Sky War Soul

Chapter 252 real dragon

These feathered foreign people in the dungeon are pounding the railings desperately, but there seems to be a strange strong breath on the railings to suppress them. No matter how crazy they are, they can't break through.

Chu Yun has become calm from the initial fear fight. He walked in the dungeon with unchanged face. No matter how angry these feathered foreign people are, he did not have any mood fluctuation.

With the blessing of the Supreme Soul of war, there have been earth shaking changes in mood and momentum, which is very rare.

"Boy, stop for me, you are not allowed to enter!"

"You can't go any further!"

"Ouch, ouch, ouch! Damn! Damn it! "

"For so many years, no one has been able to come here. Why at this time..."

"If there is a human being who takes control of the Jiufang purgatory tower again, aren't we going to work for him again?"


"Boy, one more step forward and I'll tear you up!"

Countless other people in yuhuajing seem to be crazy. They are full of strong Qi. Their pupils are red and their noses are full of thick Qi.

Jiufang purgatory tower has not been under the control of its owner for hundreds of years. All seals have become weak with the passage of time. The exorcism peak alien is a living example.

Because the seal was weakened, they were able to escape.

In addition to the other races at the top of the magical realm, the rest are the other races in the eclosion realm.

More than anyone else, they are eager to escape from repression and seal!

I see that I can escape in a few years. With the hope, who could have expected to kill a Terran teenager halfway!

Chu Yun turned a deaf ear to the threat of these eclosion and went forward indifferently.

It's a long dark corridor. It's so dark that you can't see five fingers. Apart from the prisons on both sides, you can't see anything.

The air is filled with a strong violent gas engine, as if the next second will be completely ignited, blowing up the whole world.

Step by step, Chu Yun did not look back. After thousands of kilometers of corridor, a light finally appeared in front of him.

"Ouch, ouch!"

A roar that rocked the sky suddenly sounded, the rumbling tremor of heaven and earth, and the whole dungeon were shaking: "boy, I order you as a noble real dragon, stop right now! One more step forward, I will tear you to pieces, make your soul disappear, and never be detached! "

As the sound sounded, the whole dungeon was strangely quiet, leaving only a lot of heavy breathing sounds of foreign people.

It can be seen that they are very afraid of this existence.

When he opened his mouth, the other feathered alien even dare not come out of the atmosphere.

"Real dragon?"

Chu Yun's original firm mind was in a trance. Under the influence of this voice, his strong will appeared a crack.

The land of Taiqian is respectful of martial arts.

True dragon's blood and strength coexist, which is absolutely the top existence!

No matter it's a monster or a ghost, as long as it can touch the real dragon, it will be several times stronger out of thin air!

Is there a real dragon in this dungeon?

Seeing that the light at hand is in front of him, Chu Yun stops at the same place. Instinctively, he wants to turn around and see what kind of existence the real dragon is.


At this time, Chu Yun suddenly felt a shock in his mind, like the chaos breaking in front of him.

The mental strength that was raised when wandering in the heart forest has played a decisive role now. The voice of the real dragon is full of demagogues, but Chu Yunleng lives to stop the action of turning his head with his strong will.

"The ants with such weak strength can resist the spirit of this dragon?"

The voice was a little shocking. It seemed that Chu Yun could not do it.

"Damn it, my body is out of control!"

Chu Yun, who was completely recovered from his cold sweat, found that although he was only a step away from the light in front of him, he could not take this last step in any case, and was as stiff as iron, as if there was a mountain pressing behind him.

"No, I have to go in!"

Chu Yun clenched his teeth and came here all the way. Only he knew the difficulties. If he failed in the most critical step, he would not forgive himself.

"Boy, your willpower is very tenacious, but you can never resist the temptation of Ben long!"

The voice sounded again, like a towering presence overlooking the ants on the ground, words full of disdain.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! "

Chu Yun's whole body exploded without any sign, and his blood spattered out.

The real dragon is just the pressure of the voice, which makes Chu Yun almost unbearable.

You know, Chu Yun's body can be shaken even by the strong in Xuanwu, but it almost collapses because of the simple words of the real dragon!

The power of the real dragon is really terrible!

"My body is about to reach the limit of endurance. I will really collapse if I go on like this!"

Chu Yun's eyes are scarlet and his fists are clenched, like he is mad. The hair is scattered, the whole body is bleeding constantly, and the whole person has almost become a blood man.

In any case, in any case, he's going to get over this!


At this time, the Supreme Soul of a hundred meters suddenly released an all-out power, like an invisible giant hand, pushing Chu Yun's body to the light.

At the moment when he was exposed to the light, Chu Yun felt as if he was breaking away from the purgatory. The mountain at the bottom of his heart suddenly moved away. He could not say how relaxed it was.

"Wheeze, wheeze!"

Chu Yun was sweating all over. Blood and sweat mixed together. He seemed to be drained and exhausted to the limit.

At this time, the heat flow in the body appears in time, and recovers the wound with the speed visible to the naked eye.

With a sigh of relief, Chu Yun Chang raised his head and looked around.

"Well? How could you break free? "

The real dragon was imprisoned in a huge cage, which was thousands of meters high and couldn't be seen at a glance. It was covered by darkness, and the violent spirit of crackling spread everywhere. Only a pair of scarlet eyes looked at the outside world, panic boiling.

"Really Master Zhenlong, if this kid really becomes the master of the nine sided purgatory tower, doesn't it mean that we will continue to be enslaved? "

A weak voice asked.

"Yeah, we're going to see the sun again. Who would have thought..."

"I've been enslaved for thousands of years, and I'm going to collapse. If he really became the master of the nine sided purgatory tower, I would rather commit suicide! "


Many other people in yuhuajing complain about the gap, which makes their hearts almost collapse.

"Shut up for benlong!"

The real dragon was furious and roared, setting off an endless energy storm in the dungeon.


The whole dungeon was shaking violently, tearing up everything and changing the color of heaven and earth.

Many foreign people in yuhuajing changed their faces and shrank in prison shivering. They dared not say a word.

"Master Zhenlong, we are all grasshoppers tied to a rope. We only respect you. It's not easy for us to have this kind of thing happening today. Can you have it in your heart? Why don't you just kill that kid? Or are you afraid that you will not be able to intimidate us when you use up the rest? "

A voice clearly mingled with discontent sounded.

In the cage in the distance, a demon clan with human body and snake head is full of resentment, and the content of speech is obviously complaining about the real dragon.

He is a powerful ancestor of the demon clan and has a great position in the dungeon.

After hearing the words of the demon ancestor, the scarlet pupils of the real dragon narrowed, and a dangerous smell floated in the air: "are you blaming the original dragon?"

Hearing this, the ancestor of the demon clan said, "I don't mean that. I just want to remind the real dragon Lord that if that kid really controls the Jiufang purgatory tower, we can't go out any more!"


Real dragon is too lazy to talk nonsense with the demon ancestor. With a cold hum, the sound wave in his mouth instantly becomes a straight line. Through the void and prison, it pours into the demon ancestor's mind!

That demon clan ancestor didn't even say a word, disappeared in the world directly, and couldn't find a trace again.

"Snake ancestor!"

"Snake ancestor!"

Around a group of yuhuajing demons see this scene, the pupils contract violently and scream.

"This is the end of questioning Ben long!"

The real dragon sneers, a pair of scarlet pupil close gradually, hide in the dark.

From the beginning, they realized that the real dragon was still strong and could kill them in prison.

Some of the foreign powers who were not satisfied with their wishes are now silent.


"I should have entered the inner part of Jiufang purgatory tower, right? It's said that if you want to see an artifact, you have to go through layers of tests. Is this the first layer of tests? "

Chu Yun looks at the scene in front of him.

This is a cave full of stalactites. In front of it is a transparent barrier that blocks the way.

Behind the transparent barrier, there are stalactites growing one after another. They are thick and big. Even through the transparent barrier, they can smell strong fragrance.

This cave is not big. There are thick rocks behind it. There is no way back. If you want to pass, you can only break the transparent barrier in front of you.

"These stalactites..."

Chu Yun frowned and looked at the stalactite. He couldn't help but take a breath: "although I don't know what kind of stalactite it is, such a big one will last at least 3000 years!"

"Stalactite absorbs the spirit of heaven and earth. After thousands of years of maturity, the stalactite liquid is born. It has the effect of strengthening the body, invigorating qi and strengthening the body. It is a rare treasure. Three thousand years of stalactite, just think about it, it will be extraordinary! "

Chuyun mutters to himself, his eyes get brighter and brighter, and his heart gets hot.

Is this the customs clearance reward for me?

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