Sky War Soul

Chapter 456, grade 10, passed

The birthday party lasted for a long time, and there were always maids bringing delicacies.

These dishes are all made by famous cooks in Zhongyu. The raw materials used are very luxurious. All kinds of miraculous medicines are mixed in them, making people feel pure and spirited after eating.

During the dinner, some strong people left one after another. Their time was very precious and they were unwilling to waste it.

Of course, it's also because they don't know the real identity of Wang zhanting.

At their level, they can't touch the level of Emperor Yu.

For half a day, the dinner was finally over.

Many of the guests said goodbye, but there were still many Tianjiao under the magical realm.

Previously, Wang Zhuo said that a small test should be held after the birthday party. Anyone who performs well in the test can be rewarded by Youying mountain.

These Tianjiao feel very interesting. Anyway, they have nothing to do. Why don't they just stay and play.

If we can get on with Youying mountain, we will have a good trip.

When Wang Zhuo returned to the banquet, a crystal ball with countless facets was floating in the palm of his hand, shining a light white light.

"Since you have left it, you have given me the face of Youying mountain. Whether it is tested to be successful or not, there are gifts."

Wang Zhuo's words are very impressive. After all, he is the leader of Youying mountain. From the perspective of level, he is even with the four emperors.

A lot of Tianjiao left behind all smiled: "what kind of test is it, Lord Wang, we are all worried about your appetite."

"Why hasn't Chu Yun come back?"

Tang Zixian looks around, but he doesn't find the trace of Chu cloud. He is puzzled.

Wang Zhuo has come back, but there is no trace of Chu Yun. What happened?

"Don't think about it, elder sister. Chu Yungang has just signed up. He must set aside a lot of time for him to reminisce about the past. How old is it, and you're worried about it? "

Tang Haoran turned his back. As his relationship with Chu Yun became more and more iron, Tang Haoran did not spare any effort to match his sister Tang Zixian with Chu Yun.

"Are you itching?"

Tang Zixian's face is cold.

Tang Haoran immediately covered his mouth and stopped talking.

"The content of the test is very simple. You step up one by one and put your hands on the crystal ball. It's enough to simply activate the internal aura."

Wang Zhuo raised his hand and threw it. The crystal ball immediately floated forward and fell in front of Tianjiao.

"This crystal ball can test your talent. The talent is divided into ten grades."

"Test our talent? What standard is it tested by? Isn't the talent strength differentiated by the spirit of martial arts? "

Doubts were raised.

"This is a self-made thing of Youying mountain. We have our own set of rules for the division of talent levels, which cannot be disclosed."

Wang Zhuo's expression was indifferent. Then he shouldered his hands and glanced at Tianjiao. He raised his eyebrows and said, "who will come first?"

"Interesting, let me first!"

A super large core disciple came out, took a deep breath, put his hand on the crystal ball, and poured his spirit.


The crystal ball suddenly brightened, and the five dragon like white light spiraled to the sky.

"Fifth class talent, already very good."

Wang Zhuo nodded, then waved his hand, and the maid behind immediately put on a three thousand year old medicine with a smile on her face.

"Didn't meet the requirements? What a pity! "

The core disciple can take it up and put it down. He doesn't get tangled up. He laughs and takes the elixir for three thousand years and turns away.

Another Tianjiao goes up and urges the crystal ball.

Six white lights rose in the sky, whistling and piercing.

"Sixth class talent."

Wang Zhuo spoke lightly, but his expression still remained unchanged.


That day arrogance was a little discouraged, finally had to shake his head, retreated.

"I'll try!"

Yujing's eyes were shining brilliantly, which was definitely the time to shine.

I have the spirit of heaven level four or five. How can I be poor in talent?

Seeing that Yujing decided to take action, some Tianjiao also concentrated and closed their minds to see how many talents he could inspire.

Yujing is the top three Tianjiao of the Yu family. His move is also a benchmark for many people.

Some of the self confessed strength is almost the same as that of him. They are all silently watching Yu Jing. As long as the test results come out, their own will be very poor.

Yu Jing walked up to Wang Zhuo and said: "Lord Wang, if my talent is more than ten, will this crystal ball blow up?"

"You can try."

Wang Zhuo's face was expressionless. In fact, he looked at Yu Jing like a fool.

Yu Jing smiled and covered it with his hands. He was very confident and urged the crystal ball.

Brilliant work.

It's more dazzling than both of them just now.

"What kind of talent is it? It's really curious!"

"Shouldn't it be too bad?"

Many Tianjiao are staring at this scene, the expression is full of expectation.


I saw eight white lights rising in the sky, and they fit together in the air, almost illuminating the whole void.

"Wait for eight..."

Yu Jing looked up and saw that he was not satisfied. He thought his talent could reach the tenth grade.

But is that too much?

If you can't even get the eighth grade talent, it's a little too harsh.

Wang Zhuo shook his head and motioned for the maid to give her present.

Yu Jing looked at the three thousand year old elixir delivered by the maid, and his face turned green: "Master Wang, eight talents, are not qualified?"

Wang Zhuo's eyes narrowed, and he said one word at a time: "the eighth class is far away, only the tenth class is barely passing."


Many Tianjiao were shocked by this.

Yujing tested the eighth class talent, which in fact met most people's expectations, and the eighth class talent is indeed one of the best.

I just didn't expect that Wang Zhuo's requirements were so strict. Only with ten talents can he pass the test, and he was still reluctant.

Even Yu Jing is only eighth class. How could he have tenth class talent!

Yu Jing's expression changed. He growled angrily, "Lord Wang, I'm not rude, but I dare to say that if we still follow this standard, there will never be ten talented people in the whole central region!"

"Not necessarily."

Wang Zhuo didn't bother to talk with Yu Jing. His eyes swept across the field: "who else?"


Tang Wudi is eager to come out and put his hand on it.

There are nine lights in the sky.

"Hiss, ninth class talent!"

Countless Tianjiao gasped. They all heard of Tang Wudi's name, but they didn't expect that he could urge ninth class talents.

Yujing's face was a little ugly, but he kept comforting himself in his heart. Tang Wudi was the strongest among the younger generation of Tang family. It was normal that he had the variant spirit of heaven level and six levels, and could test out the Ninth level talent.

He is stronger than himself, and he doesn't need to be compared with such a man with bad fortune.

Moreover, I'm afraid that the whole Tang family is such a ninth class talent.

It doesn't matter. He's just an exception.

"I will."

Tang Zixian stepped forward and put his hands on it.

Brilliant work.

Nine white lights rose to the sky.

Yu Jing's expression was like eating shit.

"I'll try, too."

Tang Haoran laughed and then put his hands on it.

The same brilliant work.

Nine white lights roared up and rushed to the sky.

Yujing's face was black, which was worse than a few Jin of excrement.

If it's just Tang Wudi, it's just one person. I didn't expect that even three people are ninth class talents, so I compared myself severely.

That feeling is really worse than eating shit.

"My God, there are three in a row!"

"The Tang clan has three ninth class talents!"

"Tang Zixian, I know. Isn't Tang Haoran a famous ghost?"

"Bullshit, people have awakened to the lemongrass. Now it's the powerful spirit of the seven heaven level products!"

Many Tianjiao were shocked and looked at each other. They all felt that there were too many powerful people among the young generation of Tang family.

Not to mention, Chu Yun is a member of the Tang clan.

"Alas, I thought I could pass."

Tang Haoran sighed, and when he passed Yu Jing, he murmured, "it's such a shame to be a genius of the ninth grade."

He didn't mean to, but he fell in Yujing's ear, which was no different from face-to-face fighting.

"Tang Haoran, you..."

Yu Jing was so angry that he felt his lungs were about to explode.

Tang Haoran's face was inexplicable. He couldn't understand why Yu Jing was so excited.

Wang Zhuo shook his head and sighed.

Ninth grade talent can barely get the qualification to enter the temple of heaven, but it is far from enough.

Wang Chengying is a ten grade talent. Is it different or is he defeated in the hall of heaven?

There must be ten talents to open the temple of heaven.

With countless Tianjiao on the field coming up to test, there is no ninth class talent, the strongest is only eighth class talent.

Yu Jing took a deep breath and said sarcastically, "Master Wang, I'm right. Your standard is just arbitrary. No one in the Middle Kingdom can reach the 10th grade talent!"

Yu Jing, who has just been hit hard by three members of the Tang family, now needs to find a little face, so that's why he said so.

Wang Zhuo glanced at him coldly, not even interested in answering.

What a shortsighted thing.

"Let me try."

A quiet voice sounded from a distance, only to see Chu Yun coming from a number of halls in the distance, came to the crystal ball expressionless, put the palm up.

"Tut Tut, I advise you not to insult yourself!"

Yu Jing is sneering. He thinks that Chu Yun's death is the seventh grade talent, which is not worth mentioning at all.

Chu Yun did not pay attention to Yu Jing. Instead, he calmed down and put in the spirit slowly. He was neither anxious nor slow.

Wang Zhuo's eyes were fixed on the crystal ball. He was eager to know whether Chu Yun was qualified to enter the hall.

After all, he is Sidi's son. Anyway, he will not be worse, will he?

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: I will stay up late to write a chapter, asking for flowers!

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