Sky War Soul

Chapter 40 five hundred year elixir

"Wu Ziming is going to use all his strength..."

Chen Hui stands aside and mumbles to himself.

"Younger martial brother Chen, who do you like best?"

Tang Haoran, with a smile on his lips, seemed not worried about Chu Yun at all.

"Younger martial brother Chu Yun has such outstanding combat power. I think Wu Hun can definitely improve his strength. Although I don't know what his Wu Hun is, I don't think the gap in realm can be easily erased. So I'm optimistic that martial brother will win. "

Chen Hui hesitated for a moment, but he was more optimistic about Wu Ziming.

No matter from any aspect, wuziming has an absolute advantage.

He has no reason to lose!

As for Chu Yun, even if he is a mysterious soul, he can't ignore such a big gap!

"On the contrary, I prefer chuyun."

Tang Haoran smiled.

With Wu Ziming's release of Lingyin fox Wu soul, Chu Yun's expression is also dignified. Wu Ziming is not easy to deal with!

He is much better than Su Ying.

"Linghu kill!"

Wu Ziming raised his hands abruptly, and his ten fingers produced sharp nails. He landed on four feet and rushed to Chu Yun with a low roar.

Chu Yun's pace is slow and slow, his eyes are fixed on Wu Ziming, looking for his flaws carefully.

His rich combat experience tells him that before the enemy shows his flaws, remember not to rush!

Otherwise, it is likely to hit the other side.

Wu Ziming's figure is approaching rapidly, and when there is less than five meters left, Chu Yun's eyes move, and his backhand is a fist.


Wu Ziming's speed increased rapidly, and his figure flickered in the air in an incredible continuous way, making four changes of direction in a short breath.


Wu Ziming grabs it with both hands and prints ten bloodstains on Chu Yun's chest.

Chu Yun sneers, twists one elbow and bumps into Wu Zi's mingmian door.

That fist just now was a feint attack. He knew that Wu Ziming had follow-up means. So Chu Yun showed the enemy that he was weak and lured him. When the time was right, he would kill again!

Wu Ziming was dazed by this elbow bump. He roared angrily. Although he could not see, he still grabbed dozens of bloodstains on Chu Yun by instinct.


Chuyun's bones were ringing. His fists were like cannonballs, popping up heavily and hitting wuziming continuously.

"Boom boom boom!"

Chu Yun's fists are like raindrops, dazzling. Under this series of attacks, Wu Ziming can't even fight back, so he can only barely reach out to block the key parts and be beaten passively.


Chen Hui is totally blind. He has nothing to do with rank or realm. It's all about fighting experience!

In front of Chu Yun, Wu Ziming's rich combat experience is not useful at all.

No matter how he changes his moves, Chu Yun seems to be able to see ahead of time and make a quick response.


Wu Ziming was hit by a fist, and his body hit the rock wall. He opened his mouth and vomited blood.

This is the end of the fight.

Although Wu Ziming hasn't shown the real card, Chu Yun hasn't released Wu soul either.

, "brother Wu, I'm not qualified enough to join purple fairy League, you can't has the final say."

Chuyun smiled.

"I I haven't lost! "

Wu Ziming gnashed his teeth and stood up hard against the wall.

"OK, martial brother, that's it."

Tang Haoran waved and came out to fight.

At this time, as long as you are an eye opener, you can see that Wu Ziming has been defeated.

Wu Ziming's whole body trembled with Qi, but in the face of Tang Haoran, he dared not talk much nonsense, and only lowered his head with resentment.

Chu Yun looked down at his bloodshot chest and said with a smile: "martial brother, you are really cruel to me, but I still let you intentionally. Next time, I won't be merciful! "


Hearing Chu Yun's words, Wu Ziming is angry and angry, dizzy, and can't help but spit out a mouthful of blood again.

"OK, junior brother chuyun, don't say anything more. Our purpose this time is to go into the black crow Canyon to collect herbs. What's the gas? We'll scatter it to the monsters! "

Tang Haoran's last words are for Wu Ziming.

Wu Ziming silently felt the healing pill and took it on his head.

"Ha ha, if you don't fight, you won't know each other. You will know each other in the future."

Chen Hui hurriedly stands out and enlivens the atmosphere.

The four did not make a detour. They went straight in from the front of the canyon.

Just step into the canyon, you can smell the seemingly bloody air.

On both sides of the road, there are many corpses. These are disciples of several nearby clans who came in and died.

Their flesh and blood were all swallowed by the black crow, leaving only a skeleton.

Along the way, there are many delicate flowers and plants growing, sending out a light fragrance.

Tang Haoran and Chu Yun are at the front, talking and laughing.

Suddenly, Tang Haoran put his hand around Chu Yun's shoulder and whispered, "brother Chu Yun, good fight. That wuziming has been threatening to pursue my elder sister, which annoys her to death, and I have long seen him unhappy! "

Chu Yun suddenly had some problems.

It seems that even within Zixian League, not everyone has the same good relationship.

"But I wonder, brother chuyun, what is your martial spirit? I listen to my sister, it's yellow grade, but I always feel that you are not so simple! "

After being familiar with Tang Haoran, his phthisic character was exposed.

"It's really a yellow nine."

Chu Yun is helpless.

"By the way, elder martial brother Tang..."

"Don't call me elder martial brother Tang. I'm not much older than you. I am only twenty-two this year. Since you are likely to catch up with my sister in the future, as my brother-in-law, let's not call it anything else. Call me Haoran. "

Tang Haoran is careless, with a "we are all family" look.

Chu Yun is full of black lines. Although he does amaze Tang Zixian's appearance and has some ideas in his heart, how can Tang Haoran say that he is not red faced and does not jump?

"Haoran, how are these miraculous medicines divided?"

Chu Yun's eyes swept around, shifting the topic.

"Do you see the flowers on the side of the road? These are the lowest level of panacea. They are too short-lived to work for us. What we want to collect must be at least one hundred years old! "

Tang Haoran patiently explained to Chu Yun: "this year, I heard that there are several five hundred year old miraculous medicines in the black crow canyon. Who is not jealous? Not only our tiandaozong, but also aoyunzong, who is far away from here, has many core disciples

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