun felt only a fear from his heart, which could not be suppressed completely, and directly emerged in his heart, so that he did not know what was going on!

Is that the eye?

What kind of existence is this eye that looks at itself, goes directly to its heart, and makes its heart involuntarily produce fear?

He appeared in the emperor's opening and stared at himself.

Cold and merciless eyes are like the eyes of heaven. Is it hard to achieve this? Is there a heaven in the world?

There is an eye in the opening of emperor's territory. Is it because he has completely stepped into the territory of emperor's territory and was noticed by heaven?

In this moment, Chu Yun's heart came out with many guesses, each of which made him feel desperate.

It's very strange. I didn't ask the God tree of Hongmeng what kind of scene would appear after breaking through the emperor's territory. Now, the eyes that appear in the opening of the emperor's territory are naturally generated visions or real eyes of heaven?

Being stared at by this vision, Chu Yun felt hairy in his heart.

If the eyes have self-awareness, does that mean that all the secrets in themselves are under the eyes of the eyes?

Chu Yun stares at the eye that appears in the emperor's opening. He resists the fear in his heart, but it spreads a wisp of divine sense directly, and probes into the past towards the eye!

He wanted to see what the eyes were.

A wisp of divine sense came out of his sea of knowledge, beyond the speed of light, and flew to the eyes of the emperor.

However, as soon as the divine sense stepped into the emperor's territory, it had not spread to the eyes, and then there was a force of terror emanating from the eyes.

But there was no movement in the eyes from the beginning to the end. It seemed that the emperor's opening was a dividing line. When his divine sense crossed the dividing line, he was naturally attacked!

The breath of terror fell on his extended divine sense. Before Chu Yun's response, his divine sense was cut off and turned into powder!

At the same time, the sudden disappearance of the eyes disappeared, and the emperor's gap also disappeared, as if it had never appeared!

What is the emperor's open mouth?

Chu Yun suddenly had this problem in his mind, but before he could react, the surrounding immortal gas suddenly became violent, the magma at the bottom of the earth was boiling again, and the plunder cloud formed on the sky began to surge wildly.

In this moment, Chu Yun has completely stepped into the realm of Xiandi, leaping over the dragon's gate and becoming the existence of no leakage realm!


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