Sky War Soul

Chapter 51 siege of limitless killing Alliance

"You will practice hard in the outer door in the future. I'm afraid there won't be any more disciples to be hard on you in the future. If there's something that can't be solved, go to Rao Xu and Shu Yuan for help. They should help. "

Chu Yun said to Chu Hongfei and Chumo.

"Thank you, little Lord!"

Both of them are grateful. If we don't solve the problem all the time, it will be a problem.

Who would have thought that Chu Yun would kill the law enforcement hall.

This kind of writing, looking at the whole tiandaozong, is not necessarily someone can do it!

"Well, you go back to practice. I'll go back to prepare for tomorrow's exchange match."

Chu Yun waved.

"Is it a competition with the core disciples of aoyunzong?"

Chu Hongfei's expression was shocked, and he said in a low voice: "little Lord, I heard that Zuo Yunfei, the eldest brother of Zuo Xing, is the core disciple of Aoyun sect. He has all the qualifications and has been listed as the key cultivation object by the sect. He shouted a few months ago to find you to settle accounts and sacrifice your life to Zuo Xing... "

"Yes, little Lord, you can't help it!"

Chumo was equally anxious.

"Don't worry, I know these things."

Chuyun smiled. If at first he was afraid of zuoyunfei, he didn't pay attention to him at all.

Don't you want to avenge your brother? Come on, I'll send you down to join Zuo Xing.

In just a few months, Chu Yun's strength and mentality have changed dramatically compared with the time when he just entered the tiandaozong.

After seeing them off, Chu Yun went back to tianzhufeng alone.

Just walked to the peak, a few figures around came out without hesitation, obviously not good at coming.

Chu Yun's eyes narrowed and looked at several people.

The leader is not someone else. He is the leader of the limitless killing alliance, Yin Hanwen!

Cao Zhen followed Yin Hanwen like a dog's leg. Seeing Chu Yun, he called out, "I'm waiting for you. You dare to offend us. Chu Yun, as I said, you're done!"

"Back to move the soldiers?"

Chu Yun smiled quietly, his expression was still so calm, as if the things in front of him were not worthy of moving.

"Look at him, ally. It's time to die. You have to make up your mind for me. He beat me indiscriminately and broke several ribs. The footprints on my face are still here! "

Cao Zhenqi jumps up and down, growls and looks ferocious.

Yin Hanwen made a gesture of raising his hand. Cao Zhen immediately shut up, but obviously he was still angry.

"Chu Yun, this is not the first time we have met."

Yin Hanwen is still dressed in white, which sets off his temperament. However, his high voice makes people extremely unhappy after listening.

If it's his subordinates, or his dog's legs, the tone of his voice will sound very gentle and refreshing.

But in Chu Yun's hearing, Yin Hanwen is so loaded that he doesn't pay attention to you at all, just like a god overlooking ants.

"I'm surprised that you are a new disciple with ordinary talent and common realm, but your name is mentioned frequently. I'm really curious. What's the purpose of your grandstanding all the time? Do you want to attract the attention of the high-level of tiandaozong? "

Yin Hanwen's words are full of disdain and a little aggressive.

It is obvious that Chu Yun refused Tang Zixian's invitation and was regarded by Yin Hanwen as grandstanding and with ulterior motives.

Because, Tang Zixian has never invited anyone to join the purple immortal League, and no man can refuse Tang Zixian's invitation.

However, he was a new disciple of Chu Yun, but he refused. Why?

Yin Hanwen's eyes suddenly became sharp, as if he knew everything. He stared at Chu Yun, trying to see him through.

In fact, there are some deeper reasons why he is so aimed at Chu Yun. Even he has not been invited by Tang Zixian. Why is he Chu Yun?

Chu Yun sneered and countered: "elder martial brother Yin Hanwen, you are a little famous in tiandaozong. It's hard for me to imagine that this kind of thing that only idiots can ask can be said from your mouth. I have nothing to do with you when I enter tiandaozong. You can control everything in the limitless killing alliance you created, but sorry, you are nothing in my eyes. "

After saying this, Chu Yun turns to leave.

"Stop! Have you left? "

Cao Zhen's side, two core disciples suddenly roared, both hands, like lightning toward Chu cloud capture.

Chu Yun's eyes have been filled with coldness. He just lacks a reason to start.


Chu Yun didn't hesitate. He raised his hand to kill.


The joint attack of the two core disciples was easily smashed by Chu Yun. Not only that, but also the accompanying shock wave was surging like a wave, which directly rushed them out.


Both fell to the ground, causing fractures of varying degrees.

Yin Hanwen, with his hands on his back, smiled and nodded: "yes, there is no reason for me to interfere with you. This matter has been exposed first. Now let's talk about another matter!"

At the end of the speech, Yin Hanwen's eyes were fierce, and his whole body suddenly rose, like a beast suddenly showing its claws and teeth.


Yin Hanwen held out his hand, pointed to Chu Yun, and said: "you, indiscriminately hurt Cao Zhen, a member of our limitless killing alliance. Just wounded them two again. According to the rules of my limitless killing alliance, we should shoot them to death! "

"Hiss, what a bully!"

"Elder martial brother Yin Hanwen actually has a conflict with Chu Yun. There is a good play here!"

"Chu Yun is not a soft persimmon, but he wants to challenge elder martial brother Yin Hanwen, but he is still far behind."

Some passing core disciples were surprised to see this scene.

In tiandaozong, everyone is busy cultivating and improving themselves. There are few conflicts with the same sect.

Even if there is, it won't be particularly stiff. After all, we can't look up and see. There's no need to tear our faces for small things.

But Wuji kill alliance is different. This alliance is very hegemonic. It flatters everyone that "if you touch one finger of my brother, I will break your whole body and bones; if you dare to hurt my brother, I will kill your whole family".

Chu Yun is also not simple. Not long after entering tiandaozong, there are lots of topics about him.

This time, he has a head-on collision with Wuji alliance. It must be wonderful!

"Oh, so?"

Chu Yun's eyes narrowed, seemingly unmoved, and secretly began to be on guard.

Yin Hanwen had four accomplishments as high as Hua Qi when he just started. Now, after so long, his realm must have been improved.

Moreover, the variant spirit of the first level of his Xuan level is even more powerful.

This is definitely not an easy opponent.

"Chu Yun, in the face of younger martial sister Jingran, I'll leave you some affection. Today, I will not kill you, but the death penalty can avoid the living sin. You must make amends to my three brothers and sincerely make amends! "

Yin Hanwen's voice is harsh, and his power is like a mountain. The core disciples around him can't even breathe.

Chuyun suddenly smiled: "elder martial brother Yin Hanwen, it's interesting for you to talk. I was brought in by elder martial sister Jing ran. That's right, but what does it have to do with you? You said that you look at elder martial sister Jingran's face, and dare to ask what is the relationship between you and her? Do you have nothing to do with these things? Will you be embarrassed if you come in by force? "

"My grass, this boy is dying!"

"I've questioned the boss again and again. He doesn't want to live!"

"Not even the boss's face, tut tut."

Several core disciples of Wuji kill alliance looked at each other.

Yin Hanwen likes Jingran's business. Nobody in Tiandao sect knows it.

Generally, people with no background dare not pursue Jing ran at all. The reason is very simple. She is a woman whom Yin Hanwen takes a fancy to.

Although Yin Hanwen never catches up with Jingran, it doesn't prevent him from being a man of Jingran.

Today, Chu Yun's words make Yin Han's face clean.

What's your relationship with Jingran?

Like, it doesn't matter.

Yin Hanwen's handsome face suddenly became sinister. His eyes twitched a few times, and then he sneered and said, "it seems that you are not going to eat or drink wine!"

"So what?"

Chu Yun was not afraid to look at him, and a sudden killing began to spread to all directions.

In Chu Yun's heart, he hates Yin Hanwen. If the other side continues to be aggressive, talk less nonsense and fight!

Although Chu Yun didn't want to expose his cards, he would not hesitate to sacrifice the Dongtian Dao at the critical moment!

"Alliance leader, let's teach this kid a lesson! Let him know what the rules are! "

Cao Zhen's eyes are excited and can't wait.

"If you don't say anything else, don't you really make amends to my brothers?"

Even at this juncture, Yin Hanwen did not forget to win hearts.

"Yin Hanwen, you just want to find a reason to start. You've been jabbering here all the time. Don't you just want to put yourself on the moral high ground? It's as if you are just, I am evil, and you are just to me. With all due respect, this gesture is really disgusting. "

Chu Yun sneers and shakes his head. Then he hooks his hand and says, "I just want to see your variant spirit. Don't hide it. Come on."

Yin Hanwen is speechless at the top of Chu Yun's speech. On eloquence, Chu Yun has dumped him for eight blocks.

"You are not worthy of my use of Wuhun."

Yin Hanwen's face is ferocious and his tone is cold.

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