Sky War Soul

Chapter 333 manifesting noumenon, killing and killing heart

"This... It is... "

Leng Jianxiong found that he could not raise any idea of resistance under this breath.

This was the first time that he had the power of a totem pillar.

Why, is that so?

Chu Yun's pupils were ablaze with blue flame, and his breath was even more mysterious to the extreme. The original power belonging to the totem ancient pillar was emitted from the inside out, even distorted the whole heaven and earth.

"I once promised an old man to pass on the original power of the ancient totem column for him. I didn't expect to use it on you for the first time. You should be honored! "

Chu Yun's expression is a little indifferent, and his bearing is even more detached, as if he does not exist in this world, all is just projection.

Although there was only one arm, it didn't affect his breath at all.

"Totem ancient pillar, the inheritance of the original power..."

Leng Jianxiong was in a trance for a while. Then he suddenly thought of something. He clenched his teeth and roared: "no way, totem ancient pillar is just a carrier, and the original power is its value. You are just a human warrior. How can you bear the original power of totem ancient pillar? "

In his words, the deeper meaning is that we, the ancestors of the demon clan, can only get strength from the ancient totem pillars.

How can you absorb this original power directly into your body?

"There are so many things you don't understand."

Chuyun chuckled.

He didn't want to use this token in public. After all, people have many eyes. If someone knew something about totem ancient pillar, he would be coveted if he had the original power of totem ancient pillar.

It's just that there's no room for more thinking right now.

If you don't show your cards, you may be defeated by Leng Jianxiong.

Chu Yun knows that he can't fail!

"Let's go back to the previous topic. If you hurt master Hu Yidao badly, I will avenge him today!"

Chu Yun clenched his fist violently, and a blue flame turned into a mirage in his palm. He shot and roared at Leng Jianxiong!

The void is distorted by a huge aura. Leng Jianxiong gnashes his teeth and desperately raises the flame knife in his hand.

I saw that his hand holding the flame knife was slightly shaking. It was not that he was afraid, but that the flame knife was afraid!

Facing the original breath of totem ancient pillar, the flame knife is afraid.

It's just a weapon form derived from the original power in the ancient totem column. It's like a monster with real dragon blood. Can it not be afraid to see a real dragon?

"Damn it, my knife!"

Leng Jianxiong clenches his teeth desperately and wants to fight back, but it's a pity that after being restricted, Guangyan Dao can't wave freely, which leads to his complete disorder.

"Go away!"

When Leng Jianxiong saw that the flame Sabre was really useless, he immediately threw away one of them in a rage. He immediately raised his hand and grabbed it. It was completely blocked in front of him by a barrier made of aura.


With a bang, Chu Yun's fist wrapped in blue flame easily broke the barrier in front of him, and the overflowing force suppressed the cold sword man on the ground, unable to move.

Leng Jianxiong's expression changed a lot. He never thought that Chu Yun, who had added totem origin, would be so strong.

At present, he no longer has any reservation, single handed out, shouting: "if you want to kill me, you want to kill me!"

The outstretched hand suddenly swelled and puffed the robe to pieces. The whole arm became thick and long, with a ferocious blue color.

The five fingers suddenly changed, just like the claws of monsters, with thick pores and thick hair, which sent out the smell.

Under the pressure of Chu Yun, Leng Jianxiong was forced to show himself.


Chu Yun sneers, and the blue flame in his hand turns into a sharp blade, which cuts through the space at will.

Black cracks are everywhere, and the void is full of horror light.


The edge of the blade is made up of countless small flames. At the moment of contact with Leng Jianxiong's palm, he cut off four fingers!

The thick green fingers fell on the ground, smashing the ground to pieces.

"Wheeze! Wheezing! "

Leng Jianxiong gasped heavily, his face full of panic.

He is the ancestor of the demon family. He is powerful and has a very noble identity. Where did he suffer such humiliation?

He has been lurking in the human world for a long time.

Since I fought with Hu Yidao, my accomplishments have fallen sharply and I have to endure the mountain forest.

Later, he disguised himself as a human being and practiced in the mountains and forests.

After decades of painstaking cultivation, it was not easy to refine a new arm, and the realm also reached the Xuanwu realm.

He wanted to find a place to mix cultivation resources. He didn't expect that the qualifying competition would start soon after he came in.

The key is to meet Hu Yidao's disciples in the qualifying competition.

The most hateful thing is that the boy named Chu Yun actually has the origin of totem, which is a kind of restraint for the demon clan that controls the power of totem!

"What is it!"

The audience screamed.

"Is this his soul?"

"No, it's not Wuhun. Damn it, it's demon clan!"

"Demon clan? Isn't it long gone? "

"Ignorant, the demon clan has already reappeared in the world!"

In the audience, many martial artists recognized Leng Jianxiong's real body, and his expression suddenly became very ugly.

"This is a fight for super large quota. How can a demon clan get involved?"

"Damn, it's really a living demon clan!"

A lot of martial artists stood up abruptly. They were very angry. The human race and the demon race were different from each other. Now in the competition, the demon race actually came in.

How can we tolerate this kind of thing!

Tang Huairen and ye Hun started to clap at each other. They looked at each other with ugly faces.

They are responsible for maintaining order in twilight City, but now the demon clan appears under their noses, which is a slap in the face to both of them.

"Calm down!"

Chen Luomu's eyes showed great murderous spirit. He said one word at a time: "the competition is temporarily terminated. If this happens, I will give you all an account!"

"BAM bam!"

After Leng Jianxiong showed his arms, he couldn't stop. His whole body began to turn green and his clothes were completely broken.

His head began to swell and his mouth opened like a giant toad.

A pair of small eyes swept around him, and he found that all the martial artists were staring at themselves, saying that it was not good. He just failed to control his emotions, which led to the exposure of his identity.

And it seems that Chen Luomu is going to fight against himself.

If you don't run now, you will die!

Leng Jianxiong roars loudly, as if he is mad, desperately running to the distance.

However, there is a barrier around the challenge arena. His whole body bumps into it, which only makes the barrier slightly shake.

Chen Luomu's spirit was gathering in his hands, and he was about to fight. Chu Yun's voice suddenly sounded: "Lord, I want to continue this fight."

When Chen Luomu heard the words, he was very surprised. He raised his eyebrows and said, "he is a demon family!"

"I know, but I want to continue this fight."

Chu Yun nodded, his face expressionless.

"The battle is over. There's no need to decide. You are the winner!"

Chen Luomu thought that Chu Yun was worried about the final win and loss, so he took the initiative to explain.

"Lord, I'm not afraid that I can't win, but this beast killed one of my predecessors. Now I'm going to avenge that one!"

The blue flame in chuyun's pupil expands again, just like the eruption of a volcano, and the momentum of his whole body rises again, shocking the world.

Chen Luomu thought for a while and nodded: "OK, pay attention to safety."

He was worried about Chu Yun at the bottom of his heart. If Chu Yun showed a little lack of stamina in the next battle, he would rescue him.

How can the genius of the human race die in the hands of the demon clan?

After being inspired, Chu Yun said nothing, grabbed Leng Jianxiong, who had fled in disorder, and threw him back to the challenge arena.


The earth was shaking with a bang.

Outside the arena.

Tang Huairen stood up expressionless and looked at Zhang Yuanhua coldly. "Lengjianxiong, is he your disciple of the triumphant sect?"

"No, you listen to me. I don't know. He's a demon clan!"

Zhang Yuanhua was soft all over. He sat on the ground, pale as paper, and his voice was hoarse.

Since he saw Leng Jianxiong reveal the real body of the demon family, he knew that he was finished. This is not another place, but Twilight city!

Everything must have a starting point. If you follow Leng Jianxiong, kaixuanzong will undoubtedly be the first one involved.

I don't know, but do they care about you?

They only know that the demon clan was brought into the city by the triumphal sect!

"Take it!"

Tang Huairen is too lazy to talk to Zhang Yuanhua.

After the order was issued, several powerful Taoists rose to the sky, reached out and pressed Zhang Yuanhua on the ground, making him unable to move.

Tingmingkai's face was frightened, and he waved his hand repeatedly: "it has nothing to do with me! My Lord! "

However, Yang Shan was calm and his expression did not change from beginning to end.

"By the way, several adults, Kaixuan Zong and LV's family are very close recently. They seem to have collusion. Since the chief core disciple of Kaixuan Zonglian is the demon clan, the LV family should not be able to wash away the suspicion. "

At this time, Ji Wuming stood out, with a pale smile on her lips, and pointed her spear at LV Xianqing.

"You and he are bloody!"

LV Xianqing jumped three feet high and was scared to death. He could not imagine that Ji Wuming's words led the disaster to him.

It's too poisonous. It's so poisonous!

You are killing people!

Everyone can see that Ji Wuming is waiting for revenge, but who can say what?

It is an indisputable fact that the LV family is close to the triumphal emperor!

"Take it!"

Tang Huairen is too lazy to listen to LV Xianqing's explanation. When something like this happens, twilight city must give everyone an explanation.

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