Sky War Soul

Chapter 543 Luo Xiao's real body

"Over the years, I haven't improved my combat power. All my energy has been spent on studying the secret lines."

Luo Xiao took the initiative to disperse the Tiangang sword. He raised his hands and began to gather some complicated and complicated secret patterns around him, just like a small fish in the water, which was full of vitality.

"This is the secret pattern!"

The elders of the four clans were all shocked.

Their impression of the demon clan is that they will only fight on the basis of their overbearing bodies, but not their wisdom.

They can't refine the elixir, the spirit soldier or the secret pattern.

This time, the demon clan was born again. Although they learned the means of the barbarians to draw strength from the totem ancient pillar, their overall strength improved a little, but they still didn't care.

Now, when Luo Xiao makes this move, the elders of the four clans are all shocked.

Demon clan, can you control the secret pattern?

Seeing that Luo Xiao was like this, Wang boqian was equally shocked.

His little aunt is Wang Sidi, a master of secret pattern who is not inferior to Gong Yangliang in his secret pattern attainment, so she has been influenced by secret pattern since she was a child.

Wang boqian tried to learn a little, but he had no talent.

Fortunately, although I didn't learn secret lines, I managed to cultivate my spiritual strength to a certain extent.

Wang boqian can see that Luo Xiao's Secret lines are extraordinary and full of breath.

What does this mean?

This represents Luo Xiao, who Unexpectedly, there are no less than ten secret patterns that can be increased!

It's terrible.

Everyone can bear different secret lines. The stronger the body quality, the more secret lines they can bear.

It's like chuyun. Since the beginning of tiandaozong, he has painted secret patterns on his body. So far, there have been several.

In addition to the later secret patterns of Thunder Dragon and the thirty-six secret patterns of beasts plundering the sky, Chu Yun's comprehensive combat power is also rapidly improving.

Luo Xiao, however, has portrayed no less than ten kinds of secret patterns. Although there is only one top secret pattern, it is unexpected.

"If I don't study secret lines, I still can't surpass you, just like I lost to your ancestors thousands of years ago."

Luo Xiao's breath is more and more strong. The secret patterns on his body are shining brightly.

One top secret pattern and nine top secret patterns are the limits he can bear.

When all the secret patterns erupted at the same time, Luo Xiao's combat power increased at an incredible speed.

"Fierce battle pattern..."

Wang boqian also knows a lot. When he saw the secret pattern on Luo Xiao, he cried out.

Frenzy battle pattern, one of the best secret patterns, can instantly make itself into frenzy after activation.

However, this so-called fury is different from the craziness of monsters. It is rational.

That is to say, Luo Xiao can promote nearly 30% of his combat power without being rational.

Not to mention, there are nine kinds of exquisite secret lines constantly increasing his body.

"Come on!"

Luo Xiao laughed, his eyes scarlet, and rushed to Wang boqian.

The benefits of fury are obvious.

Wang boqian knew that the other side was not easy to deal with, so he immediately attached the shadow soul to him and punched him.

After the shadow Wu soul is attached to the body, the power of one punch will double, which is also the strength of Wang boqian's shadow Wu soul.


The two fists collided, but at this time, Wang boqian began to lose in the fight of strength.

"BAM bam!"

Luo Xiao seems to be crazy. He keeps hitting his fists. His speed and body method are faster than before.

Although Wang Boqian has shadow martial spirit, he is still clumsy.

In the face of Luo Xiao's combo, he has tried his best, but he is still led by his nose.


Luo Xiaoyi pointed out skillfully, which was right under Wang boqian's rib.


Wang boqian's rib broke with a crisp sound.

And the broken ribs pricked out of the skin, and even the bloody white bones could be seen.

Wang boqian finally felt the pressure. His eyes were angry, and he knew that if he didn't do anything more, the battle might be over.


Wang boqian takes Luo Xiao's fist again, and meditates in his heart.

I saw the shadow on him, the spirit of martial arts, rushing out like lightning. It was like a rope that tied Luo Xiao tightly and made him unable to move.

Wang boqian raised his hand to use his aura to turn it into lightning, and took out his fist in Luo Xiao's abdomen.


The violent electric current is like a bug. It goes crazy towards Luo Xiaoti. Everything it touches turns into coke.

Luo Xiao's eyes are scarlet. After urging the fierce battle lines, his pain is reduced a lot.

So he couldn't feel the pain in his body.

Wang boqian saw a blow, not much effect, but can only bite teeth, two fingers surrounded by golden light, and stabbed out.

The golden light is very sharp. It penetrates through the void and makes a hissing sound.

"Poof! Puff! "

Two fingers, one on the left and one on the right, stabbed Luo Xiao in front of his chest. The waves of air came from behind.

Luo Xiao's face was ferocious, his refined expression changed abruptly, and a black shadow was thrown behind him, which was severely drawn at Wang boqian's waist.


Wang boqian was hit by this and was in great pain, so he threw it out.

I saw Luo Xiao turned into a monster, and there was no more elegant and handsome appearance.

"You are the real one!"

One of the demon slave guards was expressionless.

"Wang boqian is a little competent."

"It's true that he can force out the real body of Shao Lord."

"The strength will increase a lot after a few masters and envoys come out. I'm afraid Wang boqian will lose."

The other three demon slave guards also grinned and didn't care.

It is clear to them that the victory of the final battle must belong to the little Lord.

Wang boqian looked down and saw that his waist was red and a large piece of meat had been torn off.

Just now, it was Luo Xiao's tail that caught him.

Luo Xiao has evolved into a real man with a ferocious face. He is like an upright werewolf. His body is at least five meters tall and strong. A tail behind him is constantly swinging. It is full of dense barbs, which is shocking.

That stroke just now came from this tail.

At the moment of drawing Wang boqian's body, a large piece of meat was cut off, which made him extremely painful.

"In any case, you have to lose today!"

Luo Xiao's face is extremely ferocious, and his body's Secret lines are shining more brightly. He can't help but look up to the sky and roar: "this is my long cherished wish for many years, and also the source of my power! What bullshit nine saints, I must step on your head, push level the middle field!!! "

The roar was so loud that the whole pagoda was shaking violently.

Wang boqian bit his teeth and his eyes were very gloomy.

He was thinking about how to deal with Luo Xiao.

At this time, two humble figures came in from outside the pagoda.

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