Sky War Soul

Chapter 632 four domain Alliance

"Roll up the charts?"

"A hundred Tianjiao?"

"Temple of heaven?"

Chu Yun is puzzled. What is the purpose of establishing the supporting billboard and where is the heaven hall?

"I'll explain it to you slowly."

Wang boqian raised his hand and pointed in the void. The light curtain gathered and the picture began to appear on it.

Above the light curtain stood an ancient temple on the top of the sky, which seemed to be on the top of 30000 Li high stars, falling into the yellow spring from the sky and the sky, emitting an extraordinary atmosphere.

"Tiandian, a sealed hall in our Youying mountain, is a place for all the emperors to go to to practice..."

Wang boqian said slowly.

"Wait, isn't the place of experience the temple of heaven?"

Chu Yun asked.

Wang boqian said: "if you break through the hall, you will become a new king, just like you did at the beginning. But entering the temple of heaven and getting the inheritance of the two star Kings is something that every domain emperor has to experience. "

Chu Yun nodded to show that he understood.

The so-called two star kings should be the two big eyes that they met when they broke through the hall of heaven.

Starking in the left eye and Starking in the right eye.

"Inside the temple of heaven, there is a small independent world, which looks like a fairyland from the outside. In fact, the environment inside is extremely bad. It is a boundless starry sky, and there are aimless void creatures wandering around, endless and dense. They don't have much wisdom, but they are extremely cruel. When they see any living body, they will attack without hesitation! "

Wang boqian took a deep breath and said: "on the support list, there will be the top 100 Tianjiao in the four regions under the influence of feathering, and they are obviously the main force against the demon clan in the future. The war doesn't end so quickly. If we enter into a protracted war, it may last for more than a hundred years. Therefore, it is urgent to make our Tianjiao stronger! "

"So, Tianjiao on the support list will enter the temple of heaven to practice and fight with the void creatures to improve themselves, right?"

Chu Yun understood the relationship at once.


Wang boqian said solemnly, "Chu Yun, you are the emperor of the region. We need you."

After hearing the words, Chu Yun smiled bitterly: "do you want me to lead the Middle Kingdom as the emperor of the kingdom?"

Although I am the emperor of the region, I still don't fully understand it at all because of the low realm.

To say the least, even if I now announce the identity of the emperor, will there be forces to follow my call?

Will the four clans listen? Will those super big ones listen?

Wang boqian shook his head: "not so. You are the emperor of the kingdom. Only the emperor of the kingdom can open the gate of the temple of heaven!"

"I see."

Chu Yun nodded, but he soon frowned: "wait a moment, this alliance against the demon clan is our four domains together, right?"

Wang boqian didn't understand what Chu Yun was going to say, but he nodded.

"We in the Middle Kingdom generously give up the temple of heaven to provide those Tianjiao with experience and practice. What about the other three regions? They don't have any advantages, just eat nothing?"

Chu Yun's eyes flashed a serious color.

Only pay for yourself, enjoy the other three areas, go to your uncle, how can there be such a good thing.

Wang boqian could not laugh or cry, but explained: "Chu Yun, you can rest assured that since it is the alliance, the other three regions will pay the corresponding price. It's just a matter of time. I can't explain it to you in detail. After tiandian's test, you will understand naturally! "

"The support roll will appear at noon today. The top 100 Tianjiao are all selected by their father after discussing with them."

"Chu Yun, at most three days, a hundred Tianjiao will gather in our Youying mountain."

"You must open the temple of heaven in these three days!"

Chu Yun touched his nose, and said carelessly, "isn't there three days left? What's the hurry?"

Wang boqian held his forehead and said helplessly: "do you think it's easy to open the temple of heaven? Although my father has asked the two star lords, they will be difficult for you at that time because of their temper. Only when they pass the test can they open the gate of the temple of heaven. If they can open it within three days, it will be fine. "

"Well, the big eyes lied to me at the beginning, and I nearly collapsed."

At the thought of the so-called test, Chu Yun couldn't help swearing.

At that time, in order to satisfy his bad taste, the star king with left eye cheated himself to endure for 30 days in the second pass.

As a matter of fact, it's twenty days.

If it wasn't for his superior willpower, or for a little later, his body would collapse completely.

That time, it was very dangerous.

Every time I think of it, Chu Yun would like to smash his big eyes with a fist.

As soon as Wang boqian's expression changed, he immediately covered Chu Yun's mouth: "you can't say that the two star kings have been guarding Youying mountain since ancient times, and no disrespect is allowed to them!"

"Well, don't say that."

Chu Yun took a deep breath and asked angrily, "since there will be a test, don't waste time. Let's go to tiandian directly."

"That's why I came to you."

Wang boqian smiled, turned into a black shadow, and rushed out of the hall.

Chu Yun follows closely.

In the secluded Shadow Mountain, it's very lively. The strong people with all kinds of horrible breath gather together. They are all the big people on one side, and the most important is the level of the four great emperors.

"Chu Yun!"

Two cold as the essence of the murderous gas from afar, Chu cloud a surprise, look around.

Yu Huang and Xiao Huang stand on the top of a mountain. Their eyes are full of killing opportunities. They seem to want to wipe themselves out directly.

"Well, two old dogs."

Chu Yun sneered, not caring.

For their anger, Chu Yun has already seen no surprise.

This is Youying mountain. It's the dragon that has to dish for me and the tiger that has to lie for me.

"You killed Yu Feichen and Xiao Yuankun. They are the most potential young generation. Can they not be quick with you?"

Wang boqian saw the situation and smiled quietly.

"It's nothing to kill them. If I had enough time, I would uproot the Xiaos and Yus and leave none of them!"

Chu Yun's voice is gloomy and firm, which is his long cherished wish.

When Wang boqian heard the words, he opened his mouth and said nothing at last.

Following Wang boqian's figure, Chu Yun came to the top of the mountain of Youying mountain, which is also the dragon head position of a whole dragon vein.

This is the main hall where Wang zhanting lives. It's the eye of the whole dragon vein. It contains an inexhaustible amount of aura. It's more effective than any big gathering array.

"Grandpa, I brought Chu Yun here."

Wang boqian stood in front of the hall and opened his mouth.

"Come in."

Compared with the last time, Wang zhanting's voice was hoarse.

When they entered the hall, they saw Wang zhanting lying in a reclining chair.

It seems that there are many wrinkles on his face and a lot of white hair on his temples. The overall feeling is like that he grows old overnight.

Although, he is hundreds of years old.

Wang zhanting opened his eyes, did not look at Wang boqian, but fell on Chu Yun's face: "are you ready?"


Chu Yun nodded.

"Well, go ahead, I believe that with your ability, it will not be difficult to pass their test."

Wang zhanting smiled quietly, reached for a finger in front of him and opened the door of void.

Behind the gate of the void, there is an endless sky of stars, in which all kinds of galaxies float and radiate strange light.

Wang boqian patted Chu Yun on the shoulder and reminded him, "when you meet the two stars, you must have a good attitude and don't offend them."

"Well, I'll go."

Without any hesitation, Chu Yun stepped into the door of void.

After Chu Yun entered, the door of void disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared.

Wang zhanting's melodious expression suddenly changed. He lowered his head and coughed violently.


After a few coughs, Wang zhanting spits out a mouthful of blood and looks very pale.

It can be seen that he was injured, and it is still a serious injury.

"Grandpa, your body..."

Wang boqian could not help but walk forward to help Wang zhanting and bite his teeth.

"I've been tested many times by these dog things. It seems that the thief will not die. Although your father is strong enough, he doesn't have the name of Yu Huang. Three old guys won't be afraid of him... "

Wang zhanting rubbed his chest and looked a little better: "it's too hard. I've been holding on for a long time in the past hundred years, and even my soul is about to collapse. Now we can only hope that Chu Yun will grow up faster and become a leader in his own right as soon as possible! "

His voice is very vicissitudes, like to see through everything, especially the pair of muddy eyes, but also pathetically lonely.

Wang boqian quickly turned his head to avoid tears falling from his eyes.

Due to the willfulness of the little aunt in those days, grandpa had to shoulder the responsibility again. He had carried too many things alone over the years, which were not enough for the outside humanity.

Only he knew how difficult grandpa was.

Often think of here, Wang boqian some can not bear, want to cry.

"Qian'er, this is the responsibility of the emperor and the change of the times. You don't need to be so sad."

Wang zhanting was cheerful, but soon his face became overcast again: "they know that the new emperor has appeared, but they don't know who it is. We can't let them know that yun'er is the emperor of the region. We can't... "

Wang zhanting took a deep breath and calmed down the turbulent air flow in his body.

"Although I have been in the waning years, I can carry the wind and rain for you for a few more years. A few years later, if Chu Yun still can't reach the eclosion state, I'm afraid that countless dragon veins in our central region will be stolen, the Qi will be weakened, and the people will be plagued by diseases... "

With these words, Wang zhanting seems to be really tired. He closes his eyes and goes to sleep.

Wang boqian's mood is very complicated.

He raised his head again, looked at the endless starry sky above his head, and murmured to himself, "chuyun, it's really up to you!"

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: tomorrow morning at seven o'clock to go to the hospital to review, can not stay up late to write, you are sorry. Today, there are only two watchers. If you owe one watcher, you can mend it when you are well.

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