Sky War Soul

Chapter 271 the truth

The night faded away and the first light appeared in the distant sky.

In the cave, it is said that the snoring is still loud in ancient times, obviously sleeping very well.

"Emissary, do you want me to call that stinky boy and give you a ride? "

Gu Hong had a bright smile on his face.

Chu Yun looked up at the light sky just blooming at the far end of the horizon, shook his head and said with a smile, "let him sleep. Last night, he also drank a lot. And parting is always sad, there's no need... "

"Emissary, then..."

Gu Hong took a deep breath, his expression was a little uncontrollable, and his fists were slightly clenched.

"Don't worry, uncle Gu. I've got it in my mind! It just takes time... "

Chu Yun nodded: "I should go too, uncle Gu. You should also remember my words. They must not compromise with the Qin Empire. They boast justice and are eager to break the ruins. This time, though it was a big failure, it may not come back in a few decades. You have to resist and completely convince them! "

"Well, when that stinky boy enters the magical realm and relies on the totem of green fire and huge sword, the whole Han kingdom may not be able to compete with him."

Guhong said with a smile, his face full of pride.

"Well, then I'll go."

Chu Yun stepped forward a few steps, felt the dark yellow ancient gas, with infinite vision in his eyes.


The void suddenly splits without any sign, and then a mighty suction sucks Chu Yun's body into it. Everything in the world becomes unreal, just like a thin veil.

After Chu Yun's figure is inhaled into it, the void immediately reconnects, as if it had never been broken again.

Gu Hong stood at the same place, his pupils full of unspeakable entreaties, muttering: "emissary, please..."


The surrounding void is constantly distorted, and it is a long journey. When Chu Yun reopens his eyes, he is in a palace full of ancient charm.

Large and gorgeous ancient windows, various sculptures, gilded beds

These decorations seem to have gone through thousands of years, exuding the ancient art atmosphere. In such a palace, even the soul seems to have been washed.

"Have I passed the trial? Is this the last floor of the nine way purgatory tower?"

Chu Yun looks around and mumbles to himself.

"Stupid, the Jiufang purgatory tower is not divided by layers. It's a small world. The palace where you are now is the tower on the dungeon."

The female voice, who had previously spoken to remind Chu Yun, reappeared.

"Taling, is that you? I've come to this level. I should be qualified to see you, right

Chu Yun put xuanhuang ancient Qi in the space ring as early as he was shuttling through the space.

This is what is needed for the final test, but he will not give it up easily until things are completely clear.

"Hum, it's just a wisp of xuanhuang ancient gas. Is it really a treasure? At my peak, I couldn't see it for nothing! "

The girl's voice was full of disdain.

Chu Yun's face was expressionless and said, "I finally killed here. Shouldn't I be alert?"

"Not easy?"

Taling sneered: "if I didn't restrict the abilities of those monsters and animals, and suppress their realms in Zhenwu and Xuanwu, how could you kill them all the way?"

Chu Yun's mouth twitched a few times. No wonder he walked all the way. It seemed that those monsters and other races were suppressed. When he lost to himself, he was unwilling to face. It turned out that he was suppressed by talling.

"And where are you now, and what do I need to do to get your approval?"

Chu Yun looks around. There is no figure of the taling in this huge hall, only her voice can be heard.

"I'm here!"

The spirit of the pagoda gave a cold snort, and then a group of light came together and gradually gathered on the throne in the hall.

Chu Yun looked up and saw a girl wearing leather armour cross her legs and sit on the throne with cold face.

Her skin is wheat colored, with a chestnut twist braid reaching her hips hanging from the back of her head. Her figure is concave and convex, and her forehead is tied with black hair band. Her face is extremely cold and arrogant. Her eyes are full of rebellious and unruly, and her whole body exudes wild nature, like a fierce horse that is difficult to tame.

"You are Tallinn?"

Chu Yun had some accidents. Unexpectedly, the spirit of Jiufang purgatory tower would be such a wild girl.

It's hard to imagine that this feral girl like taling, after being refined, killed the master of the digital eclosion realm cultivator in order to escape the loneliness of thousands of years.

Seeing Chu Yun's eyes staring at himself, taling snorted coldly, licked his lips with his tongue, and his savage eyes narrowed slightly: "what do you think of as staring at me all the time?"

"Well, I just want to ask what to do next. Do I have your approval? "

Chu Yun touched his nose and relieved his embarrassment.

Taling shook his chestnut braid behind his head and said without expression: "if you still follow the previous high requirements, don't say that you are recognized, even if you don't have the qualification to enter the Jiufang purgatory tower. But now it's a special time. The natural standard has been lowered, so you've passed the test! "

"Now, give me xuanhuang ancient Qi and awaken part of my strength. Only when my powers awaken can I recognize you as the Lord. "

Chu Yun frowned. He thought quickly in his mind. Then he looked up and said, "when I entered the ancient battlefield, I only told me to go to the tribe to exchange something, but I didn't know what it was. How come when I come back, you open your mouth and ask me to take out xuanhuang ancient Qi. How do you know that what I exchange is xuanhuang ancient Qi? "

The wild girl was obviously stunned, but she soon came back to her senses. She still had no expression and said: "you have the smell of xuanhuanggu, so I guess..."

Chu Yun's eyes flashed a flash of light and sneered: "it seems that you are not honest. First, you should recognize me as the Lord, and then I will give you xuanhuang ancient gas!"

Chu Yun is not stupid. Of course, he can see that taling is deceiving himself.

It's bullshit to say what comes out of the smell.

If the last test was set by the previous master, how could he expect that taling would need this xuanhuang ancient Qi to replenish energy decades or even hundreds of years later?

Apart from his ingenious calculation, there is only one conclusion left. The so-called "go to the ancient battlefield to retrieve xuanhuang Qi" is the test content set by talling himself.

She needs xuanhuang ancient Qi to repair Jiufang purgatory tower, but she doesn't want to recognize the Lord again.

For talin, who does not like to be bound, she is absolutely unwilling to recognize the Lord again if she is not forced to a desperate situation.

So she deliberately deceived Chu Yun and asked him to give her xuanhuang ancient Qi first. After she got xuanhuang ancient Qi, even if she turned her face directly, Chu Yun had no choice.

But she didn't expect Chu Yun to be mature and thoughtful, and saw through her plan at a glance.

"I've worked so hard to break into this place. I want to let go of it and dream if I don't see any benefits."

Chu Yun sneers and sees through everything.

Taling's face flashed a touch of shame, clenched his fist, and growled in a low voice: "believe it or not, I killed you!"

"If you have the ability to kill me, you have already started. Do you need to talk to me so much nonsense?"

"If I guess you're right, your ability is rapidly diminishing in these years, and you've reached a very weak point. Now you're using the only remaining strength to suppress the fledgling aliens in the dungeon. More and more Xuanwu aliens escape from the seal, which is the best explanation for your weak ability at this time! "

Chu Yun takes a step forward and looks at taling fearlessly.

Taling bit her lips lightly. She didn't expect that Chu Yun could see it so thoroughly.

There is no mistake in thinking at all!

"What's more, although I don't know how you sent me to that time line, if it's expected that it's a long time since I've experienced something? Don't you try your best for this mysterious and ancient Qi? "

Chu Yun's head is very calm and his words are extremely sharp.

Tallinn was guessed all thoughts, she still strong do not want to admit defeat, gnash teeth and say: "is how?"

"First of all, tell me all about the Han Dynasty."

Chuyun said in a cold voice.

"Do you want to know? OK, I'll tell you! Han kingdom is a small world attached to the land of Taiqian. The time line you have experienced has been more than 500 years. The so-called Han kingdom was destroyed by the demon clan 300 years ago! "

Tallinn was a little grumpy and hysterical.

Chu Yun's heart ached. Was it destroyed?

Elder brother Gu, uncle Gu, and the tribes and other nationalities in the ruins have been dead for 300 years!

After all, the strength of the Han kingdom is too low, and the most sophisticated force is only the magical realm.

Once found by the demon clan, those top powerful people have no chance to resist in the face of the ancestor of the demon clan.

The ruins were destroyed by the demons, and the so-called tribes were all destroyed, which means that the ancient totem pillars were plundered by the demons from the Han Dynasty!

Everything is clear!

No wonder today's demon clan has an ancient totem column comparable to the strength of the spirit of war. It was originally plundered from those tribes in the Han Dynasty!

Apart from the ancient tribes, there are also some small tribes in Daxu. They all have their own totem pillars.

They can't get the recognition of totem ancient pillar, but demon clan can!

Therefore, the demon clan found the totem ancient pillar that can enhance the power, and immediately all the totem ancient pillars were taken away, which was used as the magic weapon to counter attack the human warriors in the Taiqian continent!

This is all their plot!

There is an order in Chu Yun's mind. All the clues are overlapped and all become clear.

I see!

It's no wonder that when he left, uncle Gu Hong would entrust it to him. Maybe he had expected it as early as then.

What will be brought about by an invasion that is far beyond the top strength of the Han Dynasty?

Total destruction!

"How on earth would you like to give me xuanhuang ancient Qi?"

Taling's silver teeth clenched, she rose abruptly from her seat, her chest heaved violently, her beautiful eyes fixed on chuyun, and her wild breath was released incisively and vividly.

It's like a wild horse with strong temperament, which makes people want to tame her instinctively.

Chuyun smiled and said decisively: "it's very simple, recognize me!"

The purpose of my coming here is to find the Jiufang purgatory tower. Since I can't take it away, I have to make it recognize the Lord.

If it can't be done, then

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