Sky War Soul

Chapter 311 almost forgotten

After the emperor agreed to Tang Zixian's terms, he immediately ordered his servants to build another city in the Tang Dynasty.

For the Tang emperor this approach, people are very confused.

There were not many people in the Tang Dynasty who built another city. The four cities themselves were enough. What's more, there are countless towns and villages. What's the need to build another city?

It's just an order of the Tang emperor. No one can question his decision.

For the emperor of Tang Dynasty, how to keep Chu Yun completely is the real concern.

Chu Yun owns the Jiufang purgatory tower, which must not be a thing in the pool in the future. He must make good friends with him before he has fully grown up.

Only in this way can we make the most of his talent.

Murongcang, one of the masters of Jiufang purgatory tower, almost shakes the whole central region at the peak.

Even the four clans add up to almost no match for him.

If the future development of chuyun is smooth, it may not be the next murongcang!

Moreover, he is likely to go further than murongcang.

Think of here, Tang emperor's mood becomes better.

Although Jiufang purgatory tower is not obtained by Tang family, as long as Chu Yun can be left here, it is not much less than his own.

How to stay?

The emperor knew it.

When a man lives in the world, he wants only a few things: rights, status, beauty and resources.

But these, oneself can give him!

After thinking about it, the emperor suddenly raised his head and said in a deep voice, "go and call Tang poetry."


In this period of time, Chu Yun lived comfortably in the Tang Dynasty, not only accompanied by beautiful women at any time and anywhere, but also sent all kinds of cultivation resources.

Elixir, elixir, martial arts, whatever you want.

Even three meals a day were brought to the door by servants. There were so many delicious dishes. Chu Yun was full of oil.

I'm afraid this position is better than the average young master!

Among them, some of the main children came to visit and sent all kinds of gifts. They wanted to have a relationship with Chu yunpan.

No matter what the purpose of these people is, since they haven't shown any hostility for the time being, they should talk normally first.

Not too close, not too cold, not too humble.

As for gifts, why refuse them?

Since someone gave it away, it's just a small thing.

Chu Yun knows that the Tang Dynasty is building a new city. When the new city is built, he can arrange his family into it.

As for the clan comparison, it will take half a month to start. In such a way, there is no trivial matter for the time being.

"The breath contained in the bronze sword is actually a little weaker than that of xuanhuang. It's really a harvest outside."

Just when Chu Yun was lying on a cane chair and eating fruit leisurely, the voice of taling suddenly sounded in his mind.


Chu Yun jumped up and said angrily, "you still have the face to come out. Do you know that I almost got torn apart because of you. You're going too far! Take someone else's things and leave without saying a word. Can you be more brazen to ask me for compensation? "

"Ha ha, aren't you here completely?"

Taling smiled coldly.

"After all, don't make trouble for me. This kind of thing can never happen again."

Chu Yun shouted a warning.

Hearing Chu Yun's words, taling was also angry: "I'm so anxious to add energy for who, not you! If you have the strength of yuhuajing, I believe that after you give priority to it, the energy can be recovered to the peak directly. If you are weak, blame me. I think the cheeky person is you! "

Chu Yun was speechless for a moment.

As she said, there is nothing wrong with logic?

It's because he is too weak that taling is so weak.

Just as Chu Yun was about to fight against taling, his brain suddenly burst into a flash. He slapped his forehead and cried, "Damn it, how can I forget this?"

When the voice fell, Chu Yun was in a hurry. He could not eat any fruit. He rushed into Zixian hall and shouted, "Zixian, Haoran, I went out in advance."

"What can I do for you?"

Tang Haoran is practicing in the courtyard. When he hears Chu Yun's words, he is also very strange: "the clan ratio is half a month away from opening. What are you going to do if you don't prepare well?"

"It's really urgent! I have promised others that I can't break my promise in any case! "

Chu Yun is burning his eyebrows and rubbing his hands.

"I've heard that the Xiao clan is looking for you all over the world. Aren't you looking for death when you go out at this time?"

Tang Haoran turned away.

"I have to go out even if they chase me any more!"

Chu Yun is determined to speak out.

He has always been a man of good faith. What's more, it's not a good thing to do. So it's a small compensation to go through anyway.

"I can't help you."

Tang Haoran sighed helplessly, took a black face scarf out of the space ring, and handed it to Chu Yun: "this is a sky mask, which can cover up all your breath after wearing, and even change your voice and smell. Unless you are really familiar with people, it's difficult to recognize you. Wear this, the chance of being hunted is a little smaller. Remember, we must come back before the race, and we will not wait for it! "

Chu Yun nodded and then said, "Purple fairy, I have to go. Why don't you come out to see me?"

"My sister is closing up, or I'll take you."

Tang Haoran wiped the sweat on his face.

"Come on, don't send me either. I'll go myself."

Chu Yun hurriedly waved: "I will come back before the clan competition!"

After dropping this sentence, Chu Yun immediately stepped on the air and started to rush to the exit of Tang Dynasty.

Now Chu Yun, no matter its status or status, can not be underestimated in the Tang Dynasty.

Even the guards of the city knew that there was a young man in the Tang Dynasty. Even the Tang emperor looked at him with great admiration!

When he came to the transmission gate, he saw a young man in front of him going in. Chu Yun was so worried that he pulled him over: "line up behind!"

The young man in Royal Guards was stunned.

Back in line? I didn't jump in line again. Why should I go to the back of the line?

Just when he came back and asked for Chu Yun's trouble, Chu Yun took the lead in stepping into the transmission door and disappeared.

"Don't let me meet you again!"

The young man in royal guards points to the back of Chu cloud and jumps with rage.

Chu Yun put on a mask and hurried to the foot of Jinluan mountain.

He muttered to himself, "do catch up!"

He almost forgot that today is the opening day of the zongmen qualifying competition.

It's also the day when Wu nianzong will attack the super block seats!

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