Sky War Soul

Chapter 611 rewriting history and concealing the world

Wang Zhuo was shocked. He didn't expect that Chu TianKuo had brought the whole Chu family here.

What happened three days ago, Wang Zhuo naturally heard about it.

In his mind, there is something to blame.

It's clear that your situation is all like this. You need to overdraw too much. You need to use the eight wastes to kill the gods. You don't care about your body.

Seeing Wang Zhuo coming, Wang sidie smiled: "brother, I killed Tang Kewen, which made TianKuo unable to stay in the Tang Dynasty. Since this matter arises from me, I have to solve it properly, so I have brought them all. "

Wang Zhuo sighed and said helplessly, "sidie, after all these years, you still haven't changed your habit of pulling the corners of your clothes when you lie."

The smile on Wang sidie's face suddenly became embarrassed.


Chu TianKuo takes a deep breath and looks a little uneasy.

After all these years, he saw Wang Zhuo for the first time.

How can Wang Zhuo say that he is also the elder brother of Wang Sidi and the mountain master of Youying mountain. His status is higher than that of the four great emperors.

Although Chu TianKuo has seen many big scenes, it is impossible to say that he is not nervous.

When he came, Chu TianKuo heard that Wang sidie had said that Wang Zhuo and Wang zhanting were both knife mouth and tofu heart. Even if they were complained at that time, they should not talk back.

Wang Zhuo looks back at chutiankuo, wants to open his mouth, and finally thinks about it or resists it.

My sister, for the sake of chutiankuo, has suffered a lot. Even if she is not satisfied with him, she can only hold it in her heart.

He turned his head, and then said to Wang sidie, "sidie, can your father agree to this?"

Wang sidie said with a smile, "now yun'er is the emperor of the region. He can't disagree."

Chu Yun chimed in, "we don't really want much, just give us a mountain top, which should be easy for you Ying mountain to meet."

Wang Zhuo smiled bitterly and sighed, "well, I can't help you. I will send someone to fix you up, but your grandfather needs you to come over and tell him in person. "

In his heart, he is still very partial to Wang sidie.

"Well, thank you very much, uncle."

Chu Yun grins.

"Your grandfather is in the main hall at the top of the mountain. He knew three days ago. I think he is waiting for you to explain. Remember, better tone, don't talk back to him! "

Wang Zhuo pointed out the direction to Chu Yun, and then said to Wang sidie and Chu TianKuo, "someone will take them to settle down immediately. You two, follow me first."


Chuyun rose all the way to the top of the mountain.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the fragrance of flowers and plants is everywhere.

I saw Wang zhanting's face sitting in front of the main hall. He was obviously sulking.

Chu Yun went up to him and said with a smile, "I think grandpa has heard about this, so I will not repeat it. Now the situation is very simple. Tang Dynasty can't stay any longer. My family needs a place to settle down for a while. I promise that when the family is no longer threatened by the Xiao family, I will let them move out. "

Hearing the word "Grandpa", Wang zhanting's tense old face relaxed a little.

If you remember correctly, this is the first time Chu Yun called him "Grandpa".

Take a deep breath, Wang zhanting slaps the table and says in a deep voice: "come here, can I drive you out? I'd like to drive you out, but Dieer won't agree! "

Hearing Wang zhanting's words, Chu Yun knew that he had agreed.

Although the mouth is still true, but this is his bad temper.

"In that case, thank you Grandpa."

Chu Yun grinned, even he didn't think it would be so simple.

Wang zhanting snorted, glanced at Chu Yun, and said quietly, "your realm is rising very fast. In a blink of an eye, you are about to reach the state of eclosion."

Chu Yun is trying to be modest. Wang zhanting then said: "in fact, I have paid special attention to you in these times. The most surprising battle is that you defeated Luo Xiao. Luo Xiao is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. He seems young. In fact, his fighting experience and mood are far superior to those arrogance. Even boqian is defeated, but you can win! "

"For me, Luo Xiao is really a tough opponent."

Chu Yun nodded.

"Next, I have a bad news to tell you that the three holy places of the demon clan are all broken. Now the situation of the Western wasteland is very bad. Just yesterday, the emperor of the West was surrounded by three saints until his death

Wang zhanting's expression was unspeakable seriousness.

As an old opponent, the death of the emperor also made him feel sad.

"The emperor is dead?"

Chu Yun is surprised.

Although he never met with the emperor, his fall as emperor shocked the whole land!

"Well, the death of Xihuang means that Xihuang was completely occupied by the demon clan. The three holy places spread branches and leaves and became the paradise of countless demon families. I didn't expect that their actions would be so rapid... "

Wang zhanting's expression is a little dim. If he is not a member of our family, his heart will be different. It's also a matter of human beings to engage in any more intrigues with the Western emperor.

Now the demon clan has a hand in it, which is to break into the Bureau and make the situation gloomy again.

"Grandpa, to tell you the truth, when the demon clan invaded the Western wasteland, why didn't the other regions including you help?"

Chu Yun frowned and asked questions in his heart.

That's what he always wanted to ask.

It took several years for the demon tribe to invade the Western wasteland.

In this period, as long as the other four regions are willing to rescue, it will not be such an end.

However, no one did, until the death of the Western emperor, the Western wasteland fell, and no one did.

Wang zhanting sighed, but his expression was helpless: "I've thought about making moves many times to join the other three regions to reinforce Xihuang, but none of them was moved, and no one was willing to do such a thankless thing. In this case, I dare not rush. If I lead the forces of Youying mountain to Xihuang in person, what about the central region? Who will take the seat? What about the fortune and the dragon? "

Hearing Wang zhanting's words, Chu Yun understood a lot.

Wang zhanting really wants to go to reinforce several times, but other domains not only don't fight, but covet.

He knew that if he made a move, other domains would surely take advantage of the situation.

"Now, even if the Western wasteland has not been completely occupied, it has been destroyed in nine out of ten. Some big tribes have fled to the central region, but this can only bring them a moment of peace. The demons are ambitious. They are not satisfied with occupying the central region. This time, they will overthrow the whole Taiqian continent! "

Wang zhanting's expression was cold, obviously the situation was not good.

The five regions of the Taiqian continent seem to have the same spirit, but actually they have different thoughts.

Just like when the central region was in trouble, the first thought of other regions was how to plunder resources.

"The overall war with the demon clan will not be too far away. With the virtue of the demon clan, you can stand firm in the West wasteland for up to three years and start attacking other areas! Moreover, this war is likely to be even more fierce than imagined, and it will never be inferior to the ancient war! "

Wang zhanting's face was slightly different when he said the last four words of "ancient war".

Although very quickly, only for a moment, but Chu cloud still detected.

"Grandpa, what is the ancient war?"

Chu Yun's eyes narrowed.

"Nature is the first war with the demon clan."

Wang zhanting, after all, is an old-fashioned man. He is calm in the face of Chu Yun's questions.

"No, although the demon clan is strong, it is not worthy of us to remember him with history. The war of ancient times refers to the war with the abyss continent instead of the demon clan. Am I right

In Chu Yun's eyes, the pure light flickered and shot into the void.

As soon as Wang zhanting's expression changed, he stood up and his eyes were shocked: "how do you know?"

Seeing Wang zhanting's reaction, Chu Yun was completely determined.

Grandpa knows all this and is one of the few people who know it.

"When I was in Northern Xinjiang, I went into the ruins of the imperial city of the Yuan Dynasty by mistake. The whole imperial city was destroyed by seven snakes in the abyss. They have been turned into stone statues for thousands of years. I woke up Jiang Tuo accidentally, and he told me the secret of ancient times. The so-called ancient war is clearly the invasion of the abyssal continent. They destroyed 90% of our forces and civilizations. The human race declined and the alien race rose. The whole Taiqian continent has spent a long period of barbarism! "

Every word of Chu Yun entered Wang zhanting's heart.

"Later, five emperors appeared. They led the human race to fight against the foreign race and became the leader sought by numerous forces."

"Later, the land of Taiqian began to revive gradually, and happened to encounter the invasion of the demon clan!"

"That's the right timeline!"

Wang zhanting was stunned for a long time. Then he sighed and shook his head. "Sure enough, you know everything."

"Why, Grandpa, why do you want to hide these things? Are those emperors rewriting history to set off their greatness? "

When Chu Yun saw Wang zhanting let go, he immediately asked.

"It has nothing to do with it. It's just that the abyss is too strong."

Wang zhanting's expressionless explanation said: "if the world knew that Taiqian was connected with a strong and incomparable continent, the creatures of that continent were cruel and learned to kill, and our Taiqian continent was in danger of being destroyed at any time, what would they think?"

Hearing this, Chu Yun was stunned.

In fact, he didn't really think about it.

Before the ancient war, the prosperity of Taiqian was ten times more than that of today.

Even so, they were unable to withstand the invasion of the abyssal continent.

If we do it again, the whole dry land will not exist.

If the world really knows all the history, I'm afraid that it will live in fear all day long, and there is no motivation to make progress.

After all, in their view, no matter how hard they try, they can't catch up with the past glory.

Even the past glory has been destroyed, why should we strive to become stronger?

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: new January, flowers!

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