Sky War Soul

Chapter 620 do you have spiritual soldiers?

Chu Yun didn't talk big. Xiao Yuankun is a nine level divine realm, which is better than himself, but only one level.

And his spirit, though strange, is not very strong.

I don't know where Xiao Yuankun comes from. He said he would kill himself.

"Chu Yun How can it get stronger again! "

Tang Haoran's pupils contract violently and he is shocked: "he grows too fast. Even Xiao Yuankun can't help him."

Tang Zixian is also shocked. She witnessed how Chu Yun defeated Luo Xiao in the pagoda last time. At that time, Chu Yun was just as strong, but far inferior to him now.

But how long has it been!

It's only half a year!

In the first half of the year, Chu Yun has improved so much again.

This talent, this speed, let others live!


Xiao Yuankun almost chewed his teeth. He roared a few times. His pupils were filled with blood. "Chuyun, I must kill you today! Sure! "

"You can't just say and practice fake tricks."

Chu Yun whistled and grinned, "it's too hard to kill me directly. Why don't you set a small target first, for example, hurt me once?"

One after another, he was humiliated by Chu Yun. Xiao Yuankun's internal Qi mechanism erupted completely. His killing intention was uncontrollably restrained outside. He rushed to the four directions like water. The forced void was constantly distorted. The sky also became a black cloud covering all things because of the killing intention. The earth under pressure was clattering. Many halls in Yingwu city were cracked and shaken by the breath I can't stop.

Xiao Yuankun's gold ink pen was restored to its original shape, and the golden light rose in the sky.

"I will summon Tianlei and cut you to ashes!"

Xiao Yuankun put out his hand and clapped it on his chest. When his expression changed, he coughed up a drop of blood essence in his mouth.

That drop of blood essence is as red as a demon. After it appears, it instantly melts into the golden ink pen.

I saw the golden ink pen with blood red in the golden light and began to wave in the void.

Take heaven and earth as the picture scroll, and sprinkle ink arbitrarily.

After a few moments, the scroll was formed, only to see that it was full of strong thunder, which was extremely terrifying.


The sky suddenly changed color. All the thunders turned into real things. A stream of electric snakes surged up, crossed the sky and chopped towards Chu cloud.

Chu Yun frowned. The air of the attack was violent. These thunders were not simple. They were mixed with the air flow that made people tremble.

It has to be said that this move is more threatening than the sword technique just now.

"King Kong devil Buddha!"

Chu Yun stands on the void, stepping on the cloud at his feet, and the Buddha light is surging around him.

His pair of eyes glittered with gold, mixed with many rhymes, like two ancient lights that never went out.

A Buddha statue quickly rises behind his back. It looks like Chu Yun has seven images of himself, like an angry King Kong.

After the formation of the Buddha statue, Chu Yun took the awesome Buddha power with her every move. Facing the thunder, Chu Yun raised his hand to fight, just like King Kong rage!


The sky is turbulent. Chu Yun's attack is accompanied by endless thunder. The sound of thunder is deafening. The energy breath overflows wildly, almost overturning the whole world!

Many onlookers were affected by the impact of the waves, spitting blood one by one and withdrawing ten thousand meters.

Even those Tianjiao were shocked and rushed to push the waves away.

See thunder how can not Chu cloud, Xiao Yuankun eyes flashing strange light, suddenly threw a nine curve silver needle!

After the appearance of the nine curve silver needle, it escapes directly into the void and becomes invisible. Only the sound of hissing and hissing can be heard vaguely.

Although Chu Yun could not see the position of the nine curve silver needle clearly, he could also listen to the voice and argue. He frowned and held his hand to the front.


What he didn't expect was that he grabbed the empty hand.

There is nothing in front of us. There is no trace of the nine curve silver needle.


Chu Yun's heart sank. He was trying to use his body method to sweep away and suddenly felt the vest cool.

That nine curved silver needle actually penetrated the skin and pierced into the flesh and bones.

"This is the nine curve silver needle!"

Tang Zixian is awe inspiring.

"Even this kind of elite spirit soldiers have been sacrificed. Xiao Yuankun has the heart to kill!"

Some neutral Tianjiao sighed.

Wang boqian frowns tightly. He has made up his mind. If Chu Yun is in trouble, he will definitely make a move without hesitation.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing that Chu Yun was injured, Xiao Yuankun couldn't help laughing: "this nine curve silver needle is one of the best spirit soldiers of the Xiao family. It can't be traced back and forth. It kills people invisibly. I don't know how many strong people died under this spirit soldier. Chu Yun, didn't you think of that? "

Chu Yun's muscles are tense, and he dare not be careless.

He could feel that the nine curve silver needle was like a maggot attached to the bone, constantly drilling towards the inside of the muscle.

If you let it penetrate the bone and stab it into the heart, you will be severely hurt!

"I was cheated."

Chu Yun clenched his fist, and his forehead was sweating.

When the nine curve silver needle is flying, because of friction with the air flow, the curved part will make a small sound, but because the curved needle body can send the sound out through the air, it is very deceptive.

This elite spirit soldier was specially designed when it was being built.


Even if Chu Yun's muscles were clamped tightly, the nine curve silver needle would continue to drill deep.

Chu Yun clenched his teeth and blew continuously with all his strength. He wanted to take this opportunity to break nine silver needles.

"To die!"

Of course, Xiao won't let go of this opportunity. He laughs and pours at Chu Yun.

With a golden ink pen in his hand, he drew an ancient fierce beast in the void, with a hundred meters long body, roaring and snapping.

"Chu Yun!"

Wang ruitu was a little anxious and wanted to make a move. He was caught by Wang boqian.

"It's not urgent. Chu Yun hasn't reached the end of the mountain yet!"

Wang boqian shook his head, gesturing for Wang ruitu to look down.

Of course, Chu Yun has more than just this ability. He just needs to watch quietly before it's time.

"Get out of here!"

Chu Yun burst to drink and shuddered all over. The nine curve silver needle was suddenly pushed out of the body by a huge force.

Then in an instant, Chu Yun put out his hands and grasped the claws of the ancient giant beast.

See him whole body muscle expands, double arms tear violently, tore whole ancient giant beast directly!


Xiao Yuankun controls the nine curve silver needle across the sky and goes to the Chu cloud stab again.

Chu Yun sneered, and early on he used the sky skimming method to hide.

"Once I've had a loss, I'll have another one. That's stupid."

Chu Yun's aura is so abundant that he can't stand it. He steps on the foot of the sun and relies on his aura to use many means to dance around.

The martial arts that he used are very good at breaking mountains and seas, reversing the power of heaven and earth, and suppressing Xiao Yuankun.


After many changes, Xiao Yuankun is finally shaken and in a hurry. Chu Yun stabs him in the middle of his eyebrow.

Xiao Yuankun's eyebrows suddenly split, splashing blood.

However, Xiao Yuankun didn't suffer any loss either, and the gold ink pen in his hand pierced into Chu Yun's chest.

I didn't expect that the soft hair could become sharp in an instant. It's really a myriad of means.

"How many ways can you eat me?"

Chu Yun is a little angry. He raises his hand and blows out a fist. The fierce wind stirs up a piece of space and time, and the endless different lights flash.

Xiao Yuankun didn't dare to be careless. He immediately stopped and dodged Chu Yun's move.


After dodging, Xiao Yuankun with his finger sword, puffed out several sword Qi, and ran into chuyun one after another with the meaning of the road.

Rao is Chu Yun's strong physique, and some can't bear it. Step back and hum.

On the front of the chest, it was red.

Seeing that Chu Yun was suffering from pain, Xiao Yuankun saw a flash of light in front of him. He busily drew more sword Qi and ran into Chu Yun like a storm.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! "

The muffled sound sounded. Chu Yun was hit by these swords, and his figure was flying out of the air.

"Chu Yun is in the downwind!"

XiaoCong and Yujing are overjoyed.

Only Yu Feichen frowned and whispered, "not yet."

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Yun suddenly stood up, as fast as lightning, and stabbed his fingers together.

This attack, he was already brewing.

There is a sword Qi between his fingers, which is compressed at the speed visible to the naked eye. When only the fingers are thick and thin, they shoot out suddenly.

Compress the sword!

Xiao Yuankun's pupils contracted suddenly in the face of this unexpected sword.

He was so close that he had no chance to dodge.

Xiao Yuankun snorted coldly, and his body was immediately integrated into the void, almost transparent, with strange light patterns all around him.

Compressed sword Qi stabbed at Xiao Yuankun's face door, but it passed through like a reflection on the water, only ripples in the void.

"What is this method?"

Chu Yun is shocked. Xiao Yuankun has many means.

Xiao Yuankun is holding a bead in his hand. It's the bead that shines, which makes him change into this state.

"This is one of the best spirit soldiers of the Xiao family, melting the heavenly pearl. After urging, the body will be integrated into the void, which can reduce 90% of the damage! "

Tang Zixian still knows something about the Xiao family. He immediately reminds her.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, Chu Yun, I have two excellent spirit soldiers in my hand. Today you will surely die!"

Xiao Yuankun looks extremely proud. He pinches the melting pearl and controls the nine curve silver needle to stab Chu Yun again.

Chu Yun was a little angry. He could not help swearing: "I can't be afraid of you when I compete with lingbing."

Voice down, Chu cloud reached out to offer a palm size black tower.

This black pagoda floats on the void, sending out a deep breath, like eternal, very mysterious.

After the black pagoda was sacrificed, Chu Yun turned to Xiao Yuankun and swore, "grass, you are the only one who has spiritual soldiers?"

Xiao Yuankun, with the protection of the heaven melting pearl, is not afraid of it. He still stares at Chu Yun.

He is going to use the nine curve silver needle to directly stab Chu Yun's eyes.

When Yu Feichen saw the black pagoda, his face suddenly changed color, and he shouted, "get away from it, it's the essence of Jiufang purgatory pagoda!"

However, before the voice came to Xiao Yuankun's ears, the battle was over.

The black pagoda came down from the sky, bringing a sense of terror. In a blink of an eye, Xiao Yuankun was crushed into a pile of meat.

Rao is protected by rongtianzhu. It's useless.

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