Sky War Soul

Chapter 254 the last level, ancient battlefields

In fact, Chu Yun's mood was uneasy all the way to his feet.

There is no evidence to prove that the voice is taling, but at this time, Chu Yun has no other way. At this stage, he has the element of luck in it. In these dark cells, there are dangers everywhere. Every step is wrong!

So, he can only choose to believe!

Hope it's true!


Chu Yun only felt a slight tremor of the dark lattice under his feet, and then a white light came out of it. There was something wrapped in the white light. Looking carefully, it was a miraculous medicine with great vitality.

This is a flower with seven golden petals. The green leaves around it are delicate and green, and the fragrance is full-bodied.

After hearing this, Chu Yun felt clear headed and shocked: "this elixir Five thousand years at least! "

Five thousand years of miraculous medicine, Chu Yun has never met.

Miraculous medicine can be regarded as precious in a thousand years. It's rare in three thousand years. It's all materials for refining important pills.

As for the five thousand year old elixir, it is even more rare. The whole land of Taiqian may not have many.

Only those top forces can store five thousand years of magic medicine!

"Is this the reward dark box? That's the first one. It's five thousand year old magic medicine! "

Chu Yun held back his excitement and continued to take the second step.


Another small sound sounded, still white light, but this white light wrapped in a transparent glass bottle.

There is a drop of red blood in the glass bottle. The shape of the red blood drops is constantly changing, which contains the monstrous essence to the extreme.

After watching carefully for a few seconds, you will see all kinds of horrible dragon shapes. Such a drop of blood seems to contain countless fierce animals that shake the earth, trying to struggle out and tear everything up!

Chu Yun's spirit was in a trance, and he could not help shouting: "true dragon blood?"

This drop of blood is exactly the true dragon blood that countless martial artists dream of!

For the warrior, as long as the spirit of the martial arts can be associated with the real dragon, the combat power will double and increase.

If this drop of true dragon blood can be integrated into the spirit of Wulin, the benefits will be immeasurable!

"I didn't expect to reward even the best treasure of true dragon blood in dark lattice!"

Chu Yun is in a mood of uncontrollable excitement. There are a hundred dark squares here!

It's a pity that I can only choose one road, otherwise I have to clean this place!

Then, Chu Yun takes the third step!

Step four!

Step five!

Step six!


The worry free grass that can greatly improve the spiritual strength, an egg of a feathery beast, a superb martial art with boundless breath, and a purple Ling cloak that can resist the attack of attribute elements

Every treasure is a rarity. There are all kinds of things that can't be found in the outside world.

After walking to the ninth dark grid in a row, there was no danger. Chu Yun could not help but relax his vigilance - it seems that the voice guiding me is indeed taling.

With such thoughts, Chu Yun took the last step.

When he stepped on the last dark grid, Chu Yun suddenly felt that there was an extremely horrible breath rising in the dark grid, so sharp that he could cut off all the sword Qi and suddenly split it on Chu Yun.

This is a deadly attack!


Chu Yun's pupils flashed a flash of astonishment. The speed of the sword was so fast that he was completely unprepared.

Even those who are strong in magical realm can hardly survive this attack!

Chu Yun has given up resistance, or he has no chance to resist at all.

The speed of this chop is definitely faster than the speed of sound, so short distance is hard for even the powerful in Shentong state to deal with!

"Am I going to die here?"

Chu Yun's mind is chaotic. When he is facing death, he finds it hard to calm down.

The sword Qi that chopped everything carried infinite force and chopped on the surface of Chu Yun's skin. It could have been quiescent. It seems that there is a transparent wave on the surface of Chu Yun's body that blocked his direction.


At this time, Chu Yun suddenly heard a roar on the surface of his body. A real dragon flying for nine days rushed out of his body and turned into a roar that shook the world. It collided with that chop!


Although the power of the chopping attack is infinite, enough to kill the gods and pass the powerful, the momentum is completely offset under the impact of the dragon shaped waves.


After resisting the sword Qi, the dragon shaped wave turned into a stream of air again and integrated into the body.

Red Dragon King level pill!

Chuyun's heart is like a mirror, which is the contribution of the Red Dragon Emperor level pill!

After the Red Dragon Emperor level pill is taken, it will form a strong Qi of the real dragon in the body. The Qi of the real dragon usually hovers inside the Dantian. When the master is in danger, he will take the initiative to counteract a fatal attack.

Obviously, the chop just now was offset by the real dragon Qi attached to the Red Dragon King level pill.

Chu Yun was sweating all over. He staggered forward a few steps. His expression was indescribable.

If it wasn't for the real dragon Qi formed by the Red Dragon King level pill to appear in time, I'm afraid that my life would be explained here!

Is it because the first nine reward treasures in the dark space paralyzed their nerves?

Too careless, too careless!

Chu Yun is in a bad mood because he knows that he has made a big taboo, that is, he can't lose his vigilance to fight at any time.

After taking several deep breaths, Chu Yun suppressed the agitation in his heart.

He looked back at the last dark grid, the light in his eyes was uncertain.

He took this as a lesson in his heart, and never allowed the same thing to happen in the future!

In front of him was a big bronze gate. Chu Yun squeezed his fists tightly and walked into it with a serious expression.

The second level is over.

Before the scene changed again, Chu Yun had no reaction, and felt a layer of hot waves, as if to melt the heaven and the earth.

The hot flame filled the whole world. Because of his calm mind, Chu Yun made a response in a very short time. He stepped on the ground with both feet, leaped up with the explosive force of the moment, and walked in the void.

I don't want to see it immediately. I will gather the roar of the dragon in my body and attack the front!

The gasification of real dragon is a huge dragon with solid breath and continuous wandering. It smashes all the flames in front of it between the roars, and then pops and penetrates one thing.

Chu Yun frowned, his eyes crossed the endless flame and looked back.

There was a tall puppet standing behind the fire, as if he had just been salvaged from the molten slurry. His body was full of red light, and he could not say how powerful he was.

The strong flame just now was made by it!

However, there is a terrible wound on its chest, which is penetrated by the real dragon Qi just now.


The puppet made a series of unwilling calls from his mouth, and finally fell to the ground with a limp body, smashing into cinders.

Its strong breath, also in an instant into nothingness, completely dissipated in heaven and earth.

"That's over?"

Chu Yun is very surprised. He can feel that the strength of the flame puppet is definitely not only here, but it is very easy to break through.

Is the real dragon too strong?

However, Chu Yun didn't think too much. Anyway, he has already come to this step. It's just right to go to the top floor early and see taling!

In the next few passes, all the monsters that Chu Yun met were fierce and majestic, and some of them were ancient aliens that the outside world had never heard of.

But I don't know why, these monsters can only give play to the strength even in Xuanwu.

Chu Yun, with the Seven Realms of true martial arts, passed the examination easily all the way, without any difficulties at all.

No matter it's a monster, a puppet or an alien, it's not Chu Yun's opponent.

After eight passes, Chu Yun walked into a long passage.

Before entering this passage, Chu Yun just killed three foreign strongmen.

All of them originally had the power of the highest level of magical realm, but somehow they could play less than one percent of it.

Even Chu Yun realized that it was wrong.

No matter the beast, the puppet or the other race behind, they must have been suppressed by something, because their eyes were extremely unwilling when they were dying.

"Has Tallinn been helping me?"

Chu Yun thought of what the woman who called herself taling had said before. If she hadn't helped him, he couldn't even pass the dungeon.

But if she wanted to help herself, why did she step on the second hurdle or punish the dark grid?

Take a deep breath. Chu Yun takes back his thoughts and looks up ahead.

At the end of the road, there is a transmission array with white light, which exudes all kinds of wonderful ancient charm.

"Should it be close to customs clearance?"

Chu Yun said to himself in his heart, without any hesitation, he stepped into the transmission array.

With Chu Yun stepping in, the original quiet transmission array suddenly made a great white light, shining in the light of heaven and earth, mixed with a strong and extremely violent essence, straight into the sky.


At the same time, the previous voice sounded again in Chu Yun's mind: "next will be the last test, as long as you can get through this, you can see me!"


Chu Yun was puzzled and decided to ask, "you swore that the road was absolutely safe, but why did I finally step on the punishment grid?"

"Did I say it was absolutely safe?"

The female voice was obviously impatient, with uncontrollable grumpiness in her voice: "there is no absolutely safe way. What I am pointing out to you is the simplest of the ten ways."

"If you can't even break that one, what's your qualification to be the master of Jiufang purgatory tower?"

Chu Yun's words were blocked for a while.

Taling is right. If he can't even break through the simplest, it really doesn't make sense to continue.

"Then are you helping me in secret at these checkpoints just now?"

Chu Yun asked again.

"Well, you have a little brain. You know how much you weigh."

Taling gave a cold snort. Although there was no positive answer, it was the default.

"I don't want to talk nonsense to you. The next big battle will send you to an ancient battlefield. You need to

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