Sky War Soul

641 take your offering

Chu Yun immediately ran out of the temple and left for a hundred meters in a row, which shocked him.

The evil spirit is rising. In a blink of an eye, it rises to a terrible level. The whole temple is completely smashed, and a huge scorpion is climbing out of it, waving a pair of turtles.

This huge scorpion is obviously a void creature, which is 100 meters tall and powerful, and exudes a powerful atmosphere.

Several legs of the temple trampled on the ground like a breath, crushing the temple completely.

Later, he turned his head and stared at Chu Yun with small eyes, killing him.

"Is that your attitude towards your benefactor?"

Chu Yun made a joke, but his expression was tense all the time. He was obviously on guard against the huge scorpion.

This huge scorpion is very strong. After years of repression by the temple, it can still have the power of seven or eight aspects of the divine realm. Before being suppressed, it is at least the eclosion realm.

If you haven't been suppressed by this world, you can deal with this huge scorpion easily. But now, it's not so easy.

Chu Yun cried bitterly in his heart, but he was just a little curious, which triggered this kind of existence.

It's so numbing!

"Ouch, ouch."

The giant scorpion screamed, waving the double Ao toward Chu Yun, and the two giant Ao waved wildly, almost breaking everything.

Chu Yun has no doubt that if he is caught, he will surely die.


Chu Yun leaps up to avoid the attack of the giant scorpion.

The huge scorpion double Ao smashes on the ground where Chu Yun stood before, smashing the earth into two deep pits, which are covered with dust and flying everywhere.

Seeing that Chu Yun's figure is flexible, the huge scorpion turns around abruptly. The long tail with poison hook stabs the void like lightning.

Chu Yun was shocked. He hurriedly urged the sky plundering body method to turn it into a flying ROC. In a blink of an eye, he flew up into the sky and dodged the stabbing of the poison hook.

"It's a little tricky."

Chu Yun's eyes are calm. No matter what Tianjiao meets, the virtual creatures with such strength will be in a hurry.

That's because everyone is suppressed.


In the distance, there was a sound of galloping. Chu Yun looked around and found that dozens of miles away, there were a lot of void creatures who felt the breath of this side and were coming here crazily.

The quantity is really terrible. Under the common gallop, it makes a huge noise, just like thousands of troops galloping together.

"It has to be done quickly, or I will be surrounded when the void creatures arrive."

Chu Yun thought like this.


"What a horrible smell!"

In three directions hundreds of miles away, several Tianjiao felt the terror at the same time, and their faces changed.

On the one hand, there are several monks, dressed in monk's clothes, with calm faces. They are obviously from Buddhism.

The monk at the head pondered for a while and said, "this breath is a little scary. Let's go to find out."

"Yes, senior brother."

All the other monks nodded.

Lingyi is a gorgeous woman with a silver sword. After thinking for a while, she also decided to go to join the party.

After some ideological struggle, Tianjiao of the last party decided to give priority to stability.

This day, the palace is full of dangers, and the situation is not clear. Don't risk yourself.

So far, only the Buddhist monks and the women with swords are going to Chu Yun.

The huge scorpion's body, which is as high as 100 meters, flies up and waves the double Ao in the air, trying to attack Chu Yun.

It is obvious that Chu Yun is so high that he is not happy.


Shuangao hit chuyun, but only scattered a shadow.

Chuyun's speed is so fast that only one shadow is left in the shuttle, which lasts for a long time.

Before the giant Scorpio reacts, he suddenly feels that he has been hit in the back.

Chu Yun did not know when he had been standing on his back. He hit him several times in a row, which made him scream.

"Beast or beast."

Chu Yun sneered a few times. The giant scorpion's body was close to the essence, much stronger than the previous giant flying insect.

But there is a common problem, that is, there is no wisdom.

The monsters in this realm can basically spit out people's words, and their wisdom is no less than that of human beings.

On the contrary, this void creature, even if it had the power of feathering, was still stupid.


The long tail stabbed again, and the sharp poison hook flashed cold light in the void, as if to penetrate Chu cloud.

However, Chu Yun is not afraid at all. He is covered with monstrous evil spirit and punches back.

In the fist, there is actually a Sanskrit in the shape of "Xi", which is very sacred.

In the monstrous spirit, there is a holy Sanskrit breath. They are like angels and demons. They are wonderful together.


In Sanskrit, the evil spirit exploded and blew the tail out.

Chu Yun was shocked by the wind and stepped back two steps. With a cold smile, his fingers were close together and he went to the huge scorpion's spine.


The tail vertebrae of the giant scorpion are pierced and a hole appears.

The huge tail shook wildly, tearing the void continuously, releasing unimaginable terror.

The giant Scorpio jumped up and down madly, obviously he was really angry.

The group of monks were on their way. Suddenly, their expressions changed and they couldn't help shouting, "what a strong evil spirit, it's a rebel monk!"

"It's a rebel monk. It's a Buddha No, will it be chaos? "

Several monks frowned and frowned. Their expressions were gloomy.

Chaos is Buddha. Since he betrayed Buddhism and got involved with those people of the devil Buddha sect, the whole atmosphere of Buddhism has changed a lot.

Actually, even the Buddha betrayed the Buddhism. What's the matter.

"There is not only one monk who betrayed, but also other people."

After thinking for a while, the head monk flashed a resolute look on his face: "go, let's go. If we really rebel against the monk, we will execute him on the spot!"

"But if it's a Buddha What about the mess? "

The other monks are obviously hesitant. Their appellation for disorderly coming hasn't changed. After all, it's a habit that has been maintained for many years.

"Even if it's chaos, he used to be a Buddhist in high position, but now he's just a hateful rebel monk. How many of us can join hands and be afraid that he will not succeed? "

The monk at the head sneered and was full of confidence.

But as soon as his voice fell, his expression changed again.

"Van Sanskrit! "

He stepped back a few steps in a row. His pupils were full of wonder.

Only a real Buddhist master can understand Sanskrit. Sanskrit has a great influence on the war power, which can raise the strong one to a higher level again.

No one in the whole young generation of Buddhism understands Sanskrit.

Even the Buddha once did not do it.

However, how could this rebellious monk understand Sanskrit.

The doctrines of rebellious monks are all evil. Their existence is blasphemy of Buddha. Why can they understand Sanskrit? Why?

The other monks' faces changed a lot too. After a long time, they asked: "brother Luan, still Are you still going? "


The head monk's eyes were gloomy and his expression was gloomy.

Deep in the pupil, there is a flash of jealousy.

Even I can't understand Sanskrit. Why are you a rebel monk?

No matter who you are, I will kill you, kill you!

The other side.

The gorgeous girl with the silver sword is on her way. Suddenly, she frowns and says, "what a strong sword!"

This sword is very close to me. It's less than ten li away.

Obviously, the master of sword is fighting against that horrible breath.

She is also a powerful swordsman. How could she be regarded as the first sword in the South China Sea?

However, she found that she could not surpass this man in her proud accomplishment of sword.

Who is he? Is he a swordsman from other regions? He is really strong.

Although we haven't met yet, the woman's mind has been thinking like this.

Just then, the breath changed again.

A strong and aggressive blade air mingled in the air, and rushed to face.

The woman's beautiful eyes shrunk and shouted: "this is Dao Yi is not lost to the previous sword Yi at all! "

There is only one breath clearly. Why does the meaning of sword burst out continuously? Is it

When the woman was thinking about it, the meaning of sword and sword actually fused together and became a kind of terror that the woman had never felt before.

Powerful swordsman. I have seen many women. She is the first sword in the South China Sea.

Strong swordsman, she also met a lot of, but also with several times.

But now the breath, the meaning of sword and the enemy, have fused together without any resistance, just like a obedient pet.

"Chu Yun..."

The woman mumbled, a little distracted.

There is only one person in the whole land of Taiqian who can integrate the sword with the sword. That is Chu Yun.

When she came to Youying mountain this time, her primary purpose was to fight with Chu Yun, and then to experience herself.

"Chu Yun, absolutely Chu Yun!"

The woman's pretty face is full of excitement. Now she will speed up and continue to rush forward.

Being able to meet Chu Yun is a good thing for her. Her competitive spirit makes her want to challenge Chu Yun and compete with him.

Did not expect to enter the temple of heaven only two days, I can meet Chu Yun.



Chu Yun's expression was dignified. The net of his swords was torn apart by the giant scorpion and the double Ao. It didn't work as well as it should.

That pair of AOS is obviously accompanied by a huge force of terror. The water moon sword and the cave heaven Sabre collide on it, and they can't take the advantage at all.

Chu Yun continued to use several moves. Neither Sanskrit nor Dayan sword technique could completely kill the huge scorpion, but only seriously hurt it.

However, it is not expected that the Scorpio will become more violent after serious injury.

"If it wasn't for me to be suppressed, it would be easy to deal with you."

Chu Yun scolded, reached out to wipe off the blood on the corner of his mouth, and held the cave knife in his hand.

He was full of fighting in his eyes, and could not help but cry out coldly, "since that is the case, I will take your sacrifice!"

What Chu Yun wants to show is the second form of Dayan's sword technique, Daohua mountain and river.

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: I'm sorry to cause trouble for you, but I will not do so in the future. Tomorrow's fourth watch is to compensate everyone!

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