Sky War Soul

Chapter 393 waste reuse


The whole dead spring waterfall is directly blown to pieces, setting off huge waves.

Countless ghosts send out bleak cries, and the figure is melting rapidly.

Chu Yun's eyes are cold as frost, and he rushes toward Tang Yaozhi at a constant speed.

There are few good pieces of meat left in his whole right arm. Half of his white skeleton is exposed, which can be seen clearly by the naked eye and can't be said to be shocking.

The power of his fist can't even bear the dead spring waterfall.

Of course, Chu Yun is not without any damage. His half arm was corroded by Sheng Sheng, and he almost fainted from the pain.

Even Chu Yun's body and soul have been eroded half of his arms. If you change it into other martial artists, even the top ten martial artists of Xuanwu, they will directly turn into blood!

Seeing the dead spring waterfall exploding, everyone was stunned.

Including Tang Tan Feng, Tang Zixian and Tang poetry.

And Chu Yun just seized this fleeting opportunity and rushed to Tang Yi.

Not far away, the water moon sword in the void seems to be summoned. At the same time, it turns around and splits towards Tang Yaozhi's back.

"How can you break my dead spring This is not true... "

Tang Yaozhi seemed to be scared and foolish. He stepped back a few steps in a row. He didn't even want to resist.

"What are you doing? Let's go!"

When Tang Zongheng saw this scene, he could not help roaring.

He clenched his tight fists and his pupils contracted violently.

Tang Haoran killed Tang Yizhi in front of him.

The loss of a son has hurt Tang zongzong's heart. Unexpectedly, his other son is in danger.

After all, Tang Yaozhi is a strong man who has experienced hundreds of battles. Although he was frightened, he quickly reacted and woke up like a dream.

He took a deep breath, picked up the steel arrow and feather fan in his hand, split a sharp wave horizontally, and chopped at Chu Yun's arm.

Waiting to die?

No way!

"The great seal of Tantrism - the annihilation seal!"

Chu Yun's hands are sealed. Although his right arm has turned into a white bone, it doesn't affect his seal, although it looks strange.


The pure black fingerprint with strong breath rushed to Tang Yaozhi, just like the huge mouth of the blood basin suddenly opened by the beast, to swallow the whole Tang Yaozhi.

"Damn, how can you have such a deep reserve of Aura!"

Tang Yaozhi is also a young master of the Tang family. He naturally knows the strength of the secret clan's big handprint.

Seeing Chu Yun's annihilation, he couldn't bear to resist any more. He hurriedly dodged to avoid it.


At this time, Shuiyue sword and Dongtian sword arrived at the same time, interweaving a gorgeous sword in the air.

The ferocity of the sword and the nimbleness of the sword were all promoted to the extreme in this moment.

This is what Chu Yun cultivates, Dayan sword skill!

Tang Yaozhi was startled and turned back to block them. All the steel arrows and feather fans were closed. He hit the sword net like a short stick and wanted to smash them directly.

However, Tang Yaozhi ignored the power of Dayan sword.

Da Yan swordplay has seven styles, each of which embodies the essence of the sword of the world.

Because of the short time, Chu Yun didn't learn any of them. He could only use some basic sword skills to fight the enemy.

Even these basic Sabre techniques are no less than the so-called holy martial arts.


As soon as Tang Yaozhi's steel bone arrow and feather fan was rammed into it, he felt that his wrist was numb and the fan was knocked away.

Seeing that the lightsaber net was going to cover himself, Tang Yaozhi cried out in horror, "you three, help me, help me!"

The three men had already responded by using all kinds of martial arts to fight Chu Yun's back, but they couldn't do it at all.


Tang Zongheng can't see any more. He can't help his anger and rushes to Zhan Longtai.

No matter what rules, he has already died a son. Tang Yaozhi can never die again!

Tang Huang frowned and glared at Tang Zongheng. He saw that Tang Zongheng trembled as if he had been hit hard, and his blood gushed out.

"Father, please help Yao! He is your grandson and also the pride of our Tang clan! "

Tang Zongheng cried loudly and knelt in front of the emperor.

However, the emperor of Tang didn't say anything about it, but said calmly, "rules are rules. Even an outsider obeys them. Can we still violate them?"

Tang Zong smelled the words, only felt the sky turning, poof spit out a mouthful of blood again, and passed out in a coma.

A long, old man with eyes, hands, and hands was fast. He flew over and caught Tang Zongheng.

"Take it down, shut it up."

The emperor waved impatiently.

His heart, some confusion.

Chu Yun has subverted his cognition again and again, which has changed his ideas many times in a row.

If, just say if, Chu cloud can kill from the hell, then no matter what price he pays, he must also pull him over.

Whether Tang Zixian or Tang poetry, he can marry whoever he likes.

In any case, such a talented Tang family can't let go.


The sword flashed and broke one of Tang Yao's arms.

The sword light passed by and cut off one of Tang Yao's thighs.

Tang Yaozhi roared wildly, just like a trapped animal in a cage. No matter how hard he tried, he could not escape from the cage.


At this time, the obliteration printed by Chu Yun suddenly exploded, and the space suddenly collapsed, revealing large cracks. Tang Yaozhi did not even hide, but was directly sucked in.

"Click! Click! "

The breath released by the annihilation is strangling Tang Yaozhi's body.

He collapsed in many parts of his body and broke his pulled tendon.

"Ah ah ah!"

Tang Yaozhi screams painfully. He doesn't want to die, but he can only watch his body broken.

The pupils of the three people contract violently. They all know how to judge the situation. They know that Tang Yaozhi is over!

He can't be saved unless someone intervenes.

Otherwise, what awaits Tang Yaozhi is the result of being completely hanged and crushed!

Chu Yun was so ruthless and decisive that he seized the chance at the critical moment that he could not even help others.

The audience of more than 100000 did not blink at this scene, watching Tang Yaozhi's body gradually pulled and squeezed, the whole person almost changed shape.

"I never thought that young master Yao, who is high above, would..."

Yu Ao's hands were shaking, and he could not speak.

"Would he die in front of us, or be killed by people we know, right?"

Xue Xinyuan gulped down a mouthful of saliva.

They are the bottom of the Tang family. They always regard the young masters and the young ladies as gods. After all, the concept of blood superiority and inferiority is deeply imprinted in their memory, which can never be erased.

These days, the ethnic rivalry has completely subverted their ideas.

In fact, those young masters and young ladies are not so invincible. As long as they have enough strength, you can also kill them.

In this world, blood is not absolute.

Real absolute, or strength!

Countless elders gasped and looked at each other.

"This boy, more than I expected."

"He is too stubborn to fight."

"I don't know how long I haven't seen this tenacity in young people."

Although the elders didn't want to see Tang Yaozhi's defeat, they also felt Chu Yun's strength from the heart.

"Ah ah ah, I don't want to die!"

Tang Yaozhi was squeezed by Juli. His eyes almost burst out. He knew that he had finished this time.

No one can save themselves!

I don't want to die, but I don't have any chance.

He suddenly regretted why he had to provoke Chu Yun.

If you don't provoke Chu Yun, you may still be the master of the Tang family who has not enjoyed all the splendor and wealth, or the famous and high-ranking young master!


A figure rushes forward, grabs Tang Yaozhi's head and pulls him out of the chaos of space.

One second to go!

Within a second, Tang Yaozhi's body will be completely engulfed by the space turbulence formed by the annihilation.

At that time, even the gods could not save him!

The figure grabbed Tang Yaozhi's head and quickly flew to the other side of the Dragon stage.


Everyone's eyes were wide open, and some didn't expect such a scene.

Chu Yun, he saved Tang Yaozhi!

Today's Tang Yaozhi has been bruised and dying.

With one leg and one arm broken, he has been tortured by the turbulence of space for a long time.

The body collapses in many places, the head is half shriveled, the chest is almost penetrated, the whole body is covered with small wounds, and the whole person becomes a bloody man.

His eyes moved hard and he turned to look at Chu Yun. His voice was hoarse and he said, "Chu Yun, thank you for saving me. I don't want to die. I'm wrong. I shouldn't provoke you. I I swear I will repay you! "

The emperor of Tang Dynasty was surprised to see this. It seems that although Chu Yun was arrogant, he still knew how to judge the situation.

He should also know that he can't do too much.

Although the Tang Emperor didn't care much about the death of one or two grandchildren, there were so many more than the death and injury of this clan, which in any way weakened the strength of the Tang clan.

Good competition is good, but not too much.

After hearing Tang Yaozhi's words, Chu Yun smiled at the corner of his mouth and said with some teasing: "I said that young master Yao, do you have a bad head? You said that you would not stop killing me. Why do you beg for mercy now? "

Tang Yaozhi quickly hissed: "before, it was my fault. Now you have saved me, I will never retaliate for you again!"

"Wrong, who said I was saving you!"

Chuyun's smile gradually became cold. He offered a cauldron stove with endless magic gas from the space ring on his back hand. His voice was low: "I just want to waste it for the last time!"

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