Sky War Soul

Chapter 429 youth in royal guards


Chu Yun is stunned. His brain doesn't respond to what this kid is talking about.

Give him a push and take his place?

Chu Yun thought hard and couldn't remember.

The young man in front of me looks 15 or 16 years old. His face is white and tender. He is as lovely as a powder carving and jade carving. But now his eyes are angry and angry, like a little angry baby.


Wang Chengying couldn't help laughing. Looking at Chu Yun, he couldn't close his mouth and said, "you kid, you even bully children. Now people come to see you. What can you do?"

Chu Yun was embarrassed and scratched his head. "Little brother, do you remember the wrong person? I don't recognize you."

"You and he are the little brother. That's what you did. I can't admit my mistake!"

The young man in the royal guards roared and then, regardless of the number of thirty-seven or twenty-one, punched fiercely.

His fist, driving the shadow of the golden dragon, blows out, and the spirit in the sky explodes, just like a tall mountain, which makes people feel irresistible.

Chu Yun's smile suddenly disappeared. The young man in Royal dress looks young, but he has a strong fighting power, even better than Tang Zixian.

There was a sense of danger in his heart. Chu Yun dared not be slighted. He took a step back and rushed out.

"Heaven breaking and nature making fist!"

Chu Yun didn't flinch, let alone be soft. Instead, he punched hard and gave his own answer.

No matter how strong you are, I am not afraid of you.

Close fight, I Chu Yun never afraid of anyone.


Jin Long's virtual shadow collides with Chu Yun's savage breath, and the two cancel each other. Finally, it turns into a blast, which will pop their bodies away.

The explosion overflowed the shockwave and rushed Wang Chengying back dozens of steps. He could not help complaining: "when you two fight, can you take care of other people's feelings? My hair is blown out of order. Can't you see it! "

"A little bit of strength, no wonder I dare to grab my position."

Young royal guards look at Chu Yun's eyes with less contempt and more surprise.

In the Tang Dynasty, there are only a few people who can block their fists.

Where on earth did this boy come from? He was so fierce.

"Little brother, if you say I'm handsome, I'll just recognize it by pinching my nose, but you can't buckle all the shit pots on my head!"

Chuyun's face is solemn, in fact, he really can't remember.

On that day, because of the super large quota competition of wunianzong, Chu Yun was in a hurry. When he left the Tang Dynasty and lined up to enter the transmission gate, he really pushed the young man in royal guards and took his position.

But these Chu clouds can't remember for a long time. He thought they were mistaken.

"What a cheeky thing to do, isn't it?"

The youth in royal guards sneered and hit back again.

Golden Dragon shadow hovers on the arm, which stirs the air and tears the sky.

Although Chu Yun is frivolous, he dare not look down upon the young man in his heart.

The identity of the young royal guards must be extraordinary. The eight realms of Xuanwu alone are enough to be superior to their peers, not to mention the horrible combat power.

Even Tang Zixian may not be his opponent.

However, Chu Yun is also wronged. You can't wronged people because of your dignity.

I'm a good young man who never cut in line. I used to give up my seat to the old people on earth. You wronged me for grabbing your place, which is a matter of principle.

There is no question of principle that can be conceded.

So the way chuyun responds is simpler: "the devil Buddha fights the body!"

The battle body of the evil Buddha appears, and the black air permeates the world. The evil atmosphere makes people uncomfortable.

The Buddha behind is smiling, but it's weird. It's not solemn, but it's more evil.

"You are A Buddhist monk

After seeing Chu Yun's magic and Buddha battle, the young royal guards were shocked, but their fists were still strong.

"Poof! Puff! "

Their fists collided again. They were numb by each other's awesome power, and their mouths were bleeding.

"This kid is really terrible. Since I was practicing the devil Buddha war, I've been invincible in Xuanwu. I didn't expect that this kid didn't match me!"

Chu Yun was shocked and kept thinking.

The identity of the youth in royal guards is absolutely extraordinary.

Nine out of ten, it's one of those Tianjiao who didn't come to participate in the ethnic comparison.

On the other side, the young royal guards were also surprised: "I worked hard to get even with this guy with the blessing of Wu soul. When did such a terrible genius appear in Tang Dynasty? "

Two times of fighting, each other has tried to find out the depth, so neither of them dare to rush out.

Both of them are looking at each other with solemn eyes and estimating the real strength of each other.

They came to a conclusion at the same time.

The other side is very strong!

"Are you the one who awakens the spirit of heaven level seven level martial arts?"

The young royal guards took the lead.

Chu Yun shook his head and said, "that's not me. That's my father."

"Your father..."

Young royal guards are stupid.

"If you want to fight, I will fight with you happily, but not here. Let's go up."

Two times of fighting, Chu Yun was inspired heart blood, eyes are full of fighting spirit.

He pointed to the sky and motioned not to fight in the city of Chu.


The young royal guards roared and rushed to the sky.

Chu Yun was not willing to fall behind. He used the method of plundering the sky and turned it into a giant ROC soaring up to 90000 Li. Later, he lived there.

"Do you understand the strong body method from Kunpeng?"

Seeing this scene, the young royal guards couldn't help being surprised.

Chu Yun's twinkling track and the range of waving his arms are like Kunpeng, which is famous for its speed.

"This is not just a body method, but a combination of 36 body methods. Have you ever heard of the secret pattern of thirty-six beasts plundering the sky? "

Chuyun's smile is on his lips, and his speed is far ahead of the Royal youth.

"Thirty six animals plunder the sky, the secret pattern?"

The young man in Royal Guards was shocked and cried: "it's impossible. No one in the world can depict this secret pattern unless Except for you Yingshan! "

Youying mountain, it's Youying mountain again!

Chu Yun frowned and was about to ask the truth. The youth in royal guards could not wait to rush up.

"My body method is not weak, and I will never lose to you!"

Chu Yun is so busy and concentrated that he dare not relax at all in such a battle.


The two figures collided violently, causing the sky to shake and the void to crack.

"Ha ha ha ha, have a good time!"

The two split in the first battle, but soon met again.

In the main city, Zixian palace.

Tang Zixian looked up at the scene and murmured to himself, "Chu Yun, the trouble maker, how could he even provoke..."

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