Sky War Soul

Chapter 558 second brother Wang ruitu

"So strong!"

When the three abbots saw this scene, they were shocked.

I've only heard of the power of shadow spirits before. Now I really see it and find it stronger than I think!

It's just incomparable.

Imagine that the whole sky is covered by the ghost. What kind of horror should it be?


The three abbots look at each other. Wang Zhuo is really strong, but they can't flinch.

After all, there is an oral message from the Tathagata before this trip, which must be achieved.

The three figures turned into golden light and rushed to Wang Zhuo.

The war was dark.

The sky rocked.

The sky splits a lot of horrible cracks, delivering a very shocking atmosphere. It collapses in all directions and the earth shakes violently.

This is the scene of the fight between the strong in the feathered environment!

The War didn't last long. It was soon won.

I saw Wang Zhuo standing on the void with his hands on his back and a smile on his face: "three abbots are no better than you, if you want to capture Chu Yun from my shadow mountain, please come to see me in person!"

The three abbots were pale and bloodless. They were all seriously injured in the collision with Wang Zhuo.

They didn't expect that Wang Zhuo had such terrible strength that they were not afraid to fight.

After defeating the three of them, Wang zhuojiagen was not injured, still as downplay.

"Too strong. Is he the new king of the kingdom?"

The three abbots looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

"It must be so. If he is not the emperor, why is it so easy to deal with us?"

All sorts of complicated thoughts flashed through their hearts.

Although in the heart panic, but on the surface still can't flinch.

"Let the Tathagata come in person. You're very kind!"

One Abbot scolded: "even if you are better than us, then what? Chu Yun not only secretly learns our Buddhism's advanced fighting skills, but also takes them to revise without authorization. This is a great treason! Can you protect Youying mountain for the rest of his life? "

"As long as I don't die, I can protect him all my life!"

Wang Zhuo's face was expressionless, and he didn't bother to talk with these donkeys.

"Let's give in and get out!"

Speaking of the latter, Wang Zhuo was impatient. He drank a loud voice directly, and the storm gathered and rushed the three abbots out of tens of thousands of meters.

"I'll fight you!"

One Abbot was furious. He wanted to go up and fight with Wang Zhuo. He was caught by the other two.

"He's too strong. Don't be impulsive."

"We must go back and report to Rulai that Wang Zhuo is the new king of the region."

The other two abbots also have dignified expressions. This fiasco made them very shameless.

Their instinct is to find a reason for their defeat.

Wang Zhuo must be the king of Yu, otherwise why is he so strong?


For a whole month, Chu Yun finally passed the customs.

The spirit of the seven level martial arts can be regarded as the top of the table.

It will not be the same as before. After the martial spirit is exerted, people laugh.

When he came out of the palace, he saw the great sage sleeping in the open.

"What a lazy monkey."

Chu Yun shook his head, helpless.

The great sage doesn't need to practice, but his strength is faster than anyone. Who should he talk to?

Heart is really boring, chuyun from the residence out, in the Youying mountain around at will.

After living in Youying mountain for a year, he hasn't seen it carefully.

It has to be said that Youying mountain is still very large. There are various palaces standing on the mountain, which can't be seen at a glance.

On the top of the mountain, Chu Yun opened his arms and looked at the countless clouds below. He was full of pride and had a feeling of seeing the mountains.

Whenever he was in a confused mood, he would climb to the top of the mountain and look at the vast land of thousands of miles, which gave birth to boundless feelings.

Only at this moment can we completely throw everything away and enjoy the feeling of integration into the world.

"Chu Yun!"

Just then, there was a voice behind.

Chu Yun was surprised and looked around.

The visitor is a young man, who looks similar to Wang Chengying, and has some taste of Wang boqian between his eyebrows.

"Second brother?"

Chu Yun was a little surprised. The young man in front of him should be Wang ruitu, who had never met before.

Wang ruitu, who used to be one of the ten princes, later reached the realm of supernatural power, and felt that it was really boring, so he withdrew from the list and left the name of the prince.

Speaking of not seeking fame and wealth, he is also one.

Chu Yun heard a lot about Wang ruitu from Wang Chengying. In Wang Chengying's mouth, Wang ruitu is a rather eccentric guy. Although he also likes cultivation, his character is somewhat different from Wang boqian's.

Wang ruitu doesn't like to associate with others. He's a bit lonely, just like his nature.

As for Wang boqian, no matter where he is, he has the momentum of a leader. This is a natural leader.

"I've heard of you so many times that I've always wanted to fight you."

There is no expression on Wang ruitu's face, but there is a flash of excitement in his eyes, which seems to have the pleasure of finding match.


Chu Yun is speechless. He has to fight with himself as soon as he comes up. It's really a good start.

Anyway, it's also a relative. Has the flow of greetings been eliminated?

"Is it here?"

"Right here."

Wang ruitu can't wait to say, "I heard that you are better than big brother. I'm looking forward to it very much."

"Better than big brother, I dare not say."

Chu Yun knew that Wang boqian also had some credit for his victory over Luo Xiao.

If you fight with Wang boqian in your heyday, you will probably win, but you will have to pay a lot of price.

"No nonsense, let me see how strong you are!"

Wang ruitu grins and can't wait to show his soul and attack.

Chu Yun has no choice but to deal with it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! "

On the top of the mountain, two figures shuttled back and forth, hitting each other constantly, and the voice was shaking with a roar, which was straight to the ear.

The battle, though fierce, was brief.

After only half an hour, they both stopped.

"No more."

Wang ruitu was panting. He sat down and his face was full of emotion: "are you a barbarian? How can you be so strong?"

He talks straight and straight, and doesn't beat around the bush. At most, he just has some communication that he doesn't understand, which is not as exaggerated as Wang Chengying described.

Chuyun said with a smile, "I'm a body trainer, but I'm not weak in spirit."

"I heard that you also know the meaning of sword and sword. It's a rare wizard. It's all powerful. It's said that you can integrate the meaning of swords and swords to form new moves and reach new heights! "

Wang ruitu's eyes are full of praise. It's not easy to praise people with his personality.

"Second brother is flattering."

Chu Yun is very modest. After all, from the perspective of seniority, Wang ruitu is his second brother, and the necessary respect is still necessary.

"I heard that you have a lot to do with Tang Zixian?"

Wang ruitu suddenly said something.

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