Sky War Soul

Chapter 350 how about you lose to me


It was like a bolt from the blue, falling suddenly.

Tang Yaozhi's face, which was full of smiles, suddenly became stiff, his pupils contracted violently, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Instinctively, he took a step back, even breathing was a little short. The killing machine that bloomed from Tang Zixian was cold and piercing, and cold into the bone marrow, which made him uncomfortable.

"You, you know that?"

Tang Yaozhi knows Tang Zixian's style, and her utterance of all this can only show that she knows it well and has already understood it.

"I didn't want to leave the ten li bamboo forest, but I was afraid that I would threaten you in the national competition."

"As soon as the conspiracy in front fails, I'll immediately carry out the conspiracy here. Tang Yaozhi, you really know how to calculate more and more!"

Tang Zixian's smile was satirical. She knew everything. She said that intentionally before, just to see what medicine Tang Yaozhi sold in his gourd.

Now it seems that Tang Yaozhi is really shameless enough.

When he was imprisoned in the bamboo forest of Shili, Tang Yaozhi tried his best not to let himself go.

Because he is very clear that once he comes out to join the race, the threat to him will be huge.

Even the guards outside the ten li bamboo forest were sent by Tang Yaozhi.

The funniest thing is that he thought that he had made a perfect match and that he could not plot, so he came to show his plot.

Chu Yun sat aside and shook his head when he heard this saying: "Tut, it's shameless. Do you really feel happy even if you pick up the first place while your strong rivals are not around? After the end of the race, the people who should crush you, should they still crush you? "

"Shut up!"

Tang Yaozhi's face was white, which was the anger and shame after the plot was revealed.

"You know that I suffered from the backfire of the ghost, but in any case, you would not let others come to see me. Are you in my heart, wishing I would die? "

Tang Zixian's beautiful eyes looked at Tang Yaozhi, his cousin, mockingly.

Since childhood, although the relationship between Tang Zixian and Tang Yaozhi, Tang Yizhi's two brothers is not close, they are not alienated.

With the change of age, it is more and more intriguing.

In order to compete for cultivation resources, to attract the attention of elders, to show their talent, to stabilize others

It is the clan's sorrow that all kinds of things lead to the competition among peers getting worse and worse.

"I'll take part in this race."

Tang Zixian put down his teacup and said without expression: "before I didn't fight, I didn't want to make the relationship stiff, and I didn't want to fall into intrigue. Even so, you still fear me, fear me, and even calculate me! In that case, why don't I fight? I'll bring back all the things that belong to me! "

Her voice, determined, resounded in all directions.

Tang Yaozhi walked out of Zixian hall pale and out of his mind.

At last, he turned around and looked at the gate of Zixian hall with gnashing teeth. He said maliciously, "don't think I'm really afraid of you, Tang Zixian!"

"Are you really ready to fight?"

Chuyun laughs and takes the tea cup used by Tang Zixian and sips it.

The tea at the entrance is very sweet and refreshing.

"What a tea!"

Chu Yun's eyes brightened.

Tang Zixian looked at him in disgust and said: "of course I will fight! The first place in the family ratio is not only a reward, but also a multiple increase of points. Now I am behind in points. The cultivation resources distributed by my family can't catch up with my consumption at all. If I win the first place, the points will naturally increase. "

"It's stupid for your family to use points to measure the amount of cultivation resources."

Chu Yun is languidly basking in the sun: "if you are such a peerless person, you should provide unlimited cultivation resources, as much as you want. Just like Tang Yaozhi, by the way, and his brother Tang Yizhi, this kind of garbage, even if it consumes more resources, is mud that can't help the wall. "

"Don't look down on Tang Yaozhi. He is different from his brother Tang Yi. His combat power is in the younger generation, which is enough to rank in the top five."

Tang Zixian still attached great importance to Tang Yaozhi.

"Who is the first? You? "

Chu Yun asked with a smile.

"It's hard to say."

Tang Zixian frowned slightly and thought: "the invincible strength is also very strong, and I haven't dealt with him for many years. If it's right, I can't say it's steady! "

"Either first or second, that's enough. If you have a mind, you have to practice Haoran. It's a shame that you can't even beat Tang Yizhi! "

Chu Yun speaks ill of Tang Haoran.

"His spirit is not good at fighting."

Mention this, Tang Zixian also very helpless.

"Zixian, can I ask you something?"

When the topic of Chu Yun changed, his voice suddenly dropped and his eyes were full of hope.


Tang Zixian has an ominous premonition.

"If we meet in the race final, will you deliberately lose to me?"

Chu Yun's words are shameless. Thanks to Tang Zixian's tolerance, he almost choked.

The former Tang Yaozhi refused to participate in the competition, while the latter Chu Yun wanted to deliberately lose to him.

What a shame!


"If you can meet me in the final, it's OK to lose to you," Tang promised

In Tang Zixian's view, it is difficult to enter the final with Chu Yun's strength.

The reason why Tang Yaozhi is so confident is that he really has this strength. As long as he doesn't meet himself in advance, he should be able to enter the top four safely.

In addition, Tang Yaozhi and Tang Yizhi are the sons of Tang Zongheng, the third uncle.

Tang Zongheng was the chief executive of the clan comparison. Later, he was deprived of his qualification by the Tang emperor because he wanted to fight against Tang Zixian, and gave up to Tang Kewen, the elder of the Tang family.

But in fact, with the contacts and relations of Tang Dynasty, there are still a lot of discourse rights.

If he doesn't take part in it, the only real enemy of Tang Yaozhi is Tang poetry.

As long as he can show good performance, it's not a big problem to enter the final!

As for Chu Yun, he just entered the Xuanwu realm, and he barely stood on his feet.

Although for the sake of fairness, everyone will suppress the realm to Xuanwu, Chu Yun will suffer a lot.

Tang Zixian is not optimistic that Chu Yun will make it to the final.

"Well, that's what you said!"

Chu Yun's eyes brightened. In fact, this time he came to participate in the race contest, he went to the first place.

The Tang family is a place full of talents. It is difficult to win the first place in the race competition.

The more it is like this, the more it can arouse his interest!

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