Sky War Soul

Chapter 244 I really like you

"Although the test of disordered mind forest is very interesting, it's not as difficult as you think. Although I have been given some illusions of elder martial brother Chu, I have not been affected in any way since I distinguished them. "

Yang Xiao said with a sweet smile.

Zheng Qichu can't help sighing. Chu Yun is such a boy that he doesn't lack people to like him.

It's said that many women are always nostalgic for him, including Tao Huan, the chief core disciple of lieri sect, and even Xia Yufu, the three princesses of Daxia Kingdom, have threatened to find Chu Yun if you want to find Lang Jun.

Zheng Qichu and Xia Yufu are playmates from small to large. Maybe they are too familiar with each other to think of each other as future spouses.

When I came back to Daxia country by chance, Zheng Qichu met Xia Yufu again, only to find that the three princesses could not leave Chu Yun for a few words. Although she may not even find out, she was really sinking deeper and deeper.

So after seeing that even Yang Xiao was also fascinated by Chu Yun, Zheng Qichu was also a little confused.

In the forest of confusion.

Jiang Qianyue's eyebrows are slightly frowned.

In front of her eyes, there was a figure in a black robe with hands on his back. A dark and profound sword was floating beside him, which was undoubtedly the Dongtian Dao.

"I hear you're looking for me?"

The voice of the back is very low and magnetic.

As his voice sounded, the Dongtian Dao suddenly crossed an arc in the air, which was obviously controlled by Qi!

"I I'm looking for you! "

Jiang Qianyue's expression suddenly became excited and changed his arrogant attitude: "excuse me, who are you? I really I admire you very much! "

The figure slowly turned around, his eyes were looking at the river, the corner of his mouth raised a pale smile: "you come closer to see."

His face is chaotic, and he can't see anything clearly, but Jiang Qianyue still moves forward step by step.

It seems that the figure has inexplicable attraction, which makes her unable to control her body.

The figure raised his hand and touched the cheek of Jiang Qianyue gently. He couldn't help laughing and said: "you Like me? "


Jiang Qianyue's face was red and his ears were red for a while, and he was indeed asked.

In her heart, she admired the swordsman who used Qi to control the sword. Because her soul was also the cause of the sword, she felt deeply.

Plus the swordsman saved himself in a critical moment!

However, Jiang Qianyue never gets along with a man like this. After being touched on his cheek, his heart beats faster.

"Yes, I admire you..."

Jiang Qianyue said in a mosquito like voice.

"I asked Do you like me! "

The voice accentuated again, a bit aggressive.

Jiang Qianyue felt trembling all over. His cheeks were ruddy. He gave a light hum in his mouth. His eyes became blurred.

Like and admire, although the meaning is similar, but the actual difference is very big.


After spitting out the word, Jiang Qianyue is directly red to the earlobe.

"Since you like me, stay here with me."

The figure reached out his fingers to hook the Qiong nose of the river.

Jiang Qianyue's whole body trembled again, and his voice gave a gentle hum. He was paralyzed, as if to melt.

In fact, it would be nice to stay here and get along with him all the time. I can't go back, but

Wait, where is this?

Jiang Qianyue's beautiful eyes suddenly wake up. She is full of energy and can't help but step back. Her heart is like a mess.

This is chaos!

I am in the forest of confusion!

Fake, all fake!

These are all visions in my mind!

Jiang Qianyue's beautiful eyes stare at the figure in front of her, and the more she looks at it, the more suspicious it is.

Why can't you see his face all the time? Why does his voice never change? It's an absolute illusion. There's no doubt about it!

"Why, didn't you say you liked me?"

The same tone, the voice asked.

Jiang Qianyue took a deep breath and said without expression: "luanxinlin is really smart. Even my deepest desire can be found out, but it's a pity that I can see through it!"

After saying this, Jiang Qianyue walked forward without hesitation and walked straight through the figure.

After the darkness, there was light again.

Jiang Qianyue breathed a sigh of relief, as if the mountains at the bottom of his heart had been removed.

Before that all, is oneself fantasy come out!

I'm so ashamed. How can I think of those things?

At the thought of the picture he had just imagined, Jiang Qianyue felt a sense of shame floating on his heart. His cheeks were red, and his delicate body was a little crispy.

Don't you really just admire me?

Do you really like him?

Like someone you never met?

It's ridiculous!

"Elder martial sister Jiang, are you out too?"

Yang Xiao sat in the distance waving his hands.

Jiang Qianyue immediately took a deep breath and said with a smile: "it's really interesting! When I came out of it, I found that my mental strength had improved by one level and my endurance had also increased. "

"We are the same. It seems that there are opportunities everywhere in the chaos, but it's a pity that we can only stay for one month."

Zheng Qichu sighed, but then he said with a smile, "January is January. If you allocate your time well, it will be enough."

"Song Zhou, haven't you come out yet?"

Jiang Qianyue looks around, a little surprised.

"Zheng Qichu said with a meaningful smile:" he may have experienced more serious demons

They waited for a full day outside the disordered heart forest until song Zhou finally came out, but he didn't come out from the exit, but found that he could not break through the customs but went back again and came around the entrance.

Song Zhou's expression was very embarrassed, obviously he suffered a lot in it.

"You haven't broken through the heart forest?"

Jiang Qianyue shows his eyebrows. It seems that song Zhou has done so many evil things in his daily life that he can't even cross the barrier in his heart.

"What a mess of bullshit, it's useless!"

Song Zhou scolded angrily, but all three got benefits from it, so no one agreed with him.

"Let's go. It's a waste of time here!"

It's obvious that song Zhou's mind is hard to calm, but in fact, it's more humiliation.

Other people have broken through, they have not broken through, gray back, for who will not be happy.

"Well, let's keep going Wait, what is that? "

Before Zheng Qichu finished speaking, he suddenly saw a creature in the distance, which was full of infinite demons, flying in the air, driving the powerful Qi engine.

"What a strong breath. Is this a monster?"

Zheng Qichu swallowed a saliva, and a flash of shock flashed through his pupils. He really didn't know what kind of creature it was. He only knew that the creature was full of tremendous momentum, and its realm was even higher than those of himself!


Zheng Qichu was worried. There was still a distance between the creature and this side. There were piles of rocks and weeds. If he hid, he should be able to avoid the monster's eyes and ears.

"We are the core disciples of the clan. Especially you, Zheng Qichu, as the second person of the core disciple, are you so counseled? "

Song Zhou did not break through the heart forest, the heart was very upset, can not wait to breathe, now hear Zheng Qi Chu to avoid, the heart of the fire a little bit exploded.

"Isn't it a monster? As for what makes you afraid of it? Open your eyes to see how I killed him! "

Song Zhou sneers, the figure soars to the sky, unexpectedly is facing that creature to rush past.

"Is this guy crazy? I don't know what it is, but the smell is stronger than all of us! "

When Zheng Qichu saw this scene, there was a flash of anger in his eyes.

I didn't expect that song Zhou was so disobedient to discipline. The more he was not allowed to do so, the more so he was.

In the real practice, it's a headache to have such a team-mate who doesn't obey the discipline. Maybe he will pull you into the ditch.

"What shall we do?"

Jiang Qianyue is quite calm. He tried to find a solution as soon as things happened.


Zheng Qichu's voice was very decisive: "there is no way but to run! If we stay here, we will all die! "

"Run, but he is our same door after all, can we just leave him alone?"

Yang Xiao hesitated.

In fact, Zheng Qichu's heart is struggling. Do you want to run or not?

What is the strength of this monster?

Song Zhou offered eight edged purple and gold hammers and smashed them at the monster with ferocious face: "it's your misfortune to meet me! Burn the thunder and shake the eight wasteland! "


A purple thunder suddenly fell from the air and poured into the eight edged purple gold hammer.

The power of this attack can be called earth shaking, even tearing up the void.

"Jie Jie, unexpectedly, another human being came to die!"

Seeing this behind the scenes, the monster did not panic, but laughed.

It was not until he was close that song Zhou could see what kind of monster it was in front of him!

The monster's skin is blue all over. Although it is a human shape, there is a sharp bone blade on both elbows. It is tall and has long legs. Its muscles are bulging and full of strength.

The face is ugly, similar to people's, but the distorted facial features and wide open mouth make people suffocate.

Song Zhou's pupil shrank, obviously did not expect that he would face such a monster.


The majestic power of the eight edged purple and gold hammer almost shakes the world. There is no one in the whole sky to fight against. Even the strong in the Xuanwu area will have to stay away from it!

However, the monster didn't want to dodge at all. Jie Jie said with a strange smile, "human, you are very brave, and you even want to challenge me with this strength!"


Song Zhou takes a breath of cold air. The monster can talk.

For a while, all kinds of horrible thoughts flashed in my mind, and finally stayed on two words - Demon clan?

The monster was as fast as lightning. Instead of being hit by the eight edged purple and gold hammer, he turned into a streamer and rushed past Songzhou.

"Where have you been?"

Song Zhou was puzzled. He was looking left and right. Suddenly, he felt a pain in his stomach. He looked down and his intestines flowed out.

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