Sky War Soul

Chapter 59: aoyunzong's advice

Although I know that he has no spare power, none of the core disciples of aoyunzong dare to challenge.

They are very afraid. What if?

If Chu Yun had the spare power to split the second knife, it would mean another person would be killed.

Who is willing to make a big bet with his life?

I'm afraid no one wants to!

When he stepped down from the challenge arena, Chu Yun stumbled and nearly fell.

Tang Haoran rushed forward with quick eyes, reached for Chu Yun, reached for a pill and put it into his mouth. At the same time, he leaned over his ear and whispered: "brother Chu Yun, you really let me Open your eyes! "

Chu Yun laughs bitterly. Zuo Yunfei is really hard to deal with. He uses the cave knife to kill him.

Fortunately, the Dragon Sabre technique is not exposed. Otherwise, the first sabre in the Middle Kingdom, Saint Hu, has created his own excellent martial arts skills. I don't know how many strong people will covet it!

At that time, with this strength, let alone keep the Dragon Sabre technique, I'm afraid I can't even protect my life!

"Brother chuyun, tell me the truth. Do you still have a secret card?"

Tang Haoran came up and whispered.

Chu Yun's heart was shocked. Did Tang Haoran show his Dragon Sabre technique?

The origin of Tang Haoran's identity is a mystery, and his strength is unpredictable. It is not impossible for him to see the clue.

Just as Chu Yun was about to explain, Tang Haoran went on: "I can't see the way of your Wu soul, but I can be sure that it's not only the Yellow level but also the ten grades. Brother chuyun, have you been concealing your martial spirit level

Chu Yun hears the words and breathes a long sigh of relief.

"Haoran, you guessed it well. My soul is really more than the Yellow ten."

Chuyun smiled a little. He didn't lie. There is no limit to the future of the Supreme Soul of war. What does yellow level ten products mean?

"I admire my sister's eyes. She never agreed to anyone, brother chuyun, you are the first! "

When Tang Haoran was talking, he smiled, turned his mouth and reached for the distance.

Chu Yun instinctively looked in the direction pointed by Tang Haoran, and saw a beautiful shadow passing by outside the crowd, and soon disappeared into the void.

Although it was only a glimpse, Chu Yun recognized that it was Tang Zixian.

I didn't expect that even she came to watch the war. Did she come for her own sake?

Chu Yun's victory greatly encouraged the morale of tiandaozong.

In the face of aoyunzong's provocation, he not only retreated, but bravely fought and slapped each other severely.

The situation suddenly reversed.

Tiandaozong leaped to the top.

Have a good time!

Most importantly, those people of aoyunzong can only hold back!

There is nothing more exciting.

"Ha ha ha ha, how about Wu muyuan? Chu Yun is our new disciple of tiandaozong this year. Didn't he disappoint you?"

Qiao Long's words are mixed with wanton sarcasm.

In other words, there is a mockery: your so-called genius of aoyunzong can't even beat our new disciples this year!

As Lei Ming, it's not easy to get to know those people of aoyunzong, but Qiao long is different. He and Wu muyuan are old rivals. They hate to kill each other. It's more appropriate for him to show up.

Wu muyuan just woke up. Hearing Qiao Long's sarcastic voice, he only felt his Qi and blood surging up. The sky was dim and the earth was dark. He looked up and bled again.

"Brother chuyun did a good job. Is it my demon night?"

At night, the bareheaded strong demon pinched his fist, smiled grimly on his face, and walked to the challenge arena.

His eyes were fierce, he stared at Aoxue and hooked his fingers.

Aoxue is also a grumpy man. Naturally, he can't stand the challenge of demon night. His eyes are flashing scarlet light, and he comes up with a wide grin: "since you want to die, I will complete you!"

Both of them have four realms of transforming Qi. Their strength is almost the same. The battle between them is very remarkable.

The spirit of the demon night is the earth bear of the first grade of Xuan level. When it is used, its muscles expand and its strength increases abruptly.

Every fist, with a thick mountain flavor, is irresistible.

The soul of proud blood is a special sword. It is a long sword made of blood. It's called blood sword. It's also a Xuan level sword.

He grew up with the army and killed thousands of people. At a young age, he had slaughtered thousands of people himself, so there was always a sense of violence around him.

Later, when Wu Hun woke up, he woke up the blood sword.


There is no unnecessary nonsense, no fancy moves, just collision, desperately collision.

Fight in the most manly and bloodthirsty way!

The style of both of them belongs to the open and close style. If they fail to defeat their opponents, they will never give up.

Although Aoxue is a sword, it is very heavy when wielded. In addition, he doesn't like to stab the sword, but bumps it. So he fights with the demon at night. The world is shaking and the ground vibrates.

For several consecutive rounds of head-on confrontation, the two men's physical strength did not weaken at all.

The evil spirit of the demon night and the murderous spirit of proud blood are interwoven together, which ignites everyone's eyes.

This battle is wonderful enough. The people watching it are full of emotion and blood.

In the end, Aoxue was defeated by a move, and was hit by a fist of demon night. He was seriously injured and fell to the ground. He was in a coma directly.

Looking at the proud blood under his feet, the evil spirit of the demon night smiled and looked up proudly, disdaining to open his mouth and said: "for the defeated generals, I never kill all the demons at night. If I have the ability, I will defeat me head-on! I can defeat you once, I can defeat you ten times! "

Demon night's words made many core disciples feel surging. That's what big husband did!

Although he is similar to Aoxue, he is at two extremes.

One loves to fight, but he has his own rules and will not kill indiscriminately.

One only loves to kill. He is full of murderous spirit. He is full of violence. He will not let anyone go.

This is the difference between demon night and proud blood.

Aoyunzong was defeated again, Wu muyuan was in a coma, and the core disciples were all headless for a while.

"What next?"

Long feeling is a little anxious. She can't stop her declining situation. She is helpless.

But the exchange game is still going on.

"There's no need for this exchange game to go on. The death of younger martial brother Zuo and the defeat of pride and blood are far beyond our expectation. Now our morale is deeply damaged. If we continue, we will only suffer more losses! "

Zhongnan is the disciple of aoyunzong, who has prestige. He ranks first among the core disciples.

In his words, many disciples didn't oppose him.

"Just go back like this? I really don't like it! "

Long feeling bit his teeth, and there was a flash of anger on his pretty face.

"Don't worry about it. We can't stay any longer!"

Zhong Nan's face is gloomy and his voice is stern.

"Well OK, I'll listen to elder martial brother Zhong. "

Long feeling gently biting lips, can only nod.

The rest of the core disciples of Aoyun sect are all bowing their heads, without the previous arrogance.

When they first came to tiandaozong, they dragged each other like 250000 yuan. They looked down upon each other with their nostrils in the sky. It was only after reality slapped them that they, like the bereaved dog, began to pick up their tails.

Thunder face with a smile, the heart is extremely happy.

Tiandaozong finally expressed all the grievances of the last exchange competition.

Aoyunzong is their main competitor. With a long history of resentment, no one will feel pity for their rivals.

"Lei Changlao, we aoyunzong didn't have enough preparation for this exchange competition. It's a failure. But if the mountain doesn't turn and the water doesn't turn, we'll find this place sooner or later! "

Zhong Nan stepped forward two steps, carrying his hands on his back, and said in a deep voice.

"I'll go to your mother. It's all this time. How can I still pretend to be forced?"

"I'm really shocked by the thickness of aoyunzong's faces!"

"You are so fresh and refined!"

On the side of tiandaozong, countless core disciples shouted abuse.

Obviously, it's you who take the initiative. How can it be as weak as us?

Do you have to face this?

Chu Yun under the stage couldn't help laughing.

Aoyunzong, these people, is really refreshing his understanding of fools again and again.

Zhong Nan's face was gloomy. He wanted to take aoyunzong out of the competition, but he wanted to keep his face, so he fell into a dilemma for a while.

"What, you want to quit?"

Qiao long disdained to smile, said: "we two exchanges between the game, but never said that the game back."

Qiao long has a deep hatred for aoyunzong. He took many disciples to aoyunzong to participate in the exchange competition, but he was humiliated. The other side didn't even have the minimum reception, and left him there for more than half an hour.

That time, I really lost my face.

At last, Qiao long managed to hold back his anger, played the communication game and came back for half a month.

This time, he will not spare aoyunzong lightly.

"We have no intention to fight because of the trifles outside. Even if you continue to compete, you won't win brilliantly!"

Zhong Nan sneered. Some dead pigs were not afraid of boiling water.

Such a scene, immediately attracted more curses.

At this time, Lei Ming opened his mouth, and he said without expression: "if you want to leave the game, you can, please put some blood, and then roll!"

Zhong Nan's face was cold, and immediately said, "all the colorful things that we brought from aoyunzong are unconditionally dedicated to Guizong to show our sincerity. Is that enough? "

Tiandaozong and aoyunzong have prepared valuable cultivation resources for this exchange competition as the first prize of the winning side.

Of course, the most important thing is not these colorful heads, but face!

Who wins represents the strength of force, which is a face and honor that cannot be bought by many financial resources!

"Zhong Nan, are you fooling a three-year-old?"

Qiao long disdained a smile and said with scorn: "even if you don't quit the game, we tiandaozong can still win, and those lottery ends, are not all ours?"

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