Sky War Soul

Chapter 622 four coffins

"Get up!"

Yu Feichen clapped his hands toward the top of his head, only to see the ghost soul treasure clock roaring and crashing towards the sky.

The ghost soul treasure clock contains the power of terror. The hum goes on and on, surging Chu Yunzhen's Qi and blood hundreds of meters away. It's like being oppressed by mountains. Some people can't breathe.

Yu Feichen looks left and right, and his eyes quickly sweep around.

This is not the way to fight. If Chu Yun can kill Xiao Yuankun, he will be able to kill himself.

For a moment, Yu Feichen began to regret it. Why did he come here to join us.

Now Xiao Yuankun is dead and his life is in danger.

In all directions, many Tianjiao are watching the battle, and many shocks flash in their eyes.

There are tens of thousands of warriors in the void in the distance, who are also watching the bustle. The intensity and shock of this battle are unprecedented in their lives.

"Secret school big handprint, mountain turning print!"

Chu Yun saw the ghost soul bell hit again, and his hands quickly sealed in front of his chest, which turned into a towering hand print, with thick mountain breath, and he fought back.

The mountain turning seal beats on the ghost soul treasure clock and makes a "buzz". The sound wave is like the ripples in the water moving towards the four sides.

Yu Feichen was affected by the sound wave, trembling all over, and spewing out a mouthful of blood.

Chu Yun groaned coldly and reached for Yu Feichen's head.

With the strength of his body and soul, he could crush Yu Feichen's head.

Yu Feichen was furious and growled, "Chu Yun, do you really want to kill all of them?"

"When you came here, you had colluded with Xiao Yuankun for a long time. It's a pity that Xiao Yuankun mistook my combat power and was killed by me. As for you, Yu Feichen, don't you think it's ridiculous that you come to this muddy water and have to say that you are clean? "

Chu Yun is dismissive of this. Yu Feichen, as a top genius, is naturally very afraid of death.

But from the moment he made his choice, he deserved the consequences.

"Ghost sound takes the soul!"

Yu Feichen's pupil suddenly becomes dark, just like the deep universe, which makes people unable to help falling into it.

On his arm, there are many black smoke twining around him, colliding with Chu Yun.


Chu Yun's bullying is not something Yu Feichen can resist. With a dull sound, Yu Feichen's half shoulder is blown to pieces.

However, the black smoke he blows is also attached to Chu Yun, like a maggot attached to the bone, constantly drilling towards the body.

For a moment, Chu Yun felt that he was surrounded by a strong negative atmosphere. In front of him, he could not see anything clearly. He seemed to be in a strange state.

All kinds of violent, bloody and terrifying images flash in my mind, accompanied by the sound of ghosts, crying and howling, which makes people creepy.

"Mental attack?"

Chuyun calmed down, and his spiritual power was only stronger than that of the leader of yuhuajing, so he didn't pay attention to this move.

"Break it for me!"

A low drink, mental power is like a wave of impact, tear the black curtain in front of you.

In a flash, Chu Yun returns to reality again.

Yu Feichen's only left one arm covered the wound, and his expression was very angry: "Chu Yun, I'm a man to meet you in the future. We Yu family have no deep blood feud with you. You can't anger us because of the Xiao family. If you let me go back this time, I can guarantee that all hatred will go away. From then on, you will walk on your way, and I will walk on my single wooden bridge... "

"What did you do?"

Chu Yun sneers and urges the sky body plundering method to rush to Yu Feichen and chop it with one hand.

Yu Feichen was in agony. He turned the remaining one arm into a black light and blocked Chu Yun's attack.

Chu Yun's wrist was very nimble. He took off the strength and buckled it on Yu Feichen's wrist.

"Let go!"

Yu Feichen was shocked and lost his color. He tried desperately to struggle. However, his wrist was like being buckled by steel casting Eagle claws, and he could not get rid of it.


Chu Yun's arm was forced, and a sudden twist between push and pull broke Yu Feichen's wrist joint.

The wrist is bent at a horrible angle, and even a white bone stabs the skin, shocking.

"Ah ah ah!"

Yu Feichen was in great pain. He pushed the Chu cloud away with his elbow, and turned around to escape.

He didn't come here as well prepared as Xiao Yuankun.

Xiao Yuankun took out two excellent spirit soldiers, but they died in the hands of Chu Yun. Yu Feichen knew these clearly, so he wanted to escape.

Chu Yun's eyes narrowed and his fingers flicked. The Thunder Dragon secret pattern on his arm suddenly urged his hair, turning into a finger thick electric light. Between crackling and crackling, it went into Yu's flying dust vest.


Yu Feichen's body was numb by electricity, and he fell to the ground.

He opened his eyes angrily and took a secret pattern out of the space ring with his mind.

But because he broke one arm, he could only put the secret lines into his mouth and crush them.

"Is it God's secret pattern again?"

Chu Yun's eyes were cold, and Yu's flying dust was exactly the same as the original tattoo.

God moves the secret pattern and depicts the coordinates in advance. After urging, you can immediately send back the person who urges the secret pattern.

However, Chu Yun had been prepared for a long time. After he was escaped by Xiao Serang last time, he specially practiced how to cut off the secret lines of God's travel for a period of time. Now Yu Feichen can only use his teeth to bite because his arms are exhausted, which also gives Chu Yun enough reaction time.

"Stay with me!"

Chu Yun's ten fingers protruded, and each finger outlined a complicated pattern.

The combination of ten fingers builds up a space barrier at a very fast speed, which blocks the transmission of the mystical pattern of God's movement.


Yu Feichen falls heavily on the ground and collapses a house.

The mysterious lines in his mouth did not work.

"How could it be!"

Yu Feichen fell into the ruins, fell on his face with blood, lost several teeth, and even his words were leaking.

His expression was very frightened. Why didn't God do what he should do when he was prompted by secret lines?

At this point in the battle, Yu Feichen had no intention of fighting. Even if Chu Yun stood still to fight him, he would not necessarily go down.

"Don't Don't kill me! "

Yu Feichen was trembling. He had no longer the arrogant and uninhibited appearance. His hair was disordered, his face was covered with blood, and he was trembling.

Chu Yun stood in the void, and shook his head slightly when he saw it: "it's also a generation of Tianjiao. Remember to leave some dignity for himself when he's dying!"

When the voice fell, Chu Yun reached for a finger, and a sharp sword Qi was formed out of the sky, which ran through Yu Feichen's head.

Yu Feichen fell to the ground with a blood hole in the middle of his eyebrow and died in peace.

Chu Yun, with his hands on his back, scattered his momentum and said quietly, "great sage, collect the corpse."


The great sage dragged a coffin and ran into the ruins. He grabbed Yu Feichen's body and threw it into the coffin.

After all this, Da Sheng clapped his hands and said, "you're lucky, kid. You're the most complete one. It's not like they only have meat left."

There are four coffins, including Xiao Yuankun, Xiao Cong, Yu Feichen and Yu Jing.

The Yingwu feast has become a blood feast.

As Chu Yun said, this Yingwu feast will eventually become a disgrace that the Xiao and Yu families can't erase!

Tang Zixian's expression is a little complicated. I don't know what to say.

Chuyun grows so fast that no one can catch up with her. Sometimes she even doubts whether chuyun is a human being.

Wang boqian was deeply moved and thoroughly convinced.

Originally, he had the idea to compete with Chu Yun to see who was better.

Now after this battle, Wang boqian has no such idea.

Xiao Yuankun and Yu Feichen both died, and they died miserably.

If I fight with Chu Yun, I'm afraid I will be defeated.

At this time, carefully savor what Chu Yun said when he first arrived: my time is limited, you'd better go together.

I'm afraid to think carefully!

If Xiao Yuankun, Yu Feichen, Xiao Cong, Yu Jing and others go together, can they win?

The answer is still no!

Chu Yun hasn't exerted the most skillful Dayan sword technique, even the two swords haven't been sacrificed, so we can say that he still retains some strength.

After retaining the strength, you can kill four people in a row.

It can be said that today's Chu Yun is absolutely the first person under the leader!

"Yingwu banquet is a joke."

Chu Yun smiled quietly, and his eyes swept the whole Yingwu city.

There are many people of the Xiao family in it. Now they are shivering and dare not venture their heads.

"The great sage, throw four coffins into the city and let their families take them by themselves."

Chu Yun winked.

The great sage gets the order. He drags the four coffins to the Yingwu building and arranges them one by one.

"By the way, I ordered the first coffin at the gate of Yingwu city. When I came to get the coffin, I made them remember to pay the money."

Chu Yun's eyes swept around Tianjiao, and then said, "go."

"Chu Yun, return the old ship to me!"

Tang Zixian chased forward and shouted.

"If you want to go back, please come to you Ying Shan to see me."

Chu Yun quipped and quickly disappeared at the end of the void.

The great sage leaves with Yi and follows closely.

"No shame."

Tang Zixian's face was cold and scolded.

"Well, Chu Yun escaped."

Among the martial artists around, there was an untimely opening.

"Escape? Run away from you, master. Chu Yunlian killed several Tianjiao. Is it necessary to run away with such strength? "

"It seems to be the same."

The fighters looked at each other and all breathed.

Chu Yun, it's just a monster.

Come and go.

The only difference is that there are four coffins in front of Yingwu building, which contain the bodies of four Tianjiao.

Such strength is unparalleled in the world!

Many Tianjiao's back is cold. He secretly swears in his heart that he can't provoke Chu Yun in the future.

The evil spirit will be rewarded. Its strength is terrible. If it provokes him, it will be restless for the rest of his life!

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