Sky War Soul

Chapter 240 Lingqiao ancient trees

"The chaos of stars is boundless and vast. Where did the nine square purgatory tower land?"

Chu Yun tightens his brow, treads on the void, and stares at the four sides.

Jiufang purgatory tower is a rare Holy Spirit soldier in Taiqian continent. The place it came to is definitely extraordinary. You only need to find out where the heaven and earth in the disordered star region change strongly. It's almost there!

That said, but the real search, the difficulty must be much higher than the mouth said!

Chu Yun seldom flies in the air. Flying in the air will be very conspicuous in his experience, just like a target.

It's just that he doesn't have a choice because of the time crunch.

"Chu Yun, the forest in front is a little strange. Do you want to go in?"

The great sage looked forward with thoughtful eyes.

"Go in, of course! I don't know anything about the chaos. If I want to find the so-called Jiufang purgatory tower, I have to slow down! "

Chu Yun looks up at the forest thousands of meters away. The trees in the forest are extremely tall. Each tree is straight and erect, more than a thousand meters high. It stabs into the cloud like a spear!

Fine ancient trees, about four or five meters wide, slightly thicker ancient trees, at least ten meters wide!

In the forest, each ancient tree exudes the breath of vicissitudes and eternity, as if it had existed for a long time in the long river of time.

Not close to the woods, Chu cloud will feel a life breath, very rich, as if the whole body is shining in the sun.

"Brush! Brush! "

The speed of Chu Yun and Da Sheng is no less. Sheng Sheng breaks in.

The leaves are so thick that they block out the sun, but you can't feel any shade inside.

"What's the matter..."

Chu Yun's eyebrows are tightened. He always feels that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at him, but every time he turns his head to look, he can't see anything.

"You feel it, too?"

The great sage lowered his voice: "if these ancient trees were weird, or the region was weird. Do you want to explore it? Maybe there will be additional gains! "

"Come on, my main purpose is to find the Jiufang purgatory tower. Don't save money."

Chu Yun shook his head.

Chu Yun and Dasheng all the way into the hinterland of the forest. In front of them is a square kilometer of open space. An ancient tree with hundreds of meters wide, kilometers high and numerous branches is located in the center of the open space.

Ancient trees are surrounded by a crystal clear stream, the water in which is mixed with a strong breath of life, moistening the roots of ancient trees.

But the ancient tree is not consistent with the strong life breath around it. Its trunk is broken in many places, and the bark is full of dry cracks. A gray air flow, if there is one, wraps around the ancient tree for a long time.

When Chu Yun's pupil shrank, he could recognize that the gray air flow was very evil and was eroding the life of ancient trees.

Even if the ancient trees are moistened by streams and filled with endless breath of life, it is still useless.

"This power..."

Chu Yun murmured to himself. He always felt that this grey gas was familiar. Instinctively, he wanted to get closer, touch and understand.

Just then, a thundery voice suddenly sounded: "intruder! Stop! "


Then, in the distance, the void cracked, and a green branch that could be seen by the naked eye suddenly came.

Chu Yun was shocked. The attack was swift and fierce. The power contained in it was almost infinite. Even the powerful people in Xuanwu could not resist it. Obviously, they could not cope with it!

With a roar, the saint suddenly stopped in front of Chu Yun, and his two palms caught the green branch which turned into a whip. However, he was smashed into the ground by the mighty force in the next second.

Dasheng fell into a huge pit and kept humming.

Chu Yun did not dare to be slighted. He hurriedly offered the Supreme Soul of war and held the cave knife. The thunder and lightning on his arm flickered and his eyes were cold looking at the rear.

Previously, it was a thousand meter old tree.

There was a face on the huge trunk of the ancient tree. The expression was angry. The eyes were full of rage. The mouth was one and one: "human, you forced your way in. We are very kind without stopping you. I didn't expect that you would dare to be evil minded and want to fight against Lingshu adults! "

"I have a bad heart for master Lingshu, damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

As the voice of the ancient tree falls, it sounds in all directions. One after another, the ancient trees roar and tremble, turning around and staring at Chu Yun with cold eyes.

The cold eyes of countless ancient trees made Chu Yun's heart beat faster.

"These are Monsters? "

Chu Yun was surprised to see this scene.

It's normal for ancient trees to have life. After all, many ancient trees absorb the spirit of heaven and earth and turn into monsters. But if ancient trees can talk, it's really strange.

"It's been years since outsiders broke in!"

"Don't talk nonsense, kill it!"

"Yes, kill him!"

Those ancient trees speak very slowly, like thunder.

Chu Yun sneers. He doesn't care about any spiritual tree. Since he wants to fight, he has never been afraid.


Chu Yun's aura swept around like a volcano, and the supreme soul behind him was full of murders and mysteries. It was extremely cold and chilling.

"I forgot to bring a woodcutter today, but it's OK to make a living with the Dongtian Dao."

Chuyun laughs and waves the cave knife at will. The sharp breath frightens the sky.

The great sage also crawled out of the pit, rubbed his hands, and muttered in defiant eyes, "a pile of broken wood, believe it or not, I've torn you all apart!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. Chu Yun and Da Sheng were obviously not rivals of these ancient trees, but if they tried their best, there would be no problem in killing them.

"Stop it all!"

An old voice sounded behind Chu Yun. Chu Yun trembled and almost dropped his cave knife.

Turning around, I saw an old face from the old tree in the middle of the open space. The voice just came from it.

"Master Lingshu!"

The rest of the ancient trees are very respectful.

"This little human friend doesn't mean to hurt me. You don't have to be nervous."

The face of the spirit tree is very old, the ditches are crisscross, and the voice is powerless.

Those ancient trees around were stunned, and nodded: "yes, Lingshu adult!"

After that, they all squatted down and took root in the soil again.

"I'm sorry to have hurt your friend before. There was a drop of life spring in the stream. It's more or less healing."

Lingshu's voice falls, and a water arrow is shot out of the stream, moistening Da Sheng's palm gently.

Soon, the blocked hand of Da Sheng was restored to its original state at the speed of naked eye.

"Awesome! Amazing! "

The child of the great sage shook his hands and laughed.

"Little friend, it's a chance to come here. Come here and have a talk!"

Lingshu's eyes are kind, like a kind old man, without any threat.

Chu Yun nodded, put up his momentum, and went to sit by the stream.

"My little friend's soul is strange. It is full of ancient, mysterious and long-standing atmosphere. I have lived for thousands of years, and this soul is even longer than me. What's more, there are many kinds of auras in my little friend's body, such as thunder and lightning, Buddha Dharma and true dragon. It's really strange! "

Lingshu takes the lead in speaking. He speaks slowly and weakly. Obviously, the gray breath makes him miserable.

Chu Yun was stunned. He knew that the Supreme Soul of war was very big.

As for the thunder and lightning, Buddha's Dharma and true dragon mentioned by ancient trees, are they not Thunder Dragon's secret pattern, secret clan's big fingerprint and Dragon Sabre technique?

"Ha ha, you don't have to worry about it. Our family is close to nature and can feel something that other races can't feel."

An old tree smiles.

"Master, what kind of race are you, monsters?"

Chu Yun asked the doubts in his heart.

"You should know that the elixir will give birth to some consciousness in thousands of years. The essence of our family is the spirit tree. After absorbing the spirit for thousands of years, we finally have our own consciousness. "

The spirit tree replied with a smile.

"Spiritual tree?"

Chu Yun was surprised. The lingarbor itself is a very rare number, and its texture is very hard. In ancient times, it was an important material for building lingbing, even better than some tianwai ores.

These Lingqiao ancient trees did not know how many years of cultivation, they grew up like this. They are thousand meters tall, more than ten meters thick and thin, and powerful.

Those ancient trees around should not be inferior to the magical realm. Some of them have the power of the magical realm.

As for the spiritual tree in front of us, even if it is placed in the magical realm, it is also the best!

The power span of Shentong realm is very large. It's like a natural moat when you first enter Shentong realm and the peak of Shentong realm!

"Master, I approached you before, without any malice. It's just that the breath around you makes me familiar, so I want to get closer to it. "

Although he knew that the spiritual tree in front of him was very kind, Chu Yun wanted to explain it clearly.

"This is the curse of the powerful demon clan!"

The old voice of the spirit tree was hoarse, obviously suffering from inhuman torture all the time.

"Demon clan strong? Is there a powerful demon clan in the chaos

After hearing this sentence, Chu Yun's expression suddenly changed. Although he had already seen the demon family, Chu Yun had not really fought with the powerful demon family!

"Chaos? What is that? "

The spirit tree shook his head doubtfully, and then said: "not only are demons imprisoned here, but also some races that are already facing extinction I can't help it. Who has left the nine square purgatory tower unattended for hundreds of years? Some little monsters come out and do evil everywhere. It's very annoying. This will only last until the new owner arrives! "

Chu Yun thought about Lingshu's words, and suddenly his expression changed. He couldn't help crying out: "Lingshu elder, what did you just say? Nine square purgatory tower? Do you know where the Jiufang purgatory tower is? "

He's really excited in his heart. He has no place to find. It won't take him any time!

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: there are two chapters behind! Happy National Day everyone, this month will never be less than three chapters update! Flowers!

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