Sky War Soul

Chapter 331 I can cut Hu Yidao and Chu Yun


In fact, Chu Yun has already guessed what cold Jianxiong's bottom card is.

The demon clan got a new method, that is, the totem ancient pillar which spread from the Han Dynasty.

The answer is obvious when we think that Leng Jianxiong defeated Hu Yidao with a knife.

He was also recognized by totem pillars, and what he understood was a knife.


The sky suddenly vibrated, only saw a flashing sword suddenly appeared in the void, the red flame continued to burn, the sky was constantly distorted, just like a monster full of fire suddenly appeared, the breath broke the void.

Leng Jianxiong reached out and grabbed the flame saber in his hand, and said with a ferocious expression: "this is my soul, the flame saber. I used this saber to cut the bayonet at the beginning, and today I will kill his disciple, Gaga gaga!"

With a series of strange laughs, Leng Jianxiong rushed to Chu Yun.

Leng Jianxiong deliberately describes the flame saber as his soul, because he wants to cause confusion to Chu Yun. Why can the demon family also have the soul that can only be awakened by human warriors?

But in fact, Chu Yun had seen through everything. He smiled a little and turned his back to welcome him with the cave knife.


The two knives collided and made a deafening sound.

Chu Yun only felt his wrist numb, but he was surprised by Leng Jianxiong's strength.

No, it should not be said to be Leng Jianxiong's strength, because he is a little weaker than himself now.

It should be said that it is the power attached to the flame knife itself.

This flame knife is not as simple as you think!

"Bang! Bang! "

Another two collisions, Chu Yun was shocked by the continuous retreat, but the expression is all clear color.

The flame blade itself is as heavy as a mountain, and it can even shake the sky. For a while, I didn't prepare for it, and I suffered two losses in a row.


The shrill blare of the knife sounded, and the blades of the two knives were just in one place, and the red flame spread to Chu Yun's palm.

Chu Yun frowned, endured the pain, and suppressed Leng Jianxiong's huge body on the ground.

"Totem ancient pillar, you use it well."

Chu Yun's eyes are cold and his mouth is soft.

"How do you know it's a totem pillar!"

Leng Jianxiong was shocked at the moment, with a trance in his face.

Because now in the middle region, the demon clan is only in careful activities, and has not fully entered the public's vision. Some powerful forces know that the demon clan has new means, but they can never guess that it is the totem ancient pillar.

How can I recognize this kid in front of me?

Chu Yun sneers, seizes the moment of Leng Jianxiong's stupidity, and the Dongtian Dao bursts out with a strong and extreme intention, and splits with the trend!


With a slight sound, Leng Jianxiong's face was cut by a knife. There was a terrible scar in the middle of the whole face, and even the bridge of the nose inside was broken.

"Ah ah ah!"

Leng Jianxiong cries out in pain. He waves his sword to gather the fire and drives Chu Yun back.

But Chu Yun sneers, follows closely, the knife meaning released to the pole.

Under the strong sword meaning, Chu Yun can produce countless mysterious changes even if he cuts it out in a flat way.

In the eyes of many martial artists, Chu Yun's Sabre technique is very common, just straight up and down, without any fancy changes at all. It's very simple.

But only those who are really penetrating can find out that Chu Yun's control of the meaning of Dao has already reached the stage of perfection.

From the Boulevard to the Jane, we can construct the most ferocious killing moves with the simplest moves, which can be called the summit!

"Ah, my soul!"

"No, my soul is out of control."

"Mine, too!"

Many martial artists' faces have changed, because they find that their spirits float out of the body uncontrollably, just like floating in the void.

Xia Yufu makes a light noise. The purple light red flame sword of Wu soul appears uncontrollably. The blade is facing the direction where Chu Yun is in the challenge arena. It's actually worshipping slightly.

Just like the courtiers salute the emperor, they respect and fear.

It is not only Xia Yufu, but also all the swordsmen with swords as their souls.

"Teacher, what's the matter?"

Xia Yufu was surprised at first. When she found that her purple light and red flame Sabre had not changed, she immediately put down her mind.

"A hundred swords worship."

When ye Qiyu saw this scene, he calmly explained: "your soul is a sword, and naturally you will have an instinctive fear of the meaning of the sword, just like a minister kneeling down to the emperor, which is normal."

Xia Yufu hears the words, and looks at chuyun's eyes again.

This guy, he is deceiving me. He has made such rapid progress!

On the other side, the same is true of Jiang Qianyue.

Her pretty face is full of intoxication, as if in this state extremely comfortable.

She is deeply infatuated with the knife, and even more with everything about it.

Chu Yun, as a swordsman who has understood the meaning of Dao, is the outstanding one among the swordsmen. What's more, this young swordsman has saved his life?

Jiang Qianyue finds that he has no choice.

Chu Yun is like a quagmire. After his first involvement, he can no longer leave it. Even if he struggles desperately, he will only sink deeper and deeper.

Is that the destiny?

Although Chu Yun's sword meaning caused hundreds of swords to worship, Leng Jianxiong's flame Sabre was not affected. After all, his strength came from the totem ancient pillar, not from the spirit of martial arts.

"Heaven and earth make true dragon strike!"

Chu Yun agglomerates the meaning of majestic sword and displays the second form of the Dragon Sabre technique. Suddenly a real dragon appears and rushes towards lengjianxiong.

"As a former ancestor of demon clan, do you really think you can defeat me if you use your sword? Chu Yun, I'm disappointed because you look down on me! "

Leng Jianxiong wiped the blood on his face and his eyes suddenly opened.

He frowned hard, squeezed a drop of blood essence from his eyebrow and fell on his double fingers.

Then, he used his two fingers to smear the blade of the flame saber, only to see that the breath of the flame saber suddenly expanded into a bloody sword in the fire!


When Leng Jianxiong wields the flame sabre, it is like destroying the dead and pulling away the rotten. There is a surging aura around him like boiling water. With the surge of aura, there is a strong vibration in the space of thousands of kilometers.

With a knife, the blinding fire burst, easily cutting the real dragon's head.

It's so sharp, keep going!

The Qi of this Dao first flew the cave Dao, and then cut the whole left arm of Chu Yun!

Too fast to react!

When Chu Yun felt the pain, his left arm had fallen to the ground.

Blood gushed from the broken arm.

Chu Yun groaned and tried to bear the pain. His face was even pale as paper.

"What's the meaning of Dao? Under my Dao, it's rubbish after all."

Leng Jianxiong's eyes narrowed up and suddenly shot cold light. He proudly raised the light saber, pointed to Chu Yun from afar and said, "since I can cut the saber, the saint Hu, I can cut the saber, Chu Yun!"

The face, which was almost split in two, seemed ferocious at the moment.

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