Sky War Soul

Chapter 532 the mind of the little Lord

"I'm running out of energy and going into a coma. I can't come out to help you for at least three years."

"You must be good at yourself, and remember not to trust too much, let alone be invincible. The land of Taiqian is very big, and there are many strong ones. There are many that you can't match. "


At this point, the voice of Tallinn gradually becomes weak and finally disappears completely.

Chu Yun turned a deaf ear, holding the heaven's destiny in his hand, and his expression was still a little dull.

The words of talin are so shocking that he has never been back to God.

Elixir of holy article, elixir of destiny.

One more life.

After refining the first level of aura, it can be upgraded to the five levels of magical realm.

After death, the second level of aura will break out, and you will be promoted to the seventh level of magical realm.

This effect alone is enough to kill all the pills.

Of course, no one will commit suicide for no reason. Taling said that before, it's just an example.

That's a life. How can you easily waste it if you can save your life at the critical moment?

Chu Yun took a deep breath, refocused his eyes and fell on the pill.


This is his only idea.

Back to the eyes, Chu cloud looked at the sleeping tower spirit on the bed.

In order to refine this holy pill, she exhausted all her energy and fell into a deep sleep.

Chu Yun's mind is mixed with five tastes. If taling is just for freedom, why should he fight so hard?

Thinking like this, Chu Yun went forward, bent down and kissed taling on the cheek.

Taling's eyelashes tremble slightly, and her breasts rise and fall with her even breath.

After getting up, Chu Yun said with a smile: "this is what you owe me last time. I will not accept the interest."

Next, he entered the war temple again.

After taling fell into a deep sleep, every time the war repair hall was opened, it would take a lot of energy. Fortunately, there is still a lot of energy in the cloud to maintain operation. It should not be a problem to persist in three years.

In Zhan Xiu temple, Chu Yun looks at the heaven's destiny holy pill in his hand, and his heart is very excited.

The only holy pill in the mainland will be refined soon.

He sank down and became calm. He put the heaven's destiny into his mouth and urged the spirit to refine it.

As the energy of the tsunami surges in, the thunder in the sky moves the fire. Chu Yun only feels the thumping in his body, just like the eruption of a volcano, rushing into the sky.

Under the resonance of the waves, even the war hall was shaking.


"How many gathering places are left in the Western wasteland?"

In the huge palace, there was a young man in elegant dress sitting on the throne with a smile. His eyes were like hawks and falcons sweeping the demon families kneeling in front of him.

It is clear that he did not deliberately release any breath, but he sat there as if he was the natural king.

King's breath, King's domineering.

Kneeling in front of him were more than ten demon ancestors.

When they heard the words, their heart beat quickly and whispered, "according to the original division, there are only three gathering places in the territory of our Banshee gate that are still fighting."

After the birth of the three holy places of the demon clan, it was arrogant to divide the whole western wasteland, just like dividing the territory.

Under the game of the three holy places, the West wasteland is divided into three parts, each of which is occupied by a holy place. What the holy place needs to do is to wipe out all the resistance forces in the territory until the West wasteland is completely reduced to the thing in hand.

"There are three other places..."

The young leader of the ten thousand demon sect mumbles to himself, his expression is not sad or happy, and no one can guess his mind.

The ancestor of several demon clans trembled and immediately said: "little Lord, if you give us time, these three gathering places will be destroyed sooner or later!"

"Time, time. I know you need time. How can I?"

The young master of the ten thousand demon sect has a soft voice, just like a weak scholar, but it still makes people shiver and feel like a needle.

"Little Lord..."

What else did these demon clan ancestors want to say, but was interrupted by the young master of the ten thousand demon clan: "it's less than a year before my father leaves the seal. According to your speed, can we take down the territory in a year as a gift for him? "

All of a sudden, the ancestors of the demons were speechless, frightened and trembling.

In the outside world, none of them is a murderer. They dare not even speak loudly in front of the little Lord of the ten thousand demon sect.

Because they know how terrifying the strength of the young master of the Banshee sect is.

Although it's still a magical place, he can dispatch the demon slave guards of the Lord of the Banshee clan. With this alone, the ancestors of the demon clan dare not rebel.

"Well, I can do it for you."

The young master of the Banshee clan smiled: "last time I sent Qingyu to pick up what I wanted, and finally the whole army was destroyed. I was not angry. Why do you have to be so frightened?"

Not angry You've killed their clan!

Isn't that angry yet?

"I remember one of them. You attacked three times, but you didn't come down?"

The young leader of the ten thousand demon sect raises eyebrows.

"Back to Shaozhu, it's the city of pride. There are dozens of tribes gathered there, with one heart inside and outside. With the leader of large tribes, they are very powerful, so they haven't been captured."

Those demon clan ancestors immediately replied, for fear of being killed a second later.

"If it's not easy to fight, concentrate on fighting down the remaining two!"

The young master of the ten thousand demon sect is a little impatient. The holy land of the ten thousand demon sect has been born for more than a year, but it hasn't been fought down yet. It's hard to say.


The ancestor of the demon clan is trembling.

"I'll go to the central region in a few days. Some of the seeds I planted should germinate now."

There is a smile on the weak face of the young master of the ten thousand demon sect, which is the nature of the demon clan and the ferocious smile.

He stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, just like the hunter saw the prey. He thought: "I heard that there are nine saints in the central region, each of them is superior in strength, and they are the top of the same realm. Today, I am also a supernatural realm. I'd like to take a chance to see if the supernatural realm of the Middle Kingdom is stronger or weaker than it was at the beginning. "

"Little Lord, no!"

Many ancestors of the demon clan are frightened.

"The central region's foundation and strength are stronger than those of the Western wasteland. If the young master goes ahead rashly, he will surely be besieged."

The old ancestor said.

Although the Western wasteland has been occupied for the most part, they know that there is a reason why they can capture it so easily.

There is a holy land in the West wasteland, called totem mountain.

On the totem mountain, there are countless top powers, and even the leader of the whole western wasteland, Xihuang.

It is said that the West emperor is the incarnation of totem, and the totem believed by all tribes is rooted in the West emperor.

In addition to the West emperor, there are a number of followers on the totem mountain. Although the number is small, each of them is the top.

Before the birth of the three holy places, the demon clan sent people to secretly contact the Western wasteland's major foreign races, gather some ambitious foreign strongmen, and attack totem mountain together.

Numerous powerful people poured into totem mountain, hoping to overthrow the rule of totem mountain.

However, just after these foreign powers entered the totem mountain, there were demons. They used the best spirit soldiers of the three holy places to lock the whole totem mountain together.

The three holy places of the demon family have these three super elite spirit soldiers. When they are combined, they can even compare with the Holy Spirit soldiers and have a strong sealing ability.

Those who were bewitched by the rebellious hearts of the foreign powers, worked hard on the totem mountain, but the previously agreed demon reinforcements did not appear, instead, they were locked in and could not go out at all.

The demon clan, skilled in conspiracy and calculation, successfully planned to kill people with a knife by taking advantage of the discord between the western wilderness alien and Tuteng mountain.

Those foreign powers can't escape. They can only fight to death. It must be the end of the whole army.

As for the many powerful people in totem mountain, it is not easy to break the seals of three elite spirit soldiers even after killing those strong people of different nationalities.

Seeing the success of the plot, the three holy places of the demon family were born one after another, and the ancestors of various demon families appeared continuously.

After the demon ancestor appeared, he used all kinds of sacrificial means to break the seals of the three holy places.

If we wait for the birth of the three holy places, Xihuang will die.

Therefore, in addition to instigating internal struggle, the reason why the demon clan can capture the Western wasteland so easily is that the totem mountain and the Western emperor are restricted in advance.

If not, how could it be so easy to capture the Western wasteland, one of the five regions?

So when they heard that Shao mainly went to the Middle Kingdom to challenge Jiusheng, they naturally panicked.

The central region is not the Western wasteland. Although the emperor of the region has been keeping a low profile, none of the four emperors is easy to provoke.

"I have my own way. You will step up your attack on the remaining places in the rest of the time. I don't want the progress to be so slow."

The young master of the ten thousand demon sect stretched out his long five fingers, as if he was looking at something, and his mouth was even more smiling.

The ancestors of the demon clan were silent and did not dare to raise any objection.

The young master of the ten thousand demons sect is very unhappy. He starts from the sky and suddenly rushes up to the top of the sky. He looks down at the boundless West wasteland. He can't help but say with emotion: "the West wasteland is a land of outstanding people. I don't know how many people are coveting it, but it's not what I want after all. Midlands, that's the end of my expedition and the starting point of my expedition! "

Speaking of this, he shot a brilliant light in his eyes, a flash of figure, suddenly rushed towards the direction of the central region.

In the ten thousand demon gate, there are only ten demon ancestors who look at each other.

Young Lord is really interested. Just go.

"Don't worry, young Lord. I will follow you!"

Not waiting for the young master of Wanyao gate to go out too far, there are four lights in the palace, which are the four ancestors of the demon family who lifted the Wanyao gate out of the ground.

They also have a special name - Demon slave guards.

There are four demon slave guards under the seat of the Lord of the ten thousand demon gate, each of which is powerful, and is the right arm of the crusade against heaven and earth.

With their Dharma protectors, even if the emperor makes a move, he can't help but be the leader of the ten thousand demon sect.

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: at the beginning of the month, we have flowers to throw! Three o'clock every day, never less, thank you!

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