Sky War Soul

373 disgrace, return it all to you

Tang Zixian has always been like this. Her words may not be many, but there is not a single empty word.

She said to kill you, kill you.

Even if we can't do it for the time being, we will work towards this goal in the future.

She has the spirit of heaven level seven, which is the top super soul of the whole Taiqian continent. Who dare to question her words? Who can question her words?

"How about breaking the rules? If you think I'm joking, you can try!"

Although Tang Zixian's face was expressionless, his whole body seemed to have overwhelmed everything, which made everyone in the whole hall tremble and dare not speak.

"If Tang Haoran is really defeated and dies on the stage, it's his own failure. What's the relationship with me? What does it have to do with Yi Zhi? "

Tang Yaozhi gnashes his teeth. He doesn't want to be counseled by Tang Zixian's momentum, so he refuses to let go.

"It's the clan Bi. It's his choice to join the clan Bi. I respect the clan and the rules, so I won't interfere in his fight."

Tang Zixian's beautiful eyes are still calm, and her tone of voice is more slowly.

There is no hysteria, no threat warning, because she has the momentum to suppress all people, and does not need to emphasize her emotions in this way.

"But, after all, he is my brother. If he dies, I will avenge him. It's very simple, and there's nothing difficult to understand. "

After Tang Zixian said this, she took back her beautiful eyes and focused on the battle dragon arena again.

The whole hall is still silent.

No one speaks, no one dares to speak, even the gasping voice is at the lowest level.

Tang Yaozhi's chest continued to rise and fall, like a blacksmith's bellows. He was obviously furious to the extreme, but he did not dare to vent.

Because Tang Zixian is so dazzling, any talent in front of her will become dim.

She doesn't need to prove her own capital at all. If only she is the super soul of the seven heaven level products, it will be enough to make the most dazzling genius in the central region withdraw.

Compared with Tang Zixian, those who are the most evil in Xuanwu and have the title of ten CHILDES really don't even count as farts.

That's the truth!

"Who said Haoran must have lost? You'll wait for a good play."

Chu Yun didn't worry about it at all. He looked at Zhan Long's platform with both hands on his back and a smile.

On the Dragon stage.

Tang Haoran, with his strong mental power, has been able to evade several attacks of Qing Yaohan's lightsaber, but he has also been delayed for a long time, and the distance between Tang and Yi is getting longer and longer.

The wound in the abdomen was bleeding. It was very big and terrible, but Tang Haoran didn't care.

While dodging, he also tried his best to get close to Tang Yi as much as possible.

As long as we can get close to Tang Yizhi, we will never lose if we fight close to him!

"It's so tenacious, but it's a pity that the gap between you and me is too big!"

Tang Yizhi saw Tang Haoran's fighting spirit was so tenacious, and his heart was somewhat weak. He took the initiative to open up a distance of nearly 100 meters from Tang Haoran, relying on the green Yaohan lightsaber to attack him constantly.

In this way, Tang Yizhi is in an invincible position.

On the other side, the compressed sword gas he gathered has been fully formed. Dozens of small swords send out a horrible atmosphere in the air, and the waves roll and flash with dazzling cold light.

A hundred meters apart, Tang Haoran is not good at speed. He can't cross this distance even if he works hard.

By the time of the battle, all the discerning had already seen that Tang Haoran had lost.

As long as the dozens of compressed swords in Tang Yi's hands are shot out, Tang Haoran has no capital for World War I at all.

Even if he dodges, his mental strength will be exhausted. The final winner can only be Tang Yizhi, who will not change.

"If you don't give up, you're going to die!"

Tang Yi's hands are thrown at the same time. Dozens of compressed swords are thrust towards Tang Haoran. They are dense in all directions. Even the void is shaking, and even heaven and earth are crumbling.

At the same time, the green Yaohan lightsaber burst out a bit of star light and rushed to Tang Yizhi's back with lightning speed.

Around the front and back, it's all attacks. You can't hide if you want to.

"It's over!"

Many people see this scene and feel cool.

Tang Haoran, really want to lose!

"Give up!"

Some people also think in their hearts that as long as Tang Haoran opens his mouth to admit defeat, Tang Kewen on the void will save his life.

Losing some dignity is nothing, as long as you can keep your life.

However, Tang Haoran is still full of fighting spirit. He doesn't want to admit defeat at all.

Even if the situation is very difficult, he would not give up.

Because until now, the plan has just begun!

"Get up!"

Tang Haoran cried out, and the fern in his palm, which had not responded at all, suddenly grew crazily. In a flash, a green light column rose from the Dragon stage. He saw that the fern grew crazily and coarsened, and it twined Tang Haoran's body cleverly.

A thick layer, like a tough armor.

In addition, the Chinese alpine rush is still in the void, forming a large net, which is thick and thick.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Countless compressed sword Qi stabs on the big net composed of the Chinese alpine rush, and easily pierces the net.

However, after piercing one layer, there will soon be another top. Tang Haoran has never used Reiki before, so his body's Reiki reserve is still sufficient.

"What is he doing?"

Countless spectators were shocked to see this scene.

"It's useless to linger!"

Tang Yizhi said with a wild laugh: "your Lemongrass is too weak. If you want to block my compressed sword Qi, you have to give multiple auras. How long can you last? "

Under the stabbing of compressed sword Qi, the big net composed of Gracilaria is constantly torn up, but it is constantly reorganized, which is like a process.

At first, those compressed sword Qi were all forward and sharp, but as more and more vines were blocked, the spirit Qi was gradually consumed and finally disappeared.

As for the sword stabbed from behind, Tang Haoran dodged it again.

Although he consumed a lot of aura, he achieved the initial goal!

Now that you've stopped your attack, it's my turn!

The Chinese alpine rush changed again, forming two huge and hard wooden pillars behind Tang Haoran, which were connected by a tough vine.

Then, Tang Haoran made an amazing move for the audience - he stood between two wooden pillars, holding the tough vines with his hands, like a catapult, and kept retreating.

The more you step back, the more you pull!

The tighter the vines fall!

The two wooden pillars were pulled by the vines and bent a little, and the force reached a horrible level at one time.


Chu Yun's eyes flashed a fine light.

This is the special skill he taught Tang Haoran.

Whether it can be done or not depends on the moment!

"That's how I fight back!"

Tang Haoran flashed a sneer at the corner of his mouth and suddenly released the vine in his hand.


With a muffled sound, Tang Haoran's body was like a bow and arrow drawn to the full moon. He shot hard at Tang Yi.

He took himself directly as the stone in the catapult!

The speed is too fast to see with the naked eye.

If before, some people wondered how Tang Haoran should cross the hundred meter distance.

Now, that's the answer!


One of Tang Yi's faces was frightened. He never thought that Tang Haoran could make such an incredible move.

How could he think of such a way?

Seeing Tang Haoran running towards him, Tang Yizhi was completely flustered. When he was gathering the previous compressed sword Qi, he was not prepared to go back at all.

Because he thought that with those compressed sword Qi, he could defeat Tang Haoran completely.

Just didn't think that Tang Haoran used such a strange way to rush towards himself, so that he didn't even have time to prepare again!


Tang Yizhi only felt the blackness in front of him, and he was hit by Tang Haoran.

It's like being hit by a sledgehammer. He spewed out a mouthful of blood and fell out.

Tang Haoran suddenly spread out his own baleen, his eyes were full of pure light, he punched it with a fist, and roared: "all the humiliation you have given me over the years, I will give it back to you today!"

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