Sky War Soul

Chapter 536 you'sre ready

Zhang Yunchun is very powerful. He is a famous leader in the neighborhood.

His eyes were red, and he was obviously mad.

All four disciples fell down. He couldn't bear this.

Anyway, I'm alone. I have nothing to worry about. Even if I die hard, I have to find justice.

Tang Ke's face is expressionless. He estimates Luo Xiao's strength in his heart.

Zhang Yunchun is the leader of the church. Obviously, he is much stronger than Luo Xiaoqiang. If he doesn't use his cards, he can't avoid Zhang Yunchun's attack.

"So arrogant, I'd like to see what your bottom card is."

Tang Kewen thought so.

He took the crazy Zhang Yunchun as a bait to lure Luo Xiao's real card.

Anyway, the old man has nothing to do with himself. He is happy to do it at this time.

The patriarchs who made friends with Zhang Yunchun were all worried. They didn't want to see Zhang Yunchun die. However, many powerful people gathered here, and there was no reason for them to talk.

Therefore, we can only work in a hurry.

Luo Xiao was about to go back to the pagoda of futu. When he felt Zhang Yunchun's attack, he smiled quietly without any worries.


At this time, a figure sprang out of the pagoda and grabbed Zhang Yunchun's sword with hands raised.


Zhang Yunchun's sharp sword was crushed into light, just like paper in the face of sharp blade, it didn't stop at all.

Then, the figure Jie Jie laughs, and slaps Zhang Yunchun's head with a backhand, turning it into blood.

"It's ridiculous to dare to come out and disgrace with such strength."

The dark figure stood unhurriedly in the void, revealing its original face.

He is a very old-looking ancestor of the demon family. His breath is terrible, and his eyes are full of hidden murders.

Zhang Yunchun is also a strong leader, but he is so vulnerable in his hands.


Countless strong people all take a breath of air-conditioning, pupil stare at the demon clan ancestor, lips mumbling.

So strong!

As far as the fighting power is concerned, it is not under the big elders of the four clans.

"I hope it's just a special case."

Luo Xiao turned his head and said in a flat voice, "otherwise, I will immediately open the sacrifice array to sacrifice all the living creatures in muxing city!"

His tone, although plain, but it contains decisive, people dare not ignore.

He's not kidding, he's telling the truth!

"Brush! Brush! Brush! "

In a blink of the an eye, three ancestors of the demon clan came out of the pagoda. They were also old and wrinkled. They were short and didn't look special.

However, when the four demon ancestors stood together, a strong one exclaimed, "demon slave guard!"

"Demon slave, what is that?"

Many martial artists are puzzled and don't know the origin of the name.

Is the demon slave strong?

At the moment when the voice appeared, the elders of the four clans all looked unbelievable and could not help shivering.

Demon slave guard.

Was the demon slave who accompanied the Lord of the Banshee clan in the northern and southern wars?

They have all read ancient books and know how terrible the demon slave guards of the ten thousand demon gates were.

Although there are only four demon slave guards, their combat power is generally recognized as strong. Maybe only the emperor can suppress them in a one-to-one situation.

But when the four demon slave guards get together, the fighting power is even greater.

No one can do anything about Luo Xiao unless the four great emperors come in person.

Even if all the martial artists at the scene join hands, they will be killed by the demon slave guards finally!

Think of here, the hearts of many strong people are very bitter.

Luo Xiao's bottom card is actually these four demon slave guards.

In this way, the plan to encircle and suppress them will naturally fail.

"I'm glad I didn't act rashly."

Some of the strong breathed a sigh of relief, like relief.

If they couldn't help it, they might end up with Zhang Yunchun.

As for Zhang Yunchun, who had been used as bait and killed in the war before, except for several patriarchs who had excellent relations with him, no one fell into tears.

After all, if it wasn't for him, it would be impossible to find out Luo Xiao's bottom card.

"Don't stay here, come in quickly. My time is precious."

Luo Xiao smiled and walked into the pagoda.

Four demon slave guards, close behind.

Many strong people look at me, I look at you, are waiting for a person who can make an idea.

Tang Kewen took a look at his old friend Ye Rui and said in a low voice: "if they were ambushed in it, what would we do?"

Ye Rui shook his head bitterly: "if they ambush, we will never return."

It's really bitter, unspeakable.

Even if the elders of the four clans stand here, they still feel a sense of powerlessness.

Demon slave Wei, this is the ancestor of demon clan with great reputation in history books.

I never thought that I would meet you one day.

"What if we go back to move the soldiers?"

Tang Kewen's voice is very low. He is the elder of the Tang family. If he is found to be timid before fighting, his prestige will fall and his reputation will be ruined.

"It's no use going back unless the four great emperors come in person But who can guarantee that they have no backhand? "

Ye Rui clenched his fist and his voice was hoarse.

In this case, they feel the strength of each other for the first time.

"That's not the way..."

Tang Kewen took a deep breath, then said with a wry smile, "this is not the way, that is to say, we have to go in this way."

"Go in."

Ye Rui closes his eyes. In this case, no one can guarantee whether the insidious and cunning demon clan will ambush. He can only be resigned to fate.

If you flinch, you will be the laughingstock of the whole central region.

At this time, even for the sake of face, you have to go in!

"Let's go."

Tang Kewen and ye Rui look at each other and are determined.

There is no way back.

These demon clans are really good at calculation.

Any little plot, cut off all their own back, can only obediently into the pagoda.

A troublesome opponent is a tough enemy.

With Ye Rui and Tang Kewen taking the lead in entering the pagoda, the elders of the other two clans also walked behind.

Since someone has set an example, they can't hold back.

As the elders of the four clans entered, the nine saints entered one by one without expression.

Although Wang boqian is not here, several others are still confident.

Even if Luo Xiao's fighting power is superior, what about that.

Nine saints, but the most powerful nine people in the magical realm!

What you want to challenge is not which one of us, but one by one nine of us!

If you can't win the battle among nine people, it will be a shame.

Some super large suzerain, after thinking, also followed in.

Some martial artists like to join in, but most of them choose to stay outside.

After all, the pagoda is unknown. No one wants to be confused and lose his life.

Many powerful people walk into the pagoda and find it very beautiful with beautiful scenery.

In the large open space, countless tables and chairs made of spirit have been placed for seating.

There are some enchanting looking women, carrying lingguo wine to shuttle between them, talking and laughing with many strong people, trying to activate the atmosphere.

These women are not demons, but barbarians in the West.

They were caught temporarily by the demon clan as maids.

After all, those women of the demon family can't really get into the eyes of the powerful human beings.

Luo Xiao stands in the middle of the open space. The four demon guards are standing around casually. Although they don't deliberately exude momentum, they still feel infinite pressure.

Many strong people sat down and frowned to see what Luo Xiao wanted to do.

Luo Xiaoyi brushed his robe and said with a smile: "although I have a bad reputation, Luo Xiao still speaks. As I said before, I will fight with the nine saints one by one. If you win, I will never touch the middle kingdom again. If I win, all the creatures in muxing city will become sacrifices in the blood sacrifice... "

"How to fight, who makes the rules?"

Boxing Saint Hoda stood up and looked at Luo Xiao with a bad face.

"Nature is a one-on-one fight until one side can't get up."

Luo Xiao didn't seem to care about these things, as if he had boundless confidence in himself: "if you lose, you can change people immediately. This should be the so-called wheel race, right? It doesn't matter, I accept it all! "

"What a big tone!"

Xiao Changsheng sneers. He's full of terror. It's the iron blood temperament honed in the small world.

It is said that killing a man is a crime, and killing a million is a male.

Although Xiao Changsheng didn't kill millions of creatures, he was not far away.

He was cold and murderous all over. Even if he was far away, he could feel it clearly.

"I don't speak very much. You can come and try at any time."

Luo Xiao still smiles, as if no one can see his mood from him.

Wheel to wheel combat.

I didn't expect Luo Xiaozhen to be so confident.

What he is facing is not the local chicken, but the top Taoist in the Middle Kingdom!

Nine of the most powerful deities in the realm of Tao, and called the nine saints.

Does he really feel that he can fight against nine people by himself?


No one can do such a thing!

"I once fought with the nine saints of that period. I defeated eight people, but I was defeated by the last one. Later, when the demon clan was defeated, I was sealed, which became the shadow that I couldn't erase all the time. "

"Today, Luo Xiao is back in the Middle Kingdom. Do you dare to ask if all the nine saints have arrived?"

Luo Xiao's voice is like waves, rolling and roaring.

Boxing Saint Huo Da, moon Saint Gu Siyue, sword Saint Hu Rentian, sword Saint Ye Ao, fire Saint Su Yang, killing Saint Xiao Changsheng, feather Saint Yu Jinghong, gun Saint Tang extraordinary.

All eight stood up and looked coldly at Luo Xiao.

"Why eight?"

Luo Xiao's eyes swept, and there was a flash of displeasure between his eyebrows.

He is a person who pursues perfection in everything.

Eight and nine are different!

At the beginning, he was defeated by eight people and finally fell under the hands of that man.

Now, he must take this matter to the extreme!

There must be no blemish.

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