Sky War Soul

Chapter 2199 is the sixth level!

What did he do? As like as two peas of tiny spots,

Chu Yun looked at the creature that was exactly the same as himself, and scattered in the universe where his consciousness was located.

is this brain as like as two peas?

It must be a problem in the brain that will come out to ask yourself a lot of questions, and then inexplicably turn into a little bit of light and blend into the universe where your consciousness is.

"What is he doing?"

Chu Yun watched the light scattered in every corner of the universe, each of which exceeded the speed of light and could reach the edge of the universe in an instant.

When all the brilliance was gone, the token Chu Yun got from the emperor of heaven returned to his space ring.

Then, before we have seen the evolution of this universe, there is an inexplicable force that acts on his consciousness and pulls his consciousness back to his own body.

"Boy, what happened to you? I just felt like you were leaving your body! "

As soon as consciousness returned to his body, Chu Yun heard the anxious voice of the God tree of Hongmeng.

At this time, Chu Yun is still thinking about what happened in the space of consciousness.

He still hasn't figured out whether it's a dream or anything else.

Now suddenly hearing the words of the God tree of Hongmeng, Chu Yun's attention immediately turned to him and asked, "Laohong, how long have I been breaking through the immortal realm?"

Just in the space where consciousness is immersed, he has no concept of time at all. According to his previous experience, the past time of the world is at least billions of years.

"In a moment!"

When Hongmeng sacred tree said this, he solemnly said, "don't be distracted, kid. There is a danger coming to this place. Your cultivation has now broken through the immortal realm. We have to take advantage of the effect of Wuji elixir as soon as possible to break your cultivation to a higher level! "

However, just as the voice of the sacred tree of Hongmeng fell, a cold voice suddenly came out of the sky: "where is the evil spirit of our way to draw the energy of the emperor's death in this place? It turns out that he is a vicious sycophant who has just broken through the immortal realm!"

With this sound falling, there is a terrible Spirit Storm towards the Chu cloud wrapped by the power of the emperor's death.

The attack of the spirit is invisible. In an instant, it breaks into Chu Yun's mind and attacks his first spirit.


The attack of the spirit of the perpetrator just intruded into Chu Yun's mind, and he found the abnormality.

In Chu Yun's mind, he saw two spirits!

The cultivation of the two spirits is at the first level!

"It's really a sycophant, different from ordinary people!"

The man sneered in his heart. The Spirit Storm split into two parts and turned into a strong wind, whistling through Chu Yun's body. He wanted to kill Chu Yun directly on the spot.

"Alchemy, kill it for me!"

Where can chuyun get used to this perpetrator?

At this time, the first and second spirits directly used the formula of refining gods. The power of spirits formed two dark whirlpools in his sea of knowledge, just like a black hole, pulling towards the power of the offending spirits!

All of a sudden, the attack of the spirit of the perpetrator didn't play any role, so it was directly sucked into two black holes in the sea of knowledge by Chu Yun's Alchemy formula.

Then, the power of the alchemy formula directly dissolves the power of the spirit of the crime, cuts off the connection with the person who has committed the crime, and directly transforms the spirit attack which invades into his own sea of knowledge into pure soul energy to be absorbed!


The power of the attacking spirit is suddenly cut off, which makes the offender suffer a great loss.

When he just extended his spirit attack, he did not isolate the connection between the spirit attack and his spirit.

The other side immediately resolved his attack, so that he had to re-examine the presence of this immortal level!

"However, the first level cultivation has stopped our attack. You are very good!"

The perpetrator stared at Chu Yun with a dignified face. In his eyes, there were little white lights blooming. His pupils suddenly turned into double pupils, just like four eyes.

From Chu Yun's point of view, his four eyes are superimposed together, just like the sight of the nearsighted, which is ambiguous.

"Stop my way, death!"

Chu Yun didn't talk to him. With this sound, Dongtian Dao was taken out directly by him.

The mighty power is infused into the Dongtian Dao continuously from him, which has activated all the powerful Dongtian Dao. After Chu Yun stepped into this realm, his power is stronger.

Dongtian Dao was watered by the power of Chu Yun's body. Suddenly, it burst out a thousand Zhang blade. It crossed the space and killed the attacker in front of it in an instant.

The blade breaks through the air, making the time around stop.

Almost at the time of Chu Yun's sacrifice of Dongtian Dao, the attack of Dongtian Dao has already fallen on the offender!

Not good!

The perpetrator was a little confused. The attack of the other party was faster than the distance across the space, which almost made him have no attack power of reaction time, and fell on him in an instant.

When he reacts, it's too late to resist!


The blade is invincible. If you split it vertically, you can cut the body of the perpetrator in two!


Then, Chu Yun raised his right palm. In the palm of his hand, there was a thunderbolt with a small thumb thick and thin, which crossed the space to reach the perpetrator.

For the existence of the indestructible realm, when the body is cut to pieces, this kind of injury is just scratching, which poses no devastating threat to him.

But with the thundering power that didn't seem to have much power in Chu Yun's palm, it made him feel the crisis of death here!

The power of thunder is directly intertwined in his body which is split into two parts. The power of destruction is contained in the thunder attack, which is rapidly killing his body and spirit!

If we do not reach the eternal realm, the spirit and the body will always be fundamental.

This perpetrator is no exception, he has not been brewing his own counterattack, was directly forced to a desperate situation by Chu Yun!

The thunder seems small, but the power of destruction it carries cannot be underestimated.

Under the influence of this destructive power, the perpetrator's second-order cultivation cannot be expelled!

Pain, spread all over this immortal second-order body, I don't know how many years I haven't felt this pain, now I feel it again, which makes his heart full of fear!

"Stop it! We can talk! "

At the same time, the immortal force in his body is in crazy operation, and the force of rules is interwoven around his body, forming a protective net interwoven with the force of rules.

But in the face of the destruction thunder that Chu Yun killed, he still has no resistance!

Destroy thunder, power incomparable, is quickly destroying his body and spirit!

"No need to talk about it. After you die, we will improve our accomplishments with your spirit and spirit! "

In response, Chu Yun's cold voice.

Since dare to offend oneself, should have the consciousness of death!

In the middle of speaking, the Dongtian Dao in his hand was waved again, and the flying dragon formula was infused into the Dongtian Dao directly. In addition, the powerful energy on his body was infused continuously. However, in an instant, a destructive force was formed, and once again came to the perpetrator!

"Space confinement!"

"The best defense!"

"Gravity rule!"

"Change the world..."

The moves formed by the power of rules erupted from the attackers around. No matter the attack of the power of rules, the immortal power in his body, or his spirit, they were launched completely at this time.

In the face of Chu Yun's Dongtian Dao, or the attack of the Dongtian Dao which integrates the flying dragon formula, under the attack of this crazy force, it is directly to kill the existence in front of him on the spot!

He felt the crisis of death and now had to do his best.

However, all means of protection and attack have lost their due effectiveness at this time.

The power of space confinement was directly broken by the power of Dongtian Dao before it enveloped Chu Yun, and other attacks were also broken by the terrorist force erupted from Dongtian Dao.

Dongtian Dao goes forward. There is a powerful real dragon hovering over the Dongtian Dao and rushes into the place where the attacker's body is broken!


When the attack of Dongtian Dao comes into the space where the perpetrator is, a cold voice comes from Chu Yun's mouth.

The power of destruction is directly transformed into the power of annihilation. Where it passes, the body, spirit and immortal power of the perpetrator are all transformed into the most primitive substance, which is the most primitive gas. Under the attack of Chu Yun, the perpetrator directly transforms all the substances that make up his body into the most primitive gas!

Just now, when he realized that he had entered the strange universe, he didn't get nothing.

He understood the "annihilation" skill. The most primitive state of all substances in the world is just a mass of gas. As long as the attack is strong enough, the material form can be directly transformed into my gas!


The perpetrator feels that his body is rapidly annihilating. He has not played his best killing move, and he has not really done it, but now he directly feels the crisis of death!

He found that the substance that made up his body was rapidly being transformed into gas, even his spirit.

This kind of attack is beyond his understanding. Under Chu Yun's attack, he feels that he has no way to survive from Chu Yun's hands at all!

I'm still a second-class player. I haven't given my name yet. I haven't despised this person with a high attitude. I just appeared here. I'm only tentative. I'm in a desperate situation!

When can the existence of the first level be retrograde to kill the second level strong?

What's more, second kill!

"Lao Hong, draw on his strength!"

Chu Yun did not have the heart to listen to the words of the offender. He controlled the Dongtian Dao and was still killing the spirit of each other. He wanted to wipe out each other completely on the spot and draw his strength.

At the same time,

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