Sky War Soul

Chapter 571 guard Python

Python obviously did not expect that the human body he was facing would be so strong.


Python was very angry. He was so huge that he didn't fight this human.

Then there was a roar, and the strange fog rose all over the body, like a real dragon shuttling through the clouds, which was vast.

"How much more can you do?"

Chu Yun's eyes were scornful, his hands sticking out from left to right, and he grabbed Python's head.

Python is limited, can't dodge, can only crazily shake the head, want to throw Chu cloud to fly out.

Chu Yun turns over and sits on the top of the python, sneers and smashes his fists at the Python's head.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! "

One stroke after another, the power shocks the void and makes a puffing sound.

His fist filled with aura collided with the gray fog, revealing the vision of shaking the world, devouring each other crazily, and no one would agree with him.

"You gray mist, can you swallow my spirit?"

Chu Yun raised his eyebrows, which was obviously unexpected.

Even the void is pulled by two breath, just like the lake, spreading ripples around.

The gray fog is swallowing the spirit at a very fast speed.

If it wasn't for its strong aura, it would have been swallowed up in a few seconds.

It has to be said that the Python's method is amazing.

Dozens of fists went on in a row, and python was knocked unconscious. Although the spirit was swallowed, Chu Yun's simple physical strength was still overwhelming.

"It's stubborn."

Chu Yun's eyes narrowed. Suddenly, he offered a water moon sword and a cave knife. Without hesitation, he thrust them into Python's head.


The water moon sword is the first to stab the Python's skull and insert it deeply into his head.


Python is suffering from pain. He swings his body wildly and shakes it vigorously.

"You know how to be afraid, beast?"

Chu Yun's mouth showed a grim smile, and he slashed the cave knife with his backhand, hissing at the Python's triangular head.

A stream of sabre Qi splits out, cuts off the Python's head, and spurts blood from it, which is very hot.

However, just a second later, from the python wound, the endless gray fog came out, covering the whole world. Even the void was set off into a terrible gray.

Chu Yun only felt that most of his body's aura was taken away by him, and it was very fast and still spreading.


As the gray fog filled, even the surface of the earth was shattered.

Countless palaces collapsed and were covered with dust.

In the fog, mixed with the atmosphere of destruction, it is very cold, it is hard to eliminate.

In the frenzied devouring, Chu Yun even suffered a heavy blow to his soul, which was like being confused and suddenly gave birth to an impulse to destroy the heaven and earth.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Yun's eyes were shining again, and he could not help but exude a cold sweat.

This grey fog is so horrible!

This Python is so tenacious!


Python rolled on the ground, countless palaces were knocked down by it, and all kinds of earth and stone hit Chu Yun, but he still held the water moon sword, unshakable.

"The Python's vitality is amazing, and it's still devouring through the fog, and it's constantly healing the wound."

Chu Yun looked down and saw that the opening on his head was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, more and more of their auras are swallowed up, and even the brain is dizzy.

"There is fierce fighting over there!"

"What a strong breath!"

"Forget it, the strong fight. Let's not get close."

Some Taoists were shocked when they found the waves far away.

They immediately shook their heads after assessing in their hearts and never dared to move forward again.

This level of fighting is not something they can help.

Not only these Taoists, even Song Hui and his party, also felt this breath.

"I didn't expect that there were monsters of this level in the underground imperial city."

Song Hui looked ten thousand meters away, his eyes were heavy, and he thought, "I still don't want to go there, I'm not trying to please you."

But he did not know that what was fighting with Python was Chu Yun, who had once pressed him to the ground and rubbed him.

"Is it true that I can't help you?"

Under Chu Yun's fury, he burst out in a rude way.

A Buddha statue was born behind him, surrounded by magic Qi.

Python felt Chu Yun's monstrous spirit, his huge body trembled, and his small green eyes showed caution.

It also knows that the other side is not easy to deal with.

After the magic Buddha battle, Chu Yun's fingers were surrounded by the golden light and stabbed fiercely at the hilt of the water moon sword.

Stab the hilt with one finger, and press down the water moon sword again.


The water moon sword is so fierce that it doesn't enter the Python's head.

The python roared miserably, then raised his body, opened his mouth, spit out the thick black fog, and tried to encircle Chu cloud again.

After a loss of Chu Yun, it's impossible to lose again.

He knew that Python wanted to absorb his aura with gray fog and then repair his wounds.

As long as we avoid the fog, we can break it.

Chu Yun turns over and jumps down, holding the cave knife, his eyes are shining.

"Heaven cutting Sabre Qi!"

Chu Yun holds the knife with both hands, just like Pangu's pioneering spirit, and cuts it down severely.

This attack will completely cut the void.

The earth shakes wildly, a palace collapses, the ground splits, cannot say the magnificent.


This knife cuts the python.

The Python's huge body is divided into two parts. It struggles in the extreme pain and beats the ground hard.

"Boom! Boom! "

The earth was photographed continuously, thousands of kilometers around, the palace all turned into powder.

It took a long time for the python to die completely without any sound.

Chu Yun took back the water moon sword and the Dongtian sword, and could not help scolding: "vitality is really tenacious."

If it wasn't for the torrent of spirit in his body, I would have been sucked up by the python.

The fog gradually dispersed, only to see that there was no way forward, only a broad wall, with a thick ink painting of various oil paintings.

Chu Yun looked up and looked at the oil painting in confusion.

Python obviously exists to protect this painting.

What is this oil painting? Is there any secret in it?

Chu Yun calms down and observes carefully.

In this painting, there is a big snake with seven heads. It is fighting with countless powerful people around.

All the heads of the seven headed giant snake release all kinds of supernatural powers, such as fire, ice, thunder, fog

Wait, fog?

Chu Yun is surprised.

Isn't one of the seven heads of the giant snake, the head that erupts the fog, the python that he just killed?

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