Sky War Soul

Chapter 637 suppression of the temple of heaven

"Is this the temple of heaven? It's really magnificent and vast."

"The legendary Temple of heaven, the most powerful experience place of Youying mountain, and the existence of heaven and earth on the high altitude of 30000 Li."

"It's amazing to see the sky when you look up."

Many Tianjiao stood in front of the temple of heaven, looking in all directions, unable to close their mouths.

It's full of chaos around. There's an endless sky overhead. Countless stars are shining. Standing here, you feel like wandering the universe.

Looking down, it seems that you can see the mountains and rivers of Wanli, as well as the vast rolling mountains - Youying mountain.

This is the temple of heaven.

Now the gate of the temple of heaven is open. It's dark inside. No one knows what kind of existence it has.

Of course, all of you have experienced countless arrogance. The more unknown the test, the more excited they are.

Wang boqian took the lead in going out and explained: "when we enter the temple of heaven, we will meet countless void creatures. They are cruel and cruel, without wisdom. We don't need to talk to them too much, just kill them directly. Most of the void creatures like to travel in groups. If they are invincible, they must escape immediately. Don't give up their lives here! "

Other Tianjiao nodded. This day, the hall is the site of Youying mountain. What Wang boqian said is all experience.

"The void creature, that is to say, is the infinite void in the temple of heaven?"

One of Tianjiao asked in surprise.

"Right or wrong, tiandian is a small world opened up independently. If you say it's void, it's not wrong, but it's not all."

Wang boqian smiled quietly and then said, "when you go in, you will understand everything."

Wang ruitu looks around. He looks at all Tianjiao, but he doesn't find the trace of Chu Yun.

As a matter of fact, Chu Yun had to take a rest before he opened the gate of tiandian hall. Why wasn't he here?

Is it difficult? Have you advanced?

"Three months of experience in the temple of heaven makes people look forward to it!"

A young man from northern Xinjiang laughs and rushes into the temple of heaven.

Subsequently, many Tianjiao continued to go in.

Wang boqian and Wang ruitu are always standing in the same place. As the host of this place, it's polite to wait until all the guests come in.

"Chu Yun, isn't he here?"

Tang Zixian came forward, and there was a flash of doubt in her beautiful eyes.

Wang boqian smiled bitterly and shook his head. "I don't know. He opened the front door of the temple, but he didn't appear here. Maybe he went in first."


Tang Zixian nodded and walked in.

After all Tianjiao entered, Wang ruitu frowned: "brother, you don't know the talent of the third brother. You should have a place in the support list..."

"I don't know. It's grandpa's decision."

Wang boqian's brow flashed a helpless: "Chengying talent is high, but his temperament is like that, he does not strive for progress at all, and he is not polite to say that he can not help the mud on the wall. Among the three brothers, you and I are all worse. With his talent, as long as you practice hard, you can be king of the region. There was a little aunt who supervised it. Now it's totally degenerated! "

When it comes to Wang Chengying, everyone is very anxious at first, then angry with iron but not steel. Later, it has become a total helplessness.

"Well, the third brother has his own choice. Since we can't help him, let's not interfere."

Wang ruitu sighed, put his hand around Wang boqian's shoulder, and they walked into the temple of heaven together.

There is a rule in Youying mountain that only Emperor Yu can enter the temple of heaven, so even Wang boqian and Wang ruitu only saw the appearance of the temple for the first time.

After entering the temple of heaven, they looked left and right curiously, only feeling that the whole person was immersed in the starry sky.

This is an ancient road of stars.

But I don't know why, this ancient star road is surprisingly vast, just like a huge pipeline with no margin.

Especially at the edge of the passageway, there are countless ancient mottled scratches, some places are completely burnt, sending out the smell of sulfur.

It's as if there were countless armies trampling on it.

After a whole ancient road of stars, many Tianjiao finally step on the ground.

It's a vast land, which can't be looked up to the end. It's like the earth is soaked with blood and then frozen. It's very hard and cold.

Standing on this land, you can only feel the cold wind, without any sound, just like isolated Yiyang.

There is an infinite starry sky above the head. It seems that all kinds of shining stars can be reached with their hands. It's filled with emptiness and desolation everywhere. There is no existence on the ground except for a pile of high mound mountains.

In the starry sky, there is no breath of living things, quiet and dead.

Many Tianjiao seem to have tacit understanding. They are scattered in groups to explore the world together.

It can be said that this heaven and earth, big to no end, is like a continent across the starry sky, mysterious and desolate.

"Why, my aura has been suppressed."

Suddenly Tianjiao called out.

In a moment, other Tianjiao also immediately released their aura, and found that most of their aura also dissipated, leaving less than one tenth.

"My aura has also been suppressed. Many martial arts can't be exerted."

"You're pretty good. I can't even sacrifice the ghost."

Many Tianjiao felt that the heaven and earth suppressed their aura to varying degrees, strong and weak.

Wang boqian and Wang ruitu were surprised at the same time. They looked at each other and their pupils were surprised.

No one said that before coming in.

"If it's normal for the heaven and earth to suppress the spirit, why didn't grandpa explain to us?"

Wang boqian took a breath. Of course, he lowered his voice to a level that no one else could hear.

"That is to say, this kind of repression is abnormal?"

Wang ruitu was surprised. It's no small matter.

Tiandian is a small world that Youying mountain has passed on for thousands of years. There has been no problem. How could such a change happen suddenly.

"Don't worry, let's see if there's a rule for this kind of repression."

Wang boqian gives Wang ruitu a look to show him to let go.

Later, Wang boqian smiled quietly, raised his voice and said: "everyone, this kind of repression is completely normal, you don't need to worry."

After hearing Wang boqian's words, many Tianjiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, it's not just to suppress the spirit, but I can't even sacrifice the spirit."

There's a strong young man with a deep voice.


A flash of light came from the ghost, and a man nearby muttered to himself, "I can sacrifice the ghost."

"It's not fair!"

Roared the strong young man.

"No, it's fair."

Wang boqian's eyes swept through the audience, and his mind almost reached a conclusion.

Tianjiao, which is mainly based on the spirit, doesn't suppress the spirit so much. If Tianjiao, which is mainly based on the body, almost completely suppresses the spirit cultivation, even the martial spirit can't be exerted.

This shows that the world is consciously or unconsciously achieving complete balance.

It's impossible to achieve a complete balance by suppressing Reiki, because those who practice physical weapons do not rely on Reiki or the same terror.

Therefore, the repression in this temple is not the spirit, nor the spirit, but the combat power!

All Tianjiao turned their heads and stared at Wang boqian.

He is a man of Youying mountain. Only he can explain this strange phenomenon.

"What you are oppressed by is not the same, nor can it be the same, because it is different from person to person. But there will be a unique standard for the suppression of this world. Maybe some friends have already guessed it. "

After a pause in his voice, Wang boqian opened his mouth and said, "that's the strength of war!"

"War power?"

Many Tianjiao are confused, obviously they don't understand the meaning.

"Combat power is a very vague standard, which is not easy to define, but this world really suppresses your combat power, and suppresses them by one third, maybe one fifth."

"A friend who takes the spirit and spirit as the attack means should find that his spirit is not much suppressed, because once you lose the spirit, you will be completely abandoned. If you are a physical friend, you will find that you can't even use the spirit of martial arts. It's normal. Even if you don't have the spirit, you can simply rely on your physical strength to burst out incomparable forces! "

Wang boqian carries his hands on his back and smiles on his lips, as if he is vowing.

As a matter of fact, he was in such a panic.

All of the above is nonsense. He didn't know that it was true or false, but he suddenly guessed it and said it all.

After hearing this, many Tianjiao nodded and thought it was very reasonable.

On second thought, it's true.

"This world has suppressed the same level of fighting power for each of us, and it is also a fair manifestation."

Wang added.

"Well, it makes sense."

"It's fair that everyone is suppressed."

Those Tianjiao you a word, I a word, all nod.

Only Tang Zixian frowned slightly.

At the time of many Tianjiao's wandering, a group of grotesque virtual creatures suddenly flew into the void in the distance. When they saw these Tianjiao, they showed their joyful expressions one by one and rushed over with a low voice and a roar.

"This is a void creature, and it's a menace, kill!"

As soon as Wang boqian's eyes were cold, he immediately aroused his spirit and turned into a finger to stab in front of him.

The whole sky was immediately attracted, pulled and made a sound of Zizi.


This magic finger suddenly stabbed into the body of one of the void creatures, but it just flew him, but failed to kill him directly.

"My strength is at least half suppressed!"

Wang boqian felt that if he was not suppressed, he would definitely be able to penetrate the void creature to death, rather than simply blow it out.

Why on earth is there such repression?

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