Sky War Soul

Can Chapter 358 be further improved?

The process of refining the essence of the earth for thousands of years is very long and painful, just like a century ago.

"Wheeze! Wheezing! "

Chu Yun's gasping voice is thick. Every time he takes a deep breath, the spirit of the whole Zhan Xiu hall will turn into a whirlpool and flow towards his mouth and nose.

If there is an outsider present, I will be shocked to see this scene.

Chu Yun's breath resonated with the aura of the heaven and earth.

This is a very rare state in itself, which can only be triggered by those martial artists who are super savvy, have strong aura, and fit in with the heaven and earth.

In the state of resonance with heaven and earth, the cultivation speed will double and increase.

Chu Yun and Zhan Xiudian are like a match made by nature. With the strong effect of the earth's ten thousand year essence, he can't extricate himself from this state.

With more and more Reiki, Chu Yun even emerged a huge virtual shadow, which was completely composed of Reiki, and the appearance was exactly his own.


Chu Yun suddenly felt his throat itchy. After coughing for several times, he spit out a pool of thick blood.

The blood is dark brown, solidified on the ground like a puddle of mud, sending out a lot of stench.

He was a little surprised, but he didn't have time to feel it carefully. The Qi and blood in his body suddenly surged and surged, just like boiling water, gudu gudu, which is comparable to ocean roar.

If the sound of the sea tide rises and falls out of the body, Chu Yun's whole body will become more and more powerful. The spirit shadow will suddenly break into thousands of tiny spirit and drill into Chu Yun's pores.

In the blink of an eye, the aura is all injected into the pores.

Then the next second, Chu Yun's thousands of fine pores actually show a strange blood red color, like something to spray out.

"Poof! Puff! Puff! "

With a small sound, a stream of red blood spurted out of chuyun's pores, like countless small blood columns, out.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Yun became a blood man.

These spurts of blood, with the first spit out the same color is brown, exuding a light smell.

The moment of spraying out, it solidifies on the body, just like a thick shell, which makes chuyun uncomfortable.

He was shocked by the spirit of his whole body, and his robe, together with the clotted blood, collapsed into pieces.

After shattering his clothes and blood, Chu Yun suddenly became naked.

But he didn't mind. The war hall was completely closed, and he wasn't afraid of anyone coming in.

After stretching his body at will, he was ready to refine his aura.

"This is to expel miscellaneous blood from the body. What kind of shit have you got?"

Talinglue's surprised voice rang out, and then her hot figure appeared in the Zhan Xiu temple. Her beautiful eyes fixed on Chu Yun.

"Lying groove, you have been peeping!"

Chu Yun was surprised.

"I'm not interested in seeing you!"

Taling's words were full of contempt, and then she asked, "what on earth have you refined that can drain miscellaneous blood for you. With your strong physique, you can't do this without the best pills. "

She was obviously curious.

"This is the essence of the earth for thousands of years. When I was in Lingqiao ancient tree tribe, the elder Lingshu gave it to me."

Although Chu Yun is unarmed, he doesn't care.

In the most popular words, anyway, it's not you who suffer the loss. There's nothing to hide.

"I see."

Taling suddenly realized, then raised his hand a little, a seat out of the sky.

She leaned on the chair and said lightly: "the essence of the earth is a good thing. The most important thing is that it is especially suitable for you. I have seen that there are too many impurities in your body. I originally wanted to make a pill for you to remove the impurities in your body, but now it seems that it is unnecessary. "

"It's a mouth opener. There's everything."

Chu Yun snorted, obviously disbelieving: "if you really have such kindness, why didn't you tell me before?"

"I don't want to explain it to you."

Taling looked at Chu Yun with great interest, but couldn't help saying and teasing: "how can I feel unstable, and then refine!"

Chu Yun coughs twice and says in his heart: if you look around, if I am still at peace, then there is a real problem!

"Can you make pills?"

Chu Yun finally found the end.

"As long as you can think of something, I will do it all."

Taling's face flashed a proud look, and he said with no modesty: "among the masters I used to work with, there were alchemists, weapon refiners and secret tattoos. I learned something easily when I was idle and bored. If you want to talk about alchemy, you can't say how strong it is. At least it's better than the alchemist who is ninety-nine percent of the dry land. "

Her round and long white legs moved back and forth, and Chu's eyes were all in bloom.

Stupefied for a long time, Chu Yun just reacts.

"The stronger you are, the more impurities you accumulate. As you are a person who specializes in physique, impurities have already accumulated into mountains. Although they will not affect your cultivation in ordinary times, they will break out completely when you enter the magical realm and become the shackles of your promotion. "

Talingmei's eyes narrowed and said quietly: "the essence of the earth's ten thousand years spirit liquid can completely eliminate the impurities in your body, making you the most suitable thing for you at present. It's just the first step to get rid of miscellaneous blood. There are several processes behind it. "

"You refine slowly. I'll go first."

With that, the figure of taling disappeared suddenly.

Chu Yun carefully ponders the words of taling. It seems that the essence of the earth's ten thousand year spirit liquid is far beyond his expectation.

But what really surprised him was that Tallinn was so versatile.

Taking back his mind, Chu Yun continued to refine the remaining energy in his body.

The later process, on the contrary, is less painful, but still very uncomfortable.

It's like a thousand worms eating the heart. It's too itchy to bear.

The muscles, tendons and bones of the whole body seem to be wriggling, just like a small insect is drilling outward. If it wasn't for Chu Yun's amazing willpower, he would have started to grasp it long ago.

"Patience! Patience! "

Chu Yun told himself like this in his heart that it would be nice to wait for this time.

Finally, Chu Yun felt that his physical strength was significantly different from that of the past. His strength seemed to explode, and even his body was much lighter.

So far, the essence of the earth's ten thousand year spirit liquid has not been thoroughly refined, and there are still many pure spirit in the body.

With the disappearance of Reiki, Chu Yun's realm is rising rapidly.

He closed his eyes tightly and raised a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Xuanwu realm, double.

There is almost no suspense. Chu Yun's realm has been raised a lot, and the speed of promotion has not slowed down.

Suddenly, Chu Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and he was surprised to find that the Supreme Soul of war, who had not moved for a long time, began to be uneasy.

This is Signs of promotion!


The Supreme Soul of war suddenly appeared, standing behind the cloud of Chu, with a figure tall enough to stand on the top of the sky. In a pair of majestic eyes, the sun and the moon evolved and looked down upon all things.

His breath began to improve, and his figure became more real and specific.


Nine dark lights appear out of the sky, revolving around the body of the Supreme Soul of war, showing its present level.

Xuanlv Jiupin!

With the promotion of the Supreme Soul of war, Chu Yun felt that his overall promotion was not small.

After all, Wuhun is related to its own combat power. The higher the level of Wuhun, the greater the promotion of itself.

"It's all Xuan level nine. Can you impact Xuan level ten?"

Chu Yun suddenly thinks that since the internal medicine effect has not been fully refined, can we take this opportunity to rush the level of Wu soul to the Xuan level 10 at this moment?

When the Supreme Soul of War reached the Yellow level, he got the Dongtian Dao.

What would it be if it reached the level of Xuan ten?

The sword floating beside the God of war?

If it's the sword, then I can communicate the origin of sword meaning through totem origin and easily understand it.

Sword meaning and sword meaning, if you can have them all, let alone the middle region, and look at the whole Taiqian continent, are they unique?

It's so hot!

Thinking of this, Chu Yun's eyes flashed the hot flame, immediately gathered the spirit, and went to a higher realm.

It's not easy to forcibly attack the realm. Although there are still many pure auras left in Chu Yun's body that have not been refined, it's still unknown whether he can finally rush up the level of Wu soul in one breath.

Chu Yun tries hard to gather the spirit in his body and turn it into a surging wave, one wave higher than the other, which severely impacts the shackles of the realm.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! "

Chu Yun sat there cross legged, like a petrified statue. From time to time, there was a dull loud sound in his body, like a piece of magic iron being hammered and knocked.

The sound reverberated in the war hall. Chu Yun's strong body was shocked and split for dozens of times, leaving a bright red blood.

Some of the cuts, even more visible bone, very shocking.

This is the backfire caused by the forced impact on the realm.

That is to say, the spirit that has not been refined in the body is comparable to the volcano. Otherwise, with the shock method of chuyun, we would have been exhausted.

Outside the war repair hall, talingmei's eyes are fixed on Chu Yun, which are full of unspeakable shock.

In fact, she has not left, she was afraid that Chu Yun could not bear too much aura impact, ready to rescue at any time.

Although he didn't admit it, taling was very concerned about the safety of Chu Yun.

Who could have expected it, but saw it with his own eyes!

Wuhun, you can even improve your level!

Wuhun is a natural thing. Why can it improve its level with the improvement of its realm?

Even the well-known talin can't explain the phenomenon we see now.

She has seen the rise and fall of too many talents with countless amazing masters, but she has never seen such a spirit as Chu Yun can be upgraded.

This can't be explained by the word genius. It's just going against the sky!

Fortunately, taling lived for a long time. He saw too many ups and downs and changes of the wind and cloud. After taking a deep breath, he managed to suppress the shocking psychology.

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