Sky War Soul

Chapter 569 red sword

Although the dilapidated palace is very large, it is not impressive in the middle of a group of magnificent palaces.

Around the front and back, they were all covered by the palace. Fortunately, Chu Yun looked down from the top of his head to find the ruined palace.

"Although the palace looks inconspicuous, its location is very good. It is the main hall in all directions, showing the posture of stars holding the moon If this palace is not important, how can it have such a terrain? "

Chu Yun's eyes are concentrated. After a little thought, he immediately flies down.

After entering the dilapidated palace, I can only see that the walls are full of complicated and complicated secret patterns, which are countless.

Chu Yun is now a master of secret patterns. When he looks up, he has a bottom in his heart.

The secret pattern engraved on the wall is the great array of gathering spirits, and it is the kind with very high level, which can speed up the spiritual cultivation hundreds of times.

Although this array has been broken, when you touch the secret pattern with your hand, it will still flash a brilliant halo, one after another, flooding around.

"A strong array must have been made by the secret pattern master himself..."

Chu Yun was shocked. Unless the master of secret pattern did it himself, he would not be able to depict such a profound and complicated array.

On the wall of the palace, there was a array that was personally depicted by the master of secret pattern, which also proved the conjecture in Chu Yun's heart.

This ruined ancient temple is absolutely extraordinary.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Yun walked along the long corridor of the palace towards the inside.

He carefully identified and tried to feel, trying to identify where there was aura fluctuation.

Everything in the ancient palace, like being sealed, is covered with a thick layer of dust.

After entering the palace, there is a throne facing you. The throne is very tall, and you need to look up.

Chu Yun stood in front of the throne, can't help but feel sad.

What kind of powerful people can sit on it?

In the main hall, there are six statues, which are carved with six men in armor and with shining eyes.

These men have different attitudes, but their eyes are all on the throne, as if there is their king sitting there.

Chu Yun went forward and looked at the statues carefully.

These statues are not cold to the touch, but rather warm.

If it wasn't for the hard stone, Chu Yun really thought that he was touching a living person.

"How could it be warm."

Chu Yun was puzzled. He touched several of them and even infiltrated the spirit into them. He wanted to find out what was inside.


At the moment when the spirit was injected into it, the statue man's eyes suddenly shot a light, penetrating the void and shaking the sky.

However, only for a moment, fast to come and go.

Chu Yun takes a step back and looks unbelievable.

"Am I wrong?"

Chu Yun felt the shock of that second and quickly shook his head.

I am not mistaken. When my aura was injected into it, the statue's eyes did shine.

After infusing the spirit again, there is no voice. No matter how Chu Yun works, he can't shake the statue again.

"It's strange."

Chu Yun infuses the spirit into other statues again, and there is no more vision.

After carefully observing the statue and finding nothing, Chu Yun took off with his feet parallel to the throne.

However, it was found after flying to the top that there was a man sitting upright on the throne.

He was a big man in a cape, covering his face, and could not see clearly.

Chu Yun's heart moved. He could not help but move closer and raise his hand to lift the cloak.

Sure enough, there was a white skeleton under the cloak.

The skeleton was a tall man, obviously a man of great age, sitting on the throne with great momentum.

There was a rusty sword in his chest.

The sword went through his chest, through his back.

The skeleton held the hilt in both hands and tried to pull out the sword, but it failed in the end.

His head was askew, obviously he didn't give up until the last second before he died.

Seeing this, Chu Yun almost has some thoughts in his mind.

The skeleton above the throne must have been a great man in his life, but he was pierced by a sword in the battle.

In order to maintain his pride, he sat back on the throne and tried desperately to draw out the sword. However, for various reasons, he failed.

At the end of the day, he could not escape death.

But he died on the throne.

After he died, he still sat there as a skeleton, the bones emitting white light, like precious jade, not rotten.

This is him, the last dignity.

When he thought of it, Chu Yun stood in awe. He held the sword in both hands and drew it out.


Long sword is very easy to be drawn out, in the moment of drawing out, even released a touch of light halo.

"Master, I helped you to draw out the sword."

Chu Yun covered his cloak again and sat upright as if he were still the king.

Holding the rusty sword in his hand, Chu Yun infused the spirit. He saw that the sword suddenly released brilliance, and the rust on the surface faded layer by layer, finally showing the real shape.

This is a long sword with red color and endless fire. It shines brightly and shines the whole hall.

The breath of energy is very strong. It blows out in all directions, just like the wind is blowing, rolling up countless dust underground.

"Good sword!"

Chu Yun's eyes brightened. The sword was unspeakable. It was at least the best spirit soldier.

Although after thousands of years of dust, some rusty, but when the rust disappeared, the sword that God block killing god Buddha block killing Buddha came back.

"Unfortunately, I don't lack swords."

Chu Yun is a little sad. He already has the water moon sword. It's the weapon of the God of war. Even the Holy Spirit soldier can't compare it with him.

But it doesn't matter. First, put away the long sword. If you have a chance, it's better to give it away.

"There are treasures!"

Just then, an excited voice came out of the hall, and a short Taoist rushed into it.

Chu Yun's eyes set. In order to avoid extraneous twigs, he immediately put this red sword into the ring of space.

I saw a Taoist rush into the palace, his eyes fell on Chu Yun, flashing a greedy color: "have you found the treasure?"

"Are you wrong?"

Chu Yun's hands spread out: "there are so many palaces here. It's unnecessary to compete with me, isn't it?"

Chu Yun remembers that this short path is also the son of some aristocratic family, who is with Song Hui.

"Give up the treasure and spare your life!"

The Taoist was obviously used to being arrogant and domineering, and did not put Chu Yun in his eyes.

He had a fierce expression, and even tried to use his words.

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