Sky War Soul

Chapter 460 the weakness of three elements

Chu Yun was attacked from behind for a while. He had to burst out and drink. His whole body burst out again. He twisted his body, and his hands came out to control the crane and catch the dragon.

The flame dragon was chuyun's neck, and the hot waves came, which made people feel like being melted.

His hands are covered with a layer of strong aura. If not for aura protection, even Chu Yun's body can't help burning the fire.

"Ouch, ouch!"

The flame dragon was suddenly restricted. It flew up and down crazily. Its huge body circled in the air, shaking its head vigorously, as if it wanted to get rid of Chu Yun.

"Stop it for me!"

Chu Yun's pupils flash with cold light. He drinks a low voice in his mouth. His hands are pulled and led in the direction of the flame dragon's struggle, and all his strength is removed.


The spirit of Tian Yuan is a little surprised. I didn't expect that Chu Yun would use such strange means to crack his moves.

"Go to me!"

Chu Yun throws the flame dragon in the air, grabs the tail with quick eyes and quick hands, shows a cold light at the corner of his mouth, regards the flame dragon as a weapon, and swings it towards the spirit of Di yuan not far away.

The sky roared and the flames were surging. The flame dragon smashed into the spirit of the earth yuan and flew his body up to a kilometer away directly.

Chu Yun looked down at his burnt hands and frowned.

The spirit of Tian Yuan is so strong in any move. It seems that this battle is really going to kill all of us.

When Chu Yun was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a dull thunder sound.

At the foot of the spirit of human yuan, there is a very strange step. It moves around in the sky, creating a series of illusions behind it.

His figure is in front, the storm and thunder are behind, and the horrible body method easily surpasses the sound speed.

The spirit of the Yuan Dynasty raised his hand with a fist, which was very ordinary.

His body is not strong, but after the extreme speed of the addition, the power of this fist shakes the sky, enough to collapse a mountain.

Chu Yun's eyes can't keep up with the speed of Yuanzhi spirit. He simply closes his eyes and uses his mental power to sense his movements.

"This way!"

Chu Yun suddenly opened his eyes, did not hide or avoid, the same fist up.

It seems that this is supposed to be a shocking collision, but it is not.

Before each other's attack, the two men made several movements in succession, flashing rapidly in the air, with various illusions interlaced. While avoiding each other's attack, they also tried to attack each other.

Finally, the body method of the spirit of human yuan is better. He feigns and flashes to the back of Chu cloud. With a backhand, he cuts at the back of Chu cloud's neck.

Chu Yun was in pain, but he made a quick response. He grabbed the moon sword in his hand and stabbed it out of his armpit.


With a slight sound, the panic always spills blood, but the spirit of human yuan has long disappeared.

Chu Yun's pupil flashed a little thought. The spirit of human yuan was fast, and the power of speed was not weak, but he had obvious weakness.

He is too weak to resist his attack.

As for the spirit of Di yuan, although his body is hard and powerful, his speed is too slow.

I can find out his weakness in speed and then defeat him.

As for the spirit of Tianyuan

Chu Yun raised his head and looked at the spirit of Tianyuan in the sky. What's his weakness?

Now Chu Yun's mind is full of complicated and complicated thinking, constantly deducing various possible results and guessing the weakness of the spirit of heaven.

No one is perfect, no matter how strong they are, they will have their own weaknesses.


The spirit of Tianyuan flapped its wings, and the two flame whirlwinds formed. They blew wildly towards Chu cloud. The wind tore all things, and the flame spread all over the world.

Chu Yun's mind flashed a thunder, and his eyes were full of light: Why did the spirit of heaven and yuan only attack me from afar, but dare not come to fight? What he is good at is mental power and aura. In this case, what he is afraid of must be close fight!

Thinking of this, Chu Yun has a thorough understanding.

The intersection of three elements seems to be perfect. In fact, each of them has their own shortcomings.

Although this shortcoming is very small, but if we enlarge it, it is enough to be the key to decide the outcome!


Chu Yun had just come back to his senses. He felt that the sky was covered and the sun was covered. He had no reaction, so he was clapped into the ground by the spirit of the earth yuan.

The huge palm is on the ground, which makes the whole earth shake wildly.

The spirit of the earth yuan put up his hands and looked down. Chu Yun was smashed into the earth and was very embarrassed.


Two fire whirlwinds fell on Chu Yun precisely and tore his body.

The whirlwind is composed of numerous small flame blades. In the rapid rotation, these flame blades are extremely cutting, invincible and invincible.

"Poof! Puff! Puff! "

Countless deep wounds appeared. Chu Yun's skin was full of cuts made by a sharp blade. The flames roared and burned the wounds so black that even blood could not flow out.

"How tenacious!"

The spirit of Tian Yuan shakes his head, opens his mouth and spits out a fiery red bead, which bumps into Chu Yunmei's heart.

Chu Yun's eyes suddenly opened, his eyes were pure and bright, and he said with a cold smile, "why can't I hurt you?"

At the end of the speech, Chu Yun clapped to the ground, and his body was like a sharp arrow straight into the sky. His hands were quickly stamped in front of him.

"Inverted seal!"

The endless blue ripple water waves layer by layer, towards all directions, and the palm print directly hit the spirit of Tian Yuan.

the spirit of Tianyuan is cold, humming, the Phoenix Ling of the forehead is shining, the flaming red flame is released, and the fire barrier which is difficult to break through is formed before the body. It is exactly the same as the previous restrictions on the water moon sword and the cave knife. The blink of an eye blocked all the roads before Chu Yun.

"So it is!"

Chu Yun's move was not a real attack on the spirit of Tian Yuan, but a test.

In fact, if it is true, the spirit of Tian Yuan dare not let himself close to him, which shows that he is in all likelihood afraid of close combat.

After verification, Chu Yun scattered the sea seal and used the method of plundering the sky to turn into a Kunpeng monster that soared up to 90000 Li and rushed to the flame net.


Seeing Chu Yun, the spirit of Tian Yuan despised him. He was so brave that he dared to attack his flame Skynet.

With a wave of his wings, a long fire rope was formed, and the brush was thrown out to tie the flame Skynet firmly in it.

It's like a sack. Chu Yun goes in, and the rope seals the sack.

In this way, he has lost all his way.

"No one can break through the flame Skynet, neither can you."

The spirit of Tian Yuan looks indifferent. In his view, the battle is over.

"It's so hot, my body is going to melt."

Chu Yun is in it. He only feels that the end of his eyes is full of fire. It's like a melting pot of heaven and earth. There's no possibility of breaking through.

He tried several times in a row, but failed to rush out of the flame. Instead, his body protecting aura was quickly engulfed by the flame.

"It's worthy of the spirit of Tianyuan and the existence of the peak of yuhuajing. Some of his methods are indeed ingenious."

Chu Yun has a cool head and thinks about countermeasures.

The more this time is, the more we need to calm down. It's no use worrying. It can only increase troubles.

"You can try it with the overlay!"

Thinking of this, Chu Yun no longer hesitates, his hands gather the black light with destructive breath, and his hands are filled with terrible power.

Annihilation can destroy space.

Although the flame Skynet is magical, it is attached to the space after all. If even the space is torn, the flame Skynet will not break itself.


In Chu Yun's eyes, there was a burning sense of war. He raised his hand and pushed out the annihilation seal. The horrible atmosphere of destroying the sky rushed in all directions like the tide.

After contacting the black light, the flame light is pulled into it and swallowed up.

More and more fire is swallowed up, black light is bigger and bigger, no matter where it spreads, it seems to be able to destroy everything.

"What's the matter?"

The spirit of Tian Yuan frowns. He sees that his flame Skynet is shrinking. It's like a bulging sack starting to run. It's getting smaller and smaller.

Instinctively, he felt something was wrong, but he couldn't think what was wrong.

In an instant, with a loud noise, all the fire light was completely swallowed up, and a black to the extreme light was emitted.

Everywhere, the space is cracked, and there are endless stars in the cracks.

Chu Yun's figure is rushing out of the black light, and his eyes are fierce.

"He broke through the flame Skynet!"

The spirit of Tian Yuan is very surprised. The flame Skynet is made by extremely ingenious means. Even if the leader of yuhuajing is restricted, he can only be caught at will.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yun created a space crack and broke the flame Skynet.

"The hand of the cloud!"

Chu Yun was still in the air, so he raised his hand and clapped to the front. His momentum was more than one, as if he could swallow the sun and the moon and shake the eternal.

The spirit of Tian Yuan panicked and shot two long swords of fire from his eyes. One left and one right burst through Chu Yun's shoulder.

He tried to use the offensive to force Chu Yun to stop.

Chu Yun is suffering from pain, but he still insists on it. His palms are everywhere, just like the darkness, covering everything.

"Damn it, this kid is so stubborn..."

The spirit of Tian Yuan's pupil is full of anger. A shrill, sharp sound pierces Chu Yun's eardrum and stabs his soul directly.


Chu Yun's mind is dizzy, and his soul is like being stabbed by a needle. He opens his mouth and spews blood.

Mental attack!

It's also thanks to Chu Yun's taking worry free grass. He has a strong mental power. If he wants to be a warrior, he will be shocked to break his consciousness and become an idiot.

"What a pain!"

Chu Yun's eyes were dark, his eyes could not see anything clearly, as if he was in the boundless lonely world and could not feel the direction.

The spirit attack of Tianyuan spirit is also one of the good means!

After Chu Yun's move, his heart and soul were in great pain and could not bear it at all.

Although not immediately broken mind, but if continue, the soul at any time there is a risk of collapse.

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