Sky War Soul

Chapter 598 two major events

No one can understand Xiao Jinyu's humiliation at the moment. If he had changed to normal, he would have been furious.

With his identity and strength, he naturally doesn't have to live.

But now it's different.

Xiao Jinyu doesn't have many people who can't afford to offend, but Jiang Wei in front of him is one.

"President Jiang, please think twice."

Xiao Jinyu's eyes were cold, like a wild animal on the verge of madness. He could rush up at any time: "for Chu Yun, do you really want to offend our two clans?"

In Xiao Jinyu's view, this is an extremely stupid and unreasonable behavior.

But Jiang Wei doesn't think so.

If Chu Yun can fulfill his talent, he may become the second master of secret pattern after gongyangliang.

At that time, the so-called four clans will be hard to catch up with.

Jiang Wei sneered, "if you don't go out, I'll take you out."

"Very well."

After leaving this sentence, Xiao Jinyu stared at Chu Yun and said: "Chu Yun, don't be arrogant, we will meet again in the end!"

After that, he turned and left with an iron face.

For this reason, there is no need for further discussion.

Jia Zixuan stood aside, his face panicked and at a loss.

Instinctively, she wanted to give Xiao Jinyu a present, but when she saw Jiang Wei's expression, she did not go out.

"Don't go away, go to inform all the masters and come here to discuss matters."

Jiang Wei reached out and said to Jia.


Jia Ziyu knew that in his own capacity, it was not convenient to stay here for a long time, so he went down immediately after hearing the words.

"Thank you, President Jiang."

Chu Yun's mouth was smiling, and Jiang Wei, in front of himself, deliberately embarrassed Xiao Jinyu, which was an expression.

He means that our secret division is willing to offend the two clans completely for you.

Chu Yun sees in the eye, nature also remembers in the heart.

In a short time, the whole secret division of the secret division labor union came to Qi one after another.

They were obviously not clear about the situation, some of the masters were even impatient: "My Secret lines are about to become, but what do you want me to do at this time?"

"Chu Yun?"

One of the secret grain masters was surprised to see Chu Yun.

He's not someone else. It's official that he and Jiang Wei were the judges at the chrysanthemum club.

"Master of the book."

Chu Yun stood up and said hello.

The book takes a look at Chu Yun, then looks at Jiang Wei, with doubts in his eyes.

Jiang Wei smiled, put down the teacup, stood up and said, "I invite you to come today. There are two important things to discuss..."

Hearing this, many grand masters immediately put aside all their looks and listened quietly.

Jiang Weiping is very busy in the day. If it is not a real event, they are rarely called together.

"The first thing, I have decided to admit Chu Yun into the secret tattoo master's Union, directly confer the position of elder, and act as the Deputy tower leader of the secret tattoo tower."

Jiang Wei pointed to Chu Yun and said to many masters.


After that, many of the Grand Masters were shocked.

"President, are you crazy?"

"There are only three elders in the whole secret pattern division union. How can he be a new one?"

"Even if you really want to give him the position of elder, you have to bear it!"

These masters didn't know Chu Yun, so they responded very well.

Even Shuqian was shocked by Jiang Wei's words.

He knew that Chu Yun was very gifted. At such an age, he had reached the position of master, which was not easy. In the future, he only had a little thought on the secret pattern to enter the realm of master.

But even so, we can't let him be an elder directly.

What would other masters think?

A new kid can have this status when he comes in. Will those old people with decades and hundreds of years of experience be convinced?

Shuqian is a little anxious. You say you let him be the Deputy tower leader. It's nothing.

After all, the whole secret grain pagoda is built by Jiang Jianwei. He can make it whoever he wants.

But he's not the only one in the secret pattern division!

Seeing the excited appearance of the crowd, Jiang Wei had expected this for a long time, smiled and explained: "you may be dissatisfied with my proposal, but it has happened, and my order will not be taken back. Next, I will explain to you why I made such a decision. "

Many masters frowned and waited for Jiang Wei's explanation.

In their view, it's an amnesty to let a boy enter the secret division.

It is in the interests of most people to grant the post of elder directly.

If Jiang Wei can't provide strong and convincing evidence, I'm afraid his prestige will be affected.

Power for personal gain and human relationship first are not things that the president should do.

"As you should know, I've been studying fury patterns all these years."

Jiang Wei glanced across the room and said, "I've done a lot of hard work on the lines of fury, but I still haven't achieved anything."

Many masters, all ears.

They all know that Jiang Wei is infatuated with the fierce battle pattern.

Most of them have been found by Jiang Wei to help him perfect the depiction of violent battle patterns.

It's a pity that all of them failed because they didn't understand the fierce battle pattern.

But, Jiang Wei can only feel the stone to cross the river by himself, because there is no reference, so the speed of progress is beyond imagination.

"And then?"

Shuqian is very curious about this, because he is the last one to help Jiang Wei perfect the secret pattern, and the result is nothing.

Because of this, he is eager to know the follow-up progress.

"After Chu Yun arrived, he helped me to deduce it from beginning to end in half a day, and perfected all the thoughts of the fierce battle pattern Now I'm confident that in a month at most, I will be able to depict the fierce battle pattern! "

Jiang Wei's eyes sparkled with excitement and his tone became excited.

As soon as this remark was made, all the Grand Masters in the audience were stunned.

With a smile on his lips, Jiang Wei knew that this would be the end.

Most of the grand masters at the scene participated in the depiction of their violent battle patterns, but in the end, none of them failed.

Now what they didn't do, Chu Yun did, which also shows Chu Yun's ability from the side.

"That's true?"

A master took a deep breath, even his voice was shaking.

Other masters also looked up and down at Chu Yun, who was inexplicably complicated.

Jiang Wei would never lie. If it was Chu Yun who completed the fierce battle pattern deduction, it would not be so hard for him to understand that he named him the elder.

Put yourself in the situation, no matter who you are, you will be excited to do this kind of thing.

After all, fierce battle pattern, but the best secret pattern!


Jiang Wei nodded and said firmly, "if you don't believe it, you can come back after January."

"I put in a word, Chu Yun is the first of the four guilds that I once told you. No one needs to question his talent in secret tattoos! "

Shuqian also came out to speak for his old friends.

Many masters looked at each other, and the suspicion in some people's eyes was fading away.

This line is about strength regardless of age.

If you really have the ability, even if you are a three-year-old child, I will accept you.

Chu Yun nodded, then tore off his clothes and showed the secret patterns of the thirty-six beasts plundering the sky to many masters.

"Hiss! I am not mistaken! "

"Thirty six animals plunder the sky with mysterious patterns!"

"That's true, my God!"

"How could..."

Many great masters changed their colors.

Thirty six beast raiding the sky is the most difficult one among the top secret patterns, which is more difficult to depict than the fierce battle pattern.

Although the secret Artists Union has gathered the top secret artists in the central region, they have not been able to depict the best secret patterns. If Jiang Weizhen can make a breakthrough, he will be the first.

But who could have thought that Chu Yun actually had thirty-six secret patterns of animals plundering the sky.

"His teacher, his mother, is named Wang Sidi, which you may not have heard very much. Wang sidie is the sister of Wang Zhuo, the leader of Youying mountain. She has reached the top of her master's level in secret patterns. She can portray many kinds of top secret patterns with her own strength... "

Jiang Wei began to explain slowly: "the thirty-six beast's secret pattern of plundering the sky comes from her handwriting!"

Most of the great masters don't hear outside the window. When they hear this, they all take a breath.

They thought that they were the only ones among all the secret artists in the Middle Kingdom.

Who knows? There are people outside and there are days outside.

You Yingshan has another one, who depicts the existence of the best secret pattern with his own power.

"As Wang Sidi's son, Chu Yun inherited the secret pattern talent. He was only in his twenties and reached the realm of grand master. His future is boundless. If we continue to practice, we may even reach the realm of great masters that no one has touched for thousands of years. Then, it will be the real rise of our secret pattern masters! "

Jiang Wei's voice, mixed with endless excitement, seems to be drawing a grand blueprint.

It seems that all the masters really saw the coming of the grand era of secret pattern master.

After calming down, all the masters began to think seriously.

A master of this age, if he is an elder, is indeed qualified.

No matter who it is, there will be no imbalance in the mind.

"President, if it is as you say, we are convinced."

A grand master opened his mouth.

They can do this position, certainly not mean person.

From the perspective of the future of the secret artists' Union, it's a good thing for Jiang Weila to reach Chu Yun!

The rest of the masters nodded in succession to show their agreement.

At last, Shuqian could not help asking, "what's the second thing?"

Jiang Wei intentionally said at the end of the matter, that is to give everyone a psychological preparation in order to avoid overreacting.

After all, it's not a good thing to offend the two clans directly.

"It is well known that Chu Yun and the Xiao family have deep blood feuds."

"Just before, I drove away Xiao Jinyu and cut off all business with the Xiao family."

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: don't worry, everyone. I will finish it before two o'clock. Finally, the flowers in front of them rose and flew, but the brothers were very helpful, only one hundred.

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