Sky War Soul

Chapter 549 leave the fierce battle pattern

The strength of 3000 has not recovered to the peak at all.

It has only seven feathering environments, not to mention four demon guards. Even one of them is very painful.

The reason why the momentum is so huge is just to cover up the deficiency of heart.

Unexpectedly, the demon slave guards were really scared.

For a while, Chu Yun fell into a dilemma.

He didn't want to let Luo Xiao go, but he didn't dare to really annoy the four demon slave guards.

They go crazy, they don't even want their lives.

At that time, the blood sacrifice to millions of living beings is not just a talk.

Chu Yun was not afraid of them, but he was afraid that the demon and slave guards would be affected by Tang Zixian's wrath.

"Chu Yun, let me go."

Luo Xiao's voice was weak, his face pale, but he still pretended to be calm.

He was afraid that Chu Yunzhen would kill him.

Luo Xiao has lived for thousands of years. No one knows how to cherish the meaning of life better than him.

He doesn't want to die yet.

"Chu Yun, are you crazy? There are millions of lives in muxing city outside. Let him go!"

Don Craven's voice trembled.

Chu Yun's eyes were cold, and he turned a deaf ear to it.

"It can be discussed. As long as you let me go, you can discuss everything!"

Luo Xiao originally wanted to continue to pack hard Qi, but after seeing Chu Yun's murderous eyes, he immediately became soft.

He dare not bet his life.

Four demon slave guards have fierce eyes, but they are a little frightened. They step by step approach Chu Yun and want to save the little Lord.


Three thousand roared and shook the sky, as if warning them not to act rashly.

Four demon slave guards found that there was a real dragon on the top of their heads.

Three thousand eyes are fierce, and the dragon power is mighty. They are thrown on the ground wantonly, which makes everyone feel flustered, just like being stared at by fierce ancient beasts.

It has to be said that Longwei, such a thing, can naturally bring fear and oppression to people.


Chuyun grins, his eyes are still fierce.

Luo Xiao only felt that there was a sense of humiliation in her heart, but now she lives in someone else's hands and can only give in: "whatever you want, as long as I have it, I can give it to you..."

"I want the fury on you."

Although Chu Yun's tone is bland, it is resolute and there is no room for discussion at all.

Luo Xiao froze all over.

It's impossible to get the best secret patterns.

If you really want to take it, there is a way.

It's just that he didn't expect Chu Yun to open his mouth and fight violently.

This is the secret stripe that can improve your combat power. Once you lose it, you will have to work hard to get it again.

However, Luo Xiao is also ruthless. Since Chu Yun asked for it, he didn't bargain. He nodded directly: "OK, I can give you the fierce battle pattern, but if you turn against me, I will pull you even if I'm afraid of death!"

After that, Luo Xiao's hands suddenly portrayed a secret pattern in the void. The secret pattern sneaked into the vest and separated the violent battle pattern from the skin a little bit.

Luo xiaostuffy hums, spits out the blood, he reaches out to gather up the blood, pours on the fierce battle pattern behind.

After being moistened by blood, the light of fierce battle lines suddenly darkened, and the speed of separation began to accelerate.


Even with Luo Xiao's willpower, he could not help shouting.

This process is too painful to bear.

Countless strong people witnessed this scene, are shocked speechless.

Chu Yun is actually threatening the owner of the ten thousand demon sect.

Four demon slave guards are all standing there. He is so calm and reasonable. He's really bold enough to describe his ambition.

Chu Yun's mouth shows a smile, how can he let Luo Xiao go in vain with his wild goose's feat.

The reason why he wanted to fight furiously was that Chu Yun thought about it.

Luo Xiao will lose a lot of fighting power if he loses his fierce battle pattern. At least in recent years, he can't compete with himself.

It's a process of changing from time to time, from time to time.

Moreover, there is a deeper reason why Chu Yun wanted to fight furiously.

My mother has always had a wish, that is, to portray the secret patterns of holy goods.

In fact, she has been constructing for so many years. In practice, after many failures, she finally completed the hypothesis.

In her performance, she successfully strengthened the fierce battle pattern and made it reach the level of holy product secret pattern.

Unfortunately, the deduction is always the deduction.

If it needs to be practiced, it's just fury battle pattern that makes her at a loss.

Because the fierce battle pattern needs to be strengthened with spirit. The present state of Wang Si die can't be depicted at all.

Therefore, she will try her best to cultivate Chu Yun.

If Chu Yun can depict the violent battle pattern in the future, her deduction can be really implemented.

This matter, Wang sidie only casually mentioned once, words are full of regret.

After hearing this, Chu Yun kept it in his mind, thinking that one day he must portray the pattern of violent battle to make his mother realize his dream.

I didn't expect that the fierce battle pattern that my mother had been begging for was found on Luo Xiao.

Therefore, Chu Yun will let Luo Xiao peel off the fierce battle pattern so that he can take it back to his mother for practice.

"Wheeze, wheeze..."

Luo Xiao's expression was ferocious and pale. Finally, he took off the fierce battle pattern completely.

He recorded the fierce battle pattern on a piece of paper on the back hand, then handed it to Chu Yun, with gloomy eyes.

Chu Yun took over the fierce battle pattern, carefully observed it, and found that he didn't do anything, so he said quietly: "Lord Luo is determined, and he can see the situation clearly."

Luo Xiao snorted coldly and said hoarsely, "now you can let me go?"

Chu Yun nodded and immediately drew out the water moon sword and the cave Heaven Sword, bringing out a stream of blood.

Luo Xiao received the sharp pain, clenched his teeth, and his forehead was full of cold sweat.

In Chu Yun's way, he could draw out his sword quietly, but he did it on purpose.

Luo xiaonodded his head and said, "I have learned from this visit to the central region. If I don't lose your confidence in the future, I will never set foot in the central region!"

After saying that, Luo xiaostumbled up to the void, and left quickly under the escort of four demon slave guards.

As for the whole pagoda, it was also shaking and disappeared suddenly.

All the martial artists were in a trance. Then they found out that they had returned to muxing city.

The blood sacrifice array of muxing city has disappeared.

It's a relief to see here.

He came out just in a posture. If he really wanted to fight, he would show up in minutes.

Fortunately, the four demon slave guards were calm and didn't kill them.

At the same time, Chu Yun was relieved.

His forehead is full of cold sweat, no one knows how fast his heart beat just now.

Those four demon slave guards are old-fashioned. If they have a wrong look, they may be able to detect the clue.

At that time, a real dragon could not frighten them at all.

Therefore, he always pretended to be confident, in order to let them have no bottom in their hearts and dare not rush out.

"Although I'll let you go this time, I'll definitely kill you next time."

Chu Yun looked at the distance and thought so.

"How dare you play!"

The great sage came up and shook his head. "A real dragon that has not yet recovered its peak frightens the four demon guards. You are not afraid to be seen through by them and kill you in anger."


Chu Yun smiled, even if he was afraid, he had to continue to do it. After all, it was hard to ride a tiger.

However, the result is good.

Although I lost the xuangui map, I cut off Luo Xiao's fierce battle pattern. It's a real trip.

"Ouch, ouch."

Three thousand shakes the body, takes up the Long Wei, the golden light flashes, suddenly drills back to the cloud boundary.

Until this time, all the strong have returned to God.

They all stare at the fierce battle pattern in Chu Yun's hand, and their eyes are greedy.

This is The best secret pattern!

They have all seen the power of the fierce battle pattern just now.

If you can take it, it's priceless.

Chu Yun noticed that he immediately put away the fierce battle pattern, turned around and looked at the people with cold eyes, which contained the killing airway: "when the demon slave guards were arrogant, you were faster than anyone else, but now you want to come out one by one?"

As soon as this speech comes out, those strong people all show the color of guilt.

Chu Yun's words, direct to the heart, make them all shameless.

Tang Kewen was a little upset and couldn't help retorting: "nonsense, you get it is yours, we won't covet it!"

Although the mouth said so, but his greedy eyes, how can not hide.

Chu Yun not only did not die, but also reaped the fierce battle pattern, which made Tang Kewen very angry.

This boy, how can he live so long?

After hearing Tang Kewen's words, Chu Yun's whole breath suddenly changed. He could not help roaring: "Tang Kewen, my elder Tang, you speak with conviction. I have no account with you!"

Before four demon slave guards to their hands, ye Ruisi did not hesitate to stand up to block.

It can be said that if it was not for ye Rui, he would not be alive at this moment.

On the contrary, Tang Kewen, standing there, didn't mean to do anything.

All of this, Chu Yun saw in his eyes.

He knew that Tang Kewen was upset with himself and wanted revenge many times.

In this case, it's better to start first!

"Accounting? What are you looking for? "

Tang Kewen's eyes dodged, deliberately avoiding Chu Yun's eyes.

Chu Yun went forward, picked up Ye Rui and stared at Tang Kewen fiercely: "I was in danger before, and ye ran out at the first time to stop me. But you, standing where you are, would you rather I die? "

"Bloody! Just now, I just didn't respond! "

Tang Kewen was flustered, but he was still eloquent and eloquent.

Tang Zixian went to Chu Yun's side and said with a smart face: "don't talk nonsense, I can see what you have done in my eyes. It's up to my grandpa to decide when you go back."

"Don't wait for the Tang emperor to decide. I will kill him now!"

Chu Yun's whole body is full of evil spirit and rises.

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: this brother called app_43729245 has rewarded more than 10000 wave chasing coins and ranked first in the list of fans (although it is still a little short). This chapter is written for you. I hope you can see it and thank you again!

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