Sky War Soul

Chapter 555 faith collapse

The two big monks obviously didn't pay attention to the disorderly monks, because they both have the realm of Xuanwu and are not weak in battle.

If you can't open your eyes, you should talk to him first. If you can't really talk about it, you should press and fix it. Anyway, this kind of thing is not the first day.

Monk luanlai didn't go to pick up the purse, but suddenly burst into a rage and roared: "as a Buddhist, you should take universal life as your duty. The so-called universal life is not to make you pursue fame and wealth regardless of good and evil. You know these are bandits, and you ask them for incense money. Are you blind! What's more, there are refugees all over the place. If you don't go to relief and help the hungry people, you will collect money for incense everywhere. Is that what the Sutra teaches you? "

"Fuck you, one Buddhist scripture at a time, and we have come to be disciplined. I can stand you to do Tathagata! Go and revise the Sutra! "

The two monks' eyes showed a sense of being bad, so it seems that they can't be good.

I don't know where a stupid young monk came from. He opened his mouth and crossed the world. He shut up the Sutra. He would laugh at my prostatic fluid.

Do you really think you live in heaven?

"Go ahead, give up his hands and legs and leave them to the hungry."

A big monk has a fierce face. Since the little monk refuses to cooperate, he has to die.

"That's right. If we leave him to the hungry people, we can satisfy many people. We've done good deeds, ha ha ha..."

Another big monk was also shaking his head, and his fat body was shaking with laughter.


At last, luanlai monk could not help but kill in his heart. He saw the fierce light in his eyes, and suddenly put out his hand. He pointed to the golden light, which ran through the forehead of one of the big monks.

The big monk's face was still smiling, and there was a blood hole in his forehead.

He froze, fell on his back and fell into the snow.


Another big monk's teeth were all fighting, his pupils were frightened and uneasy.

It's so strong. The little monk in front of me is so strong.

Just one move, I killed my elder martial brother.

"Master, master! My Buddha is merciful, spare my life! "

The big monk flopped on his knees and kowtowed repeatedly.

The monk's expression was cold. He said one by one, "take me to the temple!"

Seeing the two big monks being so arrogant outside, monk luanlai's mind is a little clear.

But he was still lucky enough to go to the temple.

The big monk stood up shivering and cried, "I can't take you back, I will be killed by the host!"

"Take me, or I'll kill you!"

Disorderly monk's face is full of evil spirit. He can't leave any affection for such people.

Even he didn't know that his heart was changing.

Deeply rooted in the mind of the concept, also began to be hit, at stake.

The big monk can only nod his head and bring the confused monk back to the temple.

Before entering the door, the disorderly monk smelled a sweet smell. He saw a dozen big monks sitting at the table, laughing and drinking.

On the table, there are all kinds of stewed chicken elbows, stewed fish and pig's hooves. The table is full of people's appetite.

"The slogan is back. Did Liu Laosan pay for incense?"

A monk, a little older, stood up with bright eyes.

He suddenly found a little monk with blood on his face beside the slogan.

"Where did you bring the little monk? I don't know that there are not many rations in our temple. How about the scale?"

The host frowned, obviously dissatisfied with the arrival of the monk.

The slogans were chattering up and down, not daring to say a word, and retreated to one side.

Seeing this scene, monk luanlai was shocked.

If so, Chu Yun did not cheat himself.

These temples are really like this!

"Have you left the Buddhist scriptures behind, and a large number of living animals have been born! It snows for years without food output. There are countless hungry people everywhere. Instead of going to the disaster relief, you eat meat and drink wine here! "

Disorderly monk's whole body trembled with anger. In the past, whenever he went to the temple below, he would be welcomed in respectfully.

No matter where you go, you will see a harmonious scene.

In order to save more food for the refugees, the temples provided them with rations, the refugees had an orderly line to receive them, and the monks had a simple meal.

But now?

Monk luanlai felt that everything he had done had been overturned.

"No meddlesome boy!"

The abbot, with a cold expression, waved and said, "the little monk is stunned. The yard guard King Kong, beat him to me and drive him out!"


Several yard guard King Kong suddenly stood out, holding a pestle to subdue the devil, and rushed to the monk who was disorderly: "look at your nonsense, it's obviously being bewitched by the devil, I have to make you sober!"

Monk luanlai can no longer restrain his anger. He only feels that the Buddha in his mind suddenly collapses and completely collapses.

Originally tall figure, now nothing is left, only a large area of smoke and dust.

Not only that, his Buddhist heart has also been impacted unprecedentedly.

"Is this still Buddha? Are these people monks?"

The disorderly monk murmured to himself, with his eyes exposed, and could not help but shout: "you are secretly distorting the Buddha's meaning, which is blaspheming the Buddha! All of you, damn it! "

When the words fell, the disorderly monk was engulfed by the crazy killing machine again.


The sun is setting.

The temple, which used to be bustling, is now silent.

A body bathed in blood figure stumbled out of it, lost in spirits and lifeless.

It's like walking dead. It's not like a person at all.

In a short day, the Buddhist heart of monk luanlai has been impacted many times.

Now the Buddha in his mind completely collapses.

"Master, Tathagata, everyone says that you have the world in mind and take it as your duty to help the world. Can't you see that you are as high as a God and can take charge of everything! Can't you really see it! "

Disorderly monk's eyes are blank and he screams.

He was calling for Tathagata and his master.

But Tathagata could not hear it at all.

The belief of monk luanlai really collapsed.

He found that the belief he held for so many years was nothing more than a mirror image.

It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous.

Somehow, he suddenly remembered Chu Yun's words: "after you read it, you must not have any extreme behavior. Remember, you are just a spectator!"

Yes, I'm just a spectator now.

Just in the indifferent eyes, see all kinds of life just.

Thinking of this, monk luanlai shook his head and said with a wry smile: "ah, in the end, Chu Yun saw it most thoroughly. All along, I thought I saw through everything. I was the one who was really hoodwinked. "


After that, he spat out a mouthful of blood and his face was as white as paper.

Then, his eyes are full of despair, powerless face down.

The snow still did not stop, flying, until his body completely buried, only a small snow pile.

A day later, two monks in plain clothes passed by.

One old, one young.

They talked and laughed and seemed to have a good time.

The old monk was pushing his car, on which there were dozens of bags of newly purchased grain.

Suddenly, the car stuck.

The little monk was surprised and got out of the car to pick up the snow.

After a look, I was shocked: "look, elder martial brother, there is a monk here!"

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